God of Mercenaries

Chapter 24 Conflict

Facing Wang Fei's aggressiveness, the sweat on Liang Ran's forehead slowly oozed out.

At this time, the lone wolf is very clear that if Wang Fei continues to ask questions, Liang Ran will definitely be exposed. He immediately decided that he must interrupt Wang Fei's questioning rhythm.

"Ky! Now that all the members of your Meteor Mercenary Regiment have admitted the behavior of your commander Guda, what else do you have to ask? Hurry up and hand over the flag of the Lun Wolf Mercenary Regiment, or I will take away the flag of your Meteor Mercenary Regiment!"

"How dare you!"

More than a dozen official members of the Meteor Corps still stood up at the same time. Protect the flag of the mercenary regiment, they will die. As long as they haven't left the Meteor Mercenary Regiment for a day, they will not tolerate the humiliation of their flag.

"With you shrimp, you still want to fight against our wolf mercenary regiment! Brothers, since they won't return our flag, let's find it ourselves!" The lone wolf immediately waved his hand, even if he wanted to do it.

"Oh, this matter hasn't been clarified. Does the leader of the Wolves want to do it? You won't find out that most of the members of our meteor mercenary regiment have accepted the task and immediately go to the headquarters before you dare to come to your door!"

The lonely wolf stared fiercely at the teenager who destroyed his plan and didn't understand that there was still great wisdom hidden under the childish face of the other party. At this time, when it was not the time to hit his mouth, he snorted coldly and said, "I'm not interested in knowing where the members of your meteor mercenary regiment have gone. As long as you hand over the flag of the Information Wolf Mercenary Regiment, I won't care about you!"

"What's going on? You haven't figured out. How can you be sure that the flag must be in our hands?"

"It's not very clear. You yourselves have admitted it. What else can you say!"

Is that right? Look, we are in a hurry. We are just checking! Just wait a moment, and the answer will come out right away!"

"What else to check! How can your conspiracy deceive me? It's not so easy to shirk the responsibility.


Wang Fei and Lone Wolf, you talked about each other for five or six minutes, but they didn't argue about a result. With red faces and red ears, both eyes are staring at each other.

At this time, a mercenary beside the lone wolf came forward and whispered, " boss, we are here to find the flag, not to quarrel!"

The lone wolf suddenly woke up: Yes, what's wrong with this boy? Hurry up and do what you should do and leave after receiving the reward!

"Stop talking nonsense and ask one last question, whether you will hand over our flag or not!"

In the face of the fierce tone of the lone wolf, Wang Fei knew that the plan to delay time had been shattered. However, at this time, only the Meteor Mercenary Regiment will suffer from the battle.

"Lone Wolf Leader, I believe you will also suffer a lot of losses in a scuffle. And this is the Stone City. Are you afraid of being retaliated by the mercenaries in the Stone City when you launched an attack on our meteor mercenary regiment?

"Revenge? Funny, so funny! We just need to take back our own things, not do anything else! Brothers, do it. The boy is obviously procrastinating. I don't know what conspiracy is hidden in it. As long as we take back our own things, we will leave the Stone City immediately!"

After moving the real, the lone wolf picked up the weapon, and the star power in the star cave immediately burst out. The powerful momentum made the members of the surrounding meteor mercenary regiment immediately take three steps back.

"Star Master?"

Wang Fei's expression immediately faded. Obviously, the strength of the other party is no longer what they can fight against. There is an insurmountable gap between stars and stars.

"Second, take your brothers to retreat first. The strength of the Wolf Mercenary Regiment is not something that our people can fight against!"

Gu Li shook his head gently and replied firmly, " boss, this is a matter of the meteor mercenary regiment, which has nothing to do with you. You go!"

"Let's go together!" Wang Fei shouted firmly.

"No, you go! I am the head of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment. The headquarters was attacked by outsiders. If I escape with my tail between my tail, how can I still be in the mercenary world in the future!"

In fact, Gu Li doesn't care much about his glory. But after all, the Meteor Mercenary Corps is the painstaking efforts of my father's life, and its reputation has been destroyed, which also means that my father's reputation has also been greatly affected.

