The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 191 Mo Junye

"So. Although you can't be fine, she can also be fine! Coupled with her special identity as a little princess of the fantasy mansion, it is naturally more important than yours, the owner of an ethereal physique... "Cao Guofeng hummed, as if someone could actually press on his apprentice's head, but he had to admit it. I don't know more or less...

" Let's say the most critical point. If you offend her. Among other things, in the future, you must not want to taste the colorful holy fruit!" Cao Guofeng warned: "Because of her father and her mother. It is the management messenger of the elixir garden of our fantasy mansion today.

"Ah?" Jun Moxie was shocked and said that I was going to offend the two people in front of me, but this one really can't be offended...

"Yes, haven't you told me what the name of the ancestor is? What exactly does it look like? I only know what it looks like. Only then can I know it in my heart!" Young Master Jun hit the snake with a stick and took the opportunity to inquire about the woman's background.

"The female ancestor? You lazy boy. It will give people a nickname, but use this name to describe the girl. It's just right!" Cao Guofeng smiled. Shake your head repeatedly!

"Didn't you say that no one can afford to provoke! That's not what the ancestor is. What does she look like? It's ugly or handsome. I can't see a girl, so just avoid it, and then it will become something wrong with me. Master Jun is now quite interested in knowing about this "granddest".

Spiritual Medicine Garden, this name is indeed more poetic, but. The most important thing is that there are colorful holy fruits in it, and it seems that there are more than one. This is a super unbelievable baby.

It is said that Master Jun was a little disappointed before, but...

But he suddenly remembered the unique power he had - the power of the five elements!

Especially the wooden power that I haven't used for a long time!

When I thought of it in an instant. Master Jun almost looked up to the sky and laughed wildly! These colorful fruits are in the hands of others. Or it must take 500 years to blossom and bear fruit. But in the hands of this young master... As long as there is sufficient spiritual power, I can let it blossom and bear fruit three hundred and fifty-five times a month!

to Ran Hou. These colorful holy fruits are regarded as ordinary fruits. Put it in different patterns every day. It's not a problem to stand on the floor plate in the living room! Again, that sentence. There is nothing in the world that has never been thought of. There is absolutely nothing that can't be done. Isn't this proof again?

So. I will definitely go to this spiritual grass garden. And. The defense there must be extremely strict... No matter how careful you are, if you offend this female ancestor, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble out of thin air... No matter in the previous life or this life, there is a common knowledge, as long as it is a woman. It's rare that it's not a small belly chicken intestines... At most, some women are more attractive...

If you offend this ancesama and cause a lot of trouble out of thin air... that's not worth it!

So if necessary. As long as the little girl is okay... I can also consider not making sacrifices. Sell a little hue more or less... Although you suffer a little, you may also be said to be a soft rice. But. If you suffer a little, you can suffer a little. Who calls us a man? It's time to be tough. It's so hard to say. When it's time to be soft, it can also be soft. I.

"That girl's name is Miao Xiaomiao. I wear a yellow shirt all year round. She is not only very talented. There is nothing to say about people's appearance, which can be said to be the first beauty of the young generation of the fantasy mansion today! It's just that the personality is somewhat strange. It's not easy to get close. But in this way, it can save a lot of unnecessary trouble, "

Cao Guofeng picked up Miao Xiaomiao, with a loving smile on his face. It is obvious. This Miao Xiaomiao is very popular with him. Such a feeling of love. It seems that there is no land for Master Jun.

"Miao Xiaomiao... the first beauty..." Jun Moxie suddenly thought of a possibility: I don't know if it is possible for me to take both money and sex this time? Thinking about it. Recently, Master Jun, who has never been able to vent, directly turned into a wolf. There is almost water flowing out of the mouth. He muttered, "Since it's so beautiful, I'll take a look at the time to deal with her. That's..."

Cao Guofeng was furious when he heard the words. He grabbed his ear. He roared, "Ky! If you dare to deal with her. I dare to guarantee that you will be handled by all the elders of the fantasy house in less than an hour!"

Master Jun didn't expect to say it unconsciously. It's a little miserable. He pretends to be seriously injured now, so it's naturally inconvenient to dodge. He was caught by Cao Guofeng. You said it's not good for you to be an old man, but it's there. It seems to be his mother's Oriental Wenxin patent in all areas...

In addition to slander in my heart, I heard Cao Guofeng's vicious sentence again. The young master's heart is cold. I feel ** tight in an instant. There was a convulsion in the rectum. I sweated coldly all over. There is still a little disambiguation there, and it's all scared away...

Suddenly. Cao Guofeng asked thoughtfully, boy. How old are you this year?"

Jun Da Shao said shyly, "I'm eighteen years old this year... It's said that there is a flower in eighteen places... Why do you want to hold a hundred flower party for me?"

