Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 268 Poison Beast Frenzy

The long and high dragon sounded, and Haobo's dragon power swept the whole red grass swamp with the sound wave. Insects and spirit beasts are more strict. Under the dragon's power, the poisonous beasts that are rarely emerging also come out and converge into the torrent of poisonous beasts.

Earlier, under Xiao Mei's order, he lined up in a circle with the tank fleet of poison disciples as the center, holding up a huge defense cover. The torrent of poisonous insects and poisonous beasts passed by, and everyone looked at these generally small guys, and their scalps were a little numb.

The fog of the red grass shoes swamp turned up, and the horned horse mount of the heavy cavalry of the Tianchen army camp opposite seemed to feel the deadly waiting for the threat. It hissed uneasily, and the four hooves hit the ground, forming a strong shock wave, and the earth shook.

The full-frame armored cavalry tried their best to control it and barely kept the mount in its original formation. The Marshal of Tianchen Army was extremely shocked and immediately ordered the air horse to attack the red grass swamp and ordered the high-level monks on the ground to strengthen their defenses.

On the ground, defense shields of various colors are propped up one after another, forming a huge protective wall in front of the Tianchen army.

In the air, tens of thousands of guns are fired in the sky. Long guns tied with explosive charms were thrown into the churning fog, killing countless poisonous insects and beasts, and the charms exploded and bloomed everywhere. The poisonous beasts were killed and injured, and the miserable howls in the fog came one after another, which made people creepy.

The atmosphere of the Tianchen Army is more solemn. They can already foresee the emergence of a wave of beasts, and the most important thing is that this will be a rare wave of poisonous beasts. Many people are secretly cursing the marshal, believing that it was the marshal who fainted and ordered to attack the red grass swamp, which triggered a poisonous beast frenzy.

For unknown reasons, the poisonous beasts in the red grass swamp are moving within the fog and rarely come out, and the number of beast tides in history is even rare. But the latest wave of poisonous beasts that appeared 2,000 years ago directly destroyed the sunset empire, the predecessor of the Tianchen Empire.

Is the resurgence of poisonous beasts now heralding the death of the Tianchen Empire?

However, the plateau believes that from the standpoint of Marshal Tianchen Army, the decision made could not be more wise, but unfortunately the attack was not strong enough. After watching the torrent of poisonous beasts and poisonous insects being beaten tos, the newly emerging poisonous beasts converged into a torrent again, but the attack of the Tianchen Army stopped. He looked up and blurted out, "Why did you stop?"

Xiao Mei heard it and asked strangely, "Do you want not to stop?"

"No, I think the other commander should not stop the attack if he has a brain. Now it seems that the marshal of the other party is a fool, and it will be easier for us to deal with it. Plateau explained.

"It's true." Responding casually, Xiao Mei looked at the sabre-toothed dragon with a smile and said, "I didn't expect Xiaolong to have this hand. I really underestimated it."

"This is its territory." After looked at the majestic sabrexon outside the light mask, the mood on the plateau was not high, and there was a faint worry.

The fog in the red grass swamp is even more intense, and poisonous insects and poisonous beasts are overwhelming, gushing out like a huge flood. The expected wave of poisonous beasts of the Tianchen Army finally appeared. Although the commanders tried their best to restrain, the heavy cavalry could not control their mounts. The formation began to be chaotic, and the air riders could not maintain their formation.

Long Yin was even higher, and the forward speed of the poisonous beast tide began to accelerate. After being blocked, there was a tacit understanding of coordinated combat. He also knew that the arhat-like layers were stacked up and ready to climb over the protective wall of light. Although the Tianchen Army quickly raised the protective wall of light, it could not withstand their speed, and their venom was also corroding the protective wall of light. Soon, the protective wall of light became useless.

"Withdraw!" The marshal of Tianchen Army finally ordered. In fact, before he ordered, the army had changed into a front team and began to flee. With his order, it is only much better to turn the escape into a strategic retreat.

The disciples of Huayingmen, who followed the poisonous beast frenzy, came out and saw the defeat of the Tianchen army, and were very happy.

"The sun in the west is about to set, and the end of the devils is coming--" Xiao Mei saw it on a whim and sang the theme song of "Railway Guerrillas".

"What kind of song is this? It's so strange." The plateau asked.

Except for Li Motou, Xiao Mei did not want to share the secrets of his previous life with anyone. He turned a deaf ear to the problem of the plateau, and the elegant singing was interrupted. He replied unwarmly: "Master Gao, it seems that you are at war now. Please concentrate on your work and direct your subordinates to pick up the mistakes in the poisonous beast frenzy."

The plateau was surprised and said, "Do you want to kill it all?"

"What do you mean?" Looking at the plateau, Xiao Mei said angrily, "Do you want to kill it all? Did the sister invite Tianchen Army to block the sister? At least twice as many as our troops, don't you want to eat us here? Is it still a welcome meeting? Plateau, I doubt your position now. I haven't seen you so merciful to the fire worship.

"You misunderstood, deputy doorkeeper. I just said that the price of killing everything is too high and not cost-effective. The plateau did not see the slightest panic explanation.

