Medical official path

Chapter 1259 Wolf's Ambition

It was Andawen who called. There was a guest from Hong Kong. It was An Lao's friend and brother Lin Mu. He and the An family were also old friends. Andawen informed An Yuchen to meet him.

An Yuchen accepted it. Zhang was worried that someone would be unfavorable to her, so he was ready to follow the whole process today.

The old Taoist priest gave up the idea of going to the funeral again because of his words with Zhang Yang yesterday. Even if he died as his nephew, he could not be too enthusiastic, otherwise he would really arouse other people's suspicions.

After Zhang Yang and An Yuchen left, the old Taoist priest picked up the broom and cleaned up the courtyard. Since the fire in Zixia Temple, most of the houses in the Taoist temple have collapsed. The government has allocated a special amount of money to repair the Taoist temple, but the real construction will start next year.

While sweeping the floor, Li Xinyi remembered the tragedies that had happened in his family over the years, and he couldn't help sighing secretly. While Li Xinyi was sighing, he suddenly heard the sound of soft footsteps outside.

Li Xinyi turned around and saw a middle-aged man slowly coming in, followed by two young people. From the white flowers on their chests, it can be judged that these men also came to An Deyuan's funeral.

The middle-aged man said to Li Xinyi, "Taoist priest, I also believe. I want to spend my friend's undead in front of Laojun's statue. I don't know if I'm willing to do it?"

Li Xinyi heard that this person came to surpass Andeyuan. Of course, he would not refuse. He smiled indifferently and said, "Zixia has always welcomed guests from all directions with a smile. The beneer is predestined. Please come in, please come in!"

The middle-aged man winted at the two men, and both of them stopped and stayed outside without following.

Li Xinyi took middle-aged people into the hall. After experiencing the fire, the hall was also seriously damaged, especially the roof was badly damaged. Now it has not been repaired for the time being. It is temporarily covered with broken reed mats, and it is also confused whenever it rains.

The middle-aged man came with a candle himself. He took a bunch of incense and ignited it on the candlelight.

Li Xinyi stood aside, looked at the middle-aged man's meticulous look, and said in his heart, "There are not many devout spitable spital guests like this now."

The middle-aged man raised the incense in his hand to worship in all directions. Finally, he knelt down respectfully in front of the old gentleman's statue. The smell of the incense was very special. It was a little different from the ordinary incense, which made people smell the desire to sniff. Li Xinyi unconsciously took a deep breath, but suddenly It was not good, but before he could react to the next step, the old Taoist priest's legs softened and fell to the ground with a plop.

The middle-aged man threw the burning incense into the incense burner, looked at the old Taoist priest who was already unconscious with a smile, and whispered, "You have been in love with the incense candle all your life, but you can't stand this taste. How can you bear it, how can you bear it!"

When An Yuchen accompanied Mr. Lin Mu to greet her, Zhang Yang was by her side.

Andawen said two words and returned to the mourning hall and knelt down. During the period after Andeyuan's death, he still acted like a filial son. As soon as he knelt down, his mobile phone rang. Andavin picked up the phone and heard a proud voice at the end, "Get it!"

Andavin remained calm, hung up the phone and kowtowed to the guests who had just entered.

Lin Mu and An Zhiyuan have been old friends for many years and also An Lao's sworn brothers. However, unlike Mr. An's other sworn brothers, Lin Mu has always done a decent job. When he was young, he was hunted down and killed for provoking the underworld. Later, An Zhiyuan came forward to help him Seeing the series of accidents of the An family, Lin Mu also sighed in his heart. Originally, his children did not recommend him to come this time, but Lin Mu remembered that An Zhiyuan, an old friend, still dragged his old body from Hong Kong to Chunyang.

An Yuchen said, "Thank you, Grandpa Lin, for coming in person!"

Lin Mu said pleasantly, "I thought Deyuan would be buried in Hong Kong, but I didn't expect that he would choose to return to the roots in the end. Your An family has deep feelings for their hometown."

An Yuchen nodded.

Lin Mu said, "Do you have any news about your father?"

When it comes to his father An Yuchen, his eyes can't help but turn red.

Lin Mu knew that he had touched her sadness, so he quickly comforted her and said, "It should be okay. Your father is loyal. I believe that a good man will have a natural appearance." He proposed to go to An Lao's grave to have a look. It is normal for Lin Mu to have such a request. When he came all the way from Hong Kong, he had to put incense in front of his old friend's grave.

An Yuchen led the way for Lin Mu, and Zhang Yang also accompanied him, but when he entered the old forest of Anjia, he was blocked by four men in black suits and sunglasses. Separate him from Anyu Chenlinmu.

Zhang Guanren couldn't help but be a little annoyed and said coldly, "Get out of the way!"

