Medical official path

Chapter 882 Show a small hand

Mr. Qiao was very happy to see Zhang Yang coming and said with a smile!" You're very early...

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's not early. In fact, I wanted to run over to pay New Year's greetings to you in the early morning, but I'm worried that I can't enter the door. The security here is too tight."

Mr. Qiao laughed. He took a red envelope to Zhang Yang. Others did not have such treatment, which meant that Mr. Qiao had regarded Zhang Yang as his own descendants. Zhang Daguan held the red envelope given by Mr. Qiao in his hand and was very excited.

The boy bent his knees and knelt on the ground and bowed three times to Mr. Qiao: "New Year's greetings to the old man. I wish you good health and all the best in the new year!" There are not many new New Year's greetings, but these three sounds are sincere. This is not Zhang's intention to flatt Joe. Although he has been here for four years since the Sui Dynasty, he always thinks that he should kowtow to the elders. This concept has never changed.

Qiao Lao was so happy that he smiled. Qiao Pengfei looked aside. In fact, his family had not been willing to kowtow for a long time. Zhang Yang, an outsider, set an example. As the grandson of Qiao Lao's direct relatives, he could not fall behind. Qiao Pengfei knelt down and kowtowed three times to

Qiao Lao smiled and said, "What's the matter? I've said in the past, don't do this. It's too feudal."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not feudal to respect elders. Anyway, in my family, I kowtow to my parents during the Spring Festival. This is the etiquette that has been passed down from our Chinese people for thousands of years. Why do we have to learn from foreigners?

In the face of elders, how can there be sincerity if you don't kneel down?

Mr. Qiao smiled and said, "You boy has a lot of reasons. Get up!" He looked at Qiao Pengfei again and said, "Pengfei, why did you kneel down again?"

Qiao Pengfei said, "Grandpa, Zhang Yang has kowtowed, and I can't lag behind. I also agree with him. It's not feudalism to kowtow to the elders, but a kind of etiquette." He is flexible and learns quickly.

Qiao Zhenliung smiled.

Zhang Yang also kowtowed to him three times. He didn't say anything, but he thought to himself that my three heads were aimed at Mengyuan, Qiao [book], Qiao [book], during the Spring Festival, I will give you a cheap father-in-law, these three heads should be the deposit, and then give you a betroth

Qiao Zhenliung didn't know this boy's abacus. He smiled and said, "Get up quickly and don't do that."

Zhang Yang said, "Joe [Book], I kowtowed to you. Do you have to give me a red envelope?"

Qiao Zhenliung laughed and said, "Stinky boy, it turns out that he wants a red envelope." He took out 200 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Yang: "I live on my salary. Don't think it's too little!" Zhang Guanren picked it up diligently, and then stood up.

Qiao Zhenliga said to his father, "Dad, you talk first. I'll go out for a walk."

Mr. Qiao smiled and nodded. On the cth day of the New Year, as the eldest son of the Qiao family, his son should go out to visit some uncles.

After Qiao Zhenshang left, Mr. Qiao greeted Zhang Yang and sat down beside him. He said pleasantly, "I'm going to stay in the capital for a few days this time. When will I go back to work?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'll leave in the next two days!"

Mr. Qiao said, "If there is nothing important, just play in the capital for two more days."

Zhang Yang nodded.

At this time, Shi Wei came in from the outside. She heard that Zhang Yang was coming, so she made a special trip to the study to have a look. Zhang Yang said Happy New Year to her with a smile. In front of Grandpa, Shi Wei did not show his usual trickyness. She was unprecedentedly polite to Zhang Yang. She smiled and said, "You really have the intention to come here to pay New Year's greetings to my grandfather."

Zhang Yang said, "Joe is always my idol. I was the first to come to pay New Year's greetings to him."

Qiao Lao smiled and said, "Si Wei, where's your sister?"

Shi Wei sighed and said, "Staying in my room, Grandpa, I'm so worried. My sister is reciting scriptures in addition to reading now. I'm really worried that she will follow her aunt's old path."

The smile on Joe's face was Lin Lin. Shi Wei realized that he had said something wrong and quickly closed his mouth.

Joe said, "Go and call her over!"

After Shi Wei left, Qiao Lao said to Qiao Pengfei, "Pengfei, Mengyuan has been in a bad mood recently. You should care more about her as a brother and take more time to walk around with her."

Qiao Pengfei answered.

Qiao Lao turned to Zhang Yang again: "You seemed to have a good time at the horse farm that day!"

Zhang Yang and Qiao Pengfei looked at each other and didn't know what it meant when Qiao Lao suddenly mentioned this matter.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's okay, but I'm a little hot!" He carried all the things by himself first.

Mr. Qiao said, "What are young people afraid of if they cause something? The key is to see the situation clearly, what can be provoked and what can not be provoked!"

Zhang Yang heard that Mr. Qiao's words had another deep meaning and said with a smile, "Mr. Qiao, are you teaching me that the current affairs are handsome?"

