Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 153 Yuan Shao 6 (additional update,)

Ju Shu, who was disliked because of repeated advice, stood up to dissuade him and said, "The outcome of the war is unpredictable, and it can't be carefully planned. The army should stay in Yanjin and divide the troops to attack Guandu. If it can be conquered, it will not be too late to welcome the army, otherwise there will be the danger of the destruction of the whole army.

Yuan Shao did not follow. Ju Shu sighed when the army was about to cross the river: "The superior is proud, the subordinate is greedy, and the Yellow River is leisurely. Can I still cross the river back!"

He is sick and doesn't want to cross the river. Yuan Shao was very angry and forced Ju Shu to cross the river with the army and cut off his army to Guo Tu. After Yuan Shao crossed the river, he was stationed in the south of Yanjin.

He sent Liu Bei and Wen Chou to challenge, which was defeated by Cao's army, and the general Wen Chou was beheaded. In the second battle, two generals and many horses were broken, and Yuan's army was greatly shocked.

After Cao's army returned to Guandu, Yuan's army gathered in Yangwu. Ju Shu said to Yuan Shao: "There are many northern soldiers, but they are not as brave and good at fighting as the southern army; the southern army has less food and material reserves are not as good as the northern army. The southern army is conducive to rapid combat, and the northern army is conducive to slowing down troops. Therefore, our army should fight a protracted war and delay the time.

Yuan Shao still did not obey. He ordered his troops to gradually approach Guandu, close to Cao's army to camp, and the military camp stretched dozens of miles from east to west.

In September, when the two armies fought, Cao's army was defeat and hid in the camp. Yuan Shao built a wall building, piled up earth mountains, and shot Cao Ying from a high place.

The arrows were like rain, and the soldiers in Cao camp had to walk with shields. However, the wall tower and Tushan were soon destroyed by Cao Jun's "threwagon".

Yuan Shao secretly dug a tunnel to Cao's camp, and Cao's army dug a long ditch in the camp for defense. Yuan Jun's grain truck was also attacked by Cao Jun.

The two armies held each other for more than 100 days, and the people in Henan were in great hardship. Many people betrayed Cao's army and responded to Yuan's army.

During the period of holding each other, Yuan Shao sent Liu Bei and Han Xun to attack Xu Du, but they were all defeated by Cao Ren, so they no longer returned.

However, this situation in favor of Yuan Shao suddenly turned down sharply.

At this time, Yuan Shao sent Chunyu Qiong to lead more than 10,000 people to welcome the grain truck in the north. Ju Shu specially reminded him: "Jiang Qi can be sent to lead a man on the outside of Chunyu Qiong to prevent Cao Cao's sneak attack."

Xu You, a counselor, proposed to take Cao Cao's army and attack Xu Du.

However, Yuan Shao did not want to take risks because Han Xun and Liu Bei failed to attack Xu Du before.

Coincidentally, someone in the Xu You family in Yecheng violated the law and was taken to prison by the left-behind trial. Xu You was very dissatisfied and defected to Cao Cao. Under Xu You's plan, Cao Cao personally led his troops to Wuchao and attacked Chunyu Qiong.

When Cao Cao attacked Wuchao, Zhang Xi, a general of Yuan's military department, advocated saving Chunyu Qiong. He said to Yuan Shao, "Cao Cao's personal attack is bound to win, so the matter is irreparable."

Guo Tu said ingeniously, "It's better to send troops to attack Cao's camp at this time."

Yuan Shao believes that Guo Tu is right. As long as he attacks Cao's camp, Cao Cao will be homeless.

So Gao Lan and Zhang He led heavy troops to attack Cao's camp, and only sent light horses to rescue Wuchao.

Gao Lan and Zhang Li could not attack the camp, and the news of Wuchao's defeat had come. The two generals had no intention of fighting and surrendered to Cao's army.

In another sentence, this is actually Guo Tu's fault, afraid that Yuan Shao will blame himself.

So he called a trusted person and said, "Go to see Gao Lan, Zhang He, and say that the lord is going to punish him for the defeat of the army."

So there was a matter for the two of them.

