ying jie

Chapter 129 Doomed

Chapter 129 Doomed

"A boneless guy." Zhou Yisheng was so angry that he couldn't save them. How could he help him break the army and fall into the city? He was simply a mob! However, on second thought, it is so. Only when these ghost soldiers escape can they survive under such an attack. When they escape, they can only have a good ****.

Zhou Yisheng folded horizontally and dragged a long distance on the mud. He passed under the unicorn's body and was about to jump on the back of the unicorn, but he didn't expect that the ghost unicorn retreated slightly for a while. Zhou Yisheng escaped unsuccessively, and the purple flame followed him like a shadow.

The purple flame swept all the way, and the intensity was really hard to stop. No matter how the mountains and rocks were, the land turned into a piece of black, and there was continuous smoke. Zhou Yisheng didn't know what kind of flame it was, but he felt that as long as he was stained with a little bit and died, he didn't dare to be strong and just turned around to escape. I only felt that the anger that had subsided rushed to my forehead again. What's going on today? I ate one after another and just calmed down. Now I'm even more angry. Suddenly, I shouted twice and went away against the purple flame. I'm really desperate.

That day, Ma Lingzhi woke up and thought that Zhou Yisheng wanted to break into the purple fire, but he didn't care. After all, in the memory of the inheritance, the purple fire was a natural fire, and even the immortals dared not touch it. But unexpectedly, Zhou Yisheng rolled against the fire and actually passed through the fire, but the purple fire nearby still burned him. His face was burnt yellow, his eyebrows and hair were curled, and his legs were cut on the legs like a big scissors. After all, Tianma is one of the dragon species, but Zhou Yisheng is on the field list. The strength hit his fragile horse's leg and suddenly fell to the ground, and his front hoof stepped on Zhou Yisheng's knee in panic.

With a click, Zhou Yisheng's stepped thigh was fractured, and the fierceness in his bones suddenly burst out. He rode on the horse's neck with pain. His fist fell like raindrops, and each blow was as heavy as a thousand pounds, hitting the long-faced horse's head.

However, Zhou Yisheng's fist was really dense. He wanted to spit out purple fire, but he was beaten in his throat and couldn't spit it out. He didn't know that it could still catch fire all over his body, but it took too short to awaken Tianma. He worked hard to spray flames, but he didn't know that he gave up the whole forest for a big tree.

Zhou Yisheng fought more and more fiercely. In the past few months, he was still a weak scholar. Several opportunities have transformed his body, and now he has reached the level of the ground list. He is even more fierce. He just keeps greeting the horse, the more powerful his fist is! There is no decrease in force, but the breath of Tianma is getting smaller and smaller.

"Kid, stop it, this is a treasure in the world. It has only come out in three thousand years! If you are killed like this, that's thanks to you!" Seeing that such a baby was about to be killed, how could Black Buddha not be heartbroken and hurriedly stopped him.

But Zhou Yisheng seemed to be possessed, and the strength of his fist did not decrease, but accelerated at a speed that could be recognized by the naked eye. The heavenly horse kept screaming, and the purple birth dripped on the soil along the horse's mouth, burning with a sloof. The tears in his eyes opened the gate and flowed sparsely, like humiliation and more like pleading.

The independent general lying not far away heard the sadness of Tianma and tried his best to struggle to get up, but the injury was really serious and difficult. However, looking back on the days when one person and one horse were together, even if he was as strong and fierce as him, he still couldn't help crying and suddenly stood up, with the light of hatred in his eyes. He couldn't wait to Zhou Yisheng was torn to pieces.

General Du shook to Zhou Yisheng step by step. He had never been so embarrassed. He walked faster and faster. Finally, he approached Zhou Yisheng with difficulty, but found that his huge sword had been glued to the pile of armor melted into steel. If it was easy to pick it up on weekdays, but now It was difficult to walk, let alone pull out the huge sword. The general had no choice but to bite down the back of Zhou Yisheng's neck.

Ah! Zhou Yisheng screamed wildly and completely woke up. The strength in his hand disappeared in an instant, and his backhand hit the pain behind him. With a sound, his hand hit the helmet, and there was an unforgettable pain. After all, it was a flesh and blood body! Just now, the deadly beating of the horse has already blurred the flesh and blood of his hands.

