ying jie

Chapter 128 Touch his waist

Chapter 128 Touching His Waist

Zhou Yisheng spent a lot of effort to clean up the 8,000 defeated soldiers, selected some of the stronger sharp pawns, and put in blood runes to make them completely return. However, when these ghost soldiers came to their senses, they found that there was something wrong. We are more than 8,000 ghost soldiers, and he was only one! Why did you surrender so easily! However, Zhou Yisheng restrained other defeated soldiers with strong and sharp soldiers restrained by himself, so that they dared not have different intentions, so he had to admit this leader.

Zhou Yisheng waved his hand, and eight thousand ghost soldiers spread the surrounding circle. Looking at the comatose general, he looked very careful, not only because of his prestige, but also because he was afraid that he would cheat and fall into a coma, but it was certain that he was indeed seriously injured.

"Black Buddha! What should I do? Do you want to go straight up and grab it? Zhou Yisheng hesitated and couldn't help asking for advice.

Black Buddha did not appear, but directly transmitted the sound and said with great certainty, "Little guy, I have been observing the general in the golden helmet. Since his appearance, there has been a very faint fragrance. Ordinary people can hardly smell it. This fragrance is a kind of strange poison that can suppress such a strange poison. It must be a person of meritorious creation, and he The field is blood purgatory, which can be cultivated into such a horrible thing, but it is blocked by you. Chongbao is eager to leave and does not fulfill what he said. There must be a reason why he must be seriously injured or another more horrible figure chasing him.

After listening to the analysis of the Black Buddha's invitation, Zhou Yisheng was determined. He pulled the Kirin monster and crashed into the black prison fire horse. Zhou Yisheng did not believe that the horse could resist the Kirin, which was three times bigger than it, and completely intended to bully the weak.

The black prison firehorse is surrounded by 8,000 soldiers, which is angry enough. Now there is another big man. Do you really think it's easy to bully? Double kicks hit the head of the ghost Kirin, but he was worried that the owner on his back would be thrown down and lost some strength. He kicked the ghost Kirin like scratching. The huge body of the Kirin monster directly knocked the black prison fire horse a few feet away, and the horse turned over.

Zhou Yisheng was shocked. He didn't expect that the black prison fire horse was so useless. The unicorn was also so fierce. In his mind, he just bumped the black prison fire horse a few steps. This action was too big. If he woke up the killing god, the thin camel was bigger than the horse, he could not deal with it. However, now something happened that he didn't want to see, and it was not the time to regret. Zhou Yisheng jumped off Kirin's back and quickly ran to General Du who fell in the distance.

Quickly put his hand into the armor and groped. The place where he got it was as smooth as gel, as weak as boneless, and Zhou Yisheng was horrmented. This is not a demon! After killing so many people, his skin is actually better than mine. This handsome man is too cruel, and the others are quite good. Touching General Du's skin that is smoother than the woman, Zhou Yisheng actually had a physiological reaction, which made him feel ashamed. His skin was full of goose bumps. He really doubted whether he would** if he touched it again.

Hmm! General Du seemed to feel something. He hummed slightly in pain and squinted but couldn't open it. He could vaguely see that this person was very familiar, but the dirty hand groping around his waist made him habitually touch the huge sword hanging on the saddle, but he didn't find anything at all.

Poo-ss-ss! The black fire horse struggled from the ground and watched Zhou Yisheng groped on General Du's body. He was extremely angry and hummed hard in his nose, spraying a thick dark blue flame, but the pain from his body kept making it unable to do anything.

"Haha! I found it!" Zhou Yisheng took out a cloth bag from the waist of General Du, which was very similar to the ghost name, but there was a white lotus flower on the cloth bag. Zhou Yisheng almost shivered. This man would not practice any magic skills, so that he was so demonic!

Zhou Yisheng didn't know how to open the mustard for a moment, so he had to ask the Black Buddha, a big egg who knows astronomy and geography. The Black Buddha did not disappoint him. Sure enough, he recited a few spells. The mustard was opened for a moment, and a set of women's short clothes fell from it, but the clothes came from which was very difficult. I smell the stench and want to vomit. Fortunately, Zhou Yisheng is not the kind of person who is obsessed with cleanliness. He turned it over curiously and looked at it. The upper material and style of this dress is also the best, but a large piece of black on his chest made him frown. This stench came from here.

He threw his clothes aside casually. Zhou Yisheng looked at the things in the bag according to the spell recited by the Black Buddha, but found that he could not reach the level of the Black Buddha at all. He only felt that the bag was dark and could not see anything, but he could see a very dazzling piece of white jade in the dark. When he saw it, he I can't forget. Zhou Yisheng was overjoyed. He didn't expect to find it so easily. Fortunately, I lost my life. After all, it was still mine!

"Ren go... him!" The voice was very vague, like a toddler baby just opened his mouth, but the anger in it was like a volcano about to erupt.

Zhou Yisheng was very surprised. Who was talking to him and turned around and saw nothing. Only the unicorn monster looked at him coldly, and his eyes were very disdainful. However, his little son was in the old man's hand and did not dare to be too presumptuous. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the black prison fire horse beside him. It can't be this beast!

"Call...you... let go... him." The black prison fire horse opened its mouth again, and its voice was extremely firm. Suddenly, the dark blue flame spewing from its nose turned purple. Suddenly, the scorching flame almost made this area of air burn, and then a blazing flame under its four hoofs ignited. The golden armor on its body was burned by purple fire and turned into red steel water. On the ground, an unusual white horse appeared, which was not black. A single horn grew on its head at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the enchanting and mysterious purple pupil looked at Zhou Yisheng coldly.

Black Buddha was shocked and said in a strange voice, "I finally know why such two forces robbed it a hundred years ago. It turned out that this was a Pegasus, a real dragon species, but I didn't expect that there would be such a divine horse in the black prison. Hahaha! Hahaha! Everyone is a fool! Don't fight against the adult demon pupil Tianma. Go quickly. As long as the purple flame comes out, there will be no armor left! Run away and leave those defeated soldiers alone."

I didn't expect the Black Buddha to be so anxious. Zhou Yisheng's heart was also a little weak. He took out the Kowloon seal, pinched the cloth bag, and wanted to control it very much. However, thinking of the Black Buddha's warning, he still gave up this troublesome idea and quickly ran to the ghost unicorn with the Kowloon seal.

Tianma has just completed its transformation. Seeing that Zhou Yisheng was about to escape, he didn't want to spit out Ziyan to him. Such a graceful posture made people want to look hot and eager to have it. No wonder when he saw such a divine horse, his possessiveness would be so strong, causing the disaster of that year. But Zhou Yisheng doesn't dare to stay and appreciate the beauty of Tianma now. Ziyan burns his back a few feet away. If it is stained, it will not be burned to ashes!

"Everyone go into the mountain, look for ghosts, and go!" Zhou Yisheng did not dare to really listen to the advice of the Black Buddha. If he lost these eight thousand soldiers, his plan would be greatly blocked.

The 8,000 defeated soldiers were worthy of escaping, just waiting for Zhou Yisheng to issue an order. As soon as the order was issued, Zhou Yisheng roared, and the wind blew under his feet one by one, and escaped hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.