Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 122 Lingnan News

Jiang Ting nestled in the study outside and studied the mansion newspaper all day. The court's residence newspaper records the appointment and removal of officials this month, as well as what the court has done, what departments have issued, what decrees the emperor has issued, etc.

Jiang Ting was dizzy all day, but she couldn't see anything else except what was written on it. She once again regretted why she didn't study hard at the beginning. Although sometimes she can be a little anxious. But in the face of such a mansion newspaper that simply describes a piece of events, she will not draw cocoon from it and find out the information she wants.

Therefore, after reading the mansion newspaper, it not only did not make Jiang Ting feel happy, but also made her more worried. However, this inspired her on the other hand. People have to study hard, otherwise she won't even read a simple mansion newspaper. Will she really be an ignorant woman in the backyard when she marries someone in the future?

In fact, Jiang Ting thought about it herself. It really has nothing to do with whether she has studied hard before. Although the content of the Dibao is written in classical Chinese style, she has actually understood it after this period of study. However, it takes more other insights and accumulation to really learn to get the information she needs from the mansion newspaper.

For example, the mansion newspaper only writes which vacancy in which department and who is filled. And this who's residence newspaper only makes a brief introduction, such as how many officials he was originally, where he served, and whether the three-year official evaluation is excellent or good, and it's over. And this new official, family background, character, popularity, which senior official he is close to, etc., these things are not in the mansion newspaper.

Therefore, if you want to get the information you want from the mansion newspaper, you should not only have a keen political sense, but also need to have a general understanding of various forces and the background of some relevant figures. And for Jiang Ting, although these are not black, they are really weak. She is a boudoir, where can she know these things?

Of course, in addition to these, there is also a stupid way to check the comparison of the previous mansion newspaper from beginning to end. In this way, you can basically find out the resumes of the officials you want to know.

But the question is that what she wants to see is the emperor and the prince, what is his attitude towards her father, and what is his attitude towards others. Therefore, she has caused a big problem for herself. Just looking at the monthly mansion newspaper is completely useless.

And Jiang Ting is not a very smart person in the first place, and it is impossible to study the mansion newspaper. Who let her not be a court official, and Dad doesn't want to talk to her more about those things, so she can only find more information by herself.

But she didn't get nothing. According to the mansion newspaper, on November 26, 800 miles of urgent music was sent from Lingnan. There are not many descriptions about the content of the urgent play in the mansion newspaper. Jiang Ting read it carefully and translated it into something she could understand. Generally speaking, after King Jing received the emperor's order, he took a thunderous means to directly arrest all the concubines of King Jing who made trouble and put them in prison. In addition, King Jing personally beheaded the trouble. The mastermind of the matter, that is, the father and two brothers of King Jing's side concubine; then, King Jing successfully withdrew all the military power of Lingnan and handed over all the seals to the two generals Zhao and Tian; the rest were handed over the personnel and materials.

After Jiang Ting saw this, she felt inexplicably relaxed. Liu Yao, that boy, doesn't seem to have to die. It's good.


In the palace of the prince of King Jing, Liu Yao is also reading the mansion newspaper. At this time, he had mixed feelings. From the beginning, he guessed that his father would not rebel. But he really didn't expect that King Jing would directly arrest all the people of the side concubine's mother by thunder, and even kill the woman's father and brother.

Liu Yao can't tell how he feels. Before his mother died, he secretly heard her tell King Jing that the reason why she got sick was caused by King Jing's side concubine. She was not sick, but poisoned. But even if Princess Jing showed evidence to King Jing, King Jing was indifferent.

From that time on, the tall image of King Jing in Liu Yao's mind began to collapse. He believed deeply in his mother, so he decided that she must not have lied. And the evidence he found later also showed that everything she said was true.

However, his father was not moved at all when he faced his mother's gradual weakness and death and his pleadings. Still, it just makes people ask for medicine and only do the simplest treatment. He even said to him in the end, "She took the blame for herself", such cruel words.