"You are a dog!" General Du had no surging cultivation, and he was just an ordinary person who was anxious. In order to avenge his beloved horse, he insisted on biting it. The blood from the back of his neck went into his back, which made Zhou Yisheng very uncomfortable. With a hard struggle, General Du bit a large piece of meat, which also made Zhou Yisheng take the opportunity to get rid of trouble and ride instead. On General Du's thick and cold armor, he picked up his fist and greeted her body. Suddenly, the two wrestled together, but General Du wore armor, which made Zhou Yisheng unable to take advantage of it at all.

The hateful ghost unicorn actually sat aside and watched the two fight like a shrew, constantly spitting sour gas in his nose, which was very excited. On that day, Ma was beaten by Zhou Yisheng, but he was talking about Ziyan.

The two of you and I fought very lively. Zhou Yisheng punched down and punched the armor a few times. The texture of the armor was beyond imagination. The power of the ground list could not be shaken at all, but he was also tired and left a little distracted. The fist changed to his face, occupying an advantage from top to bottom. General Du's The handsome face immediately changed a lot. However, General Du was not simple. He lay on the ground and saved effort. Every time he punched, he hit Zhou Yisheng's chest, which was very tricky.

The two may be tired, and it is no less than the speed of punching and the mark on the other party. When they were tired, they suddenly lost their interest and could not afford the idea of killing the other party, but they didn't expect that the general Du used his old skills again and suddenly bit Zhou Yisheng hard. As the saying goes, a move was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of grass rope. Just now A bite was really too painful and rogue for Zhou Yisheng. Although he was a little relaxed, he stretched out his mouth and didn't think that Zhou Yisheng would bite him first, but the armor worn by the general was really a dog biting hedgehog with nowhere to eat!

I don't know if there is God's will to see the two die together. I don't know where the single general's helmet was lost in the fight. Both of them were used to turning their heads to the right. Suddenly, their mouths bumped into each other to avoid a cruelty.

The two collided like this, and their already exhausted bodies could not stop their drowsy heads. Zhou Yisheng rode on General Du and fell to one side and fell asleep. The ghost Kirin breathed a boring breath, stood up and turned around and left, regardless of Zhou Yisheng

The sky in hell has been covered with dark clouds for many years. No matter who looks at such a sky, it will feel depressed and dull, and the gloomy wind blows and stroke the skin, which will make people feel cold and piercing. Therefore, human beings in hell will always miss the world. When Zhou Yisheng opened his first glance, he looked at such a sky and looked at it. The turbid sky is extremely happy, and I am still alive! There is no deep sleep again.

But his good temperament is also everywhere. Looking down, he found a big stone standing in front of him. A few lines of words were engraved on the stone and said, "Apprentice! If you leave for the teacher, I can't teach you anything. The Kowloon wall is really a treasure. It's not safe to put it on you. It's safe to take care of it for the teacher.

Almost as soon as he finished reading the words, Zhou Yisheng jumped up. His waist was not sore and his legs were not painful. Everything was fine. He kicked the boulder, and the old man was also shameless. I don't know how long it took, Zhou Yisheng finally calmed down and looked up at the sky. I don't know when it is now. How long he has been lying here, but it has been several hours since he looked at the dry blood stains!

Zhou Yisheng found that his whole body did not seem to be wrong except for those scarred wounds, and even full of strength. He sank into Dantian to find the Black Buddha to ask what was going on. There was no response at all, as if this character did not exist at all. It really felt strange. Was he dreaming and working hard? I pinched the wound, but found that it was very painful. This is the reality.

Carefully recalled what had happened. In the vagueness, it seemed that someone was in a war, and then he calmed down and was turned over. Jiulongxi also took it out of his body. This person should be the long eyebrows of that force, and then he heard a very pleasant voice, like a warbler and a pipa, like an empty valley singing echo. Like a pipa, big beads and small beads fell on the jade plate, and then he fainted as soon as his brain hurt. When he woke up, he recovered. He couldn't help doubting whether he fell asleep and did some amazing things, and then his bones became tough again.

Zhou Yisheng can't figure out what happened, and he is no longer entangled, but the only regret is that the Jiulongxi doesn't know whether the old man's words count and whether he will return it to himself, but he can be so open-minded. This is also Zhou Yisheng doesn't know how important this Jiulongxi is. If he knows, I'm afraid he will die of pain. !

Looking around and didn't see Ma and the one who killed thousands of knives that day, Zhou Yisheng suddenly felt a sense of emptiness. He was afraid of being remembered by such a murderer or losing Jiulongxi, so he no longer thought about a murderer. Today, I staggered, and I'm afraid I won't have a chance to meet again. After saving my mother from hell, I no longer have to be afraid that the murderer will go to the world to revenge.