The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 344 A dead end, shudder

Under An Ping's order, he could not tolerate Leng Xuanrong's reaction, and a group of light armored bodyguards rushed to her with a shout.

At this time, an image flashed to Leng Xuanrong like a gust of wind and protected her.

"Whoever dares to touch her, I will let anyone's head fall to the ground!"

Zeng Yanliang's cold voice sounded in the birthday hall, and a group of light armored bodyguards saw him appear in front of him just now, and they were so scared that they dared not move.

Zeng Yanliang frowned and turned his head to stare at An Pingzhi's cold hum, turned around and put his hand around Leng Xuanrong's shoulder, and took her to the crowd behind Du Yilin.

Leng Xuanrong could hardly walk. She felt that the hand that Brother Yan Liang held around her shoulder was cold and trembling slightly. Leng Xuanrong looked up at Zeng Yanliang and saw that he was also looking down at herself.

Zeng Yanliang saw tears flashing in Leng Xuanrong's big eyes, as if there were countless words to say to himself. He gritted his teeth and suppressed his excitement. He thought to himself, Xuanrong, why don't I have a thousand words to tell you?

The date of separation seemed to be far away from them. At that time, Zeng Yanliang was anxious when he heard that Leng Xuanrong had been kidnapped. Later, he fell into the hands of the wicked and inexplicably met Uncle Chang. After that, he was almost killed. At the front line of life and death, he was rescued by the Kirin Camp brothers. Life and death seemed to be like a It's like a dream.

In his days with the Kirin camp brothers, Zeng Yanliang no longer missed Leng Xuanrong all the time. He knew that Leng Xuanrong must be worried about himself, but just as he was determined to leave the Kirin Camp and return to the imperial city alone, Mr. Wu Dou Yandong and Leng Chengqi suddenly appeared in the Kirin camp. Zeng Yanliang learned from them that Leng Xuan After the news that Rong was safe and sound, he was a little relieved.

Zeng Yanliang has been very wary of Dou Yandong poisoning Leng Xuanrong at the beginning, but later Gu Zhiyi asked Zeng Yanliang to return to the imperial city with Xiao 19 and others, saying that there was something very important for them to do. Zeng Yanliang really missed Leng Xuanrong, so he did not explain what had happened to Leng Chengqi. Xiao 19 and others returned to the imperial city.

After arriving at the imperial city, Zeng Yanliang knew that Leng Xuanrong had lived in the Prime Minister's mansion for a period of time, and also knew that there would be earth-shaking events at An Longyi's birthday banquet.

Xiao 19 and others were ordered by Gu Zhiyi to protect the safety of Miss Dou San and Du Yilin. Zeng Yanliang acted with them and naturally went to the Prime Minister's mansion to see Leng Xuanrong. However, just when a group of them broke into the birthday banquet and listened to it, Zeng Yanliang did not find Leng Xuanrong's figure, and his heart almost rose to his throat. At this time, Leng Xuanrong suddenly appeared, and a big stone in Zeng Yan's conscience fell down.

Xuanrong, I'm back...

No one knows how much Zeng Yanliang wanted to say this to Leng Xuanrong with a smile at this time, but the present situation is obviously not the time to say this.

Brother Yan Liang, you are finally back...

Leng Xuanrong lowered her head and covered her eyes with her hands, and tears flowed uncontrollably. The cold and trembling big hand on his shoulder seemed to be telling Yan Liang's worries about her, as if he could pass on everything he wanted to say in his heart.

I'm back, finally back...

Leng Xuanrong finally dared to close her eyes steadily, and finally dared to lean against a person and shed tears silently.

In the hall, everyone was so nervous that they dared not breathe, but Leng Xuanrong's faint sobs sounded in everyone's ears.

An Pingzhi stared angrily and stared at Leng Xuanrong fiercely. He gritted his teeth, and a fire in his heart seemed to burn him.

He clearly planned everything, but everything was beyond his expectation. What the hell is going on? Why on earth? Obviously, everything was carried out according to the plan before the birthday banquet began, and everything was still under his control before the birthday banquet began. Why?

At this time, someone ran to An Pingzhi and reported, "The eldest son, those people who broke into the Prime Minister's mansion have been killed, and there is no one left."

An Pingzhi narrowed his eyes and nodded and asked coldly, "Have the women who just ran out settled down?"

The servants replied, "They have been allowed to go to the inner house."

Hearing this, An Pingzhi smiled and turned to the pale officials behind him and said, "Please rest assured that your family have gone to the Prime Minister's mansion for a temporary rest. After the matter here is done, we will reopen the wedding banquet..."

Before An Pingzhi finished his words, suddenly another subordinate came in a hurry, "Long... eldest son... Xiang... Xiang Ye..."

When An Pingzhi saw the servant's appearance, his heart sank. Without waiting for the servant to finish his words, he stepped forward, pulled out the waist knife of a light armored bodyguard and suddenly poked into the servant's body.

