yu feng xing

Chapter 13: The True Love of Life and Death

"This is not just a condition." Li Linfu said more. The cunning on the eyebrows is more and more obvious.

Jin Yilai's heart trembled slightly, but he still tried his best to maintain his indifference and not let Li Linfu see through his mind.

"This is what I want you to do next, but if you fail..." Li Linfu cheated and thought a little, turned his eyes up and said oilly, "I'm afraid your mother in Lion Town..."

The anger finally broke out on Jin Yilai's forehead.

"Don't mess with me!" Jin Yilai's voice was barely calm, but there was a trace of uncontrollable shaking. His eyes were already full of fire, and his resentment was self-evident, like a lion that was about to plop on the person who annoyed him.

"I believe that you can do what I have to do with you." Li Linfu raised the corners of his mouth arrogantly, as if he couldn't help laughing wantonly.

Jin Yilai clenched his fists and clicked, as if even his hand bones were about to burst.

"Kill the spirit."

In my sleep, there was a thunder.

Jin Yilai opened his eyes, and the nightmare seemed to pull him back a few days ago. The original bad sleepiness was also smashed by this nightmare.

I put on my clothes and came out through the thin window screen. When I saw the house opposite, the people in the room probably slept sweetly.

The heavy chill, as soon as it gets into the room, it can't disperse, like a faint ice soul, curled up in this relatively warm corner, quietly sleeping.

His eyes have never left the opposite room.

Around, it was so quiet that it seemed that only his pupils were left, whispering.

The sky is still dark, and that little bright starlight has not yet quit the meaning of the sky, probably because of the love for this vast sky's mattress.

Who can predict tomorrow?

Maybe everyone is an involuntarily person, and their fate is according to the sky.

The first sigh of life echoed coldly in this dead room, a little helpless and a little sad.

"Ouch!" Chen Rufeng gritted his teeth and couldn't help screaming in pain. White bandages peeled off his body, revealing strong and bronze muscles. Chen Rufeng himself did not realize when his body had become so strong.

Pkina, who sat next to him, had soft hands and seemed to be afraid of hurting him (although it always hurt). Whenever her hand stroked Chen Rufeng, he had a lightning-like numbness all over his body.

Pujina's face rippled with a faint smile, and every action was so cautious.

A little tenderness was on Pukina's pretty face. On the contrary, Chen Rufeng unnaturally turned his head aside to avoid eye contact with Pukina.

"All right!" Pjina shouted happily, as if she had finished a handicraft for her favorite man. Chen Rufeng looked at herself for a week. All the bandages that were originally eye-catching had been removed, and there were only faint scars.

"Thank you." Chen Rufeng said gratefully and was about to put on his clothes, but before he could fasten the button, his hand was pressed by Pukina's cotton-soft hand, revealing his strong chest muscles.

Pujina blushed and her eyes were affectionate, but Chen Rufeng could feel that her hands were hot. She was shocked and quickly put her hand on her forehead without fever.

"Why are your hands so hot?" Chen Rufeng looked surprised. Pujina rolled her eyes at him and cursed in a low voice, "Idiot!" Then he didn't want to look directly at Chen Rufeng, like a grass with dewdrops, and lowered his head shyly.

Chen Rufeng was stunned and didn't know what Pujina meant by this reaction to him. He stared at her gradually red face and still smiled more and more delicately, and couldn't figure out why.

The candlelight swayed gently, and the room was bright, like a naughty child jumping and moving.

Pujina suddenly moved her buttocks a few feet to Chen Rufeng, and Chen Rufeng couldn't help shrinking away from her.

Suddenly, Pujina jumped on Chen Rufeng like a carp, pressed Chen Rufeng under her body, and put her hands on the board**. A pair of delicate lips touched Chen Rufeng's lips half a foot away.

Chen Rufeng's face was immediately like boiling water, and a stream of red heat quickly spread in his blood, his lips couldn't help trembling, and his body pressed by Pujina did not dare to move randomly.

There is no wind and no bonfire, but there are bursts of fire, and everything seems to be frozen at this moment.

Like two hot potatoes pressed on his chest, the soft feeling began to surge like a spring from his chest, making his whole body feel like he was in the double of ice and fire.

