yu feng xing

Chapter 18: Moro Buddhist Temple

Who is Han Ling and the handsome prince with a flawless face and elegant appearance?

Seeing Chen Rufeng, Han Ling's face was also full of smiles. Chen Rufeng suddenly couldn't help it, bounced up, took a few big steps directly to Han Ling, clenched his shoulders with both hands, and tears filled his eyes.

The former loneliness dissipated at this moment.

Han Ling is like a clear spring in the desert. Chen Rufeng has all kinds of words. He wants to pour out once, but he just choked on his throat with endless excitement.

"Brother Han, why are you here?" Chen Rufeng fell down and asked, directly ignoring Cao Jin, who was full of suspicion. Han Ling smiled and looked at Chen Rufeng like a brother watching his long-lost brother return home.

Han Ling mysteriously made a wink, and lowered his voice and said, "I came to Tianzhu this time on the responsibility of the emperor."

"Imperial order? It won't be about the black stone..."

"Well, the emperor was afraid that you couldn't deal with it, so he sent me to investigate this matter with you." Han Ling said mysteriously, and at the same time, his eyes flashed at Cao Jin, who was full of fraud. Cao Jin was stunned as if he had been seen thoroughly. When he saw Han Ling, he knew that he was not a deceptive person. He was resentful and helpless in his heart, but he knew that it was useless to stay here for a long time, so he said to Chen Rufeng, "Chen Xia, I have something to do and don't stop you from talking about it. It's old."

"But those meals..." Before Chen Rufeng finished speaking, Cao Jin had quickly packed up everything and left here.

Chen Rufeng was also too lazy to pay attention to him and continued to say to Han Ling, "But Heiyuanshi is not in..."

"It's a long story. Let me explain it to you later." Han Ling said, " By the way, aren't you with the envoy team? How can you be with a peddler?"

Chen Rufeng's face stiffened and lowered his head grimly, and the tragic death of General Ma Yulin once again appeared in his mind.

Han Ling also noticed that there was a strange color on his face. After repeated questions, Chen Rufeng finally brought out all kinds of painful experiences in the past. Tears rolled down during the speech, and it turned out to be swallowing. After that, he closed his eyes and said nothing. Han Ling also had a solemn face, frowned and meditatively, and his eyes were shining.

"This matter is quite serious. If the emperor learns about this matter, he will definitely be furious and even lead the war with Tianzhu." Han Ling restrained his smile and said calmly.

Chen Rufeng was shocked and didn't expect that the situation would be so serious. At the same time, he was glad that he did not inform the emperor so quickly. Otherwise, it would likely lead to a resurreation of war, life and bloodshed everywhere. At that time, he would be a great sinner.

"You just said that this matter is related to the Moro Temple, can you take it seriously?" Han Ling asked.

"That's the clues I got, and I don't have any clue other than that." Chen Rufeng said, "I think no matter what, I should go to Mora Temple to investigate and see if I have found it."

Han Ling nodded, stroked his chin with one hand, and his eyes were full of thought.

"That's true. It seems that we have to go to Mora Temple." Han Ling finally said, Chen Rufeng was surprised and said, "Brother Han, do you know how to get to Morao Temple?"

After listening to Chen Rufeng's words, Han Ling smiled brightly at him and said, "I still have a little understanding of the geographical environment of Qu Women's City."

Chen Rufeng's admiration for Han Ling increased. He remembered that he would no longer fight alone in this foreign country from now on, and his fighting spirit was again aroused.

Walking on the street of Qunucheng, Chen Rufeng's mood is less lonely at this moment. With Han Ling walking in front, his heart is much more secure. He only feels that the snow-white back in front of him is like a wall covering him from the wind and rain, blocking all difficulties and dangers.

Suddenly, Han Ling turned around, put on Chen Rufeng's shoulder, pointed to the surrounding scenic spots of Qu Women's City, and began to talk endlessly to introduce to Chen Rufeng. Qu Women's City is a city with a long history. Naturally, every scenic spot has a story, most of which is also related to the Brahman of another sect of Buddha or Tianzhu. , Chen Rufeng was full of relish, and at the same time, he sighed that Han Ling had a wide range of knowledge.

For a while, under the leadership of Han Ling, the two have walked to a magnificent temple and look up. The towering towers are like pumpkins, and the tips can touch the clouds, but the main building part is slightly low, and a roof like a rice bowl is paved with all kinds of carvings.

The gate of Mora Temple is spacious, with high columns on both sides of the gate, and there are as many as 20 steps in front of the gate, and there is an endless stream of believers. It seems that Mora Temple is also a very open temple.

Han Ling and Chen Rufeng looked at each other, stepped up the steps and walked to the temple.

As soon as I entered the temple, the ground was full of colorful floor tiles, which looked dazzling. Despite this, it still gave people a sense of solemnity.

Take a few steps forward, and at a certain distance, there will be a moderate-sized Zen room on both sides. There are Buddha statues and good believers to worship here. Along the way, there are more than a dozen Zen rooms, and the system is similar, but strangely, there are not many monks here.

At the front, it is the largest Zen room in Mora Temple, or a hall.

As soon as Chen Rufeng stepped in, he couldn't help but be shocked by the Buddha scene around him. Countless golden statues of Bodhisattva surrounded the edge of this round hall, with different shapes and solemn postures. And the most shocking are the huge Buddha statues placed on the high platform in four directions, with Buddha seals in their hands and a solemn smile on their mouths, like four climbing giants, looking down on all sentient beings.

Chen Rufeng's eyes fell at his feet and was even more shocked. An unknown Buddha painting with bare breasts was spread flat on the floor, just like a layer of something to prevent the Buddha statue from being trampled on. Chen Rufeng subconsciously shrank aside, because his feet were just stepping on the Buddha's compassionate smile, and he shouted in his heart: "Sin! Sin!"