"Get out of here!" Emperor Cao is treacherous and funny. Kick directly on Master Jun's buttocks. Jun Moxie said, and took advantage of the situation and rushed out.

Cao Guofeng looked at his back and muttered, "Eighteen years old... Unexpectedly, one year younger than that girl, if it is. It should also be feasible. Even I'm happy to see it... But how can those two guys give up easily after looking forward to it for so many years? Apprentice, you can play. Even if it doesn't matter if you get into trouble, don't make me that big trouble. At that time, I'm afraid even I can't solve it..."

Since he came out of the small yard, Master Jun immediately felt relaxed all over his body. Without a few old guys to supervise back and forth, he was surrounded by many gods. Suddenly, there was a kind of comfort like a dragon returning to the sea and a tiger into the deep mountains, and there was a long-lost self-eviation.

is almost subconscious. Jun Moxie involuntarily took the Eighth Master's step. In his mouth, he hummed the Peking Opera that no one could understand: ... I remembered... what happened in those years... It's so miserable, I'm like... a bird in a cage... It's hard to spread its wings, I'm like a tiger leaving the mountain... I'm lonely, I'm like a wild goose from the south...

While humming. As he walked out of the door, carrying his hands and shaking his head. But it is the demeanor of the first swindler in the past.

behind. Two other middle-aged men followed him vaguely. There is no expression of indignation, and there is also a trend.

These two people. They are two named disciples of Cao Guofengdi. At this time, I am responsible for protecting you. And when Master Jun is here, he naturally needs to change his name. The surname is Mo. Junye.

Mo Junye, Mo Junxie; there is also a layer of homophonic meaning is... Demon King.

You can see this evil king. The evil nature of Mou Zi has not changed...

Walk slowly all the way out of the slightly remote path. What you see in front of you. It became more and more prosperous. There were many restaurants around, the strings were pleasant to the ear, and the bustling sound came with the wind. Occasionally, there is a sound of hawking, and the bustling scenery is no less than Tianxiang City, ** Ban...

"Is there a city in front of you? Or is it a market?" Jun Moxie turned his head and asked the two bodyguards.

The two looked at him and replied with a blank face, "In our ethereal mansion, we have a total of seven cities, namely, Psychedelic City, Psyllusion City, Purple City, Golden Fantasy City, and Blood Fantasy City. Fantasy City is a fantasy city. Here. Including the places where we have just come out, they all belong to the core area of the ethereal mansion! It is not similar to ordinary people. A few miles ahead from here. It is the boundary of the place where secular people live... One of our magic palace is needed. They are also purchased here."

Jun Moxie's forehead.

Another h said, "The prince comes from outside the fantasy mansion, or he doesn't know much about the customs of the mansion. Although the family of the main palace of this mansion is above all sentient beings, there is no difference between the people who know the people like ants. The sons and ladies of each family in the fantasy house. There are also daily games ling here, and even most people are concentrated here, so it is the most tedious area to which the fantasy house belongs.

The meaning of the words seems to be something. There is a great reminder and warning. He must have been instructed by Cao Guofeng not to let this young master do anything.

"I see. Thank you for your information." Jun Moxie smiled and asked, "Yes, I heard Mr. Cao mention the spiritual grass garden of the fantasy house before... Is this mysterious garden in that city again?"

The cold-faced man said, "Lingcao Garden. ...You'd better not ask," he paused, as if he felt that what he said was a little heavy. He said, "The Lingcao Garden is not in any city... Even, the garden is not in the space of our fantasy house at all!"

Jun Moxie was stunned for a while!

Damn it!

What is this statement? Not in this fantasy house? Can it still be in Xuanxuan Continent? Then what am I doing here? A stroll? Sightseeing?!

"Not in the fantasy house? Can it still be in the outside world? Is it somewhere in Xuanxuan Continent!?" Jun Moxie clenched his fist. Ask.

"Naturally, it is still in this fantasy area, but not in this space," the bodyguard stared at him for a while. I just answered carefully.

"It's in the fantasy house. But it's not in this space! What do you mean?" Jun Moxie was meditating. He said, "Is it in this fantasy house?" There is also one or more independent special spaces, one of which is specially used to hold spiritual grass? And the name of that space is the elixir garden?"

"That's roughly the case. The prince is really smart. It's worthy of being a natural talent with an ethereal body." The two praised faintly, but Jun Moxie sounded, but there was no praise in their tone.

"It seems that these two goods are a little dissatisfied with me." Master Jun snorted twice in his heart and said, "It seems that I robbed the two of them as soon as I came. Naturally, they are not convinced, but... if they are not convinced, they can do it in their hearts. Now let me see it. Aren't you asking for trouble? If you let Old Mr. Cao know about this. There will definitely be no good fruit for them to eat.

The strength of these three people was not slow, and they came to the city in a blink of an eye. At this moment, Jun Moxie was like Grandma Liu's entrance to the Grand View Garden. He was surprised. He looked around and praised.