The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 63 Heartache

In addition, the strength of the spiritual dream is too small, and it is difficult to distinguish the deep level above the realm of Tianxuan. In fact, what I said just now has already offended the mysterious master. Even if the mysterious master is open-minded and unruly, it is not a good thing. Once the strong are angry, the inevitable consequences will inevitably Ye Guhan is a middle-weight, and naturally it should be remedied for spiritual dreams!

Of course, with Ye Guhan's temper, if it weren't for Lingmeng, I'm afraid that even if he was grateful in his heart, he would never say this sentence!

Silence in the air, it seems that the mysterious "supreme god's peak strongman" has left...

Ye Guhan sighed. As a result, he had already expected that such a great man in the world would surrender his identity and accept the gratitude of a junior and a national princess!

"Uncle Ye? This is... What are you talking about? Princess Lingmeng opened her eyes curiously.

"Meng'er, you have greatly offended the person who saved you before. There is really another person who saved you! And this senior's cultivation is far above me. No, it can't be said at all!" Ye Guhan looked solemn: "That knife is already the peak of the world! Can't I send it out?

"Ah?" Princess Lingmeng shouted in surprise, and her delicate hand covered her little mouth: "Is there such a thing? Uncle is already a master of Tianxuan. Isn't that senior a smarter existence!"

"It's true!" Ye Guhan nodded heavily.

Princess Lingmeng calmed down, restrained her face, and bowed deeply to the sky: "Lingmeng, thank you for your help. I used to blasphrode my predecessors with false words, and thanked my predecessors for a lot of them. I easily forgave Lingmeng's. I don't know

Of course, there is still no news in the air.

If it is really a strong man of Tianxuan or a higher level of existence, how can it be rare to thank a princess? If it is really a strong man at the peak of the supreme god Xuan, I'm afraid that even if the Lord of Tianxiang is here, he may not be willing to appear for a while. Princess Lingmeng does not understand this I want to thank you! Since Uncle Ye said so, it is absolutely true and unquestionable.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!" Ye Guhan sighed, and his face returned to cold loneliness. He stood aside and said, "Xiao Menger, Uncle Ye is leaving first. You'd better go back to the palace earlier. The garrison of the imperial city is coming.

In the distance, the sound of thunderous horses' hoofs is getting closer and closer.

Princess Lingmeng looked at Ye Guhan reluctantly and said, "Uncle Ye, when will you come to see Meng'er again?"

Silly, Uncle Ye has always been by your side. Ye Guhan sighed deeply in his heart and said softly, "I will come to see Xiao Menger. If a killer has escaped before, there may not be no future trouble. Little Dreamer should be careful recently.

Princess Lingmeng hummed in a low voice, and her expression was very reluctant.

The sound of hoofs had reached the corner of the street. Ye Guhan's body was pulled up and swept out. Suddenly, he changed his direction with a "huh" in the air. He swept over from Jun Xie's side. With a sharp glance, he had seen the small flying knife between the killer's throat that fell on Jun Xie. I'm really ashamed that I have taken care of this future trouble for me.

When the body was displayed, it no longer stopped. It flew lightly to the eaves, and the blue light flashed, and it suddenly disappeared.

At the corner of the street, a healthy horse rushed in quickly, and a young officer in blue rushed over with an eager face. Seeing Princess Lingmeng standing there, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly saluted, "Your Highness, are you all right?" The meaning of concern in the language is undoubtedly revealed.

Princess Lingmeng looked at him blankly, bent down slightly, put the two flying knives on the ground in her hand, and looked carefully. The flying knife was as thin as cicada wings, small and exquisite, with subtle curvature and beautiful lines. Princess Lingmeng fell in love at first sight. Yu's face couldn't help but be slightly excited: This is the magic weapon used by the nobleman who was ashamed of his uncle overnight.

What a lovely knife!

"This... knife?" The young man asked. " " The princess needs to be careful with such a murder weapon.

"If it hadn't been for this senior who released the flying knife, I would have died under the assassin! How can I wait for you to rescue me now? Naturally, the existence of Ye Guhan cannot be known to any unrelated people. Princess Lingmeng looked at him faintly, and a trace of oily fatigue and faint sadness appeared on her beautiful face.

In the past, when I went out of the palace, at least there was a jade master attendant beside me. That was arranged by my father himself. Why was he sent out to do business this time? And several elite gold masters in the guard were also drawn for some reason, and at this time, he came out and met the assassin! What does all this mean? It's self-evident!

Princess Lingmeng is extremely smart and has long known it, but she tries her best to control herself not to think about it. She really doesn't want to think about it, and she dares not think about it, because such a result really hurts her! It really hurts, it hurts to my heart!

It's enough for you to fight for your throne. Why do you regard me as a tool for struggle? Is it really rare to have a throne? Can I only be a tool to blame others for their own interests in your eyes? Although he is not a compatriot, he is always the same father, and the same blood is thicker than water! Why? Why? Is it true that the Tian family has no blood relatives?

Feel the two flying knives touching her skin in her arms, giving off a cold breath, but it makes Princess Lingmeng feel great warmth and safety! This mysterious master of Tianxuan saved his life, but he almost ignored the man's help. As a top master, he did not commit any crime at all. This open-minded mind alone makes Princess Lingmeng very excited.

Although Ye Guhan knew that the strength of this mysterious man was far beyond Tianxuan's cultivation, Lingmeng still didn't know it. She only saw the elegant light as blue as the sea and the sky.

Between invisible and shadow, saving people's lives, fluttering and drifting, before and after, there is no trace to be found, and it is even more rare to repay others! I don't even mind the ignorance of the rescued!

What a heart! This is the real elegant man! The heartbroken Princess Lingmeng, the Tianxuan master who saw the head but not the end of the mysterious dragon, had a strong feeling of dependence at the most frustrated moment. In my heart, I suddenly felt that this mysterious man, like Uncle Ye, was also worthy of his trust.

With the flying knife in her arms, Princess Lingmeng suddenly felt full of courage.

Yes, no matter who it is, with such a master at the peak level of Tianxuan and the guardian of the lonely star in the night, you can rest assured.

When he came to his senses, he found that the young man was still looking at him in a daze. Princess Lingmeng's face flashed with a trace of shame and anger, stared at him angrily, and his heart was bored.

This son is the eldest son of the Murong family in the city, Murong Qianjun; he is also the rising star of the new generation of Murong family, the mother of his mother. In terms of kinship, it can be regarded as a cousin relationship with Princess Lingmeng. In the capital, he is also a very famous young talent. Since he saw Princess Lingmeng, he was suddenly fascinated and haunted. He begged the family to find a position of the leader of the forbidden army for him, hoping to get close to the water platform to get the moon first, and launched a crazy pursuit of Princess Lingmeng.

Since Jun Moxie withdrew in the past two months, Murong Qianjun is one of the two most promising pursuers of Princess Lingmeng. As for the other one, it is Sun Li Youran, the head of the Taishi Mansion.