yu feng xing

Chapter 17: Old Man

In front of you, the endless wasteland road extends to the distant world. Around, even trees are not often seen, just like an inch of grass.

Yes, it's just a bleak wind, penetrating into the bones, gloomy and cold.

Chen Rufeng held the map in one hand, looked at the hazy in the distance, and pulled the burden on his shoulder to prevent it from slipping. The lonely figure was even more lonely in this wilderness.

He wears a wind and sand cloak, which was given to him by Tacora. In addition, there is enough dry food to eat for three days and nights. Of course, the map in his hand is indispensable.

The problem is that the words on the map are all Tianzhuwen. In Chen Rufeng's eyes, those symbols are just like dragons and phoenixes, which have little effect on him. Chen Rufeng also saves the dry food. Now after two days and one night, there is still more than half of the dry food, but it is still far away from the destination. Period.

A gust of wind blew up his cloak, like a flag fluttering in the wind.

Handing Puchina over to Tacola, Chen Rufeng did not regret this choice.

After all, Tacora's family is strong and strong, which can also avoid the worry of those mysterious people in black getting into trouble. Pujina's personal safety has also been guaranteed, which makes Chen Rufeng less worried and can focus on tracking.

Moreover, Chen Rufeng also saw Tacora's friendship with Pujina, and he was also very relieved about Tacora.

Now, I will go to the Mora Temple wholeheartedly.

strode forward against the wind and sand, pulling the wind collar on his neck to cover his mouth and nose, and his footprints were deeply trapped on the mud and sand on the ground.

I don't know how long it took. All I know is that the scorching sun in the sky is in the sky, and even the devouring wind and sand have become slightly hot. Suddenly, the whole wilderness has become cold and hot, which is unbearable.

After all, Chen Rufeng is a person who practices the true spirit of his inner family. His physique is different from ordinary people. He can resist this unbearable weather.

But how can the sadness of going alone, the loneliness and fear in your heart be, and how strong can you overcome it?

The endless wilderness is like a sea of anger, and Chen Rufeng is just a small boat struggling in the peak of the waves.

The map has been held into a roll by Chen Rufeng and held in the palm of his hand, like a kind of support to support him to continue his march.

However, the real support is the responsibility in his heart, as big as the sky, the vain death of General Ma Yulin and others, the tragic death of Sakde, and the secret order handed over by the emperor, Jiang Shengtian, who is waiting for his good news in Chang'an...

Too many responsibilities weighed on his shoulders, so that even if he dragged thousands of pounds of heavy things behind his back, he would continue to move forward.

The prodigal son of a foreign country knows it.

The sky is gloomy and the clouds are dense. In this wilderness, once it rains, it is really difficult to find a place to protect against the rain. Chen Rufeng looked up at the gradually dim sky, sighed, took a breath, and immediately stepped on the green wind, raised pieces of dust, and flew forward.

Soon, a green figure was seen galloping over the wilderness.

However, it seemed that the sky deliberately played tricks on it. After Chen Rufeng ran wildly for nearly half an hour, the thick dark clouds in the sky came and went quickly, retreating like a duck rushing to the market, leaving only faint white clouds floating in the sky.

But at this moment, Chen Rufeng is full of ecstasy.

Although it is immersed in confusion, it is also faintly discernable.

The towering buildings and magnificent walls loomed in front of him, as if a moving woman waved to him in front of him.

Chen Rufeng's mind moved and suddenly lifted the last true qi. Like an arrow from the string, he ejected forward and could only see a green light flashing in the naked eyes of others.

As soon as he stepped on his feet, Chen Rufeng's figure appeared from the green light, and the dust on the ground was also stepped on by his feet, like a small insect that only flew around his legs.

Qu Women's City!

After a long journey for days, it has finally reached its destination. The Moro Temple that Chen Rufeng is looking for is in the Qu Women's City.

Now where Chen Rufeng is, there are also travelers passing by, some pulling camels, some pushing wooden carts, and some walking and pulling bags, but the way they take are very different from Chen Rufeng's path.

However, at this moment, Chen Rufeng is not in the mood to care much. He thinks that his path may be the shortest shortcut, although the process is quite fierce.

The gate is open, and the crowd keeps coming and going.

Qunu City is the capital of Qu Zheluo-Protihuluo. It was built north of Tianzhu and is prosperous. According to Tang Xuanzang's Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty, "The city is strong, the pavilions are looking at each other, the flowers and forests and swamps are bright and clear, and many exotic goods are gathered here. The living is rich and the family is rich. Huaguo is diverse, the crops are sown, the air is orderly and harmonious, and the customs are pure. The appearance is elegant and the clothes are fresh. Learning to play and talking about Qingyuan, the two believers are half-hearted. There are more than 100 schools in Galan, more than 10,000 monks, more than 10,000 monks, more than 200 temples, and thousands of pagans. It can be seen that the Qu Women's City is prosperous.

Chen Rufeng did not encounter many strange eyes here, probably because Chinese people often come here to communicate, and this group of communicats are mostly Buddhist monks.

