Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 177 Distured

When Liu Ming returned to his yard, he saw Liu Yao, who was spinning back and forth in the porch with a gloomy face.

"What's the matter?" Liu Ming asked doubtfully, "Is there something important going on when you are looking for me in such a hurry?"

Liu Ming has been preparing for his wedding recently and basically doesn't care about rumors from the outside world. Although Jiang Yong's leadership also shocked him a little. However, Liu Ming knew more than others. The Northern Mongolians sent troops this time, which seemed to be caused by the herdsmen entering the customs to grab food, which led to the slaughter of the Southern Tang defense army. But in fact, these are several major tribes of the Northern Mongolian people, which have secretly prepared measures for many years.

He knew that this was also the emperor's helpless choice. It seems that the 100,000 troops of the Southern Tang Dynasty are very powerful. However, the North Mongolians, who have been peaceful for nearly 30 years, have long recovered their vitality. They launched this battle to seize the land taken from them by the Southern Tang Dynasty.

At the time of the war between several countries, Zhenbeihou led 200,000 troops of the Southern Tang Dynasty to fight the northern Mongolians from the south of Qilian Mountain to the north of Qilian Mountain, and took back the most fertile land taken by their ancestors from the Han people. They were driven back to the bitter cold place in the northwest where they lived. Later, the people of the Southern Tang Dynasty moved to the west, reclaimed land, worked hard to cultivate, and turned the grassland into a good field.

However, the Southern Tang Dynasty did not restrict trade between the inside and outside the customs. For decades, the land south of Qilian Mountain has basically been mixed with Han Mongolians. However, if you want to settle in Guannei, you have to give up your identity as a Northern Mongolian and become a Southern Tang Dynasty. In recent years, more and more North Mongolians have went south and become citizens of the Southern Tang Dynasty. The nobles of those big tribes saw the number of people decreasing, so they naturally couldn't sit back and wait to death.

Therefore, this battle is not a must-win war as seen in people's eyes. Originally, Jiang Yong was really not qualified to be the coach. At the beginning, Prince Qing also talked with Liu Ming, thinking that the emperor would send the eldest prince to lead the army to fight. It's just that the eldest prince's military achievements are fruitful. If another military achievement is added to this battle, I'm afraid even the emperor will not be able to suppress him.

In addition to the eldest prince, basically, no matter which Changsheng general is chosen as the coach this time, it is adding a bargaining chip for the eldest prince. For the sake of political stability, the emperor naturally does not want the eldest prince to be too powerful and eventually evolve into a war to seize the throne.

In this case, Jiang Yong, who inherited the title of Marquis of Zhenbei and himself was also a general. Although his ambiguous attitude, he could basically be regarded as a prince, became a choice that the emperor could use to check and balance. And Zhenbeihoufu was originally the ruler of the military power in the northwest, so although it was abrupt to let him take command, it was not unreasonable.

What's more, the old town Beihou also brought out many generals who are good at fighting. Although they are not very important at present, it does not mean that they are not good at it. Therefore, Jiang Yong can't do it himself, but he can really find someone to help him.

For example, the two vice generals selected by Jiang Yong this time, Zhao Qi and Tian Mufei. Although they dealt with the matter of Lingnan a little more radically, without the subsequent tough attack, Prince Jing would not have made such a big determination to return the military power to the emperor. And there are also capable people under these two people. Therefore, although it seems that Jiang Yong's victory or defeat in this battle is unpredictable. But in fact, as long as he knows how to use people, he still has a good chance of winning.

Liu Ming understood that the emperor is now going to promote the generals of the Northern Marquis of the old town to check and balance the Protectorate and the Marquis of Mingyuan. Although he is clear about such a thing, he can't tell Liu Yao. However, Liu Yao is not stupid. Even if he doesn't know so clearly, he should be able to understand something similar. So Liu Yao came to him in such a hurry, it should have nothing to do with him.

But besides this matter, what else is important? Liu Ming thought about it on the road, but he couldn't think of anything else to make Liu Yao so anxious. Therefore, when he saw Liu Yao's face so gloomy, he was even more confused.

Liu Yao suddenly looked up. After seeing Liu Ming, he strode over and pulled his arm and said solemnly, "Cousin, help me!"

Liu Ming was stunned and waved his hand to let the little man beside him go down. Then he took Liu Yao to the hall and asked as he walked, "What's going on?" Let's go in first, and tell me slowly."

After Liu Yao was pulled down by Liu Ming, he said, "It's Wen. She wants to choose a marriage for Ting'er!" She's going to hurt Ting'er!"

Liu Ming was confused and waved his hand, "Why do you choose a family or not? First of all, who is that Wen family?"