"With the green mountains, don't be afraid of lack of firewood! Second, it's important to preserve your strength! Do you want to watch the casualties of the brothers in the group? After Wang Fei saw that it was difficult to change Gu Li's decision from the front, he took a circuitous approach.

However, he still muttered the blood of the mercenaries.

"The honor of the commander, the meteor mercenary regiment is our honor! We vow to defend the meteor mercenary regiment to death!"

"Yes, defend the mercenary regiment to the death!"

Looking at the passionate members of more than a dozen meteor mercenaries, Wang Fei was passionate in his heart.

This is the real world of mercenaries. You know what you can't do, but for the honor of the mercenary regiment, you are not afraid of your own life and death.

Mercenary is a dangerous profession and a respectable profession.

And the lone wolf and his men did not attack immediately. They also want to achieve their goals easily, but the immediate possibility is close to zero.

In desperation, the lone wolf held the long knife in his hand, pointed to Gu Li and shouted, "Come on!" Let me see, you have learned some of Guda's skills!"

The realm of Guli has not yet broken through to the star. All the official members of the regiment are clear about this. With the power of the star apprentice, the consequences can be imagined for the last mercenary who used the strength of the star division.

Wang Fei directly took out the iron rod behind him, and the 20 star rings in the star cave immediately burst out all the star power. The star power that is not weaker than the middle of Xingshi made him suddenly feel that his body is full of inexhaustible power.

Gu Li took out a weapon, a huge sword of about 1.5 meters. Holding his hands tightly, since the other party has moved out of Guda, there is no room for him to retreat.

The atmosphere became explosive, and more than 30 people on both sides present were silently making final preparations. Everyone bursts the star power to the extreme. In the face of melee, the only way to show the greatest strength is to ensure your own safety.

At this moment, a loud voice sounded, "yo! Where did the bastard come from? He was so arrogant that he came to our Stone City!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Wang Fei was obviously relieved. The discomfort of others is the black bull who fought with Wang Fei twice and was willing to admit defeat in the end.

Black Bull enjoys a good reputation among the mercenaries of Stone City. This is not only because of his drinking ability, but also because of the fourth-level mercenary, and his strength has also broken through to the realm of star division.

His arrival was not unexpected. It turned out that after Wang Fei heard the noise and confirmed that the visitor was coming to find trouble, he immediately informed a servant in the headquarters and asked him to go to the mercenary alliance outside the city for help.

Coincidentally, Black Bull is also in the Mercenary Alliance. After hearing that the Meteor Mercenary Regiment and Wang Fei were in trouble, they rushed over immediately. It also happened that when the two sides were about to take action.

As soon as the powerful aura of the black bull appeared, it immediately suppressed the lone wolf who wanted to do it. Although the two did not know each other, they felt their own star cultivation from each other.

"Friend, this is the enmity between the Wolf Mercenary Regiment and the Meteor Mercenary Regiment. Isn't it against the rules that you intervene so rashly?"

"Rules, you are actually talking to me! This is the boundary of our Stone City. You are not a local mercenary. You have stepped on the boundary, but have you ever supported the mercenary alliance here? The black bull shouted fiercely.

Mercenaries also have the law of mercenaries, and there are corresponding mercenary alliance branches in each area. Mercenaries perform tasks, or complete tasks, and get corresponding rewards in the local mercenary alliance branch. Of course, special circumstances are not included.

And the Wolf Mercenary Corps is not under the jurisdiction of the Stone City Mercenary Alliance Branch. After this incident, it has jumped out of the rules formulated by the Mercenary Alliance.

The lone wolf didn't know how to answer well. They didn't follow the rules, so that they left the handle. No matter how strong the action is, only one of the people present will escape, and then the wolf mercenary regiment will be sanctioned by the mercenary alliance.

The contradictory heart makes the lone wolf in a dilemma.

At this moment, the gate was chaotic, and hundreds of mercenaries with mercenary medals squeezed into the headquarters of the Meteor Corps. In a moment, all the members of the Lone Wolf and other wolf mercenary regiments have been surrounded!