As soon as you step into Qu Women's City, the houses here are tall and have a variety of styles. There are countless houses that have never been seen before. Compared with Chang'an, their lively degree is not much worse.

What made Chen Rufeng's eyes involuntarily stick to was a street performance in the middle of the intersection. There were as many as five or six circles of people inside and outside, while Chen Rufeng was curious for a moment and squeezed into the front end and occupied a good position.

In the middle, a huge long-toothed giant elephant was being played with by the performer with a bamboo stick. Two big ears were slapped one by one, and the long nose was like a snake's body. The bamboo stick was rolled up and thrown up. The bamboo stick flipped several times in the sky and was suddenly wrapped by the horrible elephant's nose when it landed. The actor turned a bamboo stick from the elephant's nose, opened his arms to the onlookers, and smiled brightly to show his ability.

Thundering applause exploded from the crowd, making the performer's face more proud, while Chen Rufeng's eyes focused on the amazing elephant. Chen Rufeng had only smelled the elephant from others, and today he opened his eyes.

Those elephants have a thick pillar on their legs. Imagine what kind of horror it would be if they stepped on human flesh and blood.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Chen Rufeng also began to look for traces of the Moro Temple in this magnificent city.

There are many temples in Qunu City, and the roads are crisscrossed, which is really difficult for Chen Rufeng, a foreigner who can't speak.

Therefore, he had to stroll on the street and wander all the way, looking for it while enjoying the Tianzhu style along the street, which was also pleasant and comfortable.

Suddenly, a figure came into his eyes.

It was a stall facing the street, with a white cloth on the floor, some scrolls piled on it, and the person sitting in the stall revealed a wave of old-fashioned treachery (to put it nicely, the shrewdness of merchants) and put on a friendly smile.

It's not Cao Jin, who is it?

Chen Rufeng frowned, moved his inspiration, passed through the endless crowd and walked over.

Cao Jin was introducing a picture to a Tianzhu man, unfolding the picture scroll, pointing on it, with a flying expression, and a fluent Tianzhu language also made the Tianzhu man more and more happy. Soon, the Tianzhu man took out the money, Cao Jin took it with a smile, stuffed it into his arms, then rolled the picture, put it in a long box with exquisite texture, handed it to the day Zhuren, and a transaction was finalized.

Chen Rufeng shook his head and said in his heart, "I won't change my death!"

"Who... Don't stop me from doing business... Hey, okay, don't blame me..." Cao Jin turned around impatiently. As soon as he saw Chen Rufeng, he immediately filled his face with respect and said, "Oh, it's Chen Daxia. I don't know what's going to find my little brother to come to Qu Women's City?"

Chen Rufeng was particularly disgusted with his expression, and his tone cooled down and said, "I didn't expect that you are still doing some deceptive things now."

Cao Jin's face was shocked and quickly waved his hand and said, "Oh, Mr. Chen, don't talk nonsense!" I do business with those Tianzhu people, and both sides are willing to do it. Even if it is a forged product in our Tang Dynasty, it can be sold here for ten times the price, so..."

"Okay!" Chen Rufeng interrupted him. He didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore. He said bluntly, "I want to know where the Moro Temple is?"

"Moro Temple?" Cao Jin turned his eyes, pinched his chin, and pretended to be thoughtful. "Well... It seems to be a little impressive, but it's really difficult to remember for a while now... Well, why don't you let me do it? Please go to the best restaurant here to the Bay Building for a meal. I'll tell you when I remember, how about it?"

"What on earth are you thinking? Let me tell you, you'd better be honest..." Chen Rufeng looked intimidating, but Cao Jin was not afraid at all. His smiling face was as old, and said, "My memory is poor. I hope you can forgive me!"

Chen Rufeng looked at him carefully, trying to get something out of his cunning pupils, but got nothing.

Now that he doesn't have the initiative, Chen Rufeng wants to forgive you for not being able to play anything. In addition, his stomach is quite empty now, so he said, "Well, you'd better come up with it when you eat, otherwise..."

Chen Rufeng deliberately did not say anything about the consequences and wanted to use it as a threat, but even he couldn't figure out what else to do next.

Cao Jin packed up the stalls and led Chen Rufeng forward with satisfaction. Soon, he came to a restaurant with a rather elegant decoration environment. The restaurant was divided into two floors, each of which was full of Tianzhu style.

Cao Jin picked up an empty table, sat down, ordered dishes in Tianzhu language that Chen Rufeng didn't understand, and put away his messy paintings before looking at Chen Rufeng, full of meaningful eyes.

"What, do you remember?" Chen Rufeng responded to his eyes, and he only felt that there was a big "treacherous" engraved on Cao Jin's forehead.

"Hee, in fact, I have a little busy time to bother the hero..." Cao Jin's real purpose was finally exposed.

He didn't wait for Chen Rufeng to speak, and a voice behind him shocked his body.

"Like the wind?"

This is a familiar voice, but Chen Rufeng never thought that it could be heard in this land.

is like a dream and can't happen.

Chen Rufeng turned his head incredulously, and his eyes seemed to catch the light.

"Brother Han!"