Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 156 Little Jiang Cheng

No matter what, it is a good thing for Jiang Ting to choose the prince's concubine. At least for half a year, she won't have to panic about her future unknown fate. In her opinion, as long as she can't go to the palace, her future life will not be bad.

Even now she has made plans if this so-called "good luck" really hits her head half a year later. At worst, she will ruin her reputation. It is impossible for the royal family to let a discredited person enter the palace in any case. At that time, she will marry anyone by her father. As long as she is the wife, she will believe that she will be able to live freely.

After all, her identity is here, the legitimate daughter of Hou's family, and she has a huge amount of private property. As long as she is not jealous and domineering, her mother-in-law has to give face to Hou, father and silver.

This is how people are. Once they think about things and stop drilling into the horns, they will eat well and sleep soundly. Jiang Ting felt that she was now "a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water". No, this metaphor is a little inappropriate. It should be said that it is "broken". She made up her mind not to marry, and her father should not be difficult for her.

If her father is also under pressure and it is difficult to make a decision, then she will go out and go crazy to let people know that the direct woman of Zhenbeihou Mansion is domineering and not virtuous... If it doesn't work, she will cut a knife on her beautiful face...

Jiang Ting touched her face and felt a little distressed. She was ugly in her previous life, and she finally got a good appearance in this life. No matter how bad she really disfigures herself, she will feel very sad.

Anyway, once she makes up her mind, she will not be depressed. Therefore, when Zhihua, Mother Wang and Mother Zheng were worried that she would be worried in the next six months, she became lively again in their extremely surprised eyes.

Once people have nothing on their minds, their mentality is naturally good. Everything feels full of vitality and beauty. When her mentality is better, Jiang Ting's body will naturally recover quickly. Just when Jiang Ting got the doctor's amnesty, saying that she had fully recovered and was wondering whether to send a post to Sun's house to meet the little sisters. Suddenly, the little girl came to send a message in the courtyard.

"Girl, the master asked the maidservant to come and invite you to the main room." The little girl saluted respectfully.

Jiang Ting secretly said that the news of Dad was so fast. As soon as the doctor left, his back foot was called. She nodded to the little girl and said, "I know. Go back and talk to your father first, and tell me to clean up and go there."

The little girl left, and Zhihua came forward and asked Jiang Ting, "Girl, do you want to rewash it?"

Jiang Ting looked down at her simple home clothes. She was about to nod, but she remembered Wen, who looked dignified every time she saw her in the courtyard, and suddenly felt a little bored. She is going to see her own father. Does she need to dress so much every time?

She waved her hand and said, "You don't have to dress up again. Just change a set of clothes."

After listening, Zhihua motioned to the two thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl next to go to the bedroom to help Jiang Ting find clothes. These two little girls are the successors she chose. When she gets married, they will serve Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting helped Zhihua get off the low couch and went into the bedroom to change her clothes. Looking at the mirror, she felt that it looked decent. She went out of Fang Tingxuan and rushed to the main courtyard.

Along the way, Jiang Ting thought about what would happen if her father told her. After Dad was angry with her that day, although he sent people to care about her every day, he never came to see her again.

Jiang Ting also felt that she was too much to suspect that her father was too much. After all, in his father's heart, she is his biological daughter and his favorite daughter. Although he may have ignored her two years ago, it was also because her maturity made him feel at ease, so he did not spoil her as much as in the northwest.

However, Jiang Ting felt that he was biased and did not love her just because of Jiang Yong's neglect for more than two years. When she encountered something closely related to her future, she was unwilling to share it with him again, and even suspected that he would betray his daughter for power... This was really a big blow to Jiang Yong. After all, in his heart, Jiang Ting is the daughter he has held for more than ten years. However, she has denied him because of her neglect in the past two years. Can she not be angry and uncomfortable?

It was precisely because Jiang Ting saw her father's anger and sadness at that time that she had been obedient for more than half a month. In fact, she understands that all this is caused by her failure to really integrate into the society and the family. She has never dared to forget the shadow of her lonely life in her previous life, so she subconsciously has both desire and rejection of feelings.

In the final analysis, Jiang Ting is not Jiang Yong's biological daughter. If she is not a traveler, but a 14-year-old girl who is really spoiled by her father, then she will not make such a negative cold attitude towards Jiang Yong's gradual neglect in the past two years.

If that's the case, Jiang Ting should be anxious and bored in the face of her father's neglect, find someone to lose her temper, make malicious speculations and attacks on Wen, and even envy her brother and sister.

But Jiang Ting didn't have any of the above reactions. She is an adult, and Jiang Yong is her lucky father, so she knows how to understand. However, even if it is understood, more than two years of alienation still created a gap between her and Jiang Yong. This is inevitable and there is nothing we can do. Because human nature is like this, no matter how deep the feelings are, they can't beat the time.

When I arrived at the main courtyard, I saw Jiang Yong and Wen sitting in the main seat waiting for her.

"I don't know why father called his daughter over?" Jiang Ting asked with a smile.

Jiang Yong first took a look at Wen, nodded to her eyebrows, and then said to Jiang Ting, "I asked you to come today. There is an important thing to do for you."

Jiang Ting looked at Wen, who was a little depressed, and asked doubtfully, "I don't know what father wants his daughter to do?"

Jiang Yong smiled and replied, "Well, you also know that your sister Xian'er is just a few months old, and it's really time to be taken care of. And my wife is now going to help me take care of some industries outside our house. It's hard to focus on two purposes. Therefore, she can't take care of your brother Cheng'er. I mean, Cheng'er is also more than two years old this year, and you can try to polish his bones. However, I'm too busy now, and others dare not take him seriously. So, I'll leave this matter to you, Ting'er.

Jiang Yong used an affirmative sentence to show that the matter has been settled. Jiang Ting looked at Jiang Yong, Wen, and the little baby lying in the arms of the nurse sucking her fingers at her, and wanted to cry without tears.