Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 267 Soldier's Day

In a word, the momentum fell, and the owner of the poisonous door was very reluctant to say it, but he had to say it. There are some things that he may be able to do secretly, but he can't put them on the surface.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you treat the order as shit. I really don't care. If you want to find a partner, you can go to Zhongzhou. The poison gate is really not on the stage. Many years have passed since the founder of the Li family's founder, the poisonous door is still huddled in the dark corner where the sun is not seen, living a desolate life.

A few words made the owner of the poisonous door angry, and Xiao Mei threw out bait again: "But my father always takes a lot of pains to deal with it. My sister doesn't want to brush my father's meaning. Anyway, there are some rare poisoners in Huayingmen. It's useless for me to keep it. It's good to take it out and make a deal with the poison door."

In the eyes of the poisonous door owner, he really doesn't like ordinary things, but the rare poisonous side of Huayingmen is still quite attractive to him. Previously, he also sent people to inquire about the origin of Huayingmen and speculated that the Huayingmen and the Huaying Villa of the Tianchen Empire on the wild plateau were the disappeared ancient Xiuda garrison, and he had high expectations for their collections. Therefore, at this time, he resisted the anger and asked as if he were nothing, "Oh, it turns out that Huayingmen is also poisonous?"

felt that the psychological attack on the door owner should be stopped. Xiao Mei rubbed her nose and said with a wry smile, "Sister spilled the beans again. Well, be frank, Master Li will pay the price. For example, what kind of price can you give for immortal-like drunken poisons or detoxifications?

Yuhuan said more: Boss, where are you dealing with toxic parties?

The transparent display screen appeared, and a sweaty expression appeared in the upper left corner, and the wording flashed next to it: The boss is writing an empty check.

My heart said that the poisonous magic horse has not been studied by human beings. My sister has a system for cultivating immortals. Can the computer not beat the human brain? He secretly despised the ancient utensils and the administrator of the immortal cultivation system. Xiao Mei calmly met the eyes of the master of the poisonous door. In his wise eyes, there was some charm of profiteers who planned to sit on the ground.

The owner of the Poison Gate said, "You fully cooperate with the revenge action of the Heavenly Empire. The poison and detoxification of the immortals are rewarded.

I almost asked, "That's it?" When the words reached the tip of his tongue, he was forcibly swallowed back by Xiao Mei. She didn't say good or bad, but said, "Sister, think about it again."

On the contrary, he was afraid that things would turn yellow, and the owner of the poisonous door wink at the poisonous old man.

The poisonous man's voice prompt said, "Jam Mei, the antidote formula of the immortal drunken, the poison door has been available."

smiled, and Xiao Mei said slowly, "The immortal drunken antidote formula of the poison gate should not be complete."

"Wo girl, you are awesome!" The poisonous guy praised with his fingers. If he knew that Xiao Mei was actually a false person, he didn't know what he would think. But he pushed himself and others, but took her words seriously. Not only him, but also the owner of the poisonous sect thought so. The two exchanged glances and were not surprised. He said again, "Wu Mei, it's almost done. You should at least take care of your father's face."

"By the way, does Dad have face?" Xiao Mei asked rhetorical with a smile. After that, her face was completely, and she naturally showed the prestige of the superior and said in an unquestionable tone, "It's not that I can't afford to do business at a loss, but I don't like to be fooled by fools. Poison Gate, either follow the order of Heaven and form an alliance with Huayingmen, or trade directly with Huayingmen.

The poisoner didn't understand: "Isn't it the same?"

The owner of the poisonous sect understood and said with a smile, "Heavenly Order, the owner of this sect will return the original thing to your father."

"Your choice is wise. This is more convenient for cooperation between the two. Well, this principled problem is clear, and I will talk about the price that Huayingmen can open and the expected income. While Xiao Mei spoke, he manipulated the topic to turn around, and the owner of the poisonous sect looked unconcealed greed.

Ten poisoners and detoxification prescriptions are Xiao Mei's chips. The immortal poisoners and detoxification prescriptions are counted as deposit, requiring the poison sect not only to fully cooperate with her to revenge on Long Tianlie and his subordinate forces this time, but also to protect Li Tianyan's safety during Li Tianyan's tenure as the head of the Li family.

"You seem to hate the Li family, but this arrangement is planned for the Li family. It's really strange." The owner of the poisonous door asked curiously.

The poisoner smiled with relief.

Xiao Mei said with a cold face, "What's your plan? It has nothing to do with you. Master Li, you have to think carefully before deciding whether to trade or not. After all, this is a long-term and difficult task. Once you undertake it, you are not allowed to make mistakes. Otherwise, if there is a leak, my sister will turn against me and don't recognize anyone.

"You seem to be used to threatening people?" The owner of the poisonous door just woke up like a hibernating snake and smiled sinisterly. "Or can you explain it as being used to bluffing? Generally speaking, the real overwhelming power disdains verbal deterrence and directly gives a substantial blow.

