The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 343 Longtan Tiger Cave, Life and Death

Leng Xuanrong saw An Qiaoqiao's angry face and said that she would let Mrs. 7 and Leng Xuanrong follow her to see An Pingzhi. Then she looked at An Longyi lying on the bed. Leng Xuanrong knew that it was time for her to get out of here.

"Miss Ann." Leng Xuanrong took a step forward, reached out and grabbed An Qiaoqiao's arm and said in a low voice, "Please calm down. The Prime Minister's life is hanging on the line now, and the eldest son is supporting the situation in front of him. Isn't it causing trouble to settle down here?"

After saying that, Leng Xuanrong winced at Mrs. Seven, "Mrs. Seven, I think Miss An is scared. Let's help her to a quiet place to have a rest."

An Qiaoqiao quarreled together, which scared the seventh lady. Hearing Leng Xuanrong's words, she immediately had the backbone and took a step forward and grabbed An Qiaoqiao's arm. "Yes, Qiaoqiao, don't be popular here. Aren't we equally anxious about the poisoning of the prime minister? The eldest son is now trying to find someone to detoxify, and we are waiting here. It scares you. Come on, let's hurry to the room over there and take a breath..."

With that, Mrs. Seven and Leng Xuanrong dragged An Qiaoqiao out of the bedroom. An Qiaoqiao struggled hard at first, but after listening to the Seventh Lady's persuasion in her ear for a while, An Qiaoqiao's eyes turned red. When they came to the next room to sit down, An Qiaoqiao couldn't help holding Mrs. Seven and crying.

Seeing An Qiaoqiao crying like this, Leng Xuanrong was relieved and took a breath.

"Mrseven, you are here with Miss An. I will go to the birthday banquet hall in front of me. Maybe the eldest son has invited a doctor who can detoxify..." After greeting Mrs. Seven, Leng Xuanrong hurriedly left the room.

After coming out of the courtyard where Mrs. Seven lived, Leng Xuanrong found that the house in the Prime Minister's mansion had been in a mess. When everyone learned that the Prime Minister was going to be poisoned, the concubines of An Longyi panicked. The servants hurriedly ran in the corridor, which seemed to spread the news, but when Leng Xuanrong also followed these people out of the inner house, she immediately saw groups of light armored guards waiting to stand there.

Some servants stood there and argued loudly with the light armor guards, but no matter what they said, the light armor guards did not let them go to the front house. Leng Xuanrong followed a group of people to the back door of the Prime Minister's mansion, but there were more light armored guards guarding here.

Leng Xuanrong heard several servants around him whisper, saying that the whole prime minister's mansion was now surrounded by ghost soldiers, and some bold servants whispered that this was a heavenly soldier summoned by the emperor to destroy all the family.

Such words gradually spread among the people under their families, and people's panic became even worse.

Leng Xuanrong was dressed in luxurious clothes. Even if she hid among the people, she was still very eye-catching. She took advantage of the chaos in the prime minister's mansion to find a chance to escape from the dragon pool tiger's den.

Previously, Leng Xuanrong was thinking about the hatred of her past life and present life, so she didn't think much about how to escape from this place. Now An Longyi will definitely die, and Leng Xuanrong found that she had forgotten the most important thing. In his previous life, he was able to escape by Du Yilin's clever arrangement, and in this life, not only is there no such arrangement, but also 8,000 light armored guards in the Prime Minister's mansion. Seeing them ready to go, it is really hard to imagine how to escape from the Prime Minister's mansion.

Leng Xuanrong became a little nervous and hesitated for a moment. Finally, she decided to at least go to the front yard first. In the birthday banquet hall, she found that Du Yilin was extremely calm. Presumably he had some arrangements. As long as she waited for the opportunity, she might be able to leave here safely with him.

Thinking of this, Leng Xuanrong returned to the place leading to the front yard blocked by the light armored bodyguard again. The panicked servants strode to the light armored guard and said coldly, "I'm going back to the birthday banquet hall in front to see the eldest son."

The light armored bodyguard looked up and down at Leng Xuanrong and saw that she was dressed luxuriously and spoke politely.

"The eldest son has ordered that the people in the inner house are not allowed to leave without authorization, and they have to wait until he speaks in person..."

"Presumptuous!" Leng Xuanrong stared and said angrily, "The Prime Minister is in the seventh lady's room, and it looks like he can't do it. In case the eldest son can't see the last face of the Prime Minister because he doesn't get the news, can you bear it?"

As soon as Leng Xuanrong's words came out, even the servants around her exploded. Everyone immediately turned around and ran back, and sent the news that "the Prime Minister is out of his way" back to the inner house. As soon as the light armored bodyguard in front of him heard this, he hurriedly dodged and gave way to let Leng Xuanrong pass.

Leng Xuanrong snorted and walked towards the birthday hall.

