Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 123 Laba Porridge

Lingnan's news, for Jiang Ting, is just a matter of certainty that Liu Yao can avoid death. As for the strangeness in King Jing's behavior and all kinds of selfishness in King Jing's house, naturally, she can't know and understand. Of course, she doesn't want to know.

Her life began to get busy. She began to arrange plans for herself, regularly studied female celebrities and etiquette every day, and spent the rest of the time looking for books in the study. She felt that she had to supplement her knowledge and could no longer be lazy.

Soon, it will be the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. This day is a festival to worship our ancestors and beg for a bumper harvest and auspicious harvest in the coming year. Of course, for Jiang Ting, more memories on this day is to drink eight-babao porridge.

As for the ingredients used to make porridge, it varies from person to person. If the family conditions are good, you can naturally find some valuable rice to make eight-treasure porridge. The family is a little poor, and some people use five-meter porridge to make Laba porridge. When they were in the northwest, Jiang Ting and her father's life was not as luxurious and rich as they are now. One year, they even only used Laba porridge cooked with rice and mung beans, which was also very sweet.

For Jiang Ting, eating has always been the top priority in her life. Therefore, on this day, she was not in the mood to continue to stay in the study outside to study those large books that she couldn't understand. Since last night, she and Aunt Su have studied how to cook today's Laba porridge.

Because this day is a custom, every family should worship their ancestors. Therefore, Jiang Yong also got a day off and didn't have to go to the government. Early in the morning, Jiang Ting dressed formally and went to the main courtyard to pay her respects to Jiang Yong and Wen.

Although today is not the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, as an important festival, it would be really rude if she didn't come to say goodbye. Then, Jiang Yong took her and Wen to the ancestral hall behind the courtyard to worship their ancestors.

As a woman, Jiang Ting actually does not need to participate. But she is a modern soul and doesn't understand these things at all. Jiang Yong valued her more than her son. Well, although he doesn't have a son yet, Jiang Ting's position in his mind is irreplaceable. Therefore, Jiang Yong never felt anything wrong with bringing her to worship her ancestors.

As for what Wen's mind was thinking, both father and daughter directly ignored it. Who hasn't let her successfully integrate into the hearts of the two father and daughter now? Although they don't regard her as an outsider, they won't regard her as a real relative.

After offering sacrifices to her ancestors, Jiang Ting can't leave directly. However, she was worried about the Laba porridge made by Aunt Su, so she just sat down with Jiang Yong and Wen for a while and wanted to leave.

As the saying goes, there are many words without speculation. This is basically the situation between her and Wen. And Jiang Yong didn't seem to have the intention of helping them ease their relationship. He just sat aside and drank tea quietly to relax. It can be imagined that the scene of the three of them sitting together was quite cold.

However, Jiang Ting was about to stand up and say goodbye, but Wen, with a dignified smile, said to Jiang Yong, "Sir, today is Laba Festival. My concubine asked people to cook eight-treasure fragrant rice porridge. Why don't you let Tinger stay and drink porridge with us?"

Jiang Ting was stunned and looked at Wen's intuition, saying that she had not provoked her during this period. Is Wen going to show his goodwill to himself? She turned her eyes to Jiang Yong, but saw him look at herself and said helplessly, "If she wants to stay, let her stay with us."

Wen Shi turned his eyes to Jiang Ting even with a smile. Although Jiang Ting didn't want to stay, she didn't want to hurt Wen's face and make her hate herself again. So I had to smile before she opened her mouth and replied, "Madam, as long as I have my share here, I will naturally be willing to spend more time with my father and you."

Wen's face smiled deeper and quickly motioned to Mother Tang, who was waiting beside her, to arrange to deliver porridge for a while, and add more of the girl's share. Mother Tang responded happily and hurried down to arrange it.

Jiang Ting always felt something wrong when she looked at the performance of Wen and Mother Tang. They are so happy, just like the Spring Festival. By the way, is she so popular in this courtyard?

However, since Wen is so polite to her today, and her father is also here, Jiang Ting naturally wants to perform well. At least let Dad understand that although she doesn't deal with this stepmother much, the relationship is not frozen yet. It also allows him to save more care and don't worry about things outside and still worry about his family.

Jiang Ting turned her mind in a blink of an eye, and after Mother Tang went out, she turned to Zhihua and told her, "Go back first to see how Aunt Su's porridge is cooking. If she is done, she will ask someone to send more. Just say, girl, I also want to stay here to eat porridge, but I can't miss my share."

