Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 152 Yuan Shao5

Yuan Shao knew that it was Cao Cao's trouble, so he had to write a book to defend himself. Cao Cao appointed himself as a general, and Yuan Shao as a lieutenant and changed to the title of Marquis of Ye. Although the lieutenant is noble, but his status is below the general, Yuan Shao is deeply humiliated and will not be worshipped.

He said angrily, "Cao Cao almost died several times. I saved him. For example, today he gave orders to me in the name of the emperor!"

At that time, Cao's strength was not as good as Yuan Shao, and there were Lv Bu in Xuzhou in the east, Zhangxiu in Nanyang in the west, and Yuan Shu in Huainan in the south. Cao Cao was afraid and could only adopt a strategy of restraint and patience.

197 A.D. (the second year of Jian'an), Cao sent Kong Rong to send an envoy to Ye City with the emperor's Fujie, worshipped Yuan Shao as the general, gave him bows and arrows, Fujie, axe iron and a hundred tigers, and let him be in charge of the four states of Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou and Bingzhou to ease the conflict.

In the following years, Yuan Shao continued to devote himself to fighting against Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan dug ten trenches on the periphery of Yijing, and many earth platforms were built in the city, generally five or six feet high, and built on the high platform.

He lives on the platform building up to ten feet in the middle, with iron as the door. Men over seven years old are not allowed to enter. He is surrounded by only his concubines who serve him. Letters and documents have to be hung down with ropes, and almost living an isolated life. Due to the large number of valleys and tight defense in the city, Yuan Shao sent generals to attack over the years, but he could not attack.

Tian Feng saw that the army had been stranded in northern Hebei for a long time and said to Yuan Shao, "Since the plan to move the capital cannot be realized, we should seize Xudu as soon as possible and welcome the emperor.

At that time, we can also order the world in the name of an edict, which is the best strategy. Otherwise, one day we will fall into the hands of others, and it will be too late to regret it. Yuan Shao didn't listen.

In 198 AD (the third year of Jian'an), Yuan Shao personally led a large army to attack Youzhou, which was invincible, and then besieged Yijing. Gongsun Zan sent his son Gongsun to continue to ask for help from the Montenegro army.

Yuan Shao put on the ladder, dug tunnels, and constantly strengthened the offensive. Yijing was in danger, and some of the generals under Gongsun Zan surrendered and some dispersed.

In the spring of the following year, Gongsun Xu and Zhang Yan, the leader of the Black Mountain Army, led 100,000 rescuers to Yijing in three routes.

Gongsun Zan sent a secret letter to Gongsun, agreeing to use the ignition as a signal to attack Yuan Shaojun inside and outside. The letter was intercepted by Yuan Shao's sentry, and Yuan Shao set a plan to light a fire according to the agreed signal.

Sun Zan thought that the rescuers had arrived and led the troops out. He was hit by Yuan Shao's ambush and retracted into the city. Yuan Shao stepped up the tunnel and dug to the downstairs of the platform. First, he supported the foundation of the building with pillars, and then burned the pillars, and the platform collapsed.

Gongsun Zan had no way to go, so he hanged his sister's wife and then set himself on fire. At this time, Yuan Shao's soldiers rushed upstairs and cut off his head. Gongsun Zan's generals Tian Kai and Guan Jing were also killed in this battle.

Yuan Shao ordered people to send their heads to Xudu Zhanggong. So far, Yuan Shao occupied Youzhou and annexed Gongsun Zan's army.

Yuan Shao occupied the four states of Hebei, Qing, You and Bing, with hundreds of thousands of troops. With the increase of his strength, his ambition became greater, and the tribute to Emperor Xian gradually became scarce.

Once, he suddenly received a letter from Yuan Shu, who had not been in contact for a long time, saying: "The world of the Han Dynasty has long been lost. The emperor was controlled by others. The government came from private, and the country was divided. It was no different from the era of the seven-nation disputes at the end of the Zhou Dynasty. As a result, the strong annexed the world.

Our Yuan family was ordered by heaven and should be the emperor. The fate and auspiciousness are clearly shown. Today, you have four states with millions of households.

No one can compare with your strength, and no one can compare with your virtue. Even if Cao Cao has the intention to help the weak, how can he continue the extinct destiny?

Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor Huainan in 197 A.D. (the second year of Jian'an), but only two and a half years later, he made it empty, domestic and diplomatic difficulties, and betrayed his relatives. When he was desperate, he "generously" expressed his willingness to cede the emperor to Yuan Shao.

Although Yuan Shao didn't dare to say anything about the letter, he couldn't help asking for it.

He instructed Geng Fu to find a basis for himself to be an emperor. Geng Fu said to him privately, "Chide has declined. Yuan is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor and should follow God's will and follow people's hearts."

These sentences mean that according to the "theory of the five virtues are born together", the Han Dynasty is the so-called Huode (i.e. Chide), and the Huode should be replaced by Tude; the Yellow Emperor is the Tude, and the Yuan family is the descendant of the Yellow Emperor, so it is "God's will" for the Yuan family to replace the Han Dynasty.

