Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 2 Rape-Love

The braised crucian carp made by Xiao Cui was really delicious. As soon as I was happy, I ate an extra bowl of rice. When I stuff the fish of the last chopsticks into my mouth, I can't move anymore.

Xiaohong grabbed my job, "Master, no one will fight with you!"

"You don't want me to eat it." I pout.

"Who dares you to grab it?"

I wiped my mouth, "Don't you often eat the leftovers from my aunt? I have more left, and you eat more, so you don't want me to eat too much..." Situ's mansion is no different from the rules in other mansions. The big maids with status ate the rest of the master and did not mix into the servants to eat.

I have always been very resentful about this rule. Xiaohong and Xiao Cui often don't allow me to eat too much for the sake of my appetite. It's not easy for Xiaocui to cook today. How can I not eat it quickly?

But the consequence of lust is that I was helped by Xiao Cui and went for a walk in the garden to eat. My aunt blushed a little: "Xiao Cui, haven't you eaten yet?"

"Hmm!" The little girl gave me a white look, but her men knew the importance and slowly patted me on the back, "Master, you think everyone is like you!"

This night, the moon stars are sparse, and the black magpie flies south. I can't help sighing to the moon: "Xiao Cui, you can't eat enough food."

But walking slowly, I found that something was wrong: "Xiao Cui, isn't this the way to the garden?" Where do you want me to take Xiao Cui?

She couldn't stand my condemning eyes and twisted her face like something: "Master, let's go to Yishuiyuan."

"Who wants to go to the fifth aunt!" My aunt frowned too much, "You little girl still don't give up!"

The little girl pitifully took out a jade pendant, "Master, Xiaochao just ran over and told me that the master was nagging in the fifth aunt's room. Shall we really go and have a look?"

The point between Xiaochao and Xiao Cui is fishy... I think it's very sad...

I hated to point her forehead: "Why didn't you listen to my aunt's words!"

The little girl sighed: "But master, where is your loneliness? We are all watching. I think that the master is such a handsome man. The man in the world, like our master, is handsome, rich and elegant. How can you not love him? Lord, I knew you were a knife-mouthed and a bean curd heart. Your bitterness, Xiao Cui understands..."

It's done, and it's starting again.

My Xiaocui loves to think about broken thoughts, and her serious appearance is really painful. Sometimes I can't help thinking deeply: This little girl uses the doorkeeper Xiaochao as a blindfold. In fact, what she really likes is the master. Otherwise, why do you want to make a chance encounter with the old man for Aunt Ben so persistently? The old immortal, every time he appeared, it made the girls in the whole yard rippled.

I sighed heavily and had to compromise: "In this case, I will treat you as my whole."

I was helped by Xiao Cui and walked to Yishuiyuan. Unexpectedly, when I passed the ninth aunt's pear garden, I saw the whole house shrouded in the night.

This is really weird.

Who doesn't know that Aunt Jiu was born as a pear garden actor? Usually, I like those who are noisy most. During my aunt's account management, she occasionally takes care of the safety of the whole yard. The biggest headache is the noisyness of this ninth aunt, as if she can't wait to turn the whole Situ family over. But why is it so strange today?

I whispered to Xiao Cui, "After the old man went to the fifth aunt's yard, what's the ninth aunt's reaction?"

She smiled proudly, as if waiting for me to ask: "I heard that my wife hid in the Buddhist hall and broke a wooden fish; the third aunt and the fourth aunt both fell something; the seventh aunt cried, but only the sixth aunt and the eighth aunt couldn't see anything..."

"Key points! Key points!" Xiao Cui, I know you are a "pepsi". Although I don't understand at all, didn't you help me make fish? Where did you have so much time to find people and find so much gossip...

"This ninth aunt is the strangest. The master knew that every time the master went home and didn't go to her yard, she would make a scene..." When she said this, I remembered the ecstasy little appearance of the ninth aunt, which was really fascinated me. She was already quite charming, and with her small waist and red eyes, she called softly to the master: "Xingsheng..." It was really crisp all over her body. But why doesn't she cry today?

Master hasn't been back for two months!

I touched my chin: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Let's wait for my aunt to go in and find out.

I knocked gently on the door, but no one came to answer us. In the hazy moonlight, the pear garden looks a little gloomy. My aunt's petty heart couldn't help trembling and thought to herself: Although my aunt was ordered by my wife to take charge of the Situ family's backyard, she still had to take care of herself. Cough, in the future, it will still be relatively long.

After pulling Xiao Cui, she wanted to leave, but the little girl didn't leave, with her eyes shining: "Master, let's go in. I think there must be something strange in it!"

Can I not know if it's weird? I looked at her with condemnation and was curious, but I really didn't have the courage to move forward. But I couldn't resist the little girl sliding me forward. Walking into the yard, I found that the strange feeling was stronger.

