yu feng xing

Chapter 14: Market Killing

Sitting on the high pavilion, overlooking the morning of this exotic town, the different houses and different street layouts in Middle-earth have a different taste in my heart.

The same sky is different from the land under the blue sky.

I just rejected Pukina's "request". It is naturally inconvenient for Chen Rufeng to go back. I'm afraid that if he meets Pukina in the future, he will only end up embarrassed. It's not good to stay at Sakde's house to live a brazenly.

It seems that we need to find another place to live.

Looking up at the sky and sighing sadly, I don't know how those who are far away in their hometown are doing?

especially you...

Chen Rufeng shook his head. There are more important things to complete by himself. Not to mention what the emperor told him, he hasn't even found out the murderer who robbed General Ma Yulin. He has no clue about it yet.

He knocked on his head with his hand to wake himself up.

The road ahead is endless, and I don't know whether it is a smooth road or full of thorns waiting for him.

However, no matter what, Ma Yulin's passionate words sounded in Chen Rufeng's ears again.

jumped off the roof and walked on the exotic street where passers-by were still watching. Chen Rufeng ignored those suspicious eyes and lowered his head and meditated about where to start to find out who the murderer was.

In this way, he thought hard, but unconsciously walked along the original road to Saxard's house.

Chen Rufeng paused and looked at the closed door. He didn't know if Pukina was in a calm mood, but he had to tell them that he wanted to leave, so he knocked on the door nervously.

The person who opened the door was Sackde, with a cold face and sharp eyes. He split his head at Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng did not dodge to meet his eyes, was slightly silent, and said, "Uncle Sarde... I came to say goodbye to you today..."

Sack's eyes narrowed into a line and looked at him carefully. Under his wrinkled forehead, he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"It's okay. But you have lived for so many days, so come and go well, so let's do the last business with me. Sack said that Chen Rufeng was not easy to refuse and nodded.

When Sakde entered the room to pack up, the two walked to the street together. At the moment when the door was closed, Chen Rufeng's eyes unconsciously glanced at the room. The door was closed, like a patient who had not recovered from injury. He moved guiltily, and his broken heart could not be healed for a moment.

Walking on the street with Sark, the two were still silent as before. Before and after, like strangers who didn't know each other, the two had their own thoughts, and Chen Rufeng often watched the ground march, just to avoid those strange eyes.

After all, Chen Rufeng couldn't help asking, "Uncle Sakde... Is Pukina all right?"

Sakde stopped and looked back at him, with an unfathomable meaning in his eyes.

"When I came back this morning, she had locked herself in the room." Sax said coldly, with a little questioning in his eyes, but Chen Rufeng quickly avoided his eyes and hung down to the ground with a hum.

Saks looked at him for a while, closed his eyes and continued to move forward.

In this way, the two continued to walk for a while.

Chen Rufeng gradually pulled his thoughts to the incident of the murder of the envoy team. He was worried that the environment of the crime scene at that time had gradually blurred in his mind. I'm afraid that it won't be long before some details that may help find the murderer will be forgotten by him.

The more I think about it, the more anxious I am.

He simply reorganized the scene of the day in his mind.

A scene is reflected in my mind again, like a nightmare. A bloodthirsty devil stood on the branches of the jungle, smiling proudly, and the disgusting smell of blood, as if it had rushed into his nose again.

The tragic death of Ma Yulin and others appeared again in his head, like a shrill cry, piercing the depths of Chen Rufeng's heart.

A red-eyed ghost face, high from the heart, full of desire.

Chen Rufeng quickly suppressed his thoughts. If it goes on like this, the evil spirit of the demon family may attack again and be out of control.

Blood, broken sedan chairs, boxes, vases...

Vase! The vase is missing!

Chen Rufeng finally remembered the most critical point. As long as he found out the whereabouts of the two finely carved vases, he may find clues and take the opportunity to find out.

He looked at Saxed and seemed to remember something. He gritted his teeth and resented why he didn't remember it early in the morning and said to Saxed's back: "Uncle Saxard... Have you seen two elegant vases? It should be the boutique of the Tang Dynasty..."

After all, Chen Rufeng is not a eloquent person, and he can't describe the treasures given to Tianzhu by the Tang Dynasty for a while.

Sakde stopped again and turned around, and his eyes were darker and more complicated.

"No." After a long time, Saxard answered these two words indifferently. Chen Rufeng's heart sank, and Saksard ignored him and continued to march.

Where will those two vases fall?

Unconsciously, the two have walked into another lively market. People are surging around and all kinds of stalls are overwhelmed. This place is extremely wide, more like a huge open-air hall, surrounded by houses, each with five roads. Each road is also wide and open. From time to time, there are ** upper-body people carrying the goods. Over.

Saks led Chen Rufeng to the center of the market. In the center of the market was a low circular step. There were also some vendors on the steps, and a round ground was empty in the center. Several devout believers sat next to the steps and whispered.

