Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 113 Source Realm Fixed Disk

Keywords: source star disk, boundless hatred

Qiu was very uncomfortable. He dragged his legs like a dead dog and took difficult steps along the street all the way to Zhou Tianhua's City Lord Hall.

In fact, he doesn't want to leave Li Daqi.

More than 10,000 years ago, the source star earth.

At the foot of an unknown mountain, there is a small river, sitting under a big willow tree by the river.

The man's hair spreads like a wild dog with broken ribs, leaning against the willow tree half dead, waiting for death.


The weak voice slowly came from the man's throat.

The man lowered his head and held the rotten intestines and played with it back and forth with interest. It's like a three-year-old child playing with his own toys, which is very serious and cute.

Suddenly, on the other side of the river, a group of monks in capes appeared.

The man with his hair emanated noticed the monk on the other side, trembled all over and whined, "Don't ~ hit me ~ ah ~ bad ~ people ~ ah ~ ah ~"

He is like a child who did something wrong, avoiding the eyes of the monks.

A monk in the crowd shouted, "Where is the iron armored corpse king!" Brothers, let's go. We must not let him run away again this time!"

When the man heard the shout on the other side, he became uneasy, held the falling intestines in a panic, and slowly climbed to the mountain.

Unfortunately, the monks flew in front of him.

One of the monks walked out of the team, stepped on the man's head, stepped hard, and scolded, "Damn zombie! Let's see where you are going to escape this time!"

"Brother, why do you say nonsense to him? An alien zombie like him should erase his spiritual embryo as soon as possible and kill it. Otherwise, once he becomes a climate and becomes a bronze armored corpse, Master may not be his opponent!" The leading monk said, "Brothers, I am merciful, come on! Let's cast spells together and give him pleasure!"

With that, he was the first to recite the spell, followed by many monks.

One golden stagza after another spit out from each monk's mouth, and countless stagza gathered into one in the air and turned into a huge stag with a diameter of three meters.


With the shout of the monks, the huge staman flashed into the man lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"Woo-woo~ I~no~I'm going to die~ah~" The man made a whining sound in his mouth.

Just as he was in despair, a flash of lightning flashed in the sky and hit the Swastipe characters gathered by the monks.

"Who dares to break my Buddha's word?"

The leading monk looked up the mountain and saw an old man and a young man stepping on the dark clouds and coming slowly.

The old man glared at the monks and said, "Why don't you worship my master?"

"We worship the Buddha and the master, why let me--" Before a man in the monk group finished his words, his mouth swelled into a big sausage.

The leading monk was well-informed and quickly bowed to the young man beside the old man and said, "The younger generation will meet the witch!"

Many brothers around him were shocked when they heard the words. They turned around and bowed to the young man.

The young man waved his hand, and the old man understood. He looked angrily at the leading monk and said, "My master is in a good mood today. You can go."

The leading monk thanked him, ignored the man who was still lying on the ground and left.

A little brother in the crowd whispered, "What about the iron armored corpse king?"

"Are you still not leaving? Don't think that my master's house is kind-hearted. My master is also cruel and bloodthirsty when he gets angry! What to look at? I want to die!" The old man looked at the monks angrily and shouted.

When the monks heard the words, they hurriedly slipped away.

Seeing that the monks were interested and left, the old man ran to the man happily, regardless of the man's stench, stretched out his palms on the man's back, and transformed the true qi in his body into pure yang and lost it to the man.

The old man helped the man recover a little strength, and also surveyed the man's body. Finally, he turned to the young man with a bitter face and said, "Master, his spiritual embryo has been severely damaged, and the disciple can't do anything about it. You can do it."

The young man walked over, gently touched the man's forehead, and then smiled.

"Another talented guy!"

Hearing Master praise the man, the old man raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "Master, what kind of blood is he?"

"I don't know how to be a teacher." With that, the young man spread out his palm, and a drop of green zombie blood slowly converged. With the tilt of his arm, it fell into the man's eyebrows and then melted in.

Suddenly, the man felt that his brain was suddenly hot, his ears buzzed, and then he lost consciousness.

When he opened his eyes, he found an ordinary face with double pupils, which was the face of the young man who had opened his spiritual knowledge before!

The pair of heavy pupils are becoming clearer and clearer in the boundless mind of hatred. No matter how hard he tries, he can never forget it.

The boundless pace of hatred is getting slower and slower, and two tears come out of their eyes.

"Master! Please forgive me for my unfilial piety!"

Wiping away the tears, Qiu took a firm step and strode to the city master's palace where Zhou Tianhua was located.

In the palace of the city owner.

Zhou Tianhua sat high on the throne, and the hatred was still sitting on the left.

"Why don't you wear a mask today?"

"My identity has been exposed."

"How does it feel to be scolded?"

"Speak less nonsense, what about what I want?"


"Do not pretend to be garlic with me!" The Yuanshen's boundless body fluctuates more and stronger, and there is a tendency to launch talent if he can't talk about it.

Zhou Tianhua was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Qiu Wubian to be so excited: "I'm just joking with you. Why should I be serious?"

"You know that I hate others for joking with me and deliberately do this. Don't you want to cooperate with me?"

"How dare I?" With that, Zhou Tianhua stretched out his arm and spread his hand, revealing a palm-sized disk in his palm.

Zhou Tianhua was a little puzzled. He couldn't figure out why he wanted this thing from him.

"At the beginning, you agreed with me that if one day your identity is revealed, I will lend you this thing for ten days. Now I will fulfill my promise and lend it to you. However, I want you to observe this place."

"Are you afraid that I will leave?"

"It is indispensable to guard against people!" Zhou Tianhua said with a cold smile, "Even if you watch it for a lifetime, you can't make a third source star disk!"

"What do you say?"

Seeing that Qiu's boundless expression was very serious, Zhou Tianhua suddenly rose and pretended to be a teacher for a while.

"The source realm fixed star disk is unique to the demon world, and the ancient demon emperor tried to unify the source realm. Therefore, he recruited countless well-known refiners. Under the instruction of the Demon Emperor, these masters took thousands of years to melt countless materials with empty attributes into one and turn them into a huge disk with a diameter of 10 trillion miles.

"This disk was later refined by the Demon Emperor and the Ten Demon King. The huge disk was refined to the size of a palm, and the coordinates of all the galaxy worlds in the source were imported into it, which made a strange treasure. Any monk who has been on the road for 10,000 years can reach any galaxy world in any large constant sand world according to any coordinate on it.

"Later, my demon clan learned that it also took countless time and materials to refine a source star disk. After countless transfers, the two source star disks of the demon clan and the demon clan fell into the hands of the king of the demon world and the king of the demon world respectively. Whenever the demons and demons go out to the army, the source star disk will be given to the leading general by the lord of the demon world and the lord of the demon world.

Say this, Zhou Tianhua said proudly, "Even if you can see the refining skills of this source star disk, you have no materials to refine, and you have no time to refine."

"You're wrong. I never wanted to refine this thing. I'm just curious. Since you don't worry, I can stay here and observe for ten days. Ten days later, I will definitely return it with both hands.

"Your temper has to be changed. I'm just joking with you. You take it seriously again!"

Qiu was furious and clenched his fist: "You know that I hate others to joke with me the most, and you did it on purpose! I'm fucking-"

Zhou Tianhua stood up, walked to Qiu Wubian with a sneer, patted the latter on the shoulder fiercely, and then left with a big smile.

"You can't beat me!"

(Kneeling down for red tickets! Please give me a reward! ~~~ah! Ah!)