Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 155 Selected

In the palace of King Jing's son, Liu Yao sat silently holding Aunt Qing's ashes. His eyes seemed to see Aunt Qing's ugly and weak appearance again through the cold porcelain urn filled with ashes.

At that time, he was not sure whether Aunt Qing's real identity was his biological mother or not. He resisted everything she said and didn't want to believe her, so he refused to see her. In the last month of her life, he met her three times.

The first time we met was because her condition worsened. After she was rescued, she told everything she knew.

The second meeting was that she asked someone to invite him to explain the afterlife. She said that she would be cremated after her death, because she wanted to bury her bones like Princess Jing. Although she knew that she could not be buried next to Princess Jing's cemetery. But she still hopes to be closer to her. In this way, maybe she can devote herself to Princess Jing again in her next life and be a real sister with her.

And the third meeting was on her deathbed. She looked at him quietly without leaving a word until she closed her eyes and swallowed her breath.

Liu Yao couldn't tell what his mood was at that time. But Aunt Qing's death made him confirm that what she said was true. Because if what she says is all lies, he won't be as sad as the moment she closes her eyes. Perhaps that is the connection between him and her blood in the dark.

He is her son. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, it is an unchangeable fact.

He has lost his mother's love and his father's love, and then he has even lost Aunt Qing, who has struggled thousands of miles to find him. He once thought he was going to collapse, but a beautiful smiling face saved him from the bottomless abyss.

Even if she doesn't know how much courage she once brought to him, he has always been grateful to her and loves her. Therefore, he must not let her be forced to do something she doesn't want to do.

In the past, he liked her, so he felt that it was happiness to be with her forever. Now, he likes her more, but he understands that only when she is truly happy can he be happy.

He is willing to pay any price for her.

Liu Yao held the porcelain urn tightly, put his face on it, and muttered, "Mother, mother, please give me strength."


Jiang Ting is very depressed. No, she is very depressed. That day, she was mentally ill because of insomnia all night, and then she was afraid that her dark eyes and pale face would be seen by Jiang Yong and Wen, so she simply listened to the persuasion of Zhihua and Mother Wang and asked people to go to the main hospital for sick leave.

Who would have thought? Then her father ran over to see her. She didn't dare to say that she was worried and had insomnia, so she had to pretend that she kicked the quilt and caught a cold when she went to bed at night. She felt that she pretended to be just catching a cold and drank a little ginger soup, and she should be able to get through.

But she didn't expect that Jiang Yong was very guilty about her, so he waved his hand and asked someone to invite a doctor, which made her feel as if she had some serious illness, and the whole house was in chaos.

Then, the doctor came, took the pulse, looked at the red blood in her eyes, and then came to a conclusion. It's true that she caught a cold. After all, she had insomnia all night, and it was difficult for Jiang Ting not to catch a cold. But more importantly, she has recently been overthinking, excessive liver fire, weak spleen and stomach, and five elements incompatibility, which has begun to affect her health.

This time, Jiang Yong became more careful. After sending the doctor away, he gathered the girls in Fang Tingxuan and gave them a lecture one by one. First of all, how did you train them to be so bad that you can't even see your own girl's overthinking? Also, why didn't anyone report her recent abnormal state to him?

Then he interrogated Mother Zhihua about what had happened to Jiang Ting recently to eat and sleep well like now. Zhihua, Mother Wang and Mother Zheng did not have the courage to lie in front of the angry Jiang Yong. With Jiang Ting's helpless acquiescence, they told Jiang Yong everything.

After listening to everything they said, Jiang Yong's face turned as black as ink. He stared at Jiang Ting with complicated eyes and asked her, "Tinger, do you still regard me as your father? Why don't you carry such a important thing by yourself and tell me?

Jiang Ting couldn't say anything for a moment, but she didn't know how to answer. She wanted to say that all this was still her own guess. In fact, she was not sure whether it was true or not, so there was no need to tell him; she wanted to say that he was busy enough every day, and she didn't want her father to worry too much; she wanted to say that because she still had time, she wanted to try it herself and see if she could handle everything by herself...

But when the words came to her mouth, Jiang Ting couldn't say it. Because she knows that the real answer is not actually those. She just began to doubt whether her father would really love her as much as before; whether he still wanted to respect all her ideas and decisions as before; and whether he would take her as a bet for the future of the Jiang family...

In the face of her father who still cares about her, she can't lie, but she can't tell the truth.

"Tinger, remember, you are my favorite daughter, and always will be. Dad won't let you be wronged, understand?" Jiang Yong did not hear his daughter's answer, but he had already got the answer from her struggling and hesitant eyes. After saying this, he left.

In the next few days, Jiang Ting was exempted from going to the main courtyard every day. She was also ordered by him to recuperate in her yard. When the doctor said that she was in good health and when she could go out. That is to say, she was banned in disguise.