"You wait here, don't run around." Sakde whispered to Chen Rufeng and didn't wait for Chen Rufeng to answer. He had carried his bag and quickly stepped up the steps and ran to one of the five passages.

Chen Rufeng breathed a sullen breath, crossed his waist and looked around the surrounding environment. Only those vendors cast strange glances at him from time to time. Those pious believers still closed their eyes and said words in their mouths, and the outside world could hardly disturb them.

The sun, high above Chen Rufeng's head, raised his head and looked at the dazzling Yanyang. He was idle and bored, and laughed at himself, "I was left here like this..."

Around, everything is as usual, just like a fixed picture scroll. Everyone is chiseled in a designated position and cannot get rid of his role at will.

Chen Rufeng continued to think about his messy thoughts. At this moment, it was the middle of winter, and the hot sun could not make him feel much warmer. However, the surging true qi in his body could make his internal organs warm like a fire.

After half an hour at this station, Chen Rufeng did not see how much business the street vendors around him had made, and those believers were still muttering, and Chen Rufeng was annoyed to hear it.

Finally, these words stopped abruptly, and only the noise from all over the place surged down, centered on Chen Rufeng's place.

Those believers stood up on their knees, stepped on the steps and left.

What puzzled Chen Rufeng was that the vendors selling on the steps also rolled up their goods and left in a hurry. The noise began to gradually decline, like the ebb tide.

In less than a moment, the surroundings were deserted, in sharp contrast to the previous lively scene.

It seems that the person who just existed is just an illusion.

Chen Rufeng was full of doubts and walked up the steps. There was no one left, silent as death. All, as if evaporated in an instant, there was only a sad wind, and the indescribable chill, like a curtain covering the sky, which lasted for a long time.

I don't know when, countless figures suddenly fell from the sky on the roof, standing like black tree trunks, with strong murderous intent, covering the sky.

Chen Rufeng naturally felt it, and his true breath in his body turned sharply, and he was alert.

"Who is it?" Chen Rufeng shouted that although he did not expect these people to understand what he said, he glanced and roughly estimated that there were about 20 people, all of whom were strong, including many masters. It seemed that they were prepared and could not be lost.

And the prey is Chen Rufeng.

The situation of trapped beasts is easily formed.

The wind whined and swept up the corners of Chen Rufeng's clothes. Chen Rufeng stared at the sky ahead and could not see the dark shadow on his face. It seemed that in an instant, he would turn into a fierce ghost and destroy his soul.

A few dark shadows, quickly made sharp black arrows, shot at Chen Rufeng at a speed comparable to lightning, and between the breaking through the air, it seemed that even the brushed air cracked into sharp fragments, mixed with Chen Rufeng and swept away.

These people are related to the tragic murder in the jungle that day, and Chen Rufeng, the fish that leaked from the net, were cleaned up today.

Chen Rufeng's feet were slightly off the ground, and a circle of water wave-like air lines rose from his toes, and the attack from all directions was almost unavoidable.

With a glance, a green shadow moved with the wind, like a fluffing leaf, but the speed was better than the wind. It suddenly flashed out, like cutting off a blade and a trace of air that escaped, teleported to the mid-air and reappeared. Several dark shadows fluttered empty. In the original position of Chen Rufeng, he shook his figure like a ghost. The wood stood like a tombstone on the ground, and the original intention of attack disappeared at this moment.

But Chen Rufeng did not dare to put down his guard at all. He gathered green light in his mid-air fist, held true air in his hand, and was ready to attack at any time. After all, on the rest of the roof, there were still many dark shadows ready to go.

As if he was under the threat of thousands of bows and arrows, Chen Rufeng did not even dare to breathe. It seemed that the arrows would leave the string and could not be fired. If he was not careful, he would pierce his heart and die.

Although the other party did not launch an attack, Chen Rufeng was also unresponsible under this invisible pressure, and his mind was as uncomfortable as if he would be crushed.

In the end, Chen Rufeng decided to take the lead and run the true qi in his body as if it were nothing. Suddenly, his body disappeared into the air as if all the colors had faded.

After Chen Rufeng made a "eun", the dark shadows immediately stood up and appeared on the square sinking steps. They were all covered in black, and they could only see their ruthless pupils in broad daylight.

Although Chen Rufeng escaped, he can't move. If there is a slight difference, he will expose his figure, and it is difficult not to become the target of public criticism.

Listening from afar, those people in black seem to be talking about something, and what they use to communicate are all languages that Chen Rufeng can't understand.

But what made Chen Rufeng feel that they didn't mean to leave, but had been standing there, discussing one by one. They should be discussing countermeasures. They didn't know that Chen Rufeng was still far away, but his figure was hidden.

Chen Rufeng still couldn't stand it. After all, the true qi in his body was not endless. He quickly took a strong breath, roared, and flashed to one of the five roads to debut. More than 20 masked people in black noticed it and pulled up one after another, made black fast arrows, and chased after the green shadow.