Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 68: Women and Singers Follow

When Luo Haiying saw Luo Jijun and Zhang Guilan coming back together, she obviously didn't expect that the smile on her face did not retreat rapidly on her face and touched her brother's cold eyes. Then she realized that she was shocked. She restrained the smile on her face in a panic, and even lowered her head with some worries.

"Are you unhappy to see that I and your sister-in-law didn't quarrel?" Luo Jijun couldn't help digging her up.

Zhang Guilan pulled the corner of his clothes. Luo Jijun snorted coldly and directly missed his sister and entered the east room. Zhang Guilan followed. Luo Haiying stood in the living room. In fact, she didn't expect the two of them to come back so soon, otherwise they would not see themselves laughing.

This scene seems to have met. At the beginning, Milan also had such a scene, but in the end, it was getting farther and farther away from Luo Jijun.

People are like this. It's yours. Others can't take it away. It's not yours. You can't grab it no matter how you grab it. In the end, you still hurt yourself.

If you don't know yourself at this point, then you may not be happy. If you are willing to give up, you will have something to give up. You have been reluctant to let go, and you are the only one who suffers.

Zhang Guilan really has nothing to pack up. "All right, I'm either going to march and fight, or go back to my hometown. I also have my clothes at home. I'll just wear this suit. I'll buy something in the city and take them back to taste it before getting on the car tomorrow."

"There is a large army of clothes in our team. Anyway, the old one is quite new. You can take it back to your father-in-law." The conditions at home are like this, and I can't take it out even if I want to. There is really nothing to take.

"You'd better keep it for you to wear. When you go to the city tomorrow, I'll buy each of them a piece of cloth and go home to make clothes, which will also fit." Zhang Guilan originally planned to do so, but now Luo Jijun has opened it, so he said it directly.

"Your women are thoughtful about these things. You can do it. Don't give up money. If it's not enough, I still have it here." Luo Jijun felt that he was not confident enough to say this.

Others don't know, but he knows that his daughter-in-law has some money. It is natural for a man to raise a woman, but he can't afford to raise his daughter-in-law as a man. These days, his training in the team has also been strengthened. He is also relieved to go to further study. He can't lose to his daughter-in-law. He has to be a man's due responsibility.

Zhang Guilan knew that men were ** in this regard, and she didn't say deeply here, "It's like this today. Go and have a door-to-door look. Don't let people think about you all the time."

"Let's go together." I stayed at home with my daughter-in-law and sister. Luo Jijun is really uneasy.

Zhang Guilan looked at him with a smile. It's not picky. He obediently followed him out of the room. The two went upstairs first, stayed at Wang Baijun's house for a while, and then went to Song Weidong's house opposite the door. Finally, I went to Yang Zongguo downstairs. Yang Zongguo was not at home. It was Shang Hong who opened the door.

"Zong Guo went to live in the camp. Let's find him to go to the team." Shang Hong looked pale.

"Sister-in-law's line, we'll go first." Zhang Guilan said hello and followed Luo Jijun downstairs.

The couple walked into the team while taking a walk. They have been married for nearly a year. It is rare to have such leisure time, and the sky outside is gradually getting warmer. Now it's enough to wear only a sweater and a coat. I don't feel cold at all. Unconsciously, spring has come to me.

You can't see the buds of grass nearby, but you can see a layer of green from a distance.

As soon as the soldiers in the team saw Luo Jijun with his daughter-in-law, they all came forward and called their sister-in-law. Zhang Guilan greeted him with a smile, and finally couldn't help blushing.

Luo Jijun looked proud and bit Zhang Guilan while he was not paying attention. "What are you shy about? If they dare not call your sister-in-law, they will let them run ten kilometers tomorrow."

Zhang Guilan glanced at him, and the man was quite domineering.

Luo Jijun looked at his daughter-in-law and said, "Let's sleep in the study at night."

Both good things were interrupted in the East House. Luo Jijun really didn't have a good impression of the East House.

Seeing that he was still thinking about this at this time, Zhang Guilan directly wanted to escape, but his hand was tightly pulled by him and could not escape from Ben. He could only let him joke and enter the dormitory of the camp while talking and laughing.

Yang Zongguo welcomed the two into the house. After pouring hot water, he smiled and said, "Yo, people say that heroes are sad about the beauty pass. This is still true. Even our battalion commander Luo can't pass this beauty pass."

Luo Jijun laughed, "This is my daughter-in-law."

She admitted Yang Zongguo's words and didn't forget to give Zhang Guilan a look. Zhang Guilan's ears were burned this time. She was really speechless about this man.

After a joke, Luo Jijun said that Zhang Guilan was going back to her hometown tomorrow. Yang Zongguo agreed very much, "It's right for my sister-in-law to think so. Tomorrow I will ask for leave for you in the team. You can send your sister-in-law, and then ask the team to send you a car. False, you two have a good day in the city.

The car to his hometown is more than two o'clock. Yang Zongguo gave Luo Jijun a day off, and Luo Jijun could go all the way to send Zhang Guilan to the car. That's what Luo Jijun planned.

"All right, then I'll return to the team the day after tomorrow." Luo Jijun is not polite.

What's more, the new daughter-in-law I married hasn't touched her for almost a year. If you want to say who is wronged, he will be wronged.

