A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 13 Light 3

Su Simman has a good wish, which is to get the reward for the lighting party, and he is determined to get it!


In order to cooperate with the tourmaline and go out of the palace, Su Siman fought with him and made up his mind to lose weight.

So there was a scene in Chuxiang Pavilion that stunned the eunuch's bodyguards: the crown princess ran around the yard at a sky-high price, with two small sandbags tied to her legs, which was called diligence and sweaty. I don't know how many times I run a day, and I eat much more moderately than usual. At night, I still picked up the lights and fought at night. I really didn't know what the crown princess was going to do. Xiang'er Baoqin also advised them, but they didn't see any effect, so they had to let the princess toss around.

The body possessed by Su Siman was originally easy to be fat and easy to thin. After a few days, the effect was immediately effective and soon lost a large circle.

She has lost a lot of weight, but she eats less and exercises a lot every day, so she is panicked. She always feels hungry and dares not drink too much water. Her physique also grows fat when drinking cold water.

Although it is very painful, I still have a sense of accomplishment when I see the lifebuoy on my stomach shrinking every day.

While losing weight, the design work did not fall behind. After a few days of hard thinking, Su Siman drew a lot of drawings. After several comparisons and thought about it, he finally decided to make a headlight, like a Ferris wheel. She has even designed the details of the lamp, which is different from ordinary lights. There is only one candle in the lamp, and she wants to put at least ten candles inside. As for the color of the Ferris wheel light, it naturally needs to be colorful and can be rotated. As for how to do it and whether it can be done or not, this is another matter. After all, Su Siman also designs and hands-on operations, which depends on the technical support of Comrade Bixi.

According to Susman's conception, it is indeed very novel. This ancient person must have never seen the Ferris wheel. If her light lamp is lit and put on, it will definitely be extremely gorgeous and will be selected. I have also heardbixi talk about the strange lights of the people before, but the most is that there are three candles in the lamp, which have never been lit. After all, as a lamp, you have to consider its practicality. It should not be too large, and you need to order so many candles in a small space and ensure that the lamp is not burned out. This is a technical job with a high degree of difficulty.

Of course, the "unpre-unprecided" structure of the novel and beautiful burning lamp is still on paper. Of course, this won't work. No matter how good the design is, it will be useless if the technical support can't be done, so Su Siman called the tourmaline and handed her the drawings with a straight face: "Let's see if you can make it."

The tourmaline took it, looked carefully, combined it in his heart according to the drawn steps, and finally shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't do it."

"It's not as difficult as you think. I'll explain it to you, Bixi. If you can't do it, I can't think of anyone else who can do it." Let's put on a high hat first. What's more, the tourmaline is really good at making lights, which is not a flattery.

"Oh, princess, you look up to me too much. How can I be so powerful..." Bixi blushed.

"Let me tell you, if you make it, you will definitely be selected. At that time, the empress dowager will have a heavy reward. Will I lose your share?" Seeing that she didn't wear that high hat, Su Siman quickly changed his strategy to lure him for profit. Without Bixi's right-hand man, isn't her thought of taking the reward in vain? Aren't you busy these days?

The tourmaline was made impossible by her, and the two calmed down to study it carefully. The thing was designed by Su Siman, and she naturally has a good idea. In modern times, she can do it by herself, and she will definitely do it very beautifully. But at present, in ancient times, many materials are not available and can only be replaced with existing things. It is estimated that the effect will be greatly reduced.

Through Su Siman's detailed explanation step by step, Bixi figured out how to start. The lamp holder inside is made of metal, so that the candlelight will not burn each other. It is divided into two circles, with five candles in one circle and seven candles in the outer circle. In front of each candle is a small piece of colorful silk of different colors with strong light transmission. After the colored silk, a small bronze mirror is placed, and then lenses of different sizes and shapes are glued above the candle obliquely. It took two people a lot of effort to make these twelve candles, and it took a long time to stick the lenses alone. After discussion, the two decided to make the lamp surface with silk instead of paper. The light transmission effect of silk is much better than that of paper, and the light will have a divergent effect, which looks more delicate and touching.

It's still one step away. This last step is also the most nerve-wracking step. How can I turn this light? No way!

Bixi touched his forehead, stared at the semi-finished product on the ground, and frowned in distress: "Princess, I really won't do it next."

Looking at her at a loss, Su Siman burst out laughing. She figured out how to turn this lamp as early as the design. Didn't you learn pulley in junior high school? I just used it this time.

According to Su Siman's description, the tourmaline made two pulleys very well and made a thin wire shaft to connect the pulleys together and fix them. At this time, it was really a great success. When the tourmaline fell down the pulley, Su Siman was not idle and made a string of wind chimes.