An Yuchen also turned around when she heard the movement behind her. Seeing someone blocking Zhang Yang, she said angrily, "What are you doing? Let him in!"

Andawen's negative test voice sounded from the rear: "What qualifications does he have to enter Lao Lin in our home?"

An Yuchen said, "Can I take him in?"

Andavin shook his head and said, "No, the An family can't decide. What's your relationship with him? Master and apprentice? I don't think so, husband and wife? It seems that I haven't heard that you have registered. Although I would like to honor your cousin, today is the big day of my father's burial. No one can go to our old forest.

Lin Mu said, "Awen, that's what you're talking about me. I'm also an outsider."

Andawen said, "Mr. Lin, this has nothing to do with you. You are my grandfather's sworn brother. Of course, you are qualified. I can't see outsiders dictate our settlement." He stared at Zhang Yang coldly.

An Yuchen still wanted to argue. Lin Mu sighed and said, "I said that you two should say less. The dead are the most big. Can you make the dead relatives feel at ease?"

Zhang Yang is not interested in An Jia Lao Lin. He just wants to protect An Yuchen.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, An Yuchen also held his anger and said to Zhang Yang, "Zhang Yang, you wait for me here. I can take care of myself."

Andavin waved his hand and said, "Adong, you take someone to protect my cousin. We don't need outsiders to intervene in our family."

Da Erdong answered and led four of his men to follow him.

According to Zhang's temper, he should have rushed up to Andawen and his mouths, but An Yuchen was present. He had to take care of her feelings no matter what. He could only restrain his anger in his heart and told An Yuchen, "Call me if you need anything."

After An Yuchen and Lin Mu left accompanied by the group of people in Daerdong.

Zhang Yang came to Andavin.

With Andawen's courage, he couldn't help but start playing drums in his heart. He had never slapped him in the face and knew that the master in front of him could do anything. Andawen said, "What do you want to do?"

Zhang Yang said, "I won't hit you today!" Andawen, listen to me, but if you dare to play tricks here, I promise you can't live without Qingtai Mountain.

Andawen pretended to be calm and sneered, "Don't think of yourself as the savior. I will deal with the matter of our family by myself!"

Lin Mu put incense in front of his old friend's grave. He sighed, "Brother, remember that in the past, the scene of us drinking and talking all night seemed to be in front of us, but now our brothers are separated from each other."

Looking at the portrait of An Zhiyuan on the tombstone, Lin Mu couldn't help but feel sad.

An Yuchen also cried so much. At the thought of her father's disappearance and her grandfather's death, she didn't even have a familymate now. An Yuchen was naturally sad.

When Lin Mu sighed and was about to speak, he felt dizzy in his head, dong! The ground fell to the ground.

An Yuchen was shocked when he saw this and was about to call someone, but he didn't say anything. He also felt dizzy and fell to the ground softly.

Several people from Dayerdong rushed up in a hurry to extinguish the incense, set up Lin Mu and walked out. At the same time, two people in black came out of the bamboo forest, set up An Yuchen, and quickly hid in the bamboo forest.

Zhang Yang waited anxiously outside, but he also thought that nothing big should happen in broad daylight. Just when he was a little impatient, he suddenly saw the group of people in Dayidong running over with Mr. Lin Mu in a panic.

Everyone paid attention to this old man, but Zhang Yang found that An Yuchen did not follow.

Da Erdong shouted, "No, Mr. Lin suddenly fainted!"

Everyone said, "Spit it to the hospital quickly!"

There was already a cloud in Zhang Yang's heart. He couldn't care about Lin Mu's situation. He turned around and rushed to Anjialing. Two Andavin's men tried to stop him. They were pushed out by Zhang Yang's arms and fell to the ground for more than three feet before falling to the ground.

When Zhang Yang came to An Lao's grave, he saw that there was no one around him, and there was no figure of An Yuchen. Zhang was shocked. An Yuchen was kidnapped under his eyes.

Andavin then rushed over. Seeing this situation, he seemed to be shocked and exclaimed, "Sister, where's my sister?"

Zhang Daguan glared at Andawen step by step. Several of Andawen's men reached under the ribs at the same time. Zhang Yang judged that all these people should have secretly carried weapons. Zhang Yang said angrily, "How can you explain to me!"

Andavin looked innocent: "I don't know, I really don't know! A Dong! A Dong! Come out for me!"

Da Erdong rushed over panting. As soon as he arrived in front of Anda Wen, Anda Wen slapped him fiercely: "Where's my sister?"

Da Erdong was stunned by Anda Wen's slap. Hearing Anda Wen's question, he realized that the boss was acting in front of Zhang Yang. He looked confused and said, "Just now... Mr. Lin suddenly fell down. We only focused on saving the old man and forgot... forgot to protect the young lady..."

Andawen roared, "Why don't you go and find it for me!" RS