Yuan Shao's whole army was in chaos and suddenly collapsed. In a hurry, Yuan Shao and his eldest son Yuan Tan fled alone and went straight to the Yellow River ferry, and then a group of cavalry, about 800 horses, crossed the river to the north bank of Liyang.

In this battle, Yuan Shao lost 70 to 80,000 people, and countless weapons, books and treasures.

When he stumbled into his subordinate Jiang Yiqu's camp, he held Jiang's hand and said sadly, "I gave you my head."

After the defeat of Guandu, someone said to Tian Feng, "You will definitely be reused."

Tian Feng replied calmly, "If I send troops to win, I will be safe." Now that I am defeated, I will definitely die."

Sure enough, Yuan Shao returned to Yecheng and said, "I didn't listen to Tian Feng's words at the beginning. I'm really going to make him laugh today." So he ordered to kill him.

In the battle of Guandu, the two sons of the trial were captured alive by Cao Cao.

Meng Dai had a conflict with the trial, and said to Yuan Shao through Jiang Qi, "The trial mate is in office, with a large clan and strong troops, and his two sons are in the south, he must want to rebel."

Guo Tu and Xin Ping also think so. Yuan Shao then appointed Meng Dai as the supervisor to guard Ye County instead of the trial. The guard Fengji was at the same time. Yuan Shao asked Fengji about the incident. Fengji replied, "The judge is strong and straightforward. Every time he says and does, he admires the integrity of the ancients. He will not do injustice because his two sons are in the south. Don't doubt him."

Yuan Shao said, "Don't you hate him?" Fengji said, "What we argued about in the past belongs to personal affairs, but now what we are talking about is a national event." Yuan Shao said, "That's right." Therefore, the trial was not removed. Since then, the relationship between matching and discipline has been more harmonious.

After returning to Jizhou, Yuan Shao successively put down the rebellions everywhere.

Soon, Yuan Shao fell ill and died in the summer of 202 AD (the seventh year of Jian'an). Because Yuan Shaoping had a good moral government, when he died, the people of Hebei were not sad. Tears were spilled in the streets of the city, as if they had lost their loved ones.

The examiner and other mates corrected Yuan Shao's will and take Yuan Shang as his heir.

Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang were defeated by Cao in order to fight for power.

In 205 AD (ten years of Jian'an), Yuan Tan was killed, and Yuan Shang and his second brother Yuan Xi fled to Wuhuan in western Liaoning.

In 207 (the 12th year of Jian'an), Cao Cao settled Wuhuan in the north, and Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi were defeated in Liaodong and were killed by Gongsun Kang.

Cao once commented on Yuan Shao: "I know that Shao is a man, ambitious and intelligent, fierce and bold, afraid of being less powerful, many soldiers and unclear. He will be arrogant and have different political orders. Although the land is wide, although the grain is abundant, it is enough for me." As far as Yuan Shao is in Hebei, his army is strong and alone, and he is really invincible.

Chen Shou once commented: "Yuan Shao and Liu Biao are famous in the world. Walking through Hannan, Shaoying raised the river, but they were all lenient and internal taboos. They were resourceful and could not be used. They heard good things but could not be accepted. They abolished their concubines and sacrificed their rites and loved them. As for the ups and downs and overthrow of the community, it is not unfortunate. In the past, Xiang Yu backed Fan Zeng's plan to lose his royal career; Shaozhi's killing Tian Feng was more far away than Yu!"

Yuan Shao's tomb is said to be located in Yuan Lao Village, Yuan Lao Township, Shangshui County. It is said that after Yuan Shao died of grief and anger, the people who followed him to fight south and north took advantage of the dark at night to transport Yuan Shao's body back to his hometown Yuan Lao and buried it on the bank of Cao River. At that time, in order to be afraid of Cao Cao's revenge again, Yuan Shao's descendants deliberately rewrite Caohe into Caohe, which has been used ever since.

Yuan Shao's tomb here was very large at that time. After being washed away by rain, it gradually became smaller. Villagers near Yuan Lao called it Jixin Beach, also known as Yuan Jintan. In order to pay tribute to the ancestors, every day and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, Yuan's descendants went to Yuan Jintan to burn incense and worship their ancestors. This custom has been followed.