A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 12 Burning Lights 2

One of the benefits of fools is that they can play tricks at will and be righteous


Huh? What?" Su Siman asked carelessly, as if he had just not heard the question of the tourmaline.

"That's what Feng Liangdi said. The Empress of each palace can make her own lights for the Empress Dowager to read, and the one selected is the reward. The princess won't remember, will she?" The tourmaline was stunned.

"Remember. I would like to participate, alas." Su Siman sighed and thought of the grand event in the palace, but no one informed her. It was very hateful.

Seeing that the master's expression was lost, Bixi's face was also gloomed and he said angrily, "The people of Liang are so abominable. No one told us about such a grand event in the palace. He obviously looked down on us. It's so disgusting!" After scolding the people of Liang, he persuaded him, "Princess, don't be angry. It's not worth it for these people. If they don't allow us to participate in the grand event in the palace, I will take the princess outside the palace to play. It's much more fun outside the palace! Pooh, pooh! What a mouth of my mouth!" As soon as he finished speaking, Bixi hit himself in the mouth with regret.

"Don't fight, say what you say, spill the water, don't play tricks! If you can't attend the grand event in the palace, you can take me out for a walk. Su Siman's extremely low voice was full of joy. He took the tourmaline's hand and was so happy that he didn't know what to do.

Bixi patted his forehead with regret, but Su Siman was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. Those performed on TV in the past, folk festivals are very lively. I think Su Siman has been traveling for so long, and she hasn't been in the folk. It's really not enough. I finally seized the opportunity this time. How can I not be happi, hahaha.

"Do not go back on your word! Do you hear me?!" Su Siman stressed again that he was afraid that the tourmaline would play tricks. After pretending to be a fool for so long, she has become more and more like a fool.

"Alas..." Bixi nodded with a wry smile.

As soon as the master and servant had a hard time, they heard someone knocking on the door - this is a new rule pioneered by Su Siman in the State of Daliang: the palace eunuch must knock on the door before entering the door. There has never been such a rule. If you knock on the door three times and no one responds, you can come in. Otherwise, you will be punished. The reason why this rule was set was that once Su Siman was changing clothes in the room, and Xiang'er suddenly came in coldly and shocked her. In fact, some modern rules and etiquette are still good.

"Who is it?" The blue asked.

"servant Baoqin. The Empress sent someone over.

"Go and open the door." Su Siman quickly ordered the tourmaline. Before she could pat her hand, the tourmaline had jumped out of the distance like a rabbit and opened the door.

When I opened the door, I saw Baoqin and a small yellow door with thin skin and tender skin standing outside.

Little Huangmen squinted, came in low, and bowed from afar: "The slave, please say hello to the princess!" When saling, his eyes caught a glimpse of the two burning lights and miscellaneous materials on the ground. His face was a little surprised, but he lowered his head and Su Siman could not see the expression on his face.

"Agui, no gift. What did the Empress send you here?

"If you go back to the crown princess, today's empress dowager's decree and send letters to the empress dowager's palaces. There will be a lantern party on this year's reunion festival, and the crown princess can also make a lantern to participate in the election. If she is chosen by the empress dowager, there will be a lot of rewards."

"Yes, I know. Thank you very much, Grandpa. Su Siman winked at the tourmaline, and the tourmaline was understanding, took out an ingot silver from his sleeve and walked over and handed it to the little yellow door.

"Thank you, Princess!" Xiaohuangmen took it happily and arched his hand again. "I still have to go to Qingyixuan to tell Feng Liangdi, so I left first."

"Go down." Su Siman waved his hand.

After the little yellow door went out, Bixi did not close the door. He pinched the handkerchief and frowned slightly: "Princess, I always feel something is wrong."

"It's just nonsense. What's wrong?" Su Siman smiled anly.

"I can't say either, but I think something is wrong. Princess, don't you think the little father-in-law looked a little strange just now?

"I didn't see it. It's you, but you've been a little out of your mind recently. You've probably been too idle recently, so you just think about something. I've been busy for half a day. I'm starving to death. Please help me pass the meal quickly. Su Siman held his head in one hand and knocked on the table with the other, which was extremely leisurely.

"Good." The tourmaline answered, turned around and just walked to the door, and then turned back.

Su Simanqi said, "Why are you back again?"

"Now the little yellow gate has also issued an order that the princess can participate in the competition, and the grand event in the palace can naturally participate, so..." Bixi smiled.

As soon as she saw her expression, Su Siman was very wise and immediately guessed that she wanted to regret what she had just promised to take her out of the palace, so she quickly interrupted Bixi's words: "So what? Hey hey, so what's the tourmaline? I'm hungry. If you don't go to the food, I'll beat you on the board. Why don't you go?!"

The two beautiful eyebrows of Bixi immediately drooped down, with an embarrassed face and a high mouth. "Princess, please let me finish speaking."

"Oh, I'm afraid of you. Say it."

The pale tourmaline really succeeded in stimulating the heart of the princess's mud bodhisattva.

"Princess, haven't you said hello to the Queen for a long time?"

"Yes." Su Siman stared at Bixi suspiciously. What on earth does this little girl want to say?

"Have you seen the Empress Dowager only once? She seems to like you very much.

"Hmm." Su Siman nodded directly. Yes, the old lady of the Empress Dowager treated her very well. Please give her a lot of things on time for the first time. The good impression that remained in her heart went straight to the kind old lady Chu Palace.

"Is it good for the emperor to treat you?"

"Yes. It's pretty good." After a few laps, Su Siman was completely stunned. How dare she guessed that she had just guessed wrong? Didn't this girl want to go back on her word? What kind of medicine is sold in the little girl's gourd? Bixi, what on earth do you want to say? To put it bluntly, don't beat around with me."

