Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 178 See you there

Although Jiang Ting has guessed that Princess Antai is likely to invite her to meet in a hurry. But she didn't expect that the county magistrate would invite her to meet outside. After all, if you want to talk about such a thing, it should be more secret at home. However, she still went to the appointment on time.

The agreed place is in Yumeizhai, but since it is the main hospitality of guests in Antai County, it is naturally in the quiet elegant room in the backyard. When she arrived at the place to meet someone, Jiang Ting found that Sun Yun, who was busy preparing for marriage, had also made an appointment. Looking at the two of them's equally worried eyes, Jiang Ting knew that those words must have reached their ears.

Jiang Ting just sat down and dismissed all her subordinates. Sun Yun couldn't wait to ask, "Tingting, what's going on?" Why did you suddenly choose a marriage for you? It's too urgent. You haven't had time yet!"

Jiang Ting felt a little guilty when she saw the worried faces of the two. The Jiang family suddenly heard such news. I'm afraid they will be very worried about themselves after hearing it. It's just that she can't say it directly, so she has to reply with a smile, "Nothing happened, but it's just a little earlier. Besides, you're going to get married, and I'm just starting to choose a marriage. It's not urgent.

Princess Antai grabbed Sun Yun and looked at Jiang Ting and said, "Tingting, don't be careless with us. What the hell is going on? Is it really to avoid the East Palace? But even for this, you should wait for Lord Jiang to return to win. You can't choose a good family like this! Do you think your stepmother wants to trick you?

Jiang Ting shook her head helplessly and said, "No, this is not what you think. Alas, in short, my father agreed to choose a family. In fact, it has something to do with what the princess said. Don't you think it's too late to choose a family for me when my father comes back? We can't help it. Who let the emperor suddenly order my father to go to war? Otherwise, who would like to be so anxious?

Princess Antai stopped talking, and there were too many twists and turns. Although she is not as clear as her eldest brother, she also knows that it is completely a political need to let Jiang Yong lead the army. And Jiang Ting's concerns actually make sense. If Jiang Yong is there, the palace will at least give him some face, and if he is not there, a decree in the palace may be passed on to the Jiang family.

But then again, Jiang Yong went on an expedition for the country. Even if the palace wanted to do something to Jiang Ting, he would not cross him and directly issue an order. However, since Jiang Ting has used her words as an excuse, it is really difficult for Princess Antai to talk about this heavy doubt.

"But Tingting, Lord Jiang is not here, so how do you choose this marriage? Did Lord Jiang really give this matter to Mrs. Jiang? Sun Yun was still full of eyes but some looked at Jiang Ting.

She has a closer relationship with Jiang Ting, and knows more clearly than Princess Antai about the situation of Jiang Ting's family. In her eyes, although Wen's treatment of Jiang Ting is not bad, it is just not bad. Wen is Jiang Ting's stepmother and very young. How can she compare with her mother's love for her daughter? Besides, she had an awkward quarrel with Jiang Ting some time ago. Even if Jiang Ting didn't say it, everyone knew it, but it was tacit. Under such circumstances, how can Wen choose a good family for Jiang Ting?

Jiang Ting smiled and comforted Sun Yun and An Tai, "Don't worry, although the matter of choosing relatives is handled by your wife. But my father told me that no matter which one I want to order, I have to get my consent. I can't afford to suffer much from this."

"How can you not suffer losses? Your stepmother had a problem with you..." Sun Yun said bluntly and wanted to say something more, but was pulled by Princess Antai.

"Princess?" Sun Yun looked at Princess Antai puzzledly and didn't understand why she didn't let herself persuade her anymore. Princess Antai shook her head and said helplessly, "Yunyun, the news of the Jiang family has come, and this matter can't be stopped. Besides, do you think Tingting is a little worried? She must have had a countermeasure long ago.

Sun Yun looked at Jiang Ting, who was very calm, and then looked at Princess Antai, and sighed, "In this case, I won't say more. However, Tingting, choosing a marriage is not a trivial matter. I'll talk to my mother when I go back and ask her to help you see the candidates. If you can't choose the right kind of friends, I don't think you should force yourself to do it. After all, it's about your happiness for the rest of your life!"

Jiang Ting smiled and said, "Oh, this person is going to get married. What he said is really different from before. Sister Yun, don't worry, this is a major event in my life, and I dare not be careless. Moreover, I also wanted to ask Aunt Sun to help me check it. And princess, after your eldest brother's marriage is over, the princess will have to help you choose a marriage. So I want you to do me a favor and ask the princess to help me check when she inquires about others?