"Girl, you can eat a little more. Otherwise, you will not be in good health and you will not be able to go out." Zhihua gently advised Jiang Ting to eat a little more. Since her girl was banned by the master in disguise, her mood has been getting worse and worse day by day, and she can only eat a bowl of rice.

Jiang Ting waved her hand annoyingly and said, "Don't eat it, I want to lose weight!"

Zhihua looked at Jiang Ting's carefully selected figure and then advised: "Girl, your current figure is very good. You don't have to lose weight at all. Moreover, now is the time for you to grow up. You can't eat enough. Besides, the doctor said that you must eat more to get well as soon as possible. These are all medicinal meals specially made for you according to the prescription left by Aunt Su. You can eat more.

Jiang Ting pushed the rice bowl in Zhihua's hand aside and sighed, "Zhihua, I'm really full. Don't you know? If you insist on eating by yourself when you are depressed, it is actually very harmful to your stomach.

"Will you?" Zhihua was stunned. Then, Jiang Ting took this gap to get up and left the dining table and fell crooked on the low bed.

Zhihua saw Jiang Ting's resolute attitude, so she had to put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, let the little girls come up and collect all the things, and then persuaded her: "Girl, didn't the doctor say that you can take a little walk after dinner? Lying down directly like you is not good for your health. Girl..."

Jiang Ting looked helplessly at Zhihua's magic sound over there and wanted to yell at her. But seeing the worry in her eyes, Jiang Ting couldn't bear it again. She sighed and nodded, "Okay, I'll go out with you. Can we walk around the yard twice?

Zhihua nodded repeatedly and was about to help her get her shoes, but she saw Mother Wang come in.

As soon as Jiang Ting saw Mother Wang, she immediately got up from the low couch and did not wear the ancient slippers she designed by herself. She ran to Mother Wang barefoot and asked, "Mama, how's it going? Have you figured it out?"

Mother Wang nodded brightly and said repeatedly, "I have explored and explored. Girl, the East Palace has decided to be the concubine for the prince. There are two people in total, one is the second daughter of a six-grade ceremonial department member of Zhao's family, the Marquis of Ningyuan; the other is the youngest daughter of Lord Yan, the sixth-grade imperial historian.

Jiang Ting stroked her chest with a long sigh and said, "So, this scene is over."

M Mother Wang nodded with a smile, "Yes, girl. I heard that these two girls will be carried into the East Palace together in five days. After selecting those two this time, there should be no other disturbances. Now the crown princess is less than two months pregnant, and there will be at least half a year before she gave birth to her grandson. During this period, for the sake of the safety of the emperor's grandson, the royal family should not be busy giving it to the crown prince. Girl, don't worry. Even if we guess correctly, there will be a long time left.

Jiang Ting nodded with a smile and said, "Well, I was in a hurry to get angry before, but this time I was afraid. Since I have passed this time safely, there will definitely be no problem next time we are prepared.

M Mother Wang smiled, and then said to Zhihua, who was also smiling, "Good knowledge painting, bring a bowl of tea to M Mother. M Mother is dying of thirst."

Jiang Ting found that all three of them were still standing and talking, and she was barefoot without shoes. She quickly let Mother Wang sit down, put on her slippers and sat next to Mother Wang. Zhihua hurried to pour a bowl of tea for Mother Wang and let her drink it to moisten her throat first.

After Mother Wang drank tea, moistened her throat and sighed comfortably, Jiang Ting couldn't help asking, "Mother, tell me more about how the two little nobles decided? Did the prince choose it himself? I remember that there were no girls from these two families at the flower party in the Qingwang Mansion a few days ago.

Mami Wang shook her head and said, "When the girl said, they were not chosen by the prince himself. I have a sister who teaches Mother in the Zhao family. She knows more about it. I heard that the girl of the Zhao family asked Mrs. Ningyuan to take the way of the chief wife of the Wei clan and went to the queen's face before she chose it. And the girl of the Yan family seemed to be selected because Mrs. Yan and Princess Qing were old, and the daughter of the Yan family was indeed lively and amiable. But I don't know whether this statement is true or a rumor.

Jiang Ting was stunned and then asked, "M Mother, can't even choose two concubines and princes?"

M Mother Wang was stunned and said with a smile, "The girl laughed. It is precisely because they are all concubines that there is no need for the prince to choose by herself."

"However, the crown princess was not chosen by the prince himself, and now the concubine is not chosen by himself, so..." Jiang Ting suddenly felt a little scared.

The imperial concubine is for profit, and the concubine is just a plaything, so it is not chosen by the prince himself. Then for the rest of the side concubine position, if the prince is a little ambitious, he will definitely take the opportunity to choose the woman he likes to marry. She remembered the prince's special attitude towards her. At that time, could she really avoid it?