A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 73 Blood splashes on the spot

After cleaning up, the two took advantage of the gloomy and lonely cold autumn wind and walked out of the courtyard door in the dark light of dusk.

Su Siman stretched out his hand to dust his bloated clothes and sighed silently. Considering that it is too swaggering to go out directly in the bodyguard uniform, it is easy to attract people, so both of them are wearing white coarse cloth robes outside. Before going out, Su Siman deliberately looked in the mirror and found that today's shape is really too tricky. Leaving aside the hair combed into a horns, how rich this dress is rich in modern mental illness. The characteristics of the hospital look really awkward.

Following Zhong Yeli from the alley, he soon arrived at Juxian Street, also known as Yiguan Street, which is a street with a relatively concentrated concentration of foreign post restaurants. Chu Guoyi Pavilion is not difficult to find in the alley on the left side of the front of the street.

The two hid in the alley and untied their robes, revealing the bodyguard uniform inside.

Su Siman stabbed Zhong Yeli in the arm: "You go out and get the two bodyguards away first." Otherwise, how can you pretend to be someone else? There will be four two pairs of exactly the same people, isn't that a mess?

"No hurry, no hurry." Zhong Yeli casually patted her hand and leaned his head out of the wall and looked alertly.

How can it not be urgent! Su Siman was nervous and anxious, and her throat seemed to be crawling. Chu Guoyi Hall was close at hand. How could she not be in a hurry?

Pull his clothes and was about to speak. Zhong Yeli seemed to have foreseen. He turned around and hissed. His index finger was on his lips, with a focused look on his face, and his eyes were paying attention to the sound in front of him.

After stopping for about half a minute, I heard the messy kicking sound, and my footsteps were heavy and slow. Su Siman's mind moved. Is it possible that the bodyguard changed shift?

Within waiting for her to think too much, Zhong Yeli pulled her out, and the two trotted to follow the team.

The leading black and red-faced man noticed the two people inserted, stopped and asked, "Why are you two here now?"

"I'm back, sir, I ate something bad at noon and just went to the toilet." Zhong Yeli grinned, and his yellow and black teeth were exposed, and his rough voice was like a broken gong.

The other bodyguards laughed after hearing this. Su Siman looked at Zhong Yeli's face and golden teeth, and couldn't help laughing, but they didn't dare to speak too loudly for fear of being exposed, because her voice is still a female voice now. Zhong Yeli's transfigurement technique is really good. He even tamped with his teeth. Is this the legendary reality of "armed to teeth"?

Fortunately, the leader did not cross-examine any more and led a few people into the Chu State Post Hall.

The bodyguard on duty saw the replacement coming, and their faces were as if there was rain in the dog days. The high-ranking leader greeted the leader who led Su Siman and took his own people away.

Su Siman was following Zhong Yeli and was about to look for her royal brother, and he heard someone shouting "Zhang Lang--" at the top of his voice.

"Hey! "I" Su Siman answered in a low voice. In an instant, the bunker, and the thing she became is really called a cockroach... How did her parents name it...

"Just stand here and don't look around, okay?" The head pointed a gun to a door not far away and looked at Su Siman suspiciously, "Zhang Lang, how strange are you today? Your voice is also strange, like a woman."

"Cough...cough..." Su Siman coughed hard and cleared his throat, and his voice was so low that his speech was about to break. "I was stuck in my throat by a fish bone at noon, and I haven't got it out yet. It's uncomfortable..."

"Zhang Lang, Zhang Lang, tell you to steal it again! Beware of being choked to death next time! Hahahaha!" The boss laughed happily.

Before the laughter fell, a bodyguard hurried in to report: "Your Highness is here!"

The head seemed to be a little surprised, restrained his smile, and walked to the front door.

Su Siman was also shocked. Did Liang Shaojun come? Really? How can it be such a coincidence?

After a while, I heard a burst of jumble footsteps coming. Su Siman's heart didn't know what happened. He jumped, and his face was cold and hot, and his eyes were a little hot. She seemed to be looking forward to seeing Liang Shaojun, and seemed to blame him a little. Even she couldn't tell what it felt like. I haven't seen him for several days, and I don't know whether he is doing well or not...

Thinking about it, the footsteps have spread from the front yard to the backyard. A young man ran out of the side yard happily, blew past Su Siman like a gust of wind, came to the door and knocked gently knocked on the door: "Your Highness, the prince of the State of Liang is coming!"

"Go and welcome me!" There was a hoarse and weak voice, with joy.

Su Siman listened, and her stomach couldn't help but have acid. She hasn't seen it these days. Her royal brother is probably sick.

The little man took the order and ran out like an arrow, and another cool breeze blew past Su Siman.

Not a few days later, Liang Shaojun appeared in sight. In addition to a Liyuan behind him, only the little boy who came to welcome him, Li Yuan, still held a pot of wine in his hand.

Liang Shaojun wore a lavender robe and a palm-wide sapphire blue embroidered gold flame pattern belt across his waist. He was straight and elegant. He hadn't seen him for a few days, and his temperament seemed to be more and more indifferent. The face is calm and waveless, as usual. Su Siman stood there as if she had been petrified, and her eyes were hot. In these days, her appearance had appeared in her dreams many times. When she really saw him, she didn't expect to make her uncontrollably excited. For a moment, thousands of words surged up in her chest. She really had so many things to say to him that she didn't know where to start.

Noting that the black and thick bodyguard guard guarding the door looked quite wrong, Liang Shaojun frowned slightly and looked at her silently, as if something flashed in his eyes. Su Siman's heart shrank, his face trembled unconsciously, and his eyes were hot again. Then he thought that now he was easy to look like this, and Liang Shaojun was afraid that no matter how strong he was, he couldn't recognize her.

