Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 114 Tears of Drought

Keywords: Wei Yanshui, Aunt

At the call of Lei Xiong, the owners of the five cities gathered on the Nianqing flying carpet on the East China Sea in less than three days.

The top ten cities in the wild era, covering an area of more than 10 million mu, are similar to the megacities of scientific and technological civilization. As for the owner of the house, they are all congenital secret copper armor corpses that have obtained the true biography of the city owner. Their strength ranges from a section of corpse poison to five sections of elixir. They have their own mansions covering an area of tens of thousands to more than 100,000 mu. They are the city, with their own streets, and their subordinates operate VIP hotels, teahouses, restaurants, pharmacies, etc.

There are more than a dozen landlords in each big city, so the landlords of the five major cities gathered together, reaching 72. Zombies in the congenital secret world are very powerful, especially in the five-stage Danjing, which can travel in space with the purple elixir. Although there are about 200 to 300 homeowners in every big city, whose strength ranges from the seventh-level iron body to the ninth-level copper skin, these armored corpses are very disadvantaged by the demon soldiers under Tianhua last week. After all, most of these armored corpses can't see the sun.

Among the owners who participated in the gathering this time, Li Daqi knew Hu Qingqing and Lin Jinghong, and Zhao Han was not there. In addition, the original four deputy city lords of Fortune City, Dongfang Xie, Nangong Evil, Yuwen Wei and Gongsun Du, are now imprisoned by Zhou Tianhua and are not in the team. In addition, Andrew of Alexander Castle also came as the lord of the house. Li Daqi did not know the rest of the major deputy city owners and many house owners.

With his current state, he immediately judged the strength of the team at a glance. There are only three owners above Andrew, Hu Qingqing and Lin Jinghong in the five stages of the innate period. In addition to the wealth city, the four deputy city owners are all above the seven stages of divine consciousness. Most of the rest are congenital four-stage endowments.

Strangely, he didn't see Wei Yanshui.

Lei Xiong looked at the 72 bronze armored corpses in front of him, turned his head and winked at Li Daqi beside him. Yuanshen said to the other party, "Master, what do you think?"

Li Daqi looked firm and replied, "Yes, there should be no problem dealing with the demons. In this case, let your brothers and their deputys lead the head of the headquarters to the Fortune City!" After a pause, he continued to say, "Have you ever seen Wei Yanshui?"

"To my master, I haven't seen her for three months. This girl is also very clean and is an ordinary student in the old days. Her qualifications are very good. Maybe she is retreating in a secret place, and it may not be possible to impact the congenital six paragraphs of Zifu period?

Li Daqi listened to Lei Xiong's answer and smiled mysteriously. Of course, Lei Xiong did not know that Li Daqi laughed because Wei Yanshui had already broken through the five-stage elixir, refined a trace of yuan spirit, and opened up the Zifu.

"You go first, and then you will arrive as a teacher. By the way, did you hear someone call the name of the teacher?

"No? Master, what's wrong with you? Lei Xiong asked with concern.

"It's okay. Go ahead." Li Daqi said.

Lei Xiong conveyed the meaning of Li Daqi, and soon five huge black clouds rose from the vast sea. Considering that there will be a battle after arriving at Fortune City, everyone holds down the true spirit to move forward beyond five times the speed of sound. Although the speed is not slow, the size of the earth today is hundreds of millions of times that of a hundred years ago, so with this speed, they have to fly for about seven or eight days to reach their destination.

Looking at the away brigade, Li Daqi sat cross-legged on the flying carpet. He just felt someone calling his name in his ear, but looking at Lei Xiong's expression, there was obviously no shouting. He felt very strange, so he prepared to stay and wait.

"Ah~ah~!" He stretched out and said to himself, "I'm a little sleepy." Then he slowly closed his eyes.

"I knew you would wait for me!"

The sound of Wei Yanshui suddenly sounded.

Li Daqi followed the reputation, but he saw that the speaker was very different from the appearance of the first time he met.

She is wearing a small red cotton-padded jacket, her long hair is shawl, her neck is as white as gel, and her facial skin is tender as if she can pinch out water.

Li Daqi looked at her slender waist and white legs and was shocked.

"Why don't you know me?" Seeing that Li Daqi was stunned, Wei Yanshui suddenly frowned, and his cheeks suddenly turned pink, like two peach blossoms.

Li Daqi thought about it and said, "It's inconvenient to talk here."

With a wave of his hand, Wei Yanshui, who looked like a goddess, was taken into the strange space by him.

