Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 24 Investigation

Back to the ward, Mo Shuyi asked the nurse to change the gauze for Xia Ruoxi.

After Xia Ruoxi was injured, Mo Shuyi completely saw the injury on her daughter's face for the first time. She saw that there were mostly minor bruises on her cheeks. The wound in the left eyebrow bone and the corner of the eye was the deepest. I'm afraid it would leave a scar, but it was much better than Mo Shuyi expected. The most important thing in the girl's family is her appearance. She is really afraid that her daughter will be too disfigured, and even the most exquisite cosmetic surgery is unable to recover. Fortunately, it is not what she is worried about. The place that will leave scars, even if it is not plastic surgery, will not affect the facial features, and can be covered with bangs.

Xia Ruoxi noticed that her mother Mo Shuyi's eyes had changed from nervous to relaxed, and she sighed in her heart. At this time in her previous life, she did not understand that she cared about her mother's love for her. She had never felt how much her mother loved her daughter. Now that she knows how to cherish it, she knows that her mother's love for her all the time. Yu Yan said that she never cared about it when she owned it.

People who are thirsty know the importance of water.

The mistakes made by neglect in the previous life can never be repeated in this life. Xia Ruoxi warned herself from the bottom of her heart.

At this time, Mo Shuyi's mobile phone rang.

Mo Shuyi looked at the number and told Xia Ruoxi first before picking it up. It was Qingqing who called.

Xia Ruoxi nodded and knew that Zhou Zhiqing's affairs should have been done. The two Audi and Maserati have officially changed their new owners. Mom, you tell Qingqing that she doesn't have to come here specially these days. Although she is a college student, she can't always delay her schoolwork because of me.

This life can no longer be like the previous life, always blindly overdrafting Zhou Zhiqing's friendship with her. Zhou Zhiqing stayed with her for how long she was injured in her previous life. It was also because of this. When she turned against her eyes, even if Zhou Zhiqing betrayed her friendship first, Zhou Zhiqing righteously used these accusations of Xia Ruoxi and said that she had a clear conscience for Xia Ruoxi.

The most selfless thing in the world is maternal love. Other feelings, friendship and even love, how much they have paid, are all about getting back double. You pay close attention to your friend and will never accept his indifference and indifference to you. No matter how great love is, your deep love is also to get the person you love. There is no reason for you to give your true feelings and then selflessly bless him to hold hands with others for a lifetime.

So only maternal love is the most selfless in this world. She can love you deeply and then give your hand to others with the deepest blessings.

Friendship and love can't do this.

Mo Shuyi listened to Xia Ruoxi's words and immediately nodded to Zhou Zhiqing according to Xia Ruoxi's meaning.

After talking on the phone, Mo Shuyi smiled gently and approvingly at Xia Ruoxi, "Ruoxi, I really feel that you seem to have grown up a lot in one night. Even if I can't bear that you are too mature and lose the innocence and simplicity you should have now, my mother is still very happy. Now you know how to think about others and care about others. ."

Xia Ruoxi smiled bitterly in her heart. If it were an ordinary person, a big child like her would have been sensible and could still help her family do things. But she just said casually that she didn't want Zhou Zhiqing to delay her homework. Her mother was so excited that she was even more embarrassed.

My mother really loves her too much and spoils her. It is because she gave birth to an obedient and eccentric personality under the circumstance of excessive doting. In her previous life, many of the so-called injuries she suffered. For many reasons, others have made mistakes, but her arrogant personality is also difficult to escape the blame.

Overprotected and spoiled is not conducive to growth.

It was not until later that Xia Ruoxi realized that hurting is sometimes a good mirror. Seeing her own inadequacy mirror, she made herself more perfect. Injury is actually sometimes a kind of motivation. People who have hurt you can make your life different. Those who make things difficult can hone your mind; those who deceive you make you must improve your wisdom; and those who betray and abandon you make you unable to rely on others and learn to be independent.

Everything is two-sided, and as long as you make good use of it, it will inspire people to make progress. These are all realized by Xia Ruoxi after countless injuries.

It's a pity that when she woke up in her previous life, it was too late and her favorite people were lost.

Xia Ruoxi looked deeply at her mother and said sincerely from the bottom of her heart, "Mom, I'm not a child. I may still not be able to do many things well, and my bad temper will still not be changed, but I will try my best not to let you be disappointed because of me anymore."

