God of Mercenaries

Chapter 11 Misery

Wang Fei held Gu Li's body in one hand, weighing more than 100 catties, as light as nothing in his hand. It took more than 20 minutes to return to the cave where I had been living.

Of course, he smoothed his deeds along the way. And the cave here is so hidden that it is difficult for even the residents of the island to find it.

However, when he put down Gu Li and wanted to turn around to explore the situation, he found a woman wearing a sarong with two guards and three pairs of eyes staring at his face at the same time.

Wang Fei forgot all the disguises for a moment. After being stunned for a long time, he returned to his simple expression again and asked stupidly, "Three heroes, what are you doing with me?"

Murong looked at each other and shouted 'it's not simple' in his heart! If it hadn't been for relying on the two star masters around them to lock their breath, they would never have found it here.

"Little brother, we just want to find a place to settle down. I hope you can do it conveniently, and I will thank you very much afterwards!" There is no contempt in Murong's tone.

"Did you make a mistake?" Wang Fei smiled stupidly and said, "I'm alone. How can I provide you with a place to settle down!"

He refused. Through observation, he knew that the giant axe pirate regiment should have come for the meteor mercenary regiment. Generally, the mercenary regiment will certainly not have anything to attract pirate groups, so the problem must be the people protected by the mercenary regiment.

The woman with a sarong and invisible appearance in front of her is the protection object of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment. Thinking of it, the ultimate goal of the giant axe pirate group must be the woman in front of us.

Wang Fei doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for himself. With a woman, he will definitely be hunted down by the pirate group. A little brother, Gu Li, has already annoyed him. Now there are three more people, who knows how much trouble they will get!

Seeing that he was soft, Master Lin immediately took two steps forward, looked directly with fierce eyes, and said angrily, "Miss, just kill this stupid boy. Anyway, there is a cliff ahead and the sea below. After throwing down the sea, no one knows that we are here!"

"Don't! Don't! Don't!" Three times, Wang Fei stepped back and prayed: "We are also familiar with each other, and we don't need to move our hands and feet. You can live in my place as long as you like!"

The two guards in front of him can fight a strange tiger with the pirate leader, which is not what he can resist at all. Compromise is not a shame.

Murong shook his head directly, and then turned around and walked towards the cave. However, when she walked to the mouth of the cave, she said lightly, "Just now, we forgot to clean up the traces on the road in order to chase you. I'm sorry to trouble you with this matter. Chief Gu, let's take care of it!"

After saying that, he ignored the stupid Wang Fei and walked directly into the cave.

Lin and Ku ignored Wang Fei, who was struggling, and followed Murong closely.

"Damn, damn, damn it!" Until half a minute later, Wang Fei reacted and slapped himself three times. He already regretted it. He cheated cleverly and accepted a little brother, but in the end, he caused trouble that he couldn't get rid of.

"That woman is so scheming that the stupid boy fell into her hands and became the capital that threatened me! It seems that you must be cautious when dealing with her in the future!"

"But now the tail must be swept away, and the traces along the way must be removed. What a trouble. Why am I so hard-working!"

Wang Fei muttered a few words and entered the woods next to him. Looking at the clear traces of a person passing by, he couldn't help shaking his head and scolding: "Mother Xipi, those who grow up eating shit will not leave such obvious traces. Fortunately, I have learned how to hide traces from the old man. Pirates are not mercenaries, and they should be able to hide it!"

Whether it works or not, Wang Fei can only cheer himself up. Sorting along the traces into the distance, where he passed, through his technique, all traces have been basically eliminated.

For some indelible traces left, he chose other natural methods. For example, a broken branch is simply pulled up and covered with a layer of leaves.

It's better to get close to the cave. The more he gets to the periphery of the forest, the more careful he moves. It took him more than an hour to finish all the work. At this time, it was not far from the port.

In addition to the smell of soil and seawater, there is also a faint smell of blood in the air.


Wang Fei took a few hard breaths, then exhaled turbid air and secretly said, "Two hours have passed since the last battle. At this moment, the pirates should have left, right?

With a trace of uncertainty, Wang Fei carefully approached the port. Three or four minutes away, it took him a quarter of an hour to see the harbor.

The ground is full of corpses. Faintly, hundreds of residents in simple clothes fell on the passage of the port in a mess. Dark red blood stains slowly went down the slope.

Wang Fei's eyes pursued the blood stains and soon found several wooden columns. And on each wooden pillar, there is a corpse. The first to be hit was Guda, the head of the mercenary regiment.


Looking at the bloody scene, Wang Fei couldn't help vomiting. And he was afraid that there would be pirates around him, so he had to cover his mouth with his own hands. His face has unconsciously turned extremely pale.

After four or five minutes, he eased his nausea a little. However, his face was still pale, and his hands and feet trembled gently.

Obviously, although he has lived independently since childhood, it is the first time he has seen such a bloody scene.

This is a shock to the soul, which has exceeded his moral bottom line!

Wang Fei gritted his teeth and kept saying to himself, "Look at it, you must watch it!" Remember the cruelty of pirates. If there is a chance in the future, we must destroy the Giant Axe Pirates!"

After a struggle, Wang Fei once again gathered firm eyes and looked at the port position.

Guda's body can no longer see his face. Both arms have been cut off, and the belly has also opened a half-meter-long opening. The internal organs and intestines are all hung on the body.

Look at the other nearly 20 mercenaries, which is also the same experience. The body is inserted on a wooden stake, and even if it is dead, it will be gutted by pirates.

There was no smile on Wang Fei's face. Looking at the tragically dead mercenaries and the innocent residents, there was only a burning anger in his eyes.

The sea surface of the port has been stained with the blood of hundreds of people. And the shark in the sea also smelled the smell of blood, revealing a dorsal fin, constantly wandering in the shallows of the port.

Three dragon boats and several canteens also stayed at the port.

Extending further, the three huge pirate ships still steadily stopped 100 meters away.

"Pirates are still on the island! They must be looking for the trace of the Murong! No, there are less than 20 mercenaries here. Where are the other mercenaries?

Wang Fei immediately focused his eyes on the wooden pile again and counted them carefully. Even with the commander of Guda, there were only 19 mercenaries. According to his previous observation, except for Gu Li, there should be a total of 25 mercenaries.

That is to say, there are still six mercenaries who escaped under the pirates.

"Oh! There is no Uncle Mazi in the body of the mercenary!"

After judging from his clothes, Wang Fei felt a little joy in his heart. However, it was immediately replaced by deep worries.

Pirates are now all on the island, covering an area of less than 100 square kilometers. It is not difficult to find traces of mercenaries. After all, the mercenaries are not familiar with Sanshan Island.

"No! I must take him to a safe place before the pirates find Uncle Mazi!"

Wang Fei said firmly to himself that Mazi was not thin with him and could not ignore the life and death of the other party.

After making a decision in his mind, he did not continue to observe. The answer is right in front of you, isn't it?

Wang Fei has not noticed it in his heart. Unconsciously, his life has been closely linked with a noun. That's the mercenary!

At this moment, although it is only a preliminary stage, the style of Guda and others has deeply affected him.

The birth of the next king of mercenaries is to thank the heroic mercenaries, the stupid island residents, and the ferocious pirates!

PS: Whether there are any collections or tickets!