"I didn't say that. Young people's impulsiveness is not a bad thing. Even if you do something wrong, you can use youth as a reason. When you are young, you make some mistakes. In fact, you are accumulating experience. Only when you do something wrong can you have a deep memory. If at your age, you Isn't the world too terrible?

Joe's words made them all laugh.

Joe said, "Who didn't do what he missed when he was young? Pengfei, if you don't do anything wrong, I won't let you go to Tibet. It turns out that you have matured a lot in the past two years. Most of the time, people's change starts with doing something wrong.

Qiao Pengfei smiled shyly. These two years of experience made him realize a lot of shortcomings. This time, the storm experienced by the Qiao family made him realize the responsibility on his shoulders. Qiao Pengfei really knew how to maintain the status and honor of the family.

Qiao Lao said, "Peng Fei, did you go to pay New Year's greetings to your master?"

Qiao Pengfei's expression when he mentioned this matter was very embarrassing: "Grandpa" In fact, he had been expelled from his master Shi Canghai before he went to Tibet as a soldier.

Mr. Qiao said, "I am a teacher and a father for the rest of my life. Even if a father can't recognize your son, the son can't help but recognize this father, Peng Fei. After you came back this time, I have seen many changes in you. I'm very gratified, but it's not enough to just realize The courage to make a mistake.

Qiao Pengfei nodded.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm going to give Mr. Shi Yannian, Peng Fei, I'll go with you."

Qiao Pengfei's heart was warm. After he and Zhang Yang met in Tibet, the past feud between the two had already been released, but Qiao Pengfei did not expect that he and Zhang Yang would become friends. After Zhang Yang came to Beijing this time, he was surprised to find that they were in character. However, there are many things in common.

Mr. Qiao said, "Very good, Peng Fei, go and ask those two girls to go together. Don't let them always stay at home."

When Qiao Pengfei got up to call someone, Zhang Yang said frankly to Mr. Qiao, "Actually, we had some unhappiness with Minister Chen's son that day."

Mr. Qiao said, "If a child rushes up to hit you, you may disdain to argue with him, but if he wants to hit you in the face, you must grab his hand. The necessary lessons are also good for his growth."

Zhang Yang nodded repeatedly, and he found that many of Qiao Lao's words had reached his heart.

Qiao Mengyuan didn't want to go out, but since Grandpa spoke, she could only follow her fate. Seeing the publicity of the hippie smiling face, Qiao Mengyuan suddenly felt moved. As smart as she naturally knew that Zhang Yang's choice to stay in the capital this time had a lot to do with her. The two said Happy New Year to each other. Several of them got on Zhang Yang's Mercedes-Benz SUV. Qiao Peng took the initiative to drive. He was a little curious and said, "This car is this year's new model, purely imported. Zhang Yang, where did you get it?"

"Borrow Mingyou's!"

"You have so many friends!" As soon as he left the house, Shi Wei's mouth couldn't help but start to show off.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Are you a fox friend or a dog friend?"

Shi Wei's eyes widened and said, "I'm not a friend with you!"

Qiao Mengyuan couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, you ate artillery in the early morning. The smell of gunpowder is so strong!"

Shi Wei said, "He is the one who made trouble!"

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, because his mobile phone rang, but it was Xue Weitong who called him to pay New Year's greetings. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Happy New Year, girl, what are you doing?"

Xue Weitong said, "Skiing, I'm so bored. I'm the only one who is in pairs. Come with me!"

Zhang Yang said, "I have something else to do. I have to pay a New Year's call!"

"Where to pay New Year's greetings?"

Zhang Yang told them where they were going, and Xue Weitong was interested as soon as he heard it: "I'll go too!"

Before Zhang Yang could ask her what she was going to do, he had already hung up the phone. He only shook his head with a smile.

Qiao Pengfei asked who he was. Zhang Yang told him the matter and said with a wry smile, "I'm also a idle character."

Shi Wei said, "You have so many girls. What do you sing? How many good sisters do you have? Why is every sister so haggard? She actually sang it.

Qiao Mengyuan suddenly found that when Shi Wei was singing, Zhang Yang was looking at herself through the rearview mirror. Her heart panicked and hurriedly avoided her eyes.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the Bagua Gate was hung in red. Shi Canghai, the head of the Bagua Gate, smiled in the lobby and accepted the kneeling of the disciples. After the disciples kowtowed, Shi Canghai distributed red envelopes to each disciple one by one. When his son Shi Yinghao came to him Shi Canghai was slightly stunned, and the eyebrows of the two noses couldn't help wrinkled and whispered, "Take them to the backyard."

It has been more than ten minutes since Shi Canghai came to the backyard after sending red envelopes, and he saw Zhang Yang and Qiao Pengfei drinking tea in the back room.

As soon as Shi Canghai's figure appeared in front of the door, Qiao Pengfei knelt down with a plop. He said respectfully, "Master, I wish you a New Year!" After saying that, he kowtowed three times in a row.

Shi Canghai didn't even look at him. He smiled at Zhang Yang and said, "Zhang Yang, why are you in the capital?" ( To be continued