Yuan Shao made these remarks public to his military officials. His subordinates all thought that Geng Fu's demons were misleading and confusing the public, and should kill his head. Yuan Shao knew that the time was still premature, and he was afraid of showing his horse's feet, so he had no choice but to kill Gengbao.

In 199 (the fourth year of Jian'an), the stubborn desire to divide Hanoi and Yuan Shaohe Zong were destroyed by Cao Cao. A decisive battle between Yuan and Cao has become inevitable.

Yuan Shao decided to drive 100,000 elite infantry and 10,000 cavalry to seize Xudu and destroy Cao Cao in one fell swoop.

He appointed the judge and Fengji to preside over the military. Tian Feng, Xun and Xu You served as counselors, and Yan Liang and Wen Chou served as generals and actively prepared to go south.

At that time, Yuan Shao's subordinates had different opinions, and Ju Shu's opinions were completely opposite to those of Guo Tu and the trial. Ju Shu suggested to wait for work and take a protracted war, while Guo Tu and the trial advocated a quick decision.

Yuan Shao was confident that he had a strong army and sufficient food, and he couldn't listen to Ju Shu's advice at all.

Guo Tu and others slandered behind their backs: "Ju Shu supervises the internal and external soldiers and shocked the three armies. If his power gradually strengthens, how can he control it! Only when the subordinates obey the master can prosper, and the lord obey the subordinates will perish. This is Huangshigong (Huangshigong (about 292 BC-195 BC), a Taoist scholar, a native of the Qin and Han dynasties, who later became immortals and was included in the divine genealogy by Taoism.) It was warned in the Three Briefs. Generals outside the army should not let him participate in internal affairs.

Therefore, Yuan Shao divided the army led by Ju Shu into three parts, two of which were handed over to Guo Tu and Chunyu Qiong.

In September, Cao Cao divided the guards to prepare to fight against Yuan Jun.

Yuan Shao attempted to attack Cao Cao with Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao. He sent messengers to Liancheng to contact Zhang Xiu, and specially sent a letter to Jia Xu, Zhang Xiu's counselor.

Zhang Xiu planned to agree, but before he said anything, Jia Xu spoke first. He said, "Please go back and tell Yuan Benchu that brothers are not compatible. How can you tolerate the national scholars of the world?"

The messenger came back. Soon, Zhang Xiu surrendered to Cao Cao.

Yuan Shao sent someone to Liu Biao for help again. Liu Biao pretended to agree. In fact, he did not move and only intended to watch Yuan Cao's fight against the wall. Zhang and Liu's attitude made Yuan Shao slow to do it.

In the first month of 200 AD (the fifth year of Jian'an), Liu Bei killed the Xuzhou assassin car, betrayed Cao Cao, and responded to Yuan Shao.

Cao Cao led the army to attack Liu Bei in order to eliminate future troubles. At this time, Tian Feng said to Yuan Shao, "Cao Cao attacked Liu Bei in the east, and it was not easy to stop the army for a while. If Ming Gong can raise troops to attack his rear, he will definitely win."

But Yuan Shao said that the child was sick, and Tian Feng rushed out angrily. As he walked, he knocked on the ground with a crutch and said, "It's over, there is no hope!" It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lose it because the child is sick. What a pity!"

After Yuan Shao heard about it, he became angry and alienated Tian Feng from then on.

Cao Cao was afraid that Yuan Shao would cross the Yellow River, so he intensified his attack on Liu Bei and finally defeated Liu Bei.

Liu Bei defected to Yuan Shao, and then Yuan Shao entered the army to attack Xu Du. Tian Feng thought that the fighter had been lost and said again, "Since Cao Cao defeated Liu Bei, Xu Du is no longer empty.

Moreover, Cao Cao is good at using soldiers and is unpredictable. Although there are few soldiers, they can't wait to look at them, so it's better to make a lasting plan.

The general has a strong mountain and river, with four states, heroes outside, internal agricultural warfare, and then select elites, divided into strange soldiers, and quickly attack the enemy's weak areas.

He saved the right and hit the left, and the left, making the enemy tired and the people could not live and work in peace and contentment.

In this way, we are not tired, and the enemy is already tired. In less than three years, we can sit down and defeat it.

Now give up the strategy of winning and decide the success or failure in World War I. If you can't do it, it's too late to repent!" Yuan Shao didn't listen. Tian Feng tried his best to dissuade him and offend Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao thought he had ruined the army, so he locked Tian Feng up.

In February, Yuan Shao issued a crusade against Cao Cao, accusing Cao of "the wolf ambition, potential scourge, and want to break the pillars, the lonely and weak man's room, and get rid of loyalty and harm, especially for heroes."

He sent Yan Liang to surround the white horse and led his army to Liyang.

In April, Cao Cao attacked the east and west, rescued the siege of the white horse in the north, killed Yan Liang, and migrated people to Guandu.

Yuan Shao relied on his own people and was ready to cross the river and chase Cao's army.