On the top of the two's heads, there is a tall pendant. The pendant is like a high tower, shrinking layer by layer. At the highest end, there sits a golden Buddha statue. Compared with these four Buddha statues, it is like the difference between an ant and an elephant, but its body is golden and gives a sense of inviolability.

There are four holes in the round hall, and the hole is dark. There is no reason for it. It is in the separation of the four Buddha statues, which is mysterious.

Han Ling's eyes glanced at the four giant Buddhas, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, a burst of footsteps shocked both of them.

Two monks in robes came out of a cave, like ghosts dissolved from the darkness. Their expressions were solemn, their palms were together, wearing white monk's robes, wearing red Buddha beads, one monk's beard to his chest, with gray hair, and the other monk was relatively young, with a pair of eyes full of eyes. He is much more shrewd and sharp than the old monk, but his forehead is also slightly wrinkled, and he is probably a middle-aged man.

"Middle-earth?" The younger monk asked in astringent Chinese. Han Ling nodded, put his hands together to show courtesy, and said slightly, "The master is polite!"

Seeing this, Chen Rufeng quickly drew a gourd and followed Han Ling to do the same action.

At the same time, he remembered the magic Buddha's power that purified his magic in the dense forest that day, and guessed whether it would be related to the Mora Temple.

"The poor monk's name is Tiansong. This is the host of the temple and my brother, Tianlian." The middle-aged monk introduced that Master Tianlian closed his eyes and bent slightly to say hello.

"The two masters are polite, but I didn't expect that the masters were proficient in Chinese..." Han Ling replied.

Master Tiansong said, "This temple has always communicated with Middle-earth monks and is not proficient in Chinese, which makes the donor laugh."

Han Ling said with a grin, "I dare not! In fact, when I came to your temple this time, I had an important question..."

Chen Rufeng noticed a trace of shaking in Master Tianlian's closed eyes behind Master Tiansong.

"The two benefactors don't need to say much. Please come with the poor monks." After saying that, the two masters of Tiansong Tianlian turned around and took the lead in walking to the dark hole. Han Ling and Chen Rufeng quickly followed.

I didn't expect that in this cave, there was a ladder leading directly to the upper floor, stepping on the stairs, and looking up, you can see a bright mass of light like a gorgeous white sun, and Master Tianlian and Master Tiansong melted into the light one after another.

Out of the stairs, what is displayed in front of you is a large courtyard with emerald plants planted in it. There are room corridors around the courtyard, which looks somewhat similar to the style of Middle-earth.

The two masters led the two straight through the courtyard until the end of the room before stopping.

Master Tiansong looked at Master Tianlian as if asking. Tianlian nodded. Master Tiansong turned around and sighed at the door. Finally, he began to open the door, then retreated to the side and made a request, "You two, go in."

Chen Rufeng and Han Ling were full of doubts and walked in.

"Ah!" Chen Rufeng screamed, and Han Ling followed his eyes.

A delicately decorated vase stands in front of you.

It is the treasure sent to Tianzhu.

"Why is this vase here?" Chen Rufeng asked in a questioning tone, which was not shy at all.

Amitabha, this vase was purchased by us from a merchant named Sakde ten days ago. It was not until recently that we know that this vase is a valuable treasure. Presumably the place where this vase came from must be very strange. We have also expected that one day someone will come to get this vase. Today, when we see the two benefactors, we also know the purpose of their trip. Tiansong said sincerely, and there was no lie on his face.

Han Ling took his eyes away from Tiansong and fell on the extraordinary vase. He couldn't take his eyes off it, as if he could read some words that others could not see.

"Sakde... he is dead." Chen Rufeng's voice couldn't help trembling.

"Ami TOEFL! Sin! Sin!" Master Tiansong was compassionate and compassionate. He put his palms together with Tianlian and lowered his head together, and Master Tianlian's eyes, which were originally like closed, were also wide open, full of complex colors.

Neither of them noticed that Han Ling's lightning eyes brushed their faces.

"Well, this vase will be stored here for the time being. Let's inform someone to pick it up." Han Ling said indifferently, "The two of us have no place to stay for the time being. I hope the two masters can let us stay overnight."

Tiansong's face showed a little hesitation, but when he saw Tianlian nodded, he said, "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't think the temple is shabby."

When Chen Rufeng heard the word shabby, he thought it was too polite. If this Moro Temple said shabby words, where is rich in the world?

"I'm sorry to bother you two masters." Han Ling gave a salute and led Chen Rufeng to leave.

Just as Tiansong looked at the backs of the two leaving, Han Ling suddenly turned around, and a pair of bright eyes shone directly on Master Tianlian's face. Tianlian's expression remained unchanged, and Tiansong said with a little dissatisfaction, "I don't know what else is the donor?"

"I think," Han Ling's face gradually smiled, "Master Tianlian must be a dumb monk, right?"

Tianlian and Tiansong were shocked. They didn't expect Han Ling's eyes to be so sharp. Even Chen Rufeng beside him was shocked and looked at Tianlian in a daze, thinking that he just didn't like to talk and unexpectedly turned out to be a mute.

Before the two came to their senses, Han Ling and Chen Rufeng had disappeared.

"Brother... do you really want to keep the two of them in the temple?" Tian Song asked puzzledly, and Tianlian's eyes gradually became desolate. He looked up at the sky for a while, hung down again, and nodded gently.

"In case the two of them find out..." Tian Song was about to continue talking, but Tianlian stretched out a hand to stop him. He looked exhausted and slowly walked out of the room.

Tiansong looked at Tianlian's back, stayed in place, and then sighed heavily.