"Good. Hey hey." Bixi cleared her throat, held a smile, and said seriously, "Six elders treat the princess well, but the princess has never done filial piety. On the reunion day, you should do good filial piety in front of them, right? Filial piety comes first. Therefore, we will not leave the palace during the reunion festival.

Oh, the girl said it in one breath. Her legs were not sore and her waist was not painful, and her face was not red.

Well, such a big roundabout, Baishanxiao is the first to put out such words (whole, there is also this famous saying in this place!), and the girl just won't take her out of the palace! It's amazing to play circuitous tactics with her!

Su Siman decisively decided to pretend to be stupid and deaf. Don't be angry.

After a long silence, I guessed that the tourmaline couldn't hold back. "Princess, did you hear what the maidservant said just now? The lighting in the palace will definitely look good, and it will definitely be more lively than the folk one. You should do your filial piety in front of the elders, which is also what the younger generation should do.

Unfortunately, the tourmaline's good inducement decisively became a wind in Susman's ear, which decisively decided to pretend to be stupid. As soon as the left ear entered, the right ear went out.

"Princess, are you talking?" The tourmaline was anxious, twisted his sleeves and stamped his feet.

"Filial piety must be done," Su Siman deliberately paused. Sure enough, he saw that Bixi's face turned cloudy and clear. As soon as he saw the girl showing off, Su Siman quickly continued, "It will definitely come out of the palace. You promised to take me out of the palace. How can I have the heart to make you a person who doesn't keep your promise!" Xiaoyang, play tricks with me, you can't beat me!

"When did I... promise?" The tourmaline opened her round black eyes and looked at her master innocently.

"Do you want me to repeat what you said? Well, let me think about it. Your original words are like this: 'I'll take the princess outside the palace to play. The outside of the palace is much more fun than inside the palace'. Don't you remember what you said? But it doesn't matter if you don't remember, as soon as I remember. Su Siman was happy.

"Princess, that's what the maidservant said. What the maidservant means is that the State of Liang did not invite you to participate in the activities in the palace, so he took you out of the palace. Just now, the little father-in-law also sent a message that you want to participate, so the maidservant's words can't be counted..."

"Yes, why don't I remember?" Su Siman continued to pretend to be stupid and decided to cheat to the end. It was not easy for Bixi to promise to take her out of the palace. I remember that on the way to her relatives, she once rested in Yuzhou and was just in time for a ten thousand fire festival. There was a folk fire festival. I heard that it was particularly interesting. She also wanted to join in the fun and open up her eyes. As a result, Bixi pulled her away and said that it was miscellaneous and unsafe, which made Su Siman so angry that he smoked. At that time, he couldn't wait to destroy Bixi directly. You have to be shameless about what you say this time. It's a rare opportunity!

Bixi looked at Su Siman's posture and knew that he must have failed this time, so he had to droop his head and go out to eat, and couldn't help sighing.

This is the sadness that the mouth is almost over the brain, oops...

looking at the depressed appearance of the eggplant beaten by tourmafrost, Su Siman covered his stomach and smiled for a long time, laughing straight at the table. Suddenly, I feel that it's good to be a fool. Fools have benefits that normal people don't have. For example, pretending to be stupid can be righteous. What a beautiful word! It's really fun to pretend to be a fool and play tricks on people!

After pulling the last mouthful of rice, Su Siman put down his chopsticks and patted his swollen belly with satisfaction, which was very comfortable. "Bixi, remove all these bowls and dishes."

Bixi did not move, but still looked at her inquisitively, with a thoughtful face.

Su Siman finally felt her strange eyes and asked hurriedly, "Why are you looking at me like this?" Do you think Princess Ben is particularly beautiful today?

"The maidservant is thinking that if she takes the princess out of the palace, she may not be able to run. Although the slave's light skills are not bad, they are not strong..."


The meaning of this statement is that Su Siman is too fat! Su Siman, who came back, was full of black thread and looked up at the tourmaline with the water snake's waist, thin arms and thin legs. She was so embarrassed that she almost wanted to find a seam to get in. Yes, this hardware condition will seriously prevent Bixi from flying around the wall with her. What should I do?

"What should I do?" This time, Su Siman looked at the tourmaline with a pitiful face.

"The East Palace is heavily guarded, especially there are many guards outside our yard. It's not easy to go out. If the maidservant takes the princess out, the princess has to work hard. It's too heavy for the maidservant to hold her.

The simple smile hung on the white and tender face of the tourmaline, which made Su Siman really want to jump on her and slap her! It's only a few days away from the Reunion Festival. Sister, if you treat me as a ball, you will rise and release your breath! Is it that easy to lose weight in a few days?!

Su Siman shook his head, which was more than a rattle drum, and the two hands shook with the rhythm.

"Then let's make a total. In short, the maidservant will try their best. But the princess still has to cooperate with me!"

"Of course." Susman nodded quickly.

The tourmaline quickly cleaned up the table.

After drooping his head for a while, Su Siman finally decided to devote all his attention and energy to the production of lights, turning grief and anger into motivation.

She thought about what kind of lamp she needed to make to show her modern uniqueness?! You have to think about this. She is not worried about design. She studied design in college. This time, she has gained all the advantages and opportunities! Modern people have seen more than the ancients. They have seen more patterns. They must come up with an exceptional and stunning one.

In the evening, Susman still lit a candle to make a picture. Although she is an "literate" and her posture with a brush is still very professional, I think she has won an award for participating in the soft pen calligraphy competition when she was studying. It's really lamentable that in this different world, it's illiterate.