Mo Shuyi was slightly stunned, and then smiled gently and relievedly, "Baby, you have never let your mother down. Honey, I know this car accident, or it makes people realize a lot, but what you need now is to recover from the injury. Don't think too much about anything else. You have always been your mother's proudest baby.

After listening to Mo Shuyi's words, Xia Ruoxi realized her identity again. Her emotion just now was caused by her 23-year-old soul. The emotion was also aimed at all kinds of previous life, but it was not suitable for her 17-year-old self. However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, her mother Mo Shuyi has given the most reasonable explanation for her.

Mo Shuyi helped Xia Ruoxi lie down, "Baby, good boy, go to sleep for a while."

Xia Ruoxi really wants to sleep. In the past two days, from facing the shock of rebirth to struggling to consider those things to fight against Xia Qingshan and others, she didn't have a good rest last night. Now, she is really tired and weak, but she still can't sleep.

In addition to dealing with Lian Jingfen, we must start thinking about it now. In addition, the demon she wants to prevent most from appearing must now begin to prepare for it.

She had always wanted to avoid the demon from entering the Xia family in the name of tutoring, but after her self-righteous design of Jiang Liru, she thought that by using ghosts and gods, she had mastered the fact that Jiang Liru was pregnant with her first, she could successfully make Xia Qingshan submit. However, it turned out that she was still too naive. Xia Qing Shan did not believe the words she said to deceive Jiang Liru, but almost made things worse.

That's enough to be a lesson.

It also reminded Xia Ruoxi to stop being self-righteous and smart.

That evil came for revenge. He vowed to kill the god, kill the Buddha, even if Xia Ruoxi gave him no chance to enter the Xia family because of his previous life, he would definitely try his best to find another way.

Just like before, she clearly wanted to restrain her anger and avoid repeating her unkind uncle Xia Jun who hurt her with a vase in her previous life, but in the end she still picked up the vase. What if it was not Xia Jun? The vase still made Xia Jun's head bloom. The path is different, and the result is the same.

So Xia Ruoxi dares not speak lightly. Her brain is beyond her 17-year-old body, but after all, the gap is not a little bit compared with those villains who stare at her and her mother. Therefore, she should seize the opportunity as much as possible, so as to make up for her shortcomings.

Xia Ruoxi realized that what she had to check now was why the evil person hated the Xia family and her cold-blooded grandfather Xia Qingshan.

Of course, this seems to be a more remote thing. Only before she was reborn after her death, she heard that the demon told the truth so viciously. There was no source and no clue. It made her explore the low curtain of everything just by his hatred, which was more ridiculous than a fool talking about dreams.

But what the evil said made Xia Ruoxi want to know the real cause of her father's death.

Her mother Mo Shuyi never described the cause of her father's violent death in detail. At that time, she only cared about hatred and did not pay attention to the cause of her father's death at all.

Xia Ruoxi knew that the cause of death of her father Xia Ze was probably due to excessive desire and heart attack. After all, she was an unintentioned girl at that time, and no one dared to explain this directly to her. The reason why she still knew it was not that she didn't mean to eavesdrop or ask questions. All this was what she saw from the newspaper.

Those who make a living by pen will not care about whose self-esteem or feelings. Scandal is their tireless pursuit.

It was because she saw those unsightly reports that Xia Ruoxi suddenly changed from the sadness of losing her father to extreme hatred for her father.

At that time, she hated her father Xiaze so much that she felt that hearing half a clue about the cause of his death was extremely blasphemy to her ears. So there are very few clues I want to find now.

Xia Ruoxi now feels that there is a conspiracy trap hidden behind the cause of her father Xia Ze's death. Intuitively, it is more likely to be related to that evil.

Heart attack requires an inducement. Is there a possibility that some people with intentions have mastered this inducement and then make good use of it?

This is the direction.

It's just that she can't let her mother Mo Shuyi find out that she wants to investigate the truth about her father Xia Ze's death.

What's more, Xie Rongsheng, the first lawyer consultant of Tianze Group, can't be obtained through all the legal documents about his father's death.

The only person Xia Ruoxi can think of is that she can know the inside story of her father's death, but it is not easy for her to be suspected because of contact.

She hasn't had much contact with Tao Bingjie. If she gets close to her abruptly, even if outsiders don't care, what about Tao Bingjie herself? There must be precautions.