Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

The soul of the end

The zombie body crushed under the wheel, the unique bone structure of the corpse is crushed by the wheel. The car body was first lifted, and the heavy body was strongly pressed down, crushing the body and splashing the brain. Of course, this is invisible to itself. But in the process of the wheels crushing the zombies, the violent shaking of the car up and down really made me very uncomfortable.

Zhang Yuting, who was shocked and raised his heart silently in his throat, at this time, rolled in his abdomen and unexpectedly appeared motion sickness. The car swaying crazily and the crushed slurry of the zombie's skull really made him uncomfortable.

Change your jade hand quickly and quickly adjust the gear to the current suitable speed. When the clutch went down, the accelerator loosened, the hand rod shook, and several movements were completed in three minutes. Such a fast shift almost turned off the truck. He coughed and made a sudden stop. Under the inertia of the car body, he helped to resurrect the heavy truck.

I glanced at the right time, suddenly stepped on the long-lost accelerator, and the heavy truck roared out again.

This time, I was indeed a little overdated in the face of the emergency ** situation, and a few beads of sweat appeared on my forehead.

The heavy truck rushed into the corpse and took advantage of the height of the car body to bring the front view into view.

"Hmm! Turn around!" He snorted coldly and aimed at a T-junction 60 or 70 meters away. The accelerator under his feet stepped on again, and the heavy truck stimulated unprecedented power and pushed the zombies in front of him aside.

I took a look through the rearview mirror, and the follow-up team behind me has been thrown one or two hundred meters away, on the edge of the corpse.

Looking at the T-shaped corner not far ahead, a plan suddenly came into my mind and increased the speed of the heavy truck to drive forward.

When driving seven or eight meters to the T-junction, the clenched steering wheel in his hand poured into the whole body force and turned to the right, and the body turned to the side.

Drink! The two people in the carriage had different faces. Zhang Yuting had a black face, leaned behind the car seat and howled: "Ah! ~~~I don't want to die~~~~" The trill pulled far away and passed it to the ears of the other members of the team through the walkie-talkie.

At such a steep position at the T-junction, more than 100 miles of rapid turning around, and the body fell to one side like a ship that overturned in the waves.

At this time, there was madness in his eyes, and the needle flashed in his eyes, and a scarlet appeared. As soon as he bit his silver teeth, his arm poured into a huge force again and fought hard to the right.

Squeak! ~~~~ The protective rail on one side of the car body has been lifted to the ground, making a harsh and sharp friction sound from the ground.

In the madness, I seem to have returned to the ** of my previous life again, revealing madness all over my body.

"Ah! ~~~" Zhang Yuting felt the serious overturn of the car body, and the car body had turned over at a 45° angle, which was more serious than before. As long as there is no accident, the heavy truck will definitely fall down. The tragedy that occurred after the car body was dumped quickly appeared in his mind, and he screamed crazily for a moment.

"It's time!" After this thought appeared in his mind, his hands clenched the steering wheel made a full circle on it and hit the left side.

The sensor device in the steering wheel is under force, and the transmission rod reacts quickly, and the left tire on the oblique road turns left.

"Ah! ~~" In this extremely urgent situation, he also screamed and screamed, completely to the heart, without Zhang Yuting's fear.

The zombies in front of him hit the car body and jumped. At this time, he couldn't take care of this. He held the steering wheel tightly and stared at the street lights five or six meters ahead.

"Dong!" After sliding for several meters, the car can no longer balance and hit the roadside street lights.

He quickly pulled out one hand to protect his cheek. After the car overturned and hit the street lamp, the left side of the front of the car met fiercely.

"Squeak! ~~" The street lamp with the thickness of the waist barrel stood at the original point with the impact of the heavy truck, but suffered the car body. The thin plate-supported carriage hit the street lights, the front of the car suddenly slid down, and the glass window suddenly broke and flew away at this moment.

Thousands of broken glass fragments splashed fiercely in the carriage under the impact.

"Well!" A nail-sized glass fragment in the gap of cheek protection hit at a high speed, and the glass fragments were flying towards their eyeballs. The eyes flashed and quickly closed their eyes.

"Wo!" The splashed glass fragments left a long blood mouth in his eyes, and he secretly ate pain. The pain quickly spread throughout the brain. The pain made me close my eyes more tightly, and the wound was gushing out of blood in an hour.

In order to prevent glass fragments from destroying the eyes, we can only close our eyes and protect them.

Because one side is the main position of the impact, the glass fragments are the most serious. At the end of the flying fragments, they also left seven or eight wounds of different sizes in the protective gap such as cheeks and neck.

Zhang Yuting beside him was much better, but it was not a problem to scratch a few small wounds in the random swing of his palms.

After hitting the street lights, one side of the body suffered serious trauma, and half of the car was sunken from the driver's seat to the car. The car body was sliding with the street lights, and the harsh loud noise was accompanied by sparks, and fireworks bloomed in the corpse package.

Now, holding back the pain of the wound in his eyes, he put his hands back on the steering wheel and struggled to the left. The heavy truck rushed to the green isolation belt on the side, knocking over two or three thick pine trees on the spot.

"Jump! ~~~" With a few loud noises, the front of the car hit the pine tree of the third lesson and stopped. The front of the car was sunken by more than ten centimeters, and the engine also turned off under the impact.

"Well!" Under the inertia of the car body, he fell forward. The body hit the steering wheel uncontrollably. A brief faint flower appeared in my mind in an instant.

shook his head wildly and threw away the chaos in his mind. Quickly click the engine in your hand, forcing the quick start to leave as soon as possible.

"Oh! ~~~" The heavy truck hit the tree and stopped, and the wave of corpses rushed back.

A corpse sharp claws circled through the door, squeaking! ~~~ The metal plate of the door cut a seven or eight centimeters of break, the plate paint scratched a large area, and the corpse claws were sandwiched in the door.

Seeing this, he pulled out his fist and hit the door of the zombie's face. The zombie opened his mouth and nibbled at his shoulder. He took a look at the right time. The iron fist straightened out fiercely and slammed the zombie's big mouth.

With his strong 2 guard-level physical strength, the tough fist of King Kong's iron bone broke a blood hole in the zombie's mouth without external help.

I only felt that the front part of the fist passed through a layer of meat membrane, easily penetrating the whole skull of the zombie, and smashing the bones in the position of the head and spine.

Without spinal control, the zombie sat on the ground like a soft-footed shrimp, and the iron fist that penetrated the zombie's mouth also fell away with the zombie and took off.

Solve the current crisis, ignore the blood on his hands, and hurriedly twisted the car key to urge the engine to ignite.

"Buzz! ~~~" The old engine gasped and whispered a few times without a sound.

At this time, the corpses had already chased after them, and they were all over, patting their carts around and roaring excitedly at the lunch delivered.

"TMD, this is the case, the engine can't start! ~~~" He cursed a few words, and the key in the palm of his hand rotated frequently.