Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 1 Lord

I feel very sad. How can I live this life with an unreliable maid?

Well, Xiao Hong was combing my hair. Xiao Cui hurried in and roared, "Master! Master! No way! The master slept in the fifth aunt's room!" Xiaohong's hand trembled. Carelessly, I scratched my head painfully. Those pearls of the East China Sea, eight-treasure chain hairpins, and seven exquisite pearls all scattered on the ground.

"Xiao Cui!" I looked at her with a smile. Only then did she realize her gaffe. A small round face shrank into a ball and laughed twice.

"Little Red!" I glanced at Xiao Hong again. I can't help recalling the past. What a shy girl Xiaohong was when she first entered the house. How did she become like this now? It hurt my head and still laughed like a flower there. Laugh? What are you laughing at!

It's not easy to be an aunt of the Situ family. I can't help falling into sadness again.

"Master, do you hear me!" I stared at Xiao Cui: "What are you doing?"

"Master went to the fifth aunt's room!"

I stared again: "What's none of my business?"

I forgot to introduce myself. The second aunt of the Situ family is me. Thinking that I was twenty-nine years old, I was just like a flower, but I married Master Situ. Master Situ is still romantic. My aunts married one by one. I have only entered the door for three years, and there are nine aunts in this room. On average, he marries three times a year, not including his good girl in the brothel, and the spoiled maid when he has nothing to do. His ability to stimulate flowers is simply outrageous.

As an unfavorable second aunt, my life is quite miserable. Well, even the two maids don't pay attention to me. Life is really not going.

I stamped my feet: "Do you want me to catch the traitor?"

Xiao Cui hates that iron can't become steel: "Master, if you don't work hard, even the fifth aunt will be in front of you!"

Alas. As an unfavorable aunt, even the maids have no confidence in me.

Thinking of this, I sat down and said to Xiao Hong, "Give me a dragon well in front of the imperial palace."

"Master, why don't you get up and have a look?" The little girl scratched her ears and cheeks, which made me laugh out loud: "No, no, no, your master, in this backyard, but the wind and rain are as calm as mountains."

Looking at her disbelief, I began to explain patiently: "Look at Situ, who is immortal and can't move when he sees a beauty. How can he be a person who cares about women? Which one is his favorite today, but it doesn't matter at all.

"Master," The little girl stammered, "How can you say that? The master is only 27 this year, why did he become immortal? He is the dream lover in the hearts of all the daughters to be married in Lingyuncheng..."

"Yo, Xiao Cui, do you also want to marry the master?" I touched my chin with a smile, "He shouldn't mind having more maids..." I murmured.

"Master!" Yo, I blushed. I laughed more happily. These spring-hearted girls. Xiao Cui, you have to trust my aunt. Don't forget what my aunt holds in her hand..."

Speaking of this, I have to mention my origin. Although my second aunt is not like the daughter of a rich family or the third aunt who is a concubine of Lingyun City, as a daughter from the accounting family, she was appointed by her mother-in-law to manage the accounts as soon as she came to the yard. In this yard, everyone else in this yard has to rely on my nose except for the master and wife. Live...

Thinking this way, my mood is really bright.

Xiao Cui retaliated against me because I broke her girl Huaichun's mind: "Master, don't forget that few people in this yard listen to you. Every aunt is more favored than you. Although the fifth aunt is not favored by the master, she is also better than you!"

This girl broke my heart again!

I changed from joy to sadness: "Well, I really think my life is hard!"

"So, master, go to your aunt's place to find the master!" The little girl frowned and said, "With your beauty, if you smile at the master, the master must be... Uh-huh, that's it..."

Which one? Hey hey."

"You know it clearly!" She stamped her feet.

"Hey hey hey."

Little Cui is so cute. Seeing that I ignored her, she went out angrily. I was very happy, "Xiao Hong, add another braised crucian carp tonight. I want to add vegetables!"

The gentle and virtuous Xiaohong went down with a "yes" sound, which was really boring. I shouted again, "I'm going to check the accounts. I'm going to deduct your monthly money!"

"Master!" Master!" The two maids ran to my side, and I touched my chin: "Don't you dislike me? Huh?"

Xiao Hong smiled as gently as water: "How dare the slaves and maidservants dislike their masters?"

I looked at Xiao Cui: "I don't know who said it just now. I can't hold the master's heart. Among the nine aunts, I am the most miserable..." I pulled out a silk and symbolically wiped the corners of my eyes.

"Master, I still want to say that you are angry! I still want to say that you deduct my monthly money!" Xiaohong hurried to pull the corners of her clothes, and I encouraged her with a smile: "Continue."

"I don't understand why the master hates you the most. Obviously, you are the most beautiful among these aunts, but you are not worried at all. What can you do in the future? I don't even have a child... My fourth aunt has been pregnant twice!"

"I'm indeed the most beautiful of my aunt." I also touched my face quite narcisisticly, and my skin was really blown and broken, "But how is it better than my wife?"


This wife is the most beautiful woman in Lingyun City in those years. What does the master do to his wife?


"Fourth aunt is too pregnant twice, but has she given birth to a son?"


I got up gracefully: "Xiao Cui, I'll give you a chance to get the blame. I want to eat you, braised crucian carp made by yourself!"

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