When Leng Xuanrong came to the vicinity of the hall, she couldn't help eating. Looking up, I saw that the yard of the birthday hall was not far away, and the fire was shining. I don't know what happened. In the direction of the birthday hall, someone kept running out in panic. The sound of shouting for killing shocked the sky. The situation seemed to be out of control. Leng Xuanrong's forehead was sweating, thinking that it was An Pingzhi and Du Yilin who finally broke their faces. Is there a fight?

But if there is really a fight in the Prime Minister's mansion, Du Yilin, the king of Xiaohan, must be in an extremely unfavorable position. Leng Xuanrong looked at those who escaped and thought to herself whether she should go there or wait for the opportunity here.

Just as Leng Xuanrong stopped and stood by the corridor and hesitated, she suddenly heard a faint call around her.

"Cold girl...cold...girl..."

Leng Xuanrong frowned and looked around, only to find that there were light armored bodyguards and An Jiading who hurried past him, but now there is no one on the corridor. The call came from the flowers in the distance. Leng Xuanrong carefully jumped over the corridor, followed the sound, and bypassed a rockery. Only then did she find that someone was lying next to the rockery and secretly calling her.

Leng Xuanrong subconsciously squatted down, hid her figure behind the rockery, and then looked carefully before she recognized that the person lying on the ground was Qi Zongyan.

At a closer look, Leng Xuanrong couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

It turned out that Qi Zongyan did not lie on the ground to hide his body. When Leng Xuanrong came over, he still maintained such a posture, in fact, because his legs could no longer stand up. When Leng Xuanrong saw that the legs were twisted in an extremely unnatural way, she knew that Qi Zongyan was afraid that her life would not be long.

"Qi Dong's house... You... Why are you here?" Leng Xuanrong couldn't bear to look at his legs anymore and asked in a low voice.

Qi Zongyan kept coughing. Just now, he seemed to have exhausted his little strength, and he lay on the ground and wanted to get up and speak, which seemed to be very difficult.

" she dead?" Qi Zongyan asked with difficulty.

Leng Xuanrong frowned, looked at Qi Zongyan's bloody face and his congested eyes, gritted his teeth and replied in a low voice, "Dead. An Longyi... He has been poisoned by me!"

"You?" Qi Zongyan seemed to be very surprised when she heard Leng Xuanrong's words. He tried to get up and turned his head to look at Leng Xuanrong's face. In the dark night, although there were the light of colored lights and the fire in the distance, Leng Xuanrong did not know whether Qi Zongyan could see her expression now. Leng Xuanrong only saw Qi Zongyan look at her and raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, and then said with difficulty, "It's good to die... it's good to die... it's good to die..."

Leng Xuanrong looked up at the direction of the birthday banquet hall. Since Qi Zongyan fell here, he and his group of his men were probably made up. Maybe this chaos is also their share.

"Qi Dong's family, if you have any other wishes, please tell me... If I can get out of here alive, I will help you fulfill your wish." Leng Xuanrong gritted her teeth and asked Qi Zongyan in a low voice.

However, Qi Zongyan shook her head and laughed softly, "He died... just... I... no longer... wish..."

Leng Xuanrong looked at Qi Zongyan and said this, and slowly lay on the ground. She couldn't see the expression on Qi Zongyan's face clearly, and only heard a long sigh.

Leng Xuanrong stood up and couldn't help looking at Qi Zongyan's two twisted legs, then turned his head and quickly left the rockery and walked towards the birthday banquet hall.


Leng Xuanrong only has such an idea in her mind now.

Seeing such Qi Zongyan, I don't know why, Leng Xuanrong suddenly thought of her father and Brother Yan Liang. Their life and death are uncertain now. If you want to see them again and know their news again, Leng Xuanrong knows that she must live. The big revenge has been avenged and the wish has been fulfilled. More important than these is to live well and return to those who are close to their loved ones.

An Pingzhi and Du Yilin, if the two tigers compete, there will always be a life and a death. Leng Xuanrong is cruel. No matter what the result of their struggle is, she must live.

When she came to the back corner door of the courtyard of the birthday hall, Leng Xuanrong saw that there were no light armor guards here. She looked into the yard and found that many people in the courtyard were standing there like wooden clay sculptures and looking at the hall.

Leng Xuanrong quietly came to the courtyard. When she also saw the scene in the birthday hall, she immediately took a breath of cold air and couldn't help screaming.

"Yan...Brother Yan Liang..."

In the birthday banquet hall, the officials' families have almost escaped, leaving only two groups of people standing on both sides, and Leng Xuanrong saw the man standing beside Du Yilin at a glance.

Zeng Yanliang!

Zeng Yanliang, who had been missing for a long time, actually appeared in this dragon pool tiger cave-like hall out of thin air!

Leng Xuanrong's scream attracted the eyes of everyone in the hall. Before Zeng Yanliang could speak, An Pingzhi, who stood opposite them, suddenly roared, "Catch that woman!"