Princess Antai gave her a white look and smiled, "Ok, since you are willing to do this, I won't advise you. By the way, I asked you to come today, not just to meet your sisters. Someone wants to see you, do you see him?"

Jiang Ting was stunned and asked, "Who wants to see me?"

Sun Yun looked at Princess Antai puzzledly. She had never heard of anyone else before. She looked at the door and asked, "Is the father-in-law here?"

Speaking of which, Princess Pingning is also old, and the palace is busy helping her choose her son-in-law. They haven't seen the princess for a long time. Although in front of the princess, he is not as comfortable as the princess. But Sun Yun still regarded the princess as a good friend. After seeing her for such a long time, she still wanted to panic.

The same is true of Jiang Ting. Although she is a little older, she has given real friendship to these little sisters. Although she doesn't like the prince very much, it doesn't prevent her from liking the prince's sister. Therefore, when Sun Yun said this, she also thought that An Tai was coming for a while, so she said, "Is the father-in-law coming?" Then I will naturally wait to see you."

Princess Antai shook her head and looked at Jiang Ting and said, "It's not a princess. It's my cousin Liu Yao. He wants to ask you a few questions. I was afraid that you would be embarrassed, so I didn't just let him wait here. Do you want to see him?"

Jiang Ting blinked and suddenly felt that her heartbeat was a little fast. The last time I saw that boy, I was still in Zhuangzi. Speaking of which, the two are also good friends. After all, they really have a "life-saving" friendship. However, as she grew older, Jiang Ting slowly learned to pay attention to men's and women's defense. In the past two years, her relationship with the bastard has naturally become a little estranged.

But sometimes, he still finds an opportunity to meet her and chat or something. That guy seems to be very wary of others, but he can talk to her about everything. Jiang Ting thought that the guy might regard herself as a confidant. It's just that she has always sympathized with him, so although her attitude towards him is getting colder and colder, she still treats him as a little brother.

However, the last time we met in private, when talking about Liu Ming's sincere question to Sun Yun, Liu Yao's answer made Jiang Ting suddenly feel that he had grown up. The awkward and unruly little boy has grown into a reassuring adult.

And the inadvertent feelings in his eyes made Jiang Ting feel surprised and embarrassed. She never thought that the little boy who secretly hid in the woods and cried would grow into a man so quickly that could not be ignored. At that moment, she was scared by this sudden cognition and fled.

So, at this moment, Princess Antai suddenly mentioned Liu Yao to her, which made Jiang Ting panic. Does that guy want to see her? Why do you want to see her so suddenly? Do you want to see him or not? Although she has always regarded him as her younger brother, she can't take that gaffe as if it hadn't happened. More importantly, he specifically asked Princess Antai to arrange for the two to meet. What on earth does he want to do?

When Princess Antai saw Jiang Ting's hesitation, she said, "Tingting, if you don't want to see her, I won't let anyone call him over. Let's talk about ourselves and leave him alone. The guy suddenly ran to our house like a psycho yesterday, panicked and asked my brother to help me arrange for you to meet, and then ran away in a panic. It's really not sincere to ask someone for help, not to say it in person. I don't think that guy is good to find you. Tingting, you'd better not see him."

Jiang Ting frowned and asked, "Princess, didn't he say anything happened to me?"

Princess Antai shook her head: "My eldest brother said that he didn't say anything, but that he wanted to see you urgently. But what's the emergency for him? Tingting, you can't take care of yourself anymore. Don't worry about him anymore. Besides, that guy has caused a lot of trouble outside. If you let people know that you have a good relationship with him, you may be implicated. Alas, the prince of King Jing is about to become a bully in our capital.

Sun Yun didn't know much about these things, so she asked, "Princess, is it that exaggerated? I remember when we played together when I was a child, although the prince was colder and proud of others, he was not bad. Oh, by the way, he doesn't have a good temper. He quarreled with Tingting at the beginning! By the way, Tingting, do you have any contact with him? I remember once, it was also here. You quarreled so dark..."

Jiang Ting quickly stopped Sun Yun's continued memory full of gossip and said, "Yunyun, how can it be as serious as you said? He is the son of King Jing. How dare I quarrel with him? Besides, that's all in the past, and it was solved a long time ago, wasn't it? Have you forgotten? He saved our lives later.

Sun Yun nodded and said, "Well, I remember that that guy saved us. Yes, he has saved us, which shows that he is still kind-hearted. Princess, why do you say that he is about to become a bully in Beijing?

Princess Antai is also curious about what happened between them and Liu Yao, but she still has an important mission and can't let Sun Yun pull the topic to the edge. So she smiled at Sun Yun and said, "These are rumors. I'll tell you later. Tingting, do you want to see him or not?