Pjina's hand moved out, her whole body was pressed tighter, and the meaning of ** on her face was released, so charming that almost all men in the world could not control themselves.

Chen Rufeng could almost feel the exquisiteness and convexity of Pujina's delicate body, and felt that every bloodline was about to explode. He dared not close his eyes at all, staring at Pujina's charming and beautiful face.

Finally, an unprecedented hot print on his lips. Chen Rufeng's eyes suddenly widen, as if even his eyes would burst out. His hands were clenched and his nails were fleshy, but his whole body was still powerless to resist, allowing Pujina to dominate.

The night is quiet, and the cold chill still permeates the street, but somewhere in the room, it is full of heat.

Chen Rufeng only felt that his body was no longer his own. It was all controlled by boiling blood, and even his reason was out of control.

A silky hand gently took off the clothes that had not been fastened. The lips of the two were still not separated, lingering as if they had been completely glued together.

Why, at this moment, there is a familiar piano sound, lingering from the bottom of my heart, like wisps of smoke?

Like crying, sad and lingering, endless thoughts, in the low cutting of the strings, venting to their heart's content.

In the cold wind, he held her tightly in his arms. He couldn't bear her continued to shed tears so fragilely. He wanted to take the whole world and comfort her. He hoped that her arms could hold her lifelong tears!

Pujina's hand had begun to attack his lower body, and he fell into a sudden thought. The only little resistance was like frozen ice at this moment.

In a flash of lightning, Chen Rufeng's hand grabbed Pujina's weak wrist.

Pugena's closed eyes opened, and her lips left reluctantly. She didn't tidy up her messy clothes, but looked at Chen Rufeng with a doubtful face.

Chen Rufeng hurriedly buttoned up his clothes, took a few heavy breaths, got out of bed, and stepped back a few steps, while Pugina's face became more and more ugly, as if she had been wronged. Tears began to rotate in her eyes, squeezed her lips, and looked at Chen Rufeng unwillingly.

"I'm sorry..." After a long time, Chen Rufeng suffoed out these three words, and the redness on his face gradually faded.

Pujina still squeezed her lips tightly and couldn't stop swallowing, but tears had not yet gushed out.

"Tacola... He's been waiting for you... He wants to say sorry to you..."

Chen Rufeng was already speechless at this moment. For a moment, his speech wasgeng sai, his head was in a mess, and his face was mixed with guilt and apology. Seeing the grievance and resentment in Pojina's eyes, he also knew that it was inconvenient to stay for a long time. He hurried out of the room and gently closed the door.

The candle that was supposed to be extinguished is just swaying weakly at this moment.

The continuous crying echoed quietly in the room, which was so sad and heartbreaking.

Outside Chang'an.

Morning fog, deposited in the blurred wilderness for a long time, is rich and does not disperse. Behind him, you can vaguely see the high and forest wall of Chang'an City, which looks unattainable.

With a few gentle footsteps and stepping over the wooden bridge, the flowing water seems to produce gas and smoke, making this place like a fairyland, like a dream.

Today, Meiling took off her enchanting purple makeup and put on a jade-yellow gauze. Two white ribbons wrapped around her arms, with light makeup on her face and a smile on her mouth. There is no more charming color. In this fairyland-like place, she is more like a supernatural fairy who came down to the earth in nine days.

The person in front of him obviously saw her, and there was a trace of consteration on his plain face. When the spirit saw him, he unconsciously accelerated his steps and smiled more happily.

Jin Yilai's face appeared in the thick fog, and what he wrote on his face was only as solemn and deep as a mountain, and there was an involuntary bitterness.

"I'm coming." Meiling stopped in front of Jin Yilai and said delicately, with a slight blush on his face.

Jin Yilai looked at her with a completely unpredictable look in her eyes, and the woman in front of her seemed to be only immersed in the joy of dating and did not realize the murderous intention behind him.

"..." Jin Yilai looked at the person in front of him and was speechless for a moment.

The charm looked up affectionately. At this moment, she is not a charming and cunning woman, but just a woman as gentle as a kitten in front of her beloved man.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Jin Yilai closed his eyes and turned his head to one side, as if he could not bear to look at her again, or was ashamed to receive her affectionate eyes.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that he looked wrong, the spirit asked worriedly.

It seems that in the void, something has been crushed fiercely.

