Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Vcomotive Maniac

"Roar!" The tide of zombies in the Black Sea is coming. At this time, the heavy truck driving is like a lonely boat in the storm, which may have subversive consequences at any time.

Zhang Yuting shouted, "Captain! No, the corpses are coming!" After saying that, use the tomahawk you carry to repel the invasion of zombies.

"Oh! ~~~" A large number of corpses arrived as promised, and the blood basin's big mouth was stained with blood, waving their claws and roaring greedily.

I cursed in my heart: "TMD, what a fake product kills people! Just hit the engine moderately to turn off the engine. Really 1 fuck! ~~~”

I thought hatefully: "I didn't expect to plan to be ruined. The performance of the vehicle was really poor, and a small impact went out. Hate! ~~”

After seeing the street lights at the T-junction, I made a series of plans, but I didn't expect to be stranded here, and all my efforts were stillborn...

Comforted himself: "Now you can only get rid of the invasion of zombies and get out of this place!"

The height of the car body exceeded the height of the attacking zombies, and the corpse claws scrambled to grab the car skin. The sharp claw tips left hundreds of scars on the thin blade of the car, which was as light as tofu.

Black clouds rushed out of the window, and the corpse claw knife array attacked him.

Just as I tried to start the power chassis, more and more corpses rushed in, and the advantages of body height disappeared.

The paint and metal debris on the car's skin fell one after another, and the truck melted into foam...

"Well! ~" His arm was in pain, and a zombie jumped over the corpses and jumped his claws, leaving a cold long wound on his arm.

He ran away, and his five fingers angrily opened a tiger's claws to scratch the zombies who hurt his skin. The tiger claws hit, and only felt that the fingertips touched a layer of grease, and it was easy to pass the next second. The zombies under the offensive showed the brain lobe in a hole the size of a punch on the forehead. Seeing this, he had no intention of stopping. The tiger claws attacked the target again and took the zombie's brain directly.

"Oh! ~~" The five claws penetrated through the brain, and a coldness came from the hand in an instant. The zombie's death and festerified skin for many days provided a lot of help for themselves, simple destruction.

Resolve the incoming zombie, regardless of the pain in his arm, and hard turn the car to force the engine to start as soon as possible.

TMD roared and slammed the steering wheel angrily.

"Boom! ~~~" The engine miraculously started in the body of the car. His eyes were angry, and he quickly bent down to control the vehicle, and stepped on the accelerator under his feet.

"Buzz! ~~~" The heavy truck is like a fierce beast that has been silent for thousands of years, venting its dissatisfaction after escaping from the cage. The engine burst into a shocking roar.

Zhang Yuting's eyes burst out strangely, and he sobbed and said, "It's activated! ~~~”

I sneered in the cold nine days: "Let's sit down! ~~~" After saying that, the right hand meteor changed its gear as light as empty, and the throttle clutch under his feet quickly changed.

"Buzz! ~~~" The car body roared, and the wheels quickly turned to throw a thick layer of soil in the green belt into the sky.

He cursed secretly, "Why don't you move?" Through the rearview mirror, I could see that the wheels were deep in the mud and idling in place...

A sneer appeared on his face, and the constant changes in his hands and feet raised the block to the maximum again!

Zhang Yuting knew his behavior and quickly shouted, "No, the engine will turn off again!" ~~”

Everyone who drives the vehicle knows that the first gear is the most powerful gear, and the high-end position is just to increase the speed. However, Wei Dong's move deeply shocked Zhang Yuting.

I was silent, and the gear rod in my hand changed its streamlined line. The accelerator exploded under my feet, and the heavy card roared.

"Buzz! ~~~" After idling in place for a second or two, the heavy truck suddenly bounced out of the mud pit and leaped over the lake from the smooth road.

When Zhang Yuting saw this scene, he sat in a daze and couldn't speak.

"Roar! ~~~" The heavy truck burst into a dull roar, and the wheels were integrated with the car body. At this time, it was more like a steel fortress moving forward quickly.

"Bounce! ~~~" Under the rapid forward impact of the heavy truck, more than a hundred corpses were killed, leaving behind a piece of flesh and blood. There are more corpses that have been cut off their waists crawling with their hands!

After starting by itself, the heavy truck burst out a new fierce force again, pushing any obstruction like a rapid train and rushing forward.

"Zizi! ~~~" In the process of rushing out of the edge of the corpse group, there was a sound of metal being torn and cracked behind the car.

Looking along the sound, I saw four or five zombies on the roof of the car and the position of the car. One claw sank into the car body and fixed its body, and the other claw cut the car body.

Zhang Yuting shouted: "Zombies!"

As soon as I escaped from the death line, my heart was muffled, and my anger had already soared. The steering wheel slammed to the right, and the heavy truck moving forward smoothly changed direction and rushed to the private house.

Zhang Yuting howled: "No! ~~~~”

The heavy truck rushed into a farmyard at a speed of more than 140 miles under his own driving.

The wall of the adobe fell into the charcoal like butter, quickly collapsed, and the heavy truck rushed in fiercely.

"Bang! ~~~" The front of the car made a loud noise after hitting the adobe wall, and the momentum still drove away.

"Wo! ~~~" The zombies in the roof of the car and the car body flew over under the action of inertia and fell into a pile of waste stones and fell into a blood mist.

To solve the threat nearby, the front of the car put its body and hit the steering wheel. The brakes and oil cooperated. In the farm yard not the size of a truck, there was a gorgeous drift. After the tires rubbing out a black smoke, the fierce beast roared out again.

Zhang Yuting looked at Wei Dong, who was on the verge of madness at this time, and there was only one phrase in his heart that could match: "Crazy! ~~~" He didn't expect that Wei Dong could drift out of the five or six tons of heavy truck, which was simply against gravity...

"Captain! What happened to you?" Wang Hu asked anxiously through the walkie-talkie.

After solidifying the car body and raising the speed to a level, he said, "It's all right. The motorcade is driving in the direction of the base. Leave us alone!"

Wang Hu said, "Captain, this is very dangerous! ~~~”

Realizing his idea, Wang Hu retorted decisively.

I scolded angrily: "This is an order. Take the convoy back to the base, and I can get out immediately!" I have unprecedented confidence in this trip, so I have great confidence in such a move.

After the instruction, Wang Hu dropped a sentence: "Captain, be careful!" Through the rearview mirror, it was seen that Wang Hu led the convoy to the base, and the truck dragged the black fog tail smoke and disappeared into the sky.