The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 219 The Old Lady of the East

"The name of this poem is 'If,..." Jun Mo Wu cleared his throat, brushed a mysterious bad smile at the corners of his mouth, and cultivated his emotions. Then he was so angry with Dantian. With an upheated tone, he sighed with emotion: "Ah... If I'm a hoe, you are in the afternoon; if You are a big eagle; if I am Qingming, then you are a river map; if I am a fairy sword, then you are a chivalrous legend... If, if, so many ifs, my heart... all in it.

The voice was clear and the voice was thick. In this deep mountain and dense forest, it spread leisurely, so the whole valley was echoing: "The hoeing... at noon... hoeing... at noon..."

After the aria, Jun Moxie looked at Mei Xueyan seriously and said affectionately, "Xueyan, this is my heart, expressing my most sincere love for you, and also my desire for you... Love is higher than the mountain, love is deeper than the sea, you... just follow me."

Mei Xueyan frowned and read these poems in a low voice. The more she reads, the more the monk couldn't figure out her head. Finally, she asked modestly, "What does this poem mean?"

"You just need to know that this poem is my right. Just close and have a good wish. This heart can only be expressed by the sun in the sky!" Jun Mo Wu is serious. He is serious.

Mei Xueyan's face flashed a trace of inexplicable emotion, but she still thought in her heart that the feelings in this poem are quite deep, but the literary level is too ordinary... She is like this. If she doesn't understand something, she will keep thinking about it, but this time she doesn't understand it at all, muttering When he was about to ask Jun Moxie again, he suddenly said in a distant voice, "Who is making noise here?"

With this sound, a man flew like a meteor, from far to near, and fell in front of the two people. At a glance, he saw Jun Mo Wu and was overjoyed: "Mo Wu, you boy is coming; I've been counting the days these days, but I'm looking forward to my uncle's neck..."

The person who came is the Dongfang Wendao, Jun Moxie's three relatives...

Dongfang Wendao immediately saw Mei Xueyan) couldn't help looking at it all the time) said = "This one by one, one by one" secretly praised in his heart: My nephew is really a good ability, and he actually found another one... It's still so beautiful...

"Your nephew's daughter-in-law) My old rooki■■■■■■"Jun Moxie hurriedly introduced

The third master of Dongfang immediately panicked and touched his body left and right. For a long time, Dongfang asked the knife with an embarrassed face: "Why didn't you say it earlier? I... I'm an uncle, and I don't have any gift"i)\}! R.. R...."

Mei Xueyan followed Jun Moxie, but she was really embarrassed... Along the way, as long as they knew each other, Jun Moxie would introduce: This is my daughter-in-law, my wife, my wife, my wife, criticizing Jing or something...

However, Mei Xueyan was still silent when introducing it like this; because the relationship between these people is worthy of Jun Mo Wu's respect or closeness... But they are all their own juniors... It's really uncomfortable.

Over time, Mei Xueyan doesn't care about this... She is used to it. The skin is also a little thicker... It's really shameful to follow this guy... "What else do you need to meet? One by one, one by one," Jun Moxie enthusiastically refused = "One by one, you just need to make up a double share when you go back. Xueyan will definitely not mind..."

"Your boy is really out of sight! Don't you know that you don't have enough money?" Dongfang asked the knife to look at the good nephew: "Let's go, your grandma is waiting for you, and the eyes are old-fashioned"

Jun Moxie's slander: What? Presbyopia? Old people will be dazzle when they are old, okay? How can you say that you are looking forward to me? What's this and that?!

In the seventh sentence of Dongfang Wendao, 'It's almost there, and it's about to turn around. When I said this sentence, I finally saw the door of the Oriental family... This made Jun Moxie a little skeptical about the uncle's concept of distance... From more than 300 miles away, you said, 'It's almost There are a hundred and ten turns... The Oriental family that appeared in front of Jun Moxie surprised Jun Moxie. There is a valley in front of me.

In the valley, there are actually fields around, only in the middle, red walls and green tiles, a large house, but there is no family luxury, but... it's like a calm and ordinary village one by one

However, this simple and urgent village has a unified wall... Then it is divided into families... In the middle is a wide continent, paved with fine stones. After years, the stone road has turned black and brown, and there are even no edges and corners... Nine people are waiting in front of the door. .

There is a red sandalwood chair in the middle. On the chair sits a thin old lady with snow-white hair; even her eyebrows are snow-white. Although she is old, she is particularly energetic. She is kind-looking. Only in a flash of vision, you can see the sharpness of the world in those years... She smiled and looked at Jun When the evil came, crystal tears appeared uncontrollably in my eyes - one by one r

"This is your grandma..." Dongfang asked the knife and said in a low voice: "In those years... she was originally good at the face, but she was seventy or eighty years old, but she was still like thirty or forty years old, but as soon as your mother picked it up the miserable look... made her hair... white overnight... and it was also day by The old man went down haggard... until the current appearance is like this... Alas. Dongfang asked the knife to be heavy, and Jun Moxie also felt sad when he heard it...

