God of Mercenaries

Chapter 12 Bad News and Differences (,)

"Where is this?"

Gu Li woke up quietly, and the pain in his neck made him hoarse and grin.

"You're awake!"

Following the sound, with the help of the dim light, Gu Li saw the woman with a sarong and immediately asked in surprise, "Miss Murong, how can it be you? Where is this? Why am I here? Where is my father again?

A series of problems did not make Murong difficult. She roughly described the story of Guli's coma, and then said worriedly, "Commend Guda burned his star power at the last moment, and the final result can be imagined. As for the situation of the mercenary regiment, when I left, they were facing annihilating the pirates!"

Gu Li's face was immediately gloomy, and under a heartbreaking grief, it did not make him fall into a complete collapse. There are very few people who can end up on the road of mercenaries. Although he is young, he has been prepared for the end of his father Guda.

"I know that this day is coming, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly!" Two tears unconsciously flowed out of his eyes.

"Brother Gu, don't be sad. Death in a fight is not difficult for mercenaries to accept. I just don't know, how is the situation outside now?

Murong did not persuade much, but he showed deep concern about his situation. The giant axe pirate group dispatched four battle captains at a time and still acted in secret. Naturally, the purpose was in her hands.

This matter has not come to an end. Pirates certainly won't give up if they can't get what they want.

And Lin and Ku completely acted as a guard and did not express any opinions.

After the four people were squeezed into the small cave, it seemed a little crowded. There was a terrible atmosphere, and no one broke the silence.

After a long time, a sound of footsteps gradually and clearly came into this hidden cave.

Lin and Ku, relying on their respective star cultivation, first heard the footsteps. The nerves of the two are tense at the same time. If the comer is a pirate, a bitter battle is inevitable.

Almost a minute later, the footsteps approached the cave directly. The clear purpose also made the four people who heard the movement relax a little.

After all, this cave is very hidden, and people who don't know will never notice it easily. The clear purpose of the comer can only be to leave Wang Fei.

It didn't take long for Wang Fei to walk into the cave. With a pale face, the bloody scene of the port still appeared in his mind. He originally wanted to find the whereabouts of the remaining six mercenaries, but the state at this time made him urgently need to adjust.

As soon as he entered his home, Wang Fei could no longer control the nausea in his heart. After a 'vomit', the digestive matter in his stomach poured out like a waterfall. The smell of stocks immediately permeated the whole cave.

"Kid, you want to die!"

Master Lin roared and raised his thick palm, even if he wanted to teach him a lesson.

" Stop it!"

Murong held his breath and stopped Master Lin's action. She has not been in contact with Wang Fei for a long time, but the latter's performance, even in the face of pirate attacks, kept smiling.

It's just that nowadays, not only the face is pale and scary, but even the eyes are also dim. It seems that it must have suffered a lot.

"Wang Fei, what's wrong with you?" Murong asked in a soft voice.

Gu Li also temporarily put down his grief and asked doubtfully, "Brother, what's wrong with you? What's going on outside now?"

The question of the two reminded Wang Fei of the bodies of hundreds of island residents in the port and the bodies of mercenaries inserted on wooden pillars. Especially on the body of the mercenary, there are intestines and other internal organs.


The bloody scenes made Wang Fei spit out again. After spitting up the food in his stomach, the strong dry vomiting made him almost spit out the bile.

After more than ten minutes, Wang Fei's legs softened and sat down in his vomit. The disgusting scene made the other four people start to vomit.

Wang Fei took a deep breath, and then realized his womp of womp and whispered, "I have removed your traces. If there is anything, let's talk about it outside!"

Sitting on the edge of the cliff outside the cave, the sea breeze passed by. The smell of the sea takes away the disgusting smell in my mind.

After a quarter of an hour of adjustment, Wang Fei's condition improved. He stared at Gu Li and didn't know how to tell the tragedy of the mercenary. He can definitely feel the pain of losing his father.

"Wang Fei, did you see anything?" Murong asked again, and she had guessed some answers from Wang Fei's expression.

Gu Li's eyes were full of expectation, and his lips clenched tightly. And he nodded heavily to Wang Fei, indicating that he was ready.

"I just went to the port, and it was like a hell on earth. I really don't want to think about it again!"

Wang Fei tried his best to control his emotions and continued: "Hundreds of island residents have all died tragically at the hands of pirates. And the mercenaries also left 19 bodies, including Commander Guda!"


After hearing the news of his father's death, Gu Li only felt that his eyes were dark and immediately lost consciousness.

In the final analysis, he is just a 16-year-old teenager.

"Alas~" Wang Fei sighed gently and then continued to say to Murong, "Pirates are simply more terrible than demons! More than a dozen mercenaries, none of them remained alive!"

Not only that, the killed mercenaries were also inserted into wooden pillars. And dig open the stomach, intestines and other internal organs and hang them on the body..."


Before Wang Fei finished speaking, Murong dared not think of the situation of the port in his mind. The strong sense of nausea made her vomit.

Even Lin and Ku were shocked to turn pale when they heard the cruel methods of the giant axe pirates.

After a while, Murong suppressed his disgust, and his expressionless face was facing Wang Fei and asked deeply, "Wang Fei, where are the pirates now?"

"Pirates are still on the island, and they should be looking for you at this time. In addition to the regimental commander, five or six mercenaries escaped. Wang Fei told the truth.

After nodding, Murong looked at the unconscious Gu Li and whispered, "I didn't expect such serious consequences."

"The commander of Guda is a qualified mercenary and a great mercenary! He could have led the members of the mercenary regiment out of this danger. It's just for the honor of the mercenary that he will end up in a different place!"

"Yes!" Wang Fei sighed sincerely and continued in an uncompetent tone, "The commander of Guda chose to sacrifice himself to find a chance to survive for other mercenaries!"

"Forget it! Don't talk about it! Let's think about how to get out of here!" After sighing, Murong immediately changed the topic.

"Sanshan Island is surrounded by cliffs, and only the port can make the ship safely dock in one direction. At this time, three pirate ships are parked in the port, and it is obviously impossible to leave there quietly!"

"It's not small here, and it's not big. Although I tried my best to remove the traces along the way, I can't guarantee that the pirates will not find anything and find here!"

"In addition, there are still six mercenaries who escaped from the pursuit of pirates. We must find a way to bring the mercenaries back!"

Wang Fei explained little by little, and in the end, he said the main purpose.

Mazi is good to him. If he were another mercenary, he would not have risked his life to ask.

"No!" Master Lin vetoed, "We are no longer safe here. If you bring mercenaries and attract the attention of pirates, who will resist the pirates at that time!"

The bitter master also nodded, stared at Wang Fei with a disdainful face, and said, "Who is going to find the mercenary, you? What if you fall into the hands of pirates and confess us?

In the face of the two's rebuttal and threatening words, Wang Fei's eyes gradually showed firmness. He slowly held the iron rod behind him tightly in his hand, put away all his expressions, and stared at Murong coldly.

Murong is the backbone of Lin and Ku.