"Well, it makes sense." Xiao Mei nodded very well. When the smile of the poisonous doorkeeper turned bright, she said coldly, "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. I'll fix you first."

I really don't know why it was thundering again in a blink of an eye. The poisonous man felt that his heart was really unable to withstand the impact of such a big ups and downs. He quickly shouted, "Mai girl, don't be impulsive!"

At the moment Xiao Mei changed his face, the owner of the poisonous door felt an invisible mysterious force imprisoning him, and he finally realized that his temple was not an ordinary building. If it hadn't been for the poisonous oldman's words to stop him, he would have even wanted to speak softly to Xiao Mei. At this time, he just sat calmly and said nothing.

"I hate to talk nonsense. Listen, my sister affirmed that this is a mutually beneficial transaction based on the principle of equality and voluntariness. My sister agreed to pay the deposit, which is the greatest demonstration of sincerity for cooperation. But if anyone regards my sister's sincerity as a sign of weakness and bullying, I don't mind making him realize how outrageous this misdequay is. I believe that with the help of the immortal cultivation system and the power of the array in the Flower Shadow Hall to imprison the poisonous door owner, which has given the old fox enough deterrence. Xiao Mei seemed to be chatting at this time, and his tone was very peaceful.

Originally, he wanted to dissuade Xiao Mei's poisonous master, but he suddenly realized that the master's style was unusual and shut his mouth cleverly.

He was thick-skinned enough. The owner of the poisonous door actually smiled and said very kindly, "As soon as your father met him, his matter is my business. The alliance between Poison Gate and Huayingmen has become a fore. How to cooperate with Huayingmen's action, you can directly explain it to the drug master, and the poison gate must cooperate fully.

"Well, okay, the remuneration that should be paid will also be handed over directly to the poisoner." Xiao Mei had a business expression. After saying that, she served tea to see the guests, and the owner of the poisonous door also fled out of the hall. She went out and looked back at it, with deep fear in her eyes.

With the participation of the Poison Gate, Xiao Mei's revenge was more confident, but the plateau did not seem to be happy. He specially asked her if she could not let the Poison Gate participate, saying that it would make the heavenly empire full of life.

Xiao Mei's reply to this is: My sister will let the poisonous man pay attention not to hurt innocent people. In fact, it is intended to deter the poisonous sect to participate. As long as the Ba Jianzong does not stand up for Long Tianlie, my sister does not intend to let the people of the poisonous sect appear. My sister is not used to revenge.

The plateau still has hidden worries, but it is no longer persuading.

Xiao Mei also smiled: "I haven't seen it yet. The plateau also has a compassionate heart." But she just laughed casually and didn't think deeply.

When the whole team set off, the plateau asked the poisoner to take the accompanying poison disciples and drug slaves, take the poisonous beasts they carried, and sit in a special chariot without summoning. The poisoner thought that this was a preferential treatment for them, and there was no doubt about it. He happily followed it and slept soundly in the comfortable tanker all the way.

It's strange that the plateau has made a large number of tank trucks in such a short time. Xiao Mei half jokingly said, "I think you have planned it for a long time. Plateau, honestly, right?"

"It happened to be the last time I knocked down a branch of the fire worship and seized a batch of such cars from those barbarians and used them." The plateau explained seriously.

"I can't stand you, and you still have a serious explanation." Xiao Mei giggled and didn't hear the truth in the plateau's words. Perhaps, she didn't expect that the plateau was lying at all.

When you go back to Tianchen, you still pass through the red grass carpet, which is the closest route to Tianchen. There was a sabrex that once dominated the red grass carpet, and the team was not invaded by too many poisons perched in the red grass swamp, which was considered to have gone out smoothly.

The Tianchen Empire also received the message of Huayingmen coming back for revenge and waiting outside the red carpet. There are black heavy horses on the ground and groups of flying horses in the air. Those are all elite soldiers and strong generals who have been on the battlefield for a long time. The powerful aura formed by murderous spirit makes the birds in the sky far away.

As soon as the team came out of the red grass carpet, they heard the high horn sound, all kinds of spiritual attacks fell from the sky, mushroom clouds rose in the sky, and screams and hiss sounded together.

Xiao Mei, located in the middle of the team, had seen the battle situation clearly with the help of a transparent display screen and found that his side suffered heavy casualties and was furious: "Plate, why are there any ambush here and no one has been identified?"

After hesitating for a moment, the plateau explained: "The soldiers are so fast that no detectives have been sent before this operation. Besides, there will always be a hard battle to fight, and it doesn't matter where you fight.

"P! Is this a battle or death? My sister is a military idiot, and she knows that war is not like this. I really don't understand why you have been fighting with the barbarians for so long, and you haven't become the commander of the pole. After scolding, Xiao Mei said to the sabredon, "Xiao Mei, bombard the poisonous beast in the red grass swamp out to my sister. Damn it, I don't believe that they are not in a mess!"

"Order!" The saber-toothed dragon took the order proudly.