After a few circles, I was wondering: "This garden..."

Xiao Cui didn't respond for a long time. I was puzzled. I looked at Nizi, but saw that she was as dull as a wooden chicken. I followed her line of sight, but I saw that in the depths of the garden, where the paths were forked, the moonlight was like washing. In the silence, there was a peony, trembling violently in the wind.

I suddenly felt a little shocked. In this shock, there was a trace of excitement, excitement, and a little fear.

I want my aunt to read the world's spring-gong map, and have a deep study of the crazy men and women in the world. However, as an accountant, it is basically equivalent to the second aunt of the housekeeper. How can I be sorry for my wife's cultivation? But on second thought, it was best for the Situ bully to bully men and women and let him wear a green hat!

I was entangled for a long time at that moment, "Xiao Cui, let's go!" In the end, I said quietly in Xiao Cui's ear.

The peony trembled even more.

"Who is there?" The little girl has already shouted and dragged me forward. I hold my forehead in my heart: Girl, can you not cause me trouble?

I won't admit that the real reason for escaping from the battle is that I'm too afraid... Although my aunt also wants to see the real spring-gong...

I'm still trying my best to save it: "What, the weather is so good, how can someone be there? Let's go, I'm so hungry..."

Xiao Cui stared at me, which clearly revealed the message that "you are a rice bucket". As soon as I was ashamed, I forgot to struggle, so I had to touch my round stomach and reluctantly walk to the place where the peony flower was.

The peony flower trembled and trembled. Finally, after shaking twice, it never moved again. Don't come here!" A strong male voice sounded.

"The second aunt is here. Who is coming? Come out quickly!"

Well, this little girl has always been so solid.

"Cun--" sound, that was the voice of the flower being destroyed, "Ah--" sounded, that was the scream of the little girl in shock.

My arm was pinched and painful, but I frowned and couldn't shout out. My aunt still had to be dignified in front of people. - It was all Xiao Cui's fault. Why did I report my aunt's name? You know, what I cherished so much is my own image.

So I calmly looked at the strong man in front of me - he was eight feet long, without a wisp, and his strong muscles had a seductive luster in the moonlight. What's more rare was that he seemed to be handsome. This ** is really a lonely friend of an empty young woman.

However, he actually stared at my aunt fiercely... He thought that my aunt was just young and beautiful, but he disliked me so much. Sure enough, from a man's perspective, is the ninth aunt is too more attractive than my aunt?

Thinking of this, my aunt was a little depressed, and even her tone was a little low: "Sergeant, are you cold?"

He still stared at me, and I touched his face again. Have I become ferocious recently? "Sir, when it's warm and cold, you'd better wear more clothes and keep warm. Since the hero is busy, I won't bother you." I arched my hand and said, "Then, we will live forever!"

I pulled Xiao Cui, who had been stunned, and accelerated my pace, but was stopped by a cry: "Jiang Lang, don't let her go!"

Aunt nine...

"Hahaha, the girl's words are bad. My maid and I don't know you at all. Why do you keep us? My maid and I are more conservative. Girl, I don't know you, so..."

"Li Liangxiu, do you dare to say that you don't know me?"

"Master, she is obviously the ninth aunt. How can you let her go?" Xiao Cui, who had been stunned, returned to death. As soon as she spoke, my aunt fell into deep pain. "Master, why are you pinching me?"

I don't just want to strangle her, I also want to strangle her!

I looked up at the bright moon in the sky. The bright moon in the sky is the same at four o'clock. If my aunt is the rest of her life after this disaster, she must worship the bright moon and control my maid well.

"Cough." I cleared my throat and gently persuaded the direction of the peony flowers, "Sister Jiu, it's wrong for you to say so. We are usually very sisterly. If you have any questions, just go to the master. Sister, I have never been sorry for you. Well, since our sisters are deeply in love, I won't say anything I see today. And you, don't care about your sister. Isn't it just looking at your man's naked body? Don't be so stingy.

"Jiang Lang, don't listen to her. She is the cruelest woman in this yard!" What, say that my aunt is too cruel? I looked pitifully at Xiao Cui and then at the naked Jiang Lang. The wind is cold this night, isn't it cold?

He sat back in the flowers and muttered a few times to Aunt Jiu inside. His voice was gentle and completely different from his expression to Aunt Ben. Although I didn't hear the content clearly, I couldn't help but think that this man is the best. Aunt Nine really can choose men!" Jiang Lang, don't be fooled by that woman! I absolutely don't agree with you to let her go!"

Xiao Cui also seemed to come to her senses, and her face turned white, showing a look of regret and fear.

Jiang Lang muttered to her again, and she cried again: "Jiang Lang, you don't know, last month, this month also deducted my monthly money, five taels of silver, only three taels in my hand!"