The subordinate stared blankly and didn't understand what was going on, so he died in front of everyone.

Anpingzhi called a confidant, told him a few words, and then turned around and said coldly to Du Yilin, "Your Majesty, you are still a royal man. My father is now in critical condition and urgently needs to go out to find the imperial doctor. The emperor's secret camp has surrounded my prime minister's mansion. Do you think there is any way?"

Du Yilin smiled when he heard the words and said, "An Pingzhi, didn't you just say that your father and son, together with your brother guarding the border gate, are all rebels of the court and traitors and thieves. Everyone should be killed by such a thieves. The emperor had a foresight and sent a secret camp to destroy the anti-chen. Like all the adults present, I am the emperor's ministers. I believe you and I know very well what to do as a minister.

"Good! OK!" An Pingzhi laughed loudly when he heard the words. He stretched out his hand and pointed to Du Yilin, "I originally praised you for being bold and knowledgeable and wanted to leave you a good way to die. Since you still want to confuse the public here at this time, I can only show you who is the true son and who is the king of heaven!"

After saying that, An Pingzhi shouted, "Come on!"

The leader of the light armored guards came, nodded on one knee, and knelt down in front of Anping.

"You will lead people to get rid of the so-called royal secret camps outside! I'd like to see if my eight thousand dead men are powerful, or the weak and incompetent emperor's men are powerful!"

The head of the light armored bodyguard received the order to get up and leave. An Pingzhi turned around with a slight smile and said to the people present, "It's not on a whim that the An family wants to sit in this world. In the nine counties of Huangyu Kingdom, five counties and three princes guarding the fiefs are in favor of replacing the weak and incompetent emperor to govern this great mountain and river. My second brother has led a large army to Wuming County. There are 100,000 elites in the house and a million troops outside. After passing Wuming County, he will directly hit the imperial city. At that time, it will be unstoppable. Can the Du family use the so-called secret camp to block millions of troops?'s just a joke!"


As soon as An Pingzhi finished speaking, he didn't expect Du Yilin to laugh loudly.

"Millions of troops? Hahaha..."

No one thought that King Xiaohan, who had always been as cold as water, could laugh in front of everyone, and he didn't expect that he could laugh at this time.

"An Pingzhi, An Pingzhi, haven't you figured it out yet?" Du Yilin stopped laughing and looked at An Pingzhi and said loudly, "Do you think you still have a million troops? Do you think your brother can really take someone to fight against Wuming County? Hahaha..."

An Pingzhi's face suddenly looked hard when he heard Du Yilin's words. His heart tightened, but he did not respond.

Du Yilin continued, "When the news of He Lijing's rebellion in Wuming County came, I had already sent people outside Wuming County. Do you think the relationship between your family and the three kings of the five counties can escape my eyes? Humph! Your father, An Longyi, is indeed a person. The three kings of the five counties have promised him, but that promise is only for An Longyi, not for you. With that, Du Yilin stretched out his hand and pointed to the subordinate who died in Anping's hand and asked, "What did this subordinate just come to tell you? You killed him without listening to him. Do you think these people present are fools? He is going to tell you that the anti-thief An Longyi, your father has died and there is no chance to rebel! As soon as An Longyi died, do you think the three kings of the five counties can still stand beside your yellow-haired child An Pingzhi? Hahahaha!"

Du Yilin's laughter has never been so smooth. He pointed to An Pingzhi and said loudly, "Even if you struggle with these 8,000 dead men, you can only solve the worries of this night. After a night, your family will no longer exist, and this prime minister's mansion will no longer exist. An Pingzhi, I also advise you to give up the struggle. Maybe the emperor can leave a whole body for your father and son!"

"Du Yilin!"

Anping roared, "It's you! It was you who poisoned my father! Do you think you can still leave the Prime Minister's mansion alive with such despicable means?"

Du Yilin stopped laughing when he heard the words, narrowed his eyes slightly, and replied coldly, "Since I stepped into the gate of this prime minister's mansion, I have never thought of going out alive!"

Du Yilin's words made the whole hall involuted to take a breath of cold air.

At this time, everyone understood why Du Yilin dared to come to this dragon pool tiger cave with only a few personal guards, why he was still very calm in the face of various situations, and why Du Yilin could not be calm. All this was because he had the determination to die!

He knew that the emperor would send a secret camp to surround the Prime Minister's mansion. He knew that the An family would set up a heavy guard in the house. He knew that An Longyi would announce a rebellion at the banquet, and he might even know that An Longyi would die here.

Knowing all this is equivalent to knowing the danger he will face. However, he gave up his life, probably to let the An family regard his Du Yilin as the biggest enemy in front of him, so that the emperor who was far away in the palace could unconsciously mobilize the two secret camps.

Everyone's eyes focused on Du Yilin, and everyone shuddered.