The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 62 Professional and Unprofessional

The killer leader was relieved to see that Ye Guhan had no room to chase him for the time being. He ran away quickly and looked around. Looking down, he saw Jun Moxie lying on the ground in a posture on his back. His eyes seemed to be slightly open, and he couldn't help but be stunned. : Is this boy not dead yet?!

Looking back, Ye Guhan had forced his companion to death. Looking at his appearance, he should have wanted to catch a living. For the time being, he couldn't take care of himself. He couldn't help but be afraid of himself.

You can't kill Princess Lingmeng, but if Jun Moxie dies, the capital will also be in chaos, right? Suddenly, his body stagnated, and he was about to fall down and make up another sword at this wandman!

While turning this idea, he suddenly saw the pedgling boy below blinking his eyes at him, spit out his tongue, made a grimace, and cursed in a low voice, "Fuck you!"

The sound was extremely low, and the surroundings were originally chaotic, and the sound of horses' hoofs in the distance also roared. Others were also thousands of feet away, and they couldn't hear anything at all, and no one would pay special attention to the movement here. Everyone was paying attention to Ye Guhan's action. Only the killer leader fled with Hearing it clearly, I was so angry that both eyes turned blue!

I can't help the strong man of Tianxuan. Can't I kill you, a thwark?! You dare to scold me!

It fell down with a bang, and the long sword stabbed out fiercely! He scolded angrily in his heart, "I killed you!"

At this moment, suddenly there was a blue in front of me, like the blue sky and the sea appeared in front of me at the same time. A blue flying knife was so mysterious and beautiful. It appeared in front of me like a dream. The goal was my throat!

"Tianxuan... Er..." The killer leader was shocked, and his hands and feet were suddenly cold. He was extremely frightened. In addition, he was already rushing down. With a breath, he suddenly fell down. Before he landed on the ground, the blue flying knife had been tremblingly inserted into his throat, three inches deep!

With a click, the killer leader was also confused until his death. Why did Ye Guhan appear here when he was 30 feet away? What's the reason? This question made the aggrieved gold killer open his eyes wide in confusion even if he died, looking like he was good at learning...

Jun Xie's previous injury was not light, but the movement was a little inflexible. Although the sword wound was wrapped up, there was still a Yin Xuan who kicked with his feet! Watching the gold killer fall towards him with a puzzled face, the most important thing is that even if the girl dies, the long sword is still in his hand...

"Really, his grandmother doesn't repent!" Jun Xie cursed in his heart, moved his body desperately, jumped forward, and narrowly avoided the point.

Bang! The body of the killer leader accurately fell on Jun Xie's small body. With a sneer, the long sword still in his hand was inserted into the place with the most flesh of Jun Xie's thighs!

If the sword goes a little higher to the left, the king killer will gloriously become a professional in the palace...

"Wow... hiss...sun!" Jun Xie was hit with a "shout" and was almost out of breath. Then the long sword entered his leg and hissed in pain. The last word was that Master Jun scolded very aggrievedly: Who would have thought that the dead could even hurt people with a sword? The world is so wonderful!

The long sword penetrated the king's body, went deep into the flesh and then plunged into the earth. As soon as it moved, it was a bigger blood mouth, and maybe it would further cut the tendon; in this case, the king's evil naturally could not move, and the killer leader on his body was dead, Move, the two of them folded together like a arhat, the killer still holds the hilt of the sword in his hand, and the sword body is inserted into Jun Xie's body. Such a posture is indescribably strange!

! Jun Xie wanted to cry without tears: I came to this world and was suppressed by a man for the second time! For the first time, although the fat man was disgusting, he was still a living man. This time, he was suppressed by the dead and couldn't move...

A living person, a dead person, two faces stuck together, and the four eyes actually came together. Only then did Jun Xie find that this guy was dead. For a moment of curiosity, Jun Xie observed carefully. The more he looked at it, the more strange he felt. In his eyes, it was not resentment, not resentment, but as if it was... doubt and confusion!

, can't you find the way to Huangquan? Don't look at me like that, I don't know! You cursed with hatred.

Ordinary people are pressed on their bodies by the dead and stared at them. I'm afraid that no matter how bold they are, they will be un possessed and trembling, but Jun Xie, a freak, actually chatted with the dead and has to say... powerful!

With a crack, Ye Guhan struck off the long sword in the hand of another killer leader. The light blue sword flashed and crossed his neck: "Who sent you here? Say it!" Ye Guhan was very angry. If he didn't find out the mastermind behind the scenes, who knew that such a thing would happen in the future? You can protect Lingmeng once or twice, but you may not be able to protect Lingmeng for a lifetime. What if there is a Tianxuan master in the next assassination and pester yourself?!

The killer leader looked at Ye Guhan coldly, with a look of despair in his eyes. He suddenly laughed loudly and said, "Ye Guhan, do you think I will say it? Hahaha... It's really ridiculous. I didn't expect that the world-famous Lone Star, the majestic master of Tianxuan, was so naive!" As he spoke, suddenly black blood flowed out of the corners of his mouth, and his breathing stopped. Looking at Ye Guhan's eyes, he was still sarcastic.

The moment he was captured, he had already bit the poison bag in his mouth!

See the blood seal the throat, it's a poisonous poison!

Ye Guhan sighed, showed a trace of admiration in his eyes, and muttered, "It's a man! I'm not embarrassed about your body!"

The assassins who came this time were all dead, and the field was silent in an instant. Although the volume of Ye Guhan's sentence seemed to be very light, it clearly reached Jun Xie's ears. At this moment, Jun Xie suddenly had an impulse to laugh: It's really a bastard. How can such an act be called a good man? The good man in this world is really worthless!

If he doesn't commit suicide, will you let him go? Even if you let him go because he is a "good man", can the killer organization behind him let him go? Can the master behind the scenes let him go? I've never seen such a fool. I've never seen such a fool. Fortunately, you are still a master of Tianxuan! Idiot Tianxuan master!

Jun Xie can't help but have a tempt in his heart: before this kind of person captures him alive, since he intends to live, the first thing is to beat his mouth and teeth when he is still able to move! This is already the minimum. As for restraining the acupuncture points, breaking its inner breath and so on, it should not be explained by me at all, right?!

Rookie wow! It's really unprofessional! The professional Junda killer sighed for a while.

The field was bloody. Princess Lingmeng frowned slightly, as if she couldn't stand the strong smell of blood. She came forward and asked, "Uncle Ye, when did you practice such a wonderful flying knife skill? Can you teach me when you go back?"

As soon as he mentioned the flying knife, Ye Guhan suddenly woke up, held his fists in his hands, saluted to the air, and said loudly, "Thank you for saving me today. Thank you very much! Lingmeng's knowledge is shallow. If there is any offense to the seniors, please ask the seniors to be a large number and don't be careless. If the seniors have a lot of work, they just need to say a few words. The younger generation is bound to go through fire and water, and do not hesitate to repay the great kindness of the predecessors!"

In his heart, Princess Lingmeng is like her own daughter, and she has become the only sustenance for her life. The mysterious strong man saved Lingmeng, that is, she saved herself! So when he thanked him, he didn't mention who he saved. No matter who it is, it is the same empathy.