Liu Yao felt that he was starting to go crazy at that time. Using the hand left by his mother, he found out the evidence that many concubines of King Jing had assassinated him and his mother and sent them to his father. But his father didn't even turn his eyelids, but told him coldly, "If you want to be the lord of Lingnan, you'd better let go of your mother's hatred."

But Liu Yao had just lost his beloved mother at that time, and his heart had long been overwhelmed by hatred. How could he let it go? Therefore, he decided to ignore King Jing's warning to revenge on the bitch who killed his mother.

Liu Yao wholeheartedly believed that it was King Jing's side concubine who killed his mother. People around him told him that the bitch must have planned to kill his mother in order for her son to become a son. Liu Yao believed it. After several assassinations, Liu Yao even believed that he had seen through the wolf ambition of the side concubine.

Then, they began to fight with each other for two years.

Ironically, his father Wang knew everything, but he just looked at him coldly and let him go through assassinations again and again. Even several times, he almost lost his life, and his father never intervened in everything. It seems that he is waiting for Liu Yao's death in order to change his son.

At that time, Liu Yao, who lost his mother and was abandoned by his father, began to distort his mind and began to revenge crazily. Anyway, at that time, he was the most noble person in Jingwang's mansion except King Jing. He has the hand left by Princess Jing, and he is not a lamb who can't fight back. His goal was not on King Jing's side concubine, but aimed all the spearheads at her two sons.

Didn't she want to kill him to make way for her precious sons? Then he killed her sons, made her regret, made her suffer, and made her miserable!

But the subsequent changes made him completely unacceptable. His father intervened. Whenever he did something to the sons of the bitch, his father would take action and wipe out all the hands he used. At first, he was afraid that his father would kill himself because he hurt his favorite sons. But he was unwilling. Obviously, he was the legitimate son, and obviously he was the son of the world. Why didn't his father love him, but loved the son of the two concubines?

However, King Jing's attitude was once again beyond his expectation, and he did not mean to kill him. His father was still silent, watching them fight again and again. Then, he secretly weakened his manpower again and again. Until Liu Yao was no longer available, his father exiled him to the capital.

Now Liu Yao is no longer the child who only knew crazy revenge in the past. He began to think and began to think about why his father faced himself with this attitude. In the past, he even doubted whether he was the son of King Jing. But the similar faces of the two told him that he was indeed the son of King Jing, which could never be wrong.

But why is King Jing's attitude towards him so bad? Because he had begun to doubt Princess Jing herself, Liu Yao slowly began to doubt whether the death of Princess Jing was really killed by Princess Jing as she said. Is it because his father knows that all this is fake that he is not allowed to hurt his two annoying brothers?

However, there are many things that don't make sense. At least, Liu Yao can be sure that King Jing does not cherish him. He recalled it seriously countless times, but in all his memory, when his father faced him, he was a cold face and never smiled. Therefore, he has always been closer to his mother, preferring his mother, and trusting his mother more. So much so that even if he begins to find all kinds of doubts now, he is still unwilling to think about his mother in a bad way.

He always thought that King Jing favored the side concubine and her two sons. This time, he even thought about whether he had been regarded as an abandoned son by King Jing. Did King Jing throw him to the capital to paralyze the royal family? If he really rebelled, whether it happened or not, Liu Yao had no possibility of continuing to live well. The two sons of the side concubine are likely to be reused by King Jing from now on...

However, what King Jing did now has shattered all Liu Yao's doubts. Not only did he rebel, but he also killed the woman's father and brother. This shocked Liu Yao.

At the beginning, it was through the favor of King Jing that the woman put her father and brothers in an important position in the barracks step by step, and even mastered part of Lingnan's military power. Step by step, she made her mother prosper and became an upstart in Lingnan. At the beginning, Liu Yao was assassinated several times, and it was probably their action. The mother clan that destroyed the side concubine should have been part of Liu Yao's revenge plan.

But now, they were all destroyed by King Jing.

In the face of such a result, Liu Yao did not have the pleasure of revenge, only boundless shock and doubt. What on earth is his father thinking? Is his previous love for the side concubine false? Is his love for the side concubine's mother also false?