Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 70: Suspended

Luo Jijun waved his big hand with an unchanged face, and the two soldiers walked away with Luo Haiying until the door was held, leaving him alone. Luo Jijun grabbed his head desperately with his hands on his head, rarely showing a gaffe.

The accident this time is very important. The outside personnel can come in at will, or his sister brought in. What's more serious is that the person broke into the information room and is stealing documents. Luo Jijun himself can't escape it. The superior leader is on the way here. He doesn't have to think about what the result of the treatment is. I dare not think about it, but it is a dilemma whether the position can be maintained or not.

When he raised his head again, Luo Jijun's face had returned to his usual indifference. The important thing in front of him was how to take out his sister's responsibility and did not allow him to think about it here.

It turned out that Luo Jijun and Shang Hong went to Yang Zongguo's dormitory. After explaining, he didn't go home until now. Unexpectedly, he saw that the door of the archive room was open, and there were outsiders stealing things inside. If he hadn't found that the file had really been stolen, the responsibility would have been greater.

Luo Jijun did not dare to hide this matter and directly asked someone to inform his superiors. Yang Zongguo was now on the phone. When Luo Jijun arrived at his office, he saw that he was still on the phone, and there were officers around him to help find the phone.

Yang Zongguo raised his head from the phone and pointed to the chair in front of him to remind Luo Jijun to sit down. He still repeated what happened at night with the people on the phone. "Yes, I'm friends with my family and want to visit the army. I didn't expect to sneak in halfway. Yes, it's Luo Jijun Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Zongguo asked the officer to go out. After drinking a sip of water, he said, "Don't worry, I'll let people press down on this matter. After all, it's a matter of our district, and the superiors will come to the small one."

"My superior can deal with my affairs no matter how it is to Haiying." After all, it's his own sister, and Luo Haijun can't ignore it.

"Don't worry." Yang Zongguo got up and called him, "Let's go. We didn't eat well at noon. Let's order two dishes in the canteen for a sip."

"What can I do at this point? Let's burn a potato." Luo Jijun followed him out of the house.

Originally, he wanted to ask Yang Zongguo to come home, but he thought that the bowls and chopsticks at home had been dropped. Besides, he didn't want his daughter-in-law to worry about him. If he could suppress this, it would be suppressed. If he really couldn't suppress it, it's not too late.

At home, Zhang Guilan saw that it was getting dark. Luo Jijun hadn't come back yet, and he didn't think much about it. At noon, he put some vegetables in the basin and didn't add them to the table. Zhang Guilan cooked a bowl of rice and went to the city tomorrow. Today's cooking was just enough.

The meal was ready, and he didn't wait for Luo Jijun to come back. A little soldier came, "Sister-in-law, the battalion commander asked me to tell you that he won't come back to eat, and let you make some food by yourself."

"OK, thank you." Zhang Guilan sent someone away and cooked by herself.

She didn't eat well at noon. Zhang Guilan was really hungry. She ate a bowl of rice in one breath and slowly ate it. After the meal, she had to clean up the things she wanted to take away. Zhang Guilan took the book and leaned against ** to wait for Luo Jijun.

Time passed little by little, and it was past ten o'clock on the clock. Seeing that someone had not come back, Zhang Guilan put down the book in her hand and got out of bed to find someone, only to find Luo Haiying open the door with the key.

"My brother said he would not come back at night and let you go to bed first." Luo Haiying left his words and went straight to the study of the West House and took the door.

Zhang Guilan was wondering why Luo Haiying came back, and the thorns on her body seemed to have been pulled out in the afternoon. Talking to Zhang Guilan calmly like this really seemed to be a different person.

Since Luo Jijun left a message, it is not easy for Zhang Guilan to go to the army to ask more questions. Besides, in the past, when Luo Jijun suddenly did not come back because of the things in the team, although he was curious about what was going on, he did not think much about it.

Lying in **, thinking about going home the next day before going to bed, Luo Haiying didn't sleep all night and sat in **. She couldn't forget the interrogation of people in military uniform in her life. She was turbid and only felt that her mind was blank until she was released back, and the eldest brother was called, but she It's normal to step down.

But the eldest brother was still thinking about Zhang Guilan at this time. Luo Haiying couldn't say what she felt in her heart. She didn't dare to make trouble again. Today, such a big disaster may be over. At this moment, she is only waiting for tomorrow's result. If the eldest brother can still be safe, she will do anything, Back to her hometown, if the eldest brother is dismissed, she can't even go home.

If you make your eldest brother suffer like this, won't you be beaten to death by your parents when you go home? Buried to death by the saliva of the people in the village?

This night, Luo Haiying spent the night in entanglement and struggle. When she heard the sound of opening the door outside, she was the first to run out. Both brother and sister looked haggard. With a pair of eyes, Luo Haiying cried first.

