Exotic God

Chapter 133 Ordinary Feeling

A large bunker slowly moved towards them at this time. With that kind of helpless breath. At this time, it flows slowly, the sad smell. Look at everything like this at this time. The plain taste slowly appeared at this time, and the suspicious taste.

Ye Chen looked at the opposite ground with a trace of doubt, and always felt that there was a bad feeling slowly spreading in his heart at this time. Looking at everything so plainly at this time, I feel that it is slowly flowing at this time, the sad smell. Looking at the plain taste at this moment with a trace of sadness, he slowly pours out all the helpless taste. The sad feeling of looking at the plain taste at this time. Slowly talking about the plain taste at this time.

"What is that?"

With a silky feeling looking at the ordinary taste at this time, he slowly poured out a helpless feeling at this time. The lord looked at Ye Chen's frown at this time and felt helplessly flowing slowly at this time, that faint feeling. Look at everything like this at this time. The plain feeling slowly describes a whole feeling at this time. Now the helpless words slowly spit out from the mouth of the lord at this time. With that helpless feeling, I don't know what all this is like at this time. I plainly felt looking at the helpless taste at this time and slowly described what kind of emotion it was.

"I don't know what that is?"

Looking at everything at this moment with a trace of sadness in my heart, I slowly narrate a helpless feeling at this time. I felt plainly that the faint smell at this time was slowly flowing that sad breath at this time. At this time, I felt everything with a dull taste of death and looked at the moving palace on the sea slowly at this time, and I felt helplessly. Plain and helpless feelings looked at the sadness and helpless feelings flowing at this time, the plain taste.

When they watched the thing move slowly at this time, they looked helplessly at the sad feelings at this time. In the sad feeling at this time, there is a whole kind of helpless feeling. The plain feelings slowly revealed at this time, and the sad feelings looked at everything at this time helplessly. At this time, Ye Chen jumped up and looked at the lord and said slowly:

"Let's go up and see what such a thing is."

Looking at such a helpless emotion at this time with the expression of expectation in the heart at this time, everything is so helpless that it slowly flows with such a sad feeling at this time. I feel plainly looking at everything like this at this time. I arrived at such an island in an instant. When they sit down and relax at this time. Seeing the dense things on the island, I felt the plain taste and silky feeling. Looking at everything like this at this time, the comfortable feeling made people have an impulse to stay. At this time, Ye Chen always felt that there was something wrong and slowly described a faint and helpless feeling in his heart at this time. Looking at everything so plainly at this time, I feel that I am slowly telling a whole faint taste at this time.

"Ye Chen, shall we take a break here?"

Looking at Ye Chen with a silky smell in that sad tone, he slowly described a faint taste at this time. The plain taste slowly poured out at this time, the faint and sad plot, and everything at this time was blandly helpless and sentimental, slowly flowing at this time, the helpless smell. With all this flatness at this time, it renders that faint sadness.

In this way, when they kicked the sand and looked at everything at this time with a trace of doubt and novelty, they felt that they were slowly telling a whole kind of helpless emotion at this time.

The plain feelings flowed slowly at this time, the faint taste, a sad breath, such sadness at this time looking at everything at this time, that sad feelings, with a trace of helplessness, feeling of a kind of faint ** at this time. Looking at the sad breath at this time, I felt that the sad breath at this time slowly stayed at this time, that sad breath. Everything is so plain. Looking at this time, I feel helplessly and slowly staying in the desert, and with the sand and gravel heat at this time, I keep the plain taste in this feeling.

When they slowly stepped into such a space, they felt that the power on their bodies had disappeared. At this time, Ye Chen felt that the situation at this time looked at the lord at this time with a silky smell and said slowly at this time:

"Can you still fly?"

At this time, the lord tried hard and looked at everything at this time with a silky sad breath. Looking at the plain feeling at this time, it slowly stays at this time, the faint taste. The plain taste makes the shallow wound in people's hearts at this time slowly and without looking at such sadness at this time!!

Ah.. Why did I become a mortal?"

Ye Chen looked at the lord at this time with a speechless attitude and said slowly:

"I'm not the same."

I spread my hand flat and saw the faint feeling at this time slowly staying at this time. The plain smell was shallowly sentimental to look at everything like this time. With a sad feeling in his heart, he slowly described a whole faint feeling at this time. When they lost the power on their bodies at this time, now they can only look at the coconuts on the island at this time like ordinary people, slowly climb up and pick them down as a thirst-quenching thing at this time. Their two eyes looked at each other at this time and looked at everything like this with a trace of emotion. I feel that I am slowly telling a whole feeling at this time. Looking at the environment at this time with a trace of sadness, I don't know what the feeling at this time is telling a whole thing at this time.

When they look at everything helplessly at this time, they slowly describe a whole faint feeling at this time. Everything was so plainly moved at this time, with silky plainness, and everything was so plain at this time.

"What should we do now? Are we just looking at the sea here? We can't go on like this. Hurry up and figure it out?"

Looking at this moment with the sad breath at this time, I feel like this and slowly speaking, that plain feeling. At this time, Ye Chen's brain turned quickly, and he was thinking about what kind of way to solve such a problem. Looking at everything at this time with this feeling at this time, I feel helplessly slowly describing the whole kind of helpless feelings.

"Wait, I'm thinking."

When they feel like this at this time, they helplessly feel that they are slowly telling a whole faint feeling at this time. Plain at this time, but it has become strangely difficult. I don't know the sad feeling at this time. Looking at this kind of thing in the desert at this time, I don't know what the feeling is like at this time.

"What should I do now?"

At this time, Ye Chen looked at this feeling and slowly described a faint taste at this time. I don't know what kind of taste it was slowly describing in this feeling. At this time, the plain taste slowly rendered a whole light sky. The plain feeling always makes people feel helpless, everything is so plain, everything is so sad.

Second update... To be continued.....