Thinking of Grandpa Jun Zhantian's comment on the old lady of Dongfang before leaving: "Your grandmother is not a simple person, she is simply an old goblin; 70 or 80 people, it looks like only about 30 people... She looks like your mother, more like a sister than a mother and daughter, peerless, elegant, all Show everyone's demeanor..."

You also solemnly warned: "Mo Xie, you must respect your grandmother more after seeing her, but don't look at her who seems to be very young and feel uncomfortable. Mrs. Dongfang can be said to be the wisest woman your third uncle knows in this life...

But now when I think of the warning from my grandfather and third uncle, Jun Moxie only feels sad and heartfelt bitter... The unintentional impression of Jun Zhantian and Jun still stayed ten years ago... Mrs. Dongfang, her grandmother, has become what she is now in a short time since she took her daughter home. Son... chicken skin and crane hair, old-fashioned dragon clock! What kind of spiritual destruction can make it look like this?

Although her daughter has married a wife and had children, in the old lady's heart, she is still the little girl with a sheep's horn braid under her knees; she was shocked to see that her daughter's heart was broken, life was worse than death, and she couldn't sleep; the mother's heart of ... What kind of image does a mother care about when her daughter is like this? Under the worry, my head turned white overnight... In the past ten years, there have been thousands of trivial things inside, and there is a strong hatred outside to oppress the lock the family, and the mind is hurt. How can I not grow old?

Next to her, the second master Dongfang Wenjian and the uncle Dongfang Wenqing stood around. Several young girls behind her looked at this side curiously. There were also three dignified middle-aged beautiful women who quietly looked at Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan. The old woman did not speak, and they did not say anything.

"It's Wenxin's son... Is it Mo Xie? Jun Moxie?" The old lady of the East stood up tremblingly and looked at the young face in front of her. In a trance, she seemed to see the shadow of her daughter when she was a child; it seemed to see her daughter walking past in a trance...

In an instant, she thought that she was still a daughter who didn't know anything and her heart was closed, and her eyes suddenly turned red. She struggled to take two steps forward, her white hair fluttered in the wind, and her voice had trembled a little: "Come on... Come closer, come quickly, let grandma have a good look... My "

Jun Moxie's heart rose inexplicably with an unspeakable sourness. He reluctantly smiled. Then he slowly came forward, nodded on one knee, raised his head, and looked up at the strong old man who was so bleak for his children. In his heart, there was only respect, only kindness, and... indescribable P>

In those years, you died unexpectedly without regret; Dongfang Wenxin suddenly heard the bad news, and he couldn't afford to be sick. Dongfang's old lady came out of the mountain in anger and slaughtered the world; Dongfang assassins everywhere, the mainland shook, and the blood washed Xuanxuan. No one in the world dared to be! In those years, Jun Moyou and Jun Mochou were killed strangely. It was still the death revenge of the Oriental family, and the blood flowed thousands of miles; even the Tianxiang Palace was full of people...

These are all the masterpieces of the old lady in front of her; for the sake of her children, she does not hesitate to fight against the world with the thin power of an oriental family!

What a bold luck!

Even if you slaughter the world, you have to take revenge!

What a deep hatred... This is all for her daughter, for that true love!

Similarly, it is precisely because of this that the Oriental family was besieged by the joint efforts of the three supremes. At the end of the road, this peerless woman was not beautiful, but she was unwilling to make an oath. With endless regret and pain, she faded out of the world... The revenge was not repaid, the blood was not paid; ...

From then on, there will be no day to come back! Day and night, facing the endless pain of her daughter, the helplessness in her heart, and the pain of a lifetime, how can this loving mother bear it? The sword peak collapsed the snow mountain, and the mysterious beast was punished!

In ten years, in this rare remote place, how can the old man feel good in his heart? How can such harsh conditions have the opportunity to be met? If there is no day to achieve it, won't the Oriental family be so care about the death of Sun Sun and Sun? For a daughter, you have to involve the whole family. Even if you have no regrets, it is always difficult to face other family members. What a great pressure! It is always in the old lady's heart.

A dilemma... If you didn't agree to such a condition at the beginning, the Oriental family would be destroyed on the spot, and there would be no reason for luck! I had no choice but to agree, but it was just in exchange for the current survival...

Jun Moxie suddenly felt that he knew his grandmother very well... The pressure on this seemingly weak old man was too big and heavy... C