Exotic God

Chapter 132 Go the wrong place

That eye looked at everything like this at this time with a trace of anger, and helplessly felt that it was slowly flowing with a trace of roaring at this time, a whole faint story.

"Who on earth took away my things?"

The position roar flowed slowly at this time, and the sad taste, looking at everything at this time with a trace of helplessness, slowly telling a whole faint story at this time. I felt plainly flowing at this time, and the sad feeling and the faint breath looked at the sad smell at this time. I don't know what the whole taste is like this at this time. The anger at this time kept venting, the faint smell. Plain sadness looked at such a plain feeling at this time, and at this time, everything was slowly telling a whole faint story at this time with a trace of helplessness.

Looking at everything at this moment, I feel helplessly that I don't know what the plain taste at this time is. At this time, Ye Chen and the lord slowly stopped at this time. The feeling of wheezing slowly tells a whole faint taste at this time, and a plain feeling of a helpless taste flowing slowly at this time. With a silky feeling, the sad smell is slowly flowing at this time.

"We can finally rest"

Looking at the lucky smell slowly flowing in this feeling at this moment, Ye Chen slowly looked behind him and felt that he was slowly telling a whole sense of helplessness at this time. At this time, Ye Chen looked at everything with a trace of shock and said slowly at this moment:

"Oh, we finally escaped"

Looking at the sad feeling at this time with the faint feeling at this time, slowly flowing the sad smell at this time. I feel that I am slowly talking about the whole feeling of helplessness at this time. I don't know what the whole feeling is said at this time. With such a faint feeling at this time, the helpless smell at this time slowly describes a whole touch. At this time, the lord looked at Ye Chen at this time and said slowly with doubt:

"What are we doing? Why are we going so fast?"

At this time, Ye Chen looked at the lord at this time and glanced at his mouth, slowly narratoring the plain taste at this time with a trace of emotion. At this time, the touch in Ye Chen's heart flowed slowly again, and he said slowly with sadness and helplessness:

"Do you want to wait to die there? Do I find that there is really a big secret in this place now?"

Looking helplessly at the sad feeling at this time, the lord's heart at this time is also faintly shocked. Is there such a big secret in such a place? Does everything at this time feel so plain that it is slowly telling a whole faint feeling at this time? That's how everything feels.

"Yeally, the original gods in this place will not leave anything like this for me"

With a silky feeling, I look at all this plain taste at this time, and look at everything like this at this time. The sad breath slowly stayed the plain smell, with a slight feeling slowly stayed the sad breath at this time. Everything was so flat that the helpless feeling, making Ye Chen look at the place at this time and look at the place with a trace of doubt and slowly say :

"Lord, look, where is this place?"

When the lord came to his senses, he looked at everything at this time and said slowly at this moment:

"I don't know what this is, but I believe that such a place is not far from the central continent at this time."

Ye Chen's heart muttered slowly at this time:

"It's good that you didn't go to the wrong place?"

With the sad emotion at this time, there is a gentle feeling slowly flowing through such a feeling at this time, and everything is so shallow. Looking at the plain feeling at this time, I slowly described the plain feeling at this time. Everything is the sad breath with a trace of helplessness in such feelings at this time, with that plain taste. Slowly, there was a faint sadness.

When Ye Chen slowly looked at the feeling around him at this time, he looked at everything like this with a trace of sadness. The plain feeling is slowly emerging at this time. That plain taste. Looking at everything like this with a trace of sadness, I helplessly felt the helpless smell slowly at this time.

"Do you know what kind of place is at this time?"

The feeling in my heart looked at the sad taste at this time, with a silky sticky, looking at the faint sad breath at this time with a sad breath. I don't know what the sad feeling at this time tells at this time. . The lord kept calculating the feeling of their direction at this time. Constantly calculating in my mind. At this time, there is no floating in the sea, and there is nothing marked. At this time, they can only exchange it with the faint feeling in their minds at this time. I feel that it is flowing slowly at this time, and the faint taste. Everything is waiting to look at the feeling at this time, and the sad feeling in my heart is telling a whole story slowly with the sad breath in my heart at this time.

With the plain taste at this time, I don't know what kind of helpless shallow injury is slowly talking about at this time. Looking at the sad feeling at this time helplessly, let the feeling at this time slowly tell a whole feeling at this time.

"Oh, I know, but unfortunately we seem to be in the wrong place."

Ye Chen's forehead was covered with a cold sweat. Looking at the plain feeling at this time, he slowly told a whole sad feeling at this time, and all the helpless feelings at this time said that the plain citrus felt at this time. It's a light thing. I felt plainly looking at the sadness at this time and helplessly telling a faint and helpless smell at this time. Ye Chen looked at this time and said slowly with a trace of doubt:

"It's possible that I went wrong. Didn't you show me the way all the way?"

With such doubts, the helpless feeling in my heart is that looking at everything at this time, I feel that I am slowly talking about the whole faint sadness at this time. Looking at the lord at this time with a feeling of speechlessness, he thought to him:

"You, you are too weak. Why are you cheating me like this?"

Looking at everything at this time with the silky feeling at this time, the plain feeling is slowly revealing at this time, and the plain feeling is slowly staying at this time, the plain smell. Everything is so sad. Looking at the helpless feeling in my heart at this time, I can only use that sighing voice to slowly flow at this time, the sad smell. I feel plainly that I can't afford to feel any sadness. Everything is so sad, without any helpless breath, slowly staying, that plain smell.

"What do you see?"

At this time, a continent appeared on the sea level. Looking at the continent at this time, the continent was constantly moving, so that the sad feelings in their hearts at this time slowly stayed at this time, the plain smell.

One update.....