"Big brother."

"Hmm." Luo Jijun only gave a faint kindness, changed his slippers and walked to the East House tiredly.

Luo Haiying knew that the eldest brother would be angry, but when she saw it with her own eyes, she couldn't help twisting her heart, "Big brother,,,, are you all right?"

Luo Jijun's body paused slightly, "It's all right."

He entered the east room without looking back.

Luo Haiying was relieved. He finally fell behind this night. Although the eldest brother was angry with himself, he was not to blame himself for such a big thing. As long as he lived for a while, he would be fine. He was his own sister.

Back to the study, as soon as Luo Haiying's body stuck to **, he fell into a deep sleep.

In the east room, Zhang Guilan faintly heard the conversation between the Luo brothers and sisters, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay." Luo Jijun lay down without taking off his clothes.

It was the first time I saw him with no energy. He turned over and looked at him sideways, "What's the matter?"

For a long time, when Zhang Guilan thought he couldn't say anything, he heard him say, "Do you think it's okay if I'm discharged from the army and go home to farm with you?"

"All right." Zhang Guilan answered, but her heart sank. She didn't believe that Luo Jijun would say this for no reason. She asked with a quiet smile, "What's wrong? Have you encountered something unhappy?"

"I've been suspended. I have to wait for the notice of the processing result. I'll go home with you today." Luo Jijun then learned what Luo Haiying provoked again, "Look, she knew she was wrong this time, and she didn't say much about her."

"All right, I thought it was a big deal. So that's it. It happens that you go home with me. I think I'll take Haiying with me. I've only made such a friend in two days. It's really not reassuring to stay longer." Zhang Guilan could tell that Luo Jijun was afraid that she would blame Luo Haiying again, and he didn't mention it. "Since we're leaving today, let's go to the city now. I want to buy something for my parents. Besides, we have to take the train for one or two nights, and we have to prepare something to eat."

Luo Jijun was relieved. His daughter-in-law did not ask much. After all, this can be related to the rest of their life. Anyone who is a wife will ask, but,,,,, I can't say what it tastes like in my heart. There are sour, sweet, bitter, and more astringent The feeling made him feel more and more sorry for his wife.

Especially when his wife understands himself without asking, Luo Jijun doesn't know how to face his wife.

Zhang Guilan was afraid that Luo Jijun would think too much and didn't dare to ask more. She opened the cabinet and simply packed a few clothes worn by Luo Jijun. Only then did she find that except for military uniforms, he could hardly say that he had ordinary clothes, and she actually noticed.

With a trand in his heart, Zhang Guilan didn't say much, "Let's go to the city for breakfast and eat a bowl of chaos. The cheap meat stuffing is still big. Add an egg to each person.

"All right." Luo Jijun took over the casual clothes handed over by Zhang Guilan and changed it a few times. "I'll call Haiying. Let's go now."

Zhang Guilan herself tied a ponytail to the mirror, and then went out of the room with her bag. Luo Jijun and Luo Haiying had come out of the West House. The two brothers and sisters had nothing to say anything. One went along. Zhang Guilan curled her lips secretly. If she had known it would be like this, why didn't Yes.

As for Luo Haiying's marriage, Zhang Guilan does not plan to ask any more. Some things are certain, just like Luo Jijun was not suspended in his previous life, but he was suspended because of her in this life.

When the three people went downstairs, they didn't meet anyone, but when they walked to the sentry at the gate of the courtyard, they obviously noticed that Luo Jijun's body was stiff. For Luo Jijun, who regarded his companion as his family, this matter actually hit him the most, and it was more likely to let him leave the army or accelerate the

Zhang Guilan didn't ask about the matter of further study and knew that it was impossible. Now she can also feel that Yang Zong's Congress and Shang Hong are in the same mood. For those of them who want to stay in the army for a lifetime, anything related to the army is as important as life.

When waiting for the bus at the head of the small bridge, Zhang Guilan did not know some family members in the compound, but Luo Jijun knew them. Seeing that Luo Jijun did not wear military uniforms and carried things, he didn't think much, and they all laughed and teased him that he loved his wife.

Zhang Guilan only agreed and smiled and did not explain. It was not until he got into the car and sat down that Luo Jijun wiped the sweat on his forehead. Luo Haiying kept his head down. Even if Luo Jijun lied to her that it was okay, he was carrying something home now. Luo Haiying also vaguely knew that things were not that

When he was called by Luo Jijun to go back to his hometown, he never opened his mouth. Even in the face of Zhang Guilan, he seemed to be a little worried and dodged his eyes. When Zhang Guilan saw her look like this, he only felt relieved. He didn't need to say more. When he returned to his hometown, he had That's it.