Zhihua took the order with a smile. Jiang Ting turned her head and smiled at Wen and Jiang Yong, "Madam, Dad, Aunt Su cooked porridge today. It was made by her daughter and she specially selected a lot of rice beans yesterday. Last night, Aunt Su soaked those rice and beans in water, and it must be sweet and delicious this morning. I was going to send a small pot to show my filial piety to both of you. Right now, I will stay here. If the porridge is really delicious, I can also be rewarded."

Wen nodded with a smile and said, "Ting'er can think of sending porridge to me and your father, isn't it great filial? Whether the porridge is good or not, you have to be rewarded."

Jiang Yong waved his hand and said, "What reward?" She doesn't do her job and just eats these foods. It's good not to punish her. What to reward? Besides, it is the right to be filial to the elders. How can you take the initiative to ask for rewards?"

After listening to Jiang Yong's serious lecture, Jiang Ting hurriedly stood up and bowed and said, "Dad's lesson is right, and my daughter knows it wrong."

Wen's face stiffened, and then smiled and said, "Master, don't scare Ting'er. As a girl, doesn't she have to pay attention to some female red, food and other things on?"

"Thank you for your love." Jiang Ting also bowed to Wen and said, "As a junior, it is my job to be filial to the elders. Ting'er really shouldn't take advantage of this reward. Dad's lesson is right. Ting'er is wrong."

Wen quickly got up and helped Jiang Ting up and said with a smile, "Tinger is such a well-behaved child."

Jiang Ting smiled shyly and sat back. In fact, as soon as she said it, she regretted it. She actually knew that for Jiang Yong, although Wen is now his wife, in his heart, she is just Li Yuer and his daughter. He doesn't like that she really treats Wen as his mother. Because of this, he never wanted to help ease the cold relationship between her and Wen.

Well, in fact, Jiang Ting can't accept Wen as her stepmother. But now it's already like this, so she can only respect her. Today, in fact, because Jiang Yong is here, she wants to liven up the atmosphere and play a treasure to amuse him. However, she forgot that there was not only Jiang Yong here, but also a Wen family.

When Jiang Ting heard Wen say that she would give her a reward, Jiang Ting suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I'm afraid Jiang Yong feels the same way, so he scolded her. She usually plays tricks with her father like this, but he has never said that to her. The lesson of today's solemn thing is actually to teach her to really put Wen in the same position as him.

Jiang Ting couldn't help sighing in her heart that her father seemed to be a child who had not grown up on some issues. I don't know when he can really accept Wen as his wife? By the way, she has married and had sex with him... Forget it, she can't take care of this matter, so don't think about it.

There was a cold scene between the three, but this time Jiang Ting decided not to speak first. She still remembers how angry her father was when she said she would not hate her stepmother for her biological mother. Regarding her father's awkwardness and entanglement in this regard, Jiang Ting said that it would be better to provoke less.

Fortunately, Laba porridge began to be cooked early in the morning. They waited for a while, and Mother Tang took someone to serve porridge for them.

Jiang Ting tried to drink some Wen's porridge. After carefully tasting it, she found that it was not bad, which was the popular eight-treasure fragrant rice porridge. Because of the honey, coupled with the fragrance of rice and beans, it is very sweet. She used a small bowl, and Zhihua brought the Laba porridge from Yuejiyuan.

In order to keep the porridge warm, they actually sent it in a special carriage for Mother Zheng and Mother Wang to go out. The person who delivered the porridge was not only the painting, but also Mother Zheng.

Jiang Ting looked at the small pot and said, these are not enough for her to eat alone! A small pot of porridge, just three bowls, no more or less. Jiang Ting was suddenly a little unhappy and silently questioned Mother Zheng with her eyes, which meant "why did it come so little?"

Mother Zheng directly ignored Jiang Ting's question, took out a neatly folded rice paper from her sleeve, bowed and handed it to Wen's little girl beside her, and said with a smile, "These porridges were sent by the girl to the lady and the master to taste. Here are some recipes of nourishing porridge written by Aunt Su's family, which are given to your wife. If you want to eat it in the future, it is convenient for people to cook it according to the recipe."

Wen's eyes flashed and took over Fangzi, and then turned to look at Jiang Ting, who was very moved and said, "Tinger, you are really caring."

"Ha ha, this is all I should do..." Jiang Ting responded with a dry smile. She glanced around Mami Zheng, and she secretly hated what the old Mami was thinking. When did she say that she would send a recipe for porridge?

When Jiang Ting came out of the main courtyard, Mother Zheng and Zhihua were all in the carriage delivering porridge. As soon as they sat down, Jiang Ting asked with a gloomy face, "M Mother, what's going on? When did I say that I would send the recipe for nourishing porridge to my wife?"