Liu Yao paused and straightened out his thoughts before saying, "Wen is Jiang Yong's successor. Jiang's house just came out today that she is going to help Miss Jiang choose a marriage. Cousin, you know, Wen has always been uneasy and kind to Ting'er. A few months ago, when I took you to Zhuangzi to meet her cousin-in-law, Ting'er hid in Zhuangzi because she had a quarrel with Wen. Wen is going to take revenge on Ting'er! She is going to hurt Ting'er!"

After hearing this, Liu Ming looked at Liu Yao suspiciously and asked, "How do you know that she is going to harm Miss Jiang? Maybe it's Miss Jiang who wants to get married earlier. Have you forgotten the prince's fault? The princess is about to give birth.

Liu Yao was stunned that he really didn't expect this matter. Could it be that Tinger suddenly chose to marry in order to avoid the prince? But it's not right. Shouldn't she have chosen it long ago?

"Cousin, if Tinger wants to get married early, why didn't Lord Jiang choose when he was here and had to wait for him to leave? This is definitely not her intention, it must be Wenshi! It must be that woman who wants to hurt her!" Liu Yao frowned and said with a gloomy face, "All blame me. If it hadn't been for me, Lord Jiang would not have married such a vicious woman..."

"Well, you have regretted this for three years. Your son and daughter have been born, so don't think about it anymore!" Liu Ming sighed, thought for a moment and said, "C cousin, I still think that Mrs. Jiang should not have the courage to help Miss Jiang choose a marriage behind Lord Jiang's back. You know more about the Jiang family than me. Then Mrs. Jiang can't be a family at all. Lord Jiang loves Miss Jiang so much. Even if she has any dissatisfaction with Miss Jiang, she should not dare to calculate so clearly.

When Liu Yao heard the words, his angry mind was a little more sober. He nodded and said, "It seems reasonable for you to say so. Well, I'll ask Tinger what's going on. If she wants to choose her own family..."

"If she wants to choose her own family, what will you do?" Liu Ming saw that he suddenly stopped talking and couldn't help asking.

Liu Yao clenched his fists and looked at Liu Ming and replied, "Cousin, I thought that as long as she was happy, I would be fine. But now when I think that she wants to choose a marriage and she wants to marry someone else, I feel..."

Liu Ming smiled and pointed to him and said, "If you like this, you are extremely selfish. How can you stand her marrying someone else if you like her so much? Cousin, as I said before, your idea is quite great, but is your heart so great?

Liu Yao closed his mouth and couldn't speak. He didn't want to. No matter how well he thought about it before, he still didn't want to. Thinking that this may be her own decision, she wants to choose a marriage and find someone to marry casually, his heart is full of unwillingness. He doesn't want her to marry someone else! At the thought of this, my heart ached beyond any more. However, he is not worthy of her at all...

"I don't understand why you always say that you don't deserve her. If you are the son of King Jing, although you are probably not the son of the king, you are still the son of the prince. Cousin, do you think clearly that if someone marries Miss Jiang, will they treat her like you? Will she really be happy if she marries someone else? Liu Ming looked like he had just seen Liu Yao three years ago.

He continued with a very serious face: "You know in your heart that no one in the world likes her more and loves her more than you. So in this case, why let her marry a man who doesn't know if she will love her in the future? Cousin, let go of the so-called inferiority and persistence in your heart. Don't you dare to marry Miss Jiang and try to make her live a happy life in the future?

Liu Yao looked at Liu Ming in a staring and muttered, "Can I really give her happiness?"

His background is so unbearable; now he has been rejected by his father; even the identity of this son may not be preserved in the future... If he goes back to Lingnan, all his unbearable things will definitely be exposed to people. Will she look down on him at that time? Will she hate him? How can he give her happiness when he can no longer believe himself?

Liu Ming rolled his eyes and continued, "If you don't do it, how do you know if you can do it? Anyway, I think no one can be as good to Yun'er as I am, so I have to marry her back and take good care of her! As for what you think, I have persuaded you anyway. Take care of yourself.

Liu Yao was silent. He is so confused that he can't figure it out at all. After a while, he said to Liu Ming, "Anyway, I want to see her and ask her clearly. Cousin, please ask Princess Antai to invite her out to meet me.

Liu Ming nodded and said, "Well, it's better to figure things out first. I just want to remind you that since such a thing has been spread in Jiang's house, it is obvious that we want to make a marriage as soon as possible. Generally, people choose their relatives quietly, and few Jiang's family directly tell the world that they want to choose their own girls. And now that Jiang Yong is out on an expedition, I'm afraid Miss Jiang can't be a good person..."

"Cousin, stop it. I'll think about it when I get back." Liu Yao stood up and didn't even dare to look at Liu Ming and said, "Please help me ask Princess Antai to make an appointment with her out tomorrow and let us meet. I... went back first."

After saying that, Liu Yao left in such a hurry as before.