Zhang Guilan knew that these two men were so improper that she would not follow her until she left the camp and her face was still red, but Luo Jijun rarely cracked his mouth and laughed, which made the passing soldiers stunned, and the live commander Luo of the king of Hells even laugh.

When I got downstairs, I met Luo Haiying who was downstairs. Luo Jijun looked at her and didn't ask where she was going. As a sister-in-law, Zhang Guilan had to ask, but she didn't want to ask in her heart. When she was struggling, Luo Haiying opened her mouth, which saved trouble.

"Brother, I'll go to the city to see Milan and come back tomorrow." Luo Haiying still has some scruples after all.

"Wait a minute." Luo Jijun stopped her and took off a door key from the key buckle on his waist. "Tomorrow your sister-in-law will go back to her hometown. I'll see her off. Take the key and come back and open the door by yourself."

"Ah? Ah,,, "Luo Haiying was shocked when she heard that Zhang Guilan was going home, and then immediately stopped the doubts in her heart.

When she entered the house, Zhang Guilan asked Luo Jijun, "There is no car at this time. How can she enter the city? It's not walking, is it?"

"Don't worry about her, she's only learning in a day." Luo Jijun took the people and went to the study of the West Room.

Zhang Guilan broke free from him. "What's the nonsense in the daytime? In case someone comes later, let's see what you do."

Luo Jijun replied confidently, "What am I afraid of in my own home? Someone came and didn't open the door, so they left.

Looking at his anxious appearance, Zhang Guilan really didn't know what to say. "How about this, wait a moment. Ten minutes, no one is coming. You can do whatever you want. You can't do whatever you want?"

In the end, Zhang Guilan couldn't raise her head.

It's not a shame to say that the couple will do things in broad daylight, but after all, the two have really not been together. After two lifetimes, Zhang Guilan has also been looking forward to this day, but she feels awkward to move the bridal chamber to the daytime.

Luo Jijun didn't rebel when he saw his daughter-in-law. The smile on his face became deeper and deeper. OK. Listen to you, let's sit and talk in the study first.

The hand still didn't leave Zhang Guilan's waist, as if the fat meat in his mouth was about to be taken away, from the camp dormitory to now. Zhang Guilan was also killed. The pig was not afraid of boiling water.

But they didn't want to be afraid of something. As soon as they arrived at the study, they heard someone knocking on the door. It turned out to be Shang Hong. Luo Jijun's face can be imagined, let alone his mood. Zhang Guilan looked at it and smiled, and her chest ached.

Shang Hong cried as soon as he came in, and he was not afraid of shame. He directly begged Luo Jijun. Jijun, I don't want to divorce. I want to have a good time with Zong Guo. Please help me persuade Zong Guo. Zong Guo because I like your business. Now I have been thinking about it. As long as you explain it to him, he will forgive me.

Luo Jijun didn't expect it to be for this matter. He just felt a headache. "Sister-in-law, you must have misunderstood. Zong Guo didn't blame you for this matter."

"No, you don't know, it's because of this matter. Please help me persuade him." Shang Hong covered her face and began to cry.

Luo Jijun stood in front of her. Zhang Guilan stood at the door of the study. The couple exchanged eyes. Luo Jijun frowned deeply, but still didn't say anything. Zhang Guilan said, "Lao Luo, whether it's not, you can't let your sister-in-law misunderstand. Go with your sister-in-

"All right, let's go." Luo Jijun gave Zhang Guilan a look of 'I'll settle accounts with you in the evening' and followed Shang Hong out of the room.

Zhang Guilan shook her head and knew that things would be like this. Sometimes it was like this. The more you didn't want anything to happen, the more it happened, as if you were joking about fate.

On the other side, Luo Haiying walked alone along the road of taking the bus during the day. She also heard from Milan that there was no bus at this time, but the city and the military region were not far away. She wanted to walk first. If she met on the road, she would take a bus.

But she didn't want to see a familiar car, or the one she sat on when she came. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief and trotted a few steps, but she didn't dare to knock on the window. It was not until the window fell and she saw the face that she had a chance to have a chance, and then

"Is it really you? Why are you still here? Didn't you leave?"

"I happen to have something to do. Why did you come out?" The man is a friend of Hu Youguo. This time, he was begged by Hu Youguo to send Luo Haiying to Hao Lifeng.

Hao Lifeng is an individual. Because he did it early, he became a 10,000-yuan household early. At this time, thousands of households are rare, especially as young as Hao Lifeng.

"Well, I want to go to the city to see Milan. Can I give you a ride?" Thinking of sitting once, Luo Haiying didn't feel embarrassed when he opened his mouth.

Hao Lifeng frowned and asked her, "Do you have relatives living in the compound?"

"My eldest brother is the battalion commander, and I came to see my eldest brother." Luo Haiying showed off.

Hao Lifeng's eyes lit up, and his mouth was opened and his white teeth were exposed. "So that's it. I'm just going back to the city. Let's get in the car."

Luo Haiying didn't notice any change in Hao Lifeng's attitude. She smiled and said that Xie went around to the other side to open the car door and sat up. Along the way, Hao Lifeng was talking about it, and it made Luo Haiying very funny. He also agreed that Luo Haiying had time to ask him to the courtyard to play

After arriving at the hospital, Milan was shocked to see Luo Haiying coming again, "Why are you here?"

ps: The third update can be guaranteed every day, but the update time may not be on time, but you can rest assured that it will be updated on time as much as possible