The tourmaline carefully tied the light with a rope and tied a knot on the bamboo pole with the other end. He picked up the lamp in one hand and fanned hard with a big fan according to Su Siman's order. Sure enough, he saw the lantern slowly turning. The happy tourmaline simply danced and shouted magic.

"Princess, how did you come up with it?! It's amazing!" Bixi let go of his hand and put down the guy with a respectful face.

Su Siman didn't say a word and just pretended to laugh deeply.

"Bear by the way, princess, there are so many candles in it, how can you light it?"

"Isn't there a lead, have you forgotten?" Su Siman smiled again. She had already thought about these. Thanks to the fact that there have been gunpowder, fireworks and firecrackers in this era, it will naturally be foolproof to use the lead of firecrackers. However, it is better to test the insurance. So he ordered the tourmaline to get a long lead and pinched a piece of fire on each candle. Only the sound was heard. The twelve candles were lit from the inside out in turn, and the firelight reflected the colorful silk into various colors. Through the copper mirror, it penetrated the outer silk. It was really colorful and beautiful. The blue seal's eyes were straight and his mouth was not close.

"Princess, you are so awesome!" The tourmaline couldn't control his excitement and almost shouted.

"Shh! "Pie low!" Su Siman made a silent gesture. These days, the master and servant have been playing with the door closed and not let Xianger see it. Su Siman is afraid that Xianger and others will run to tell others, which will lead to her creativity being leaked. She is ready to surprise the four seats. Er, it's about the lamp she designed, not her. As she looks now, it seems very difficult to surprise the four seats...

When this lamp was made, Su Siman was greatly relieved.

"Bearby, Tourmaline, how long is it before the Reunion Festival?"

"That's the day after tomorrow." Bixi couldn't put down and touched the smooth lamp surface and bowed his head inadvertently.

"The day after tomorrow, it's so fast." Su Siman muttered to himself and thought that the day after tomorrow is the Reunion Festival. I have heard that he will send someone to pick up the lights a few days earlier and send them to the Empress Dowager's primary election. Only when the primary election is held can he really be selected on the day of the reunion festival. That is to say, it should be the time for the preliminary competition, and the day of the reunion is the rematch and final. But it's a little strange that no one came to the Xiangge to get the lamp.

Maybe there are too many contestants, and the little yellow door has forgotten. Su Siman once again carried forward the spirit of Ah Q, which did reassur herself and did not think nonsense. I only ordered Bixi to go to the Empress Dowager's Shunchang Palace tomorrow and hand over the lamp.

With Su Siman's order, Bi Xi did not dare to slack off. The next morning, he went to Shunchang Palace to hand over his errands. According to her description when she came back, the eunuch guarded the door was very surprised to see the big wooden box in her hand and didn't know what she was holding. When the tourmaline told him that he must give the wooden box to the empress dowager and hand over the wooden box to the gatekeeper eunuch, the eunuch opened it curiously and was full of praise for the burning lamp.

Hearing what Bixi said, Su Siman was naturally very proud and a little complacent. It seemed that he had seen the golden gold shining in front of her, flirting with her with her eyebrows.

The lamp was also handed over, and Su Siman began to concentrate on losing weight. He didn't want to have no burden on his mind now. As soon as his heart was widened, his body would be fat and he couldn't lose it.

When sleeping at night, Su Siman touched his slightly hilly stomach and thought to himself that it was not good. In a few days, it would be time for bloodthirsty attack...

Ami Tofu, Aunt Maria, Amen, Allah, Aunt, Su Siman stared at the top of the pink gauze tent in front of him and prayed silently, but it must not be the day of Reunion. At least, you have to wait until she is happy...

Thinking of this, Susman's high mood was a little frustrated. I think it's better not to lose weight and keep a foundation to bear the upcoming suffering.

In the past few days, losing weight has also achieved results. At least 20 or 30 catties of meat have been lost. Bixi should be able to eat it. Thinking of the time when she just traveled through time, Bixi forcibly gave her medicine, and her strength was quite strong. Lying down and thinking about it carefully, Su Siman felt that Bixi was really a living treasure. She had not carefully explored the girl's potential before. Once discovered, this girl had unlimited potential, and she might be surprised her.

Thinking about it, I fell asleep in a daze. Su Siman had a very strange dream. She dreamed that she had lost her way in the forest. The sky was full of white fog. She couldn't tell where she was. She stumbled and couldn't rush out. She was so anxious that she went crazy. She ran and ran. Suddenly, she saw a pure white rabbit, and she caught up with it. As a result, when she was about to break through the vast white fog, the soles of her feet were empty and her whole body fell into a bottomless black hole.

At the moment of falling down, her legs trembling, and her whole body suddenly woke up.