Liang Shaojun took the wine pot from Liyuan's hand and ordered, "Go and have a rest. I've been very busy these days. Don't wait for me."

Li Yuan's face was pale and silent, and he retreated silently.

"Go and get some dishes. I want to have a few drinks with Brother Wenyuan." Liang Shaojun turned his head and ordered the boy.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid it's not good. The master's body is not good yet..." The little boy was a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine. Don't talk too much. Go down and prepare quickly." With the creaking sound of the door, Chu Wenyuan appeared neatly at the door, smiling and very happy.

Su Siman couldn't help turning her head to look over and saw that her brother's face was very pale and her lips were slightly white. Only a pair of eyes were still bright, which made her heart sour and her nose was astringent. At the time of the national disaster, a pair of brothers and sisters were so unlucky and unlucky.

Chu Wenyuan looked at Liang Shaojun happily and greeted him attentively without paying attention to the guard in front of the door. Chu Wenyuan was also known about the turmoil in Chu these days. He heard that the bandits had mixed into Daliang City and intended to assassinate him as the prince. He was angry and anxious. He was in a hurry and fell ill in bed. The emperor of the State of Liang sent many people to guard them day and night on the grounds of protecting him. He was not surprised by these uniform bodyguards.

"Why did Brother Wenyuan come out? Let's go in quickly. It's windy outside." Liang Shaojun came forward and took Chu Wenyuan's arm, and the two entered the room talking.

"Thank you for coming to see me. I'm very grateful for your care these days. If you hadn't sent a royal doctor to treat my illness, I'm afraid I can't get up today.

"What did Brother Wenyuan say? Don't be so polite. I'm just trying my best." Liang Shaojun is gentle and authentic.

"Alas..." Chu Wenyuan sighed, "I didn't expect that there were so many changes in the country not long after I left. It's really eventful and disturbing. I really didn't expect that my uncle was such an ambitious person, not only to kill me, but also to seize the country. Over the years, wars and disasters have arisen, and the people have been unbearable. Now the world is finally peaceful, and they have formed an alliance of in-laws with your country. Seeing that the people can live a stable life, he openly wants to usurp the throne and stand on his own. If he doesn't kill this traitor, it is difficult for the people to be angry!" At this time, Chu Wenyuan was a little angry. He paused, calmed his anger, and then continued, "Do you have any news about borrowing troops from your country?"

"Well, today is to tell Brother Wenyuan that my father promised to send troops to help you destroy the rebel party." Liang Shaojun's voice was as low as water, and he couldn't hear any feelings.

"Really?!" Chu Wenyuan was overjoyed, "Who will lead the army then?"


Ah? I thought General Xia would lead the army. Chu Wenyuan seemed to be a little surprised. At the beginning, he also entrusted Xia Shouyi to borrow troops from Liang Guo, "You are the prince, Jinzhi Yuye. What if anything happens?" Chu Wenyuan's words were completely out of good intentions, but he didn't know how to hear them in other people's ears. His words meant something different.

Su Simman outside heard clearly and began to sink. Her royal brother actually asked the State of Liang for help to suppress the rebellion! She finally believed the conversation she overheard that night and no longer had any doubts. The queen wants to kill Xia Shouyi and remove her royal brother!

After that, this is simply sending his neck to the edge of the knife. In the past, Liang Shaojun still had any doubts, but now I'm afraid he is also convinced of Chu Wenyuan and Xia Shouyi's collusion. What Susman was worried about happened in front of her, and she had no ability to stop it. Maybe there is a remedy, that is - take away her brother tonight!

The conversation in it continued. Chu Wenyuan was very interested, and from time to time there was the sound of two people clinking glasses.

When they pushed the cup for another cup, Su Siman's heart was like a needle and panicked. She wanted to discuss with Zhong Yeli, but she didn't see him, and she was even more anxious.

When night falls, there are no stars or moon in the dark sky, and the lamp in the corridor emits a faint yellow light. Su Siman stood a little numb, hoping that Liang Shaojun would leave immediately, so that she could rob people. Time is so difficult, and every moment is as long as a century.

I don't know when Li Yuan came back and knocked on the door, "Your Highness, it's time to go back to the palace."

Liang Shaojun greeted Chu Wenyuan again and finally came out.

As soon as they left, Zhong Yeli appeared in front of her, and the two rushed into the room. Su Siman was dumbfounded when she entered the room. She saw Chu Wenyuan lying on the ground and twitching, and black blood kept flowing out of her mouth.

"Help me...Save..."

The hand reached out to her hung down heavily, her eyes turned white, and there was no longer a trace of twitch on her body.

For a moment, she was stunned.

Zhong Yeli still reacted quickly, quickly walked over and squatted to probe Chu Wenyuan's breath, and quickly stood up again.

"Dead." He sighed.

But she doesn't believe it! Just now, her brother was fine! How can you die? Impossible! Tears fell down, and Su Siman ran forward and picked up the people on the ground with hard work.

"Wake up, brother, wake up! Don't scare me... Brother, wake up..." She shouted, shaking him and patting his face, but he didn't react. Her tears gushed out like a mountain torrent.

"Come on, catch the assassin! Catch the assassin--" With the sound of metal landing, the little boy screamed.

"Go!" Zhong Yeli pulled her up.

"Became him with you!" She looked at Zhong Yeli with sob and was heartbroken.

"It's too late!"

Many uniformed guards poured in from the door and immediately blocked the way out.

She thought she was afraid that she would die like this this time. She died with her royal brother, but Zhong Yeli tried his best to save her. But she failed to take away the body of her brother. In this way, the best person in the world who treated her died in front of her, and there was nothing she could do.

It was Liang Shaojun who killed him!

Before she fainted, this thought flashed in her mind.