Jin Yilai suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Meiling's face. At this time, Meiling finally felt Jin Yilai's murderous intention and retreated three steps vigilantly, and his eyes were full of puzzled.

"Li Linfu... he wants me to... kill you!" When Jin Yilai said the last three words, he almost drowned his last emotions. His eyes were fiercely exposed, and he was really excited. Like a hungry tiger about to pounce on his prey, he wrapped around Jin Yilai's body and made a hissing sound like a snake.

The spirit was slightly stunned, as if he remembered something, and said with his teeth, "That old pervert must be afraid of causing criticism and want to kill people..."

"So, isn't that what happened between you and Li Linfu? Jin Yilai's voice returned to indifferent. Meiling looked at him coldly and raised his head a little arrogantly, "Whatso? I want to fight for my position in the prime minister's mansion. If I want to survive in this place like a forest, I must do everything!"

Jin Yilai shook his head, as if he had made up his mind, looking at the half-bright sky.

"So, are you so cruel that you want to kill me for him?" The spirit kept a distance of five feet away from him, and the two faintly confronted each other.

"He wants my mother as a threat, and I have no choice." Jin Yilai said that he looked at the spirit, but did not see the slightly moving tears in her eyes.

"Okay." The spirit seemed to have swallowed something, raised his head proudly, and said with some contempt, "If you have the ability, you can kill me!"

As soon as the words fell, two white ribbons, like spiritual snakes, fluttered in the air, seemed to fit, and attacked Jin Yi first.


Jin Yilai soared in the air, and his hands quickly scratched in mid-air. Countless black finger images of locusts flying all over the sky. The two silk ribbons of the spirit of the spirit turned sharply and went straight to the place where Jin Yilai was, like a fearless white fairy, inserted into the dark mysterious finger of the dark shadow.

Wave your fingers constantly, and your fingers seem to be endless, and the two white belts are like white snakes that never give up. They desperately want to break through the dark and mysterious power that is easy to come from gold. In mid-air, they keep making crackling explosions, and no one has the upper hand.

Jin Yilai frowned and quickly tightened his efforts to urge the dark and true power. A wisp of black gas began to emanate from his body, like a ghost rebirth, and the black energy gradually formed a square circle, wrapping Jin Yilai's body.

"Dark aura!" Meiling knew that Jin Yi had come and was about to take back the two ribbons, but it was too late.

The aura is like a bat biting its prey, fiercely pulling the two white ribbons of the spirit to prevent it from slipping away. The dark mystery is following the ribbon and rushing to the spirit like a dragon. The momentum is extremely fierce, as if it is going to swallow all the things in the way and never survive.

In the ghost, it seems that thousands of flying knives are hidden and ready to go. This is the real strength of the dark aura field. The spirit is in such a threat at this moment. It dares not relax at all. It immediately urges the true spirit in its hand to cut the knife, separates the two white ribbons from its clothes, and then becomes angry into a shield to protect it. Around myself.


Two white ribbons flew in mid-air for a moment, then filled with black gas and burst into pieces.

Sure enough, from Jin Yi's aura, wisps of black gas broke away from the aura one after another, like a fish coming out of the water. As soon as it came out of the aura, it turned into a sharp black knife and shot down to the charm. It is as dense as rain, fierce and ruthless.

As soon as the little black knife approached the spirit, it was like being smashed by an invisible fist. It made black fragments to disperse the air and could not hurt the spirit at all.

However, those little black knives did not mean to retreat. On the contrary, they were getting more and more, and they vowed not to stop. The spirit just stood coldly on the ground and looked at this man who kept urging the dark and true knife, as if he didn't care about the countless black knives that shattered in front of him. .

Jin Yi came to the sky and didn't notice the expression on the faces of the people on the earth.

As if numb, he kept forcing a black air knife from his dark aura and stabbed the helpless woman, as if even he could not stop all this.

A tear like a bead chain oozed from the corners of the eyes and dripped to the deepest heart, and it actually dripped blood.

Jin Yilai didn't see these shocking tears and broken tears.

I don't know when the black knife rain stopped, and the semi-permeable air shield in front of the spirit gradually faded and disappeared into the air.