Maybe it was the calmness of the plateau that made Xiao Mei relieve her doubts. She gently skipped this topic and then shouted, "You have to beat it hard, which will make the devils of Tianchen hurt and make the ghosts of Tianchen scared!"

With a hundred echoes, Xiao Mei's shouts made the disciples of Huayingmen' blood boil. Like the ears of rice picked out in the rice field, following the torrent of poisonous beasts, scrambling to harvest the lives of the surviving Tianchen soldiers. Poor many of these soldiers are still in an uncertain state, unprepared, like cutting melons and vegetables.

"Well done!" Xiao Mei high-fiveed and laughed. There were tears in the corners of her eyes and unbearable eyes, but after laughing, she cheered for the disciples of Huayingmen again.

At this time, the poisonous beast frenzy spread out in a fan shape and began to fight in small groups. The large and fast poisonous beast was invincible and rampaged in the Tianchen army. Those seemingly relatively weak poisonous insects can also not be underestimated, the most representative of which is a kind of poisonous silkworm that acts in groups.

The kind of worm that belongs to the lower end of the food chain in the red grass swamp also reveals an extremely fierce and fierce atmosphere at this time. Each is as thick as a bowl mouth, with a head like a turtle and a body like a pupa. There are twelve relatively slender legs in each of the two rows, with sharp thorns at the top. They are in groups, surging forward, making a creepy rustling sound.

A senior general and personal soldier of the Tianchen Army were driven away in the opposite direction by the poisonous beast in front of him and were surrounded by a group of poisonous silkworms. He himself is a spiritual master, and is surrounded by the protection of a high-level spirit king. He could have flown away in the air, but the saber-toothed dragon went to the sky and rampaged with its strong skin and thick flesh, driving it away like a bird. Therefore, their group did not dare to fly in the air.

The poisonous silkworm came like a tide, and the high-level spirit king of the Tianchen Army roared, splitting a red fire wave and bombarded the poisonous silkworms.

The buzzing sound came from the poisonous silkworm. They seemed to sense the crisis. Their backs suddenly cracked, stretched out a pair of gray-black thin wings, and unexpectedly flew off the ground. Although they did not fly high, their speed was much faster. As the thin wings unfolded, poisonous gas came out like smoke and rushed in the direction of everyone.

"The poisonous silkworm butterfly has changed!" There were powerful people in the besieged Tianchen army and shouted in panic.

The probability of a poisonous silkworm butterfly surviving is only one in 10,000, which is equivalent to a suicide attack. The poisonous gas emitted by this group of poisonous silkworms even shows signs that the air in this world has been dyed black.

The fire wave of the high-level spirit king of the Tianchen Army collided with the poisonous silkworms that turned into butterflies, and the suffocating poisonous gas actually suppressed the dazzling fire wave.

Is the flame extinguished by poison gas?

Thousands of poisonous and stiff silkworms turned into butterflies were not affected at all. On the contrary, they were fierce and energetic as if they had swallowed a tonic. They were aggressive and accelerated to rush away.

"What kind of broken bug is this? How can it be so powerful that it can't even be burned to death." Before the senior general of Tianchenjun finished speaking, his face changed in an instant, and the poison gas was directly poured into his body.

The high-level spirit king waved his hand, and the flames all over the sky poured out and turned into a sea of fire, directly covering the poisonous and stiff silkworms turned into butterflies. With a shout, the sea of fire poured on it like hot oil, and the flames rose several meters high.

The wisdom of the poisonous silkworm group is not high, but they don't know how to avoid it and rush straight forward. In an instant, a small half was lost, and the number is estimated to be nearly 1,000. But the Tianchen Army is not happy, because the remaining number of poisonous silkworms turned into butterflies is still enough to drown them, let alone poison them.

"That general can be held hostage!" The plateau suddenly pointed to the general of the Tianchen army trapped by the butterfly and stiff silkworm group and said, seeing Xiao Mei ignore it, and he said, "Listen to me, it's not wrong. I won't hurt you."

"Well, you take someone to catch him, whether he or not." Xiao Mei said in a salty and indifferently.

I felt that Xiao Mei might have doubted something, but the plateau did not defend and rushed out.

The poisonous and stiff silkworms that have become butterflies have survived for a short time, only half an hour. Now they are getting closer and closer to their deathbed, and they have become more crazy.

The high-ranking spiritual king of the Tianchen Army found that he was invaded by poison gas and could not fly in the air. Originally, he thought he was careless just now, but as soon as he said it, people above Lingzun also said that he was poisoned. Pessimism spread, and everyone thought that they would die. At this time, the plateau rushed over and shouted majestically, "Surrender and don't kill!"

The general of Tianchen Army is still hesitating, and the spirit king beside him is already roaring: "I surrender!" The rest of the people also attached to each other. Looking at the poisonous silkworms turned into butterflies, he had to bow his head and say, "I would like to surrender!"

With cold eyes, Xiao Mei looked at the plateau commanders holding up their spiritual masks and taking out the besieged Tianchen soldiers.