"Huh? In the congenital eight-stage eagle eye period, you have been promoted two levels in a row!"

After carefully scanning Wei Yanshui's body with his consciousness, Li Daqi couldn't help exclaiming.

This feeling of being swept with divine consciousness, as if stripping off his clothes made Wei Yanshui's face redder.

"What else! You are many times higher than me now!" She stared at Li Daqi, deliberately put on an angry look and said, "Come on, what kind of adventure have you experienced? Have you met any beautiful women?

"Where have you been these days?" Li Daqi looked worried.

Seeing that the man in front of him was worried about himself, Wei Yanshui straightened his breasts and was quite proud: "Guess?"

"I'm too lazy to guess. If you want to say it, just say it. If you don't say it, pull it down." Li Daqi deliberately squint: "Do you know that the five cities have allied and are about to attack Fortune City?"

"What's the big deal! If you don't want to guess, why do you put on a coffin face? Wei Yanshui said angrily, "I haven't lived enough yet, but I don't want to fight with the demon clan. I'm going to go!"

Seeing that Li Daqi looked uncertain, she carefully took out a string of crystal necklaces from her arms and raised her voice: "Oh! By the way, this time I retreated in a mysterious ancient cave and accidentally found a necklace. Like the legendary tears of drought, do you want to have a look?

"Tears of drought?"

When Li Daqi heard the words, his ears moved and looked into Wei Yanshui's hands. The latter saw the former and deliberately covered it.

"If you want to see it, you can make me happy. As long as you can make me happy, I will show you!"

"Alle! Close your eyes first!" Li Daqi grinned, and the coffin face suddenly turned into a Maitreya face.

Wei Yanshui hummed, "Close your eyes and close your eyes. Do you dare to eat me?"

"You turn around." Li Daqi's voice sounded in her ear.

Seeing Wei Yanshui's recruitment, he hurriedly broke a few peach blossoms from the peach trees around him to form a bunch.

"You turn around now and open your eyes."

When Wei Yanshui turned around and opened his eyes, Li Daqi suddenly knelt on one knee, put a bunch of peach blossoms in his hands, looked at her affectionately and said, "Dear Shui, would you marry me?"

"Giggle!" Wei Yanshui was like a silly girl who was caught stealing candy, smiling crazily.

Just as she wanted to say "I do", Li Daqi jumped up like a monkey, made a grimace at her and said, "You laughed!"

Then, Li Daqi took advantage of Wei Yanshui's distraction and grasped her jade hand tightly.

Tears of drought! It's really it!"

Li Daqi's consciousness swept away and found that the necklace was different. There seems to be a fire elf sealed in the necklace, which is constantly hitting the seal and emitting a flash of light.

"You! Let go!" Wei Yanshui's eyes were a little wet: "You lied to me, this doesn't count!"

Now Li Daqi will not have time to think about the feelings of men and women. His mind is full of excitement after saving the Dizang Yinglong gun.

"Wing, you are finally saved!" Li Daqi said to himself and completely forgot the existence of Wei Yanshui.


Wei Yanshui slapped Li Daqi in the face, and five blood-red marks emerged very quickly.

His current physical strength, not to mention hitting the best spiritual soldier, even if he bumps head-to-head with a low-grade divine object, it may not hurt. However, the force of this slap is so domineering. It was hot and painful, and his facial muscles couldn't help twitching.

"I want a necklace, right? I'll give it to you!"

Wei Yanshui was furious and raised his fist and punched the void of the alien space.


The whole world seemed to shake twice, and a space crack suddenly appeared. Wei Yanshui twisted his waist and squeezed into the crack, and disappeared without a trace the next moment. As for this crack, it became bigger and bigger. In the end, the whole space also collapsed under the crackling sound.

Li Daqi held the tears of drought in his hands and looked at the Nianqing flying carpet leaving a fine seam from the middle, and his eyes suddenly became dull.

"It's impossible. With her power just now, she can break through the mustard space I opened up, and her strength is on top of me. However, this is impossible. She is obviously an eight-stage eagle-eyed bronze armored corpse. Is it an instantaneous potential explosion?

Li Daqi looked at the sea from afar and tortured himself in his heart.

"Is I wrong? Am I wrong? Can't I be excited to save the wings? Didn't she say that as long as she can be happy? Why, why on earth did she do this? Does she like me? No, she said that the type she likes is not like me.

He even thought evilly, "Is her period here?" Do zombies also have periods? What a son of a bitch!"

(PS Li Daqi: Zombies also have periods, do you believe it? Reader: Believe it or not, I believe it anyway.)