Once again, she stared deeply at the man immersed in the black aura in mid-air. At this glance, it seemed to be the most precious thing in her life. Tears covered her eyes. She kicked her feet without hesitation and rushed straight up, like a bird flying in the sky!

Her body rose to the same height as Jin Yilai.

The palms are facing each other, and a mass of white light begins to rotate and condense rapidly between the palms, and the larger it gathers. Its light is extremely dazzling and is as dazzling as the rising sun.

Like a huge pearl, it can break through the sky, sweep everything, and stare at all sentient beings. The power is self-evident.

"The true method of destroying Yang!" Jin Yilai secretly shouted in his heart that this mysterious skill is to exhaust his true qi, form an air mass, and give a fatal blow to the opponent. Of course, because its power is too powerful, even the performer himself will be cut off by important meridians, and his lifelong martial arts will be exhausted, and it is naturally more difficult for the opponent to live.

The dark aura quickly gathered and condensed back into Jin Yilai's body. Seeing that the huge beads between the spirits' hands are getting bigger and bigger, and when they are about to take shape, Jin Yilai's ten fingers are angry and fly rapidly in mid-air. If the black giant bird spreads its wings, his ten fingers are like ten ghost claws, slender as a sword, as if everything in the world is about to be penetrated.

Mei Ling's eyes, which were pierced by the light between his palms, were forced to open at this moment.

Like the heavenly girl who came from the nine heavens, the dazzling saint in her hand is invulnerable and shines on the world!

Jin Yilai will arrive, and the black spikes on the ten fingers are about to pierce the soul's body and penetrate out.

The spirit smiled, smiled sweetly, and smiled regretlessly.

The glory between the palms has stopped rising, and it has been condensed and formed, shining the world, and the holy flower will worship for life!

The charm's palms did not push towards Jin Yilai.

The pearl of light of the polar world was pressed down by her and fell rapidly to the ground, with dazzling brilliance all over every grass, tree and every drop on the ground.

There is no sound, only a huge glow, like a lotus flower under its feet.

There are some things that can't be regretted by your strength.

Some things can't be recovered by your efforts.

The black thorn on the ten fingers was inserted into the fragile paper-like body of the spirit.

All living beings in heaven and earth seem to be silent at this moment.

The originally plain face, at this moment, like lifting the imprisonment, endless pain, released from every part of the body.

Jin Yilai's hand never stopped shaking. Although very early, those black thorns had disappeared from his fingers, and the ten shocking blood holes in front of him added some flaws to her body.

She smiled, looked at him, shook her head, no blame, no disappointment, only a comforting smile and affectionate eyes.

Her body quickly fell like a fairy losing her fairy power in the sky.

"No!!!" The sound of tearing heaven and earth can no longer wake up, the man who closed his eyes.

He caught her body. He was in pain and helpless. I don't know when the long-lost tears slipped down his cheeks, as if to remind him that he was still a person and an emotional person.

"Why...why..." Jin Yilai asked wildly, shaking his serene body.

Maybe she will never wake up and answer his question.

When it fell to the ground, the bark of the trees around it almost scraped off, and the grass had no vitality. Even the wooden bridge turned into a remnant tree flowing with the water. The power of the true method of destroying the sun is really against the sky.

A gray-robed figure, I don't know which tree passed by. No one will notice him at this moment, and only his long silver hair, which is incompatible with the leaves where he hides.

The sobbing cry lasted for a long time. Jin Yilai hugged the spirit and seemed to intend to live forever. He would never let her go and let her go in her arms and come to eternity.

The warm sun shone on them, like the mercy of heaven, although everything was useless.

The study of the prime minister.

How's it going? Has Jin Yi come to do his business? Li Linfu asked without looking at who the person who had just opened the door of the study was.

Ye Zhihang, an old man in a gray robe, replied lightly, "Everything has been done. However, both of them obviously have feelings for each other, and now Jin Yilai is even more heartbroken because he killed the spirit.

"Oh? Heartbroken?" Li Linfu became interested and turned his head to look at Ye Zhihang, "I'd like to see what he looks like!"

Ye Zhihang did not answer silently, and Li Linfu didn't care about him. He turned around, frowned, continued to read the scroll in his hand, raised the corners of his mouth proudly, and whispered, "As soon as the source of the rumor is resolved, there is no basis for those who talk behind my back."