Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 22 Strange murder

"Your Highness..." Qin Yun makeup was dumb and could only watch Qin Linfeng being taken away, but his mind had not yet reacted. What did Si Ma Rui's words mean?

Sima Rui turned around and said, "What are you still doing here? I don't want to hear your voice." At the moment when Sima Rui turned around, Qin Yunzhuang followed Liu Bao out of the secret road crazily, and then Qin Yunuan saw the scene in this lotus pond.

The rockery hidden by Qin Yunuan is extremely hidden, and there is cold frost around him, which has been paying attention to the surrounding scene to ensure that it is not found. Therefore, Qin Yunuan is very comfortable in this scene.

"Your Highness, please let go of the cloud makeup brother." Qin Yunzhuang knelt bitterly in front of Sima Rui and begged him. There were many masters around Sima Rui. According to Leng Shuang's preliminary estimate, there were no less than three first-class masters in this garden, and the one who tied Qin Linfeng was even more powerful and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

"Bang her back," Sima Rui ordered coldly to the two thin men around him, "and that man, deal with it as soon as possible."

"Your Highness, no, please." Qin Yunzhuang shouted a sentence, and his mouth was tightly covered. He could only watch Qin Linfeng on the other side of the pond being tied with two thick stones on his feet by two people in black. One of them stood up, first arrogantly stepped on Qin Linfeng, and then kicked Qin Linfeng directly into the pond. In it, such a heavy stone is obviously going to sink Qin to the lake.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yun's face was completely condensed. She choked and looked up and fainted.

Sima Rui's eyebrows showed a sharp and coldness. He is such a person. Even if he is a woman he doesn't like, but since he is already his man in his name, how can he tolerate the thoughts of other men? Although he still needs his minions in the Qin family, he never believed in Qin Linfeng's sincerity at the beginning. This time, It is also a solution to a future problem.

Looking at the ripples in the pool, they dispersed until they were calm. As if nothing had happened here, Sima Rui smiled slightly and rolled up his clothes in the wind into a strange arc.

"It seems that Sima Rui said to himself, "the lotus flowers here will definitely look different next year." After saying that, he just brushed his sleeves and went away.

The uninvited guests in this garden were all gone, and Qin Yunuan and Leng Shuang came out from behind the rockery. Qin Yunuan narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the place where Qin Linfeng was sunk in the lake, thinking, but Leng Shuang's eyes were still heavy.

Qin Yunuan was about to see what was going on, but Leng Shuang suddenly stopped Qin Yunuan: "Grandma, it's better for us to leave quickly."

"What's wrong?" Qin Yunuan replied cautiously, "Have you found anything strange?"

"Well," Leng Shuang nodded and said, "It's true that there are many masters just now, but now people have left, but the true qi around has always condensed. I'm worried that there will be qigong masters approaching." Leng Shuang looked around cautiously, "Let's go early."

"It's okay," Qin Yunuan nodded and said, "My grandfather and Baochuan are still in the attic. It's time for us to go back."

Leng Shuang nodded, but when he left, he couldn't help looking back at the lotus pond.

When Qin Yunuan returned to the attic, she happened to hear Shangguan Yi's cheerful smile.

"Okay, this sentence is well received. It's wonderful. It's really wonderful. Baochuan, who taught you the kung fu of your pair?"

Qin Baochuan was praised but only narrowed his eyes and smiled. He was not only childlike innocence, but also a little more modest: "Baochuan's mother passed away early. Usually, her sister urged Baochuan to read and learn calligraphy. As for this pair, she also taught some, and the gentleman in ethnic studies also said something."

When Qin Yunuan left, he once told Shangguan Yi that Qin Baochuan did not know that his mother Yang's real identity was from Shangguan. In addition, Qin Baochuan was so strong and wanted to lose face. He only hoped that Shangguan Yi could hide it for some time. Therefore, Qin Baochuan still called Shangguan Yi Mr. Shangguan, and the discussion between the two was mostly academic poetry. Words and so on.

Seeing Qin Yunuan come in, Qin Baochuan looked extremely excited: "Sister, Mr. Shangguan and Baochuan have just discussed a lot of poetry and rhythms. Mr. Shangguan is really the first Confucian in Daqi. He really benefited Baochuan a lot. Baochuan can talk with Mr. Shangguan for so long at a young age. Sister, you said that Baochuan is not lucky. ."

Qin Yunuan took a look at Shangguan Yi with a satisfied and kind expression. She knew that Shangguan Yi must be very much about Qin Baochuan's performance and behavior. Qin Yunuan touched Qin Baochuan's head and smiled gently, "This is fate."

Shangguan Yi's eyes flashed and nodded. The three talked for a while. It was not early. It was time when they were about to leave, but there was a noise from under the attic. The sound of neat footsteps and the sound of armor touching each other made the atmosphere suddenly condensed.

A rapid sound of going upstairs soon came from the stairs. The person came as a deputy general in iron armor with indifferent eyes. He simply glanced at the person in the attic and arched his hand to Qin Yunuan and said, "Please also ask the third young lady of Ning Wangfu to go with us."

The palace has always been strict, and such a healthy man cannot easily enter and leave the inner palace, let alone this kind of person in armor.

Qin Yunuan smiled faintly and only asked, "I don't know the general. Why should I go with the general?"

The general narrowed his eyes, looked at Qin Yunuan with a contemptuous look, and then said, "We just found the body of the young master of the Qin family in the lotus pond. There were witnesses testifying. Before entering the palace, you had a conflict between the young master of the Qin family and the third young grandmother, and some people could testify that they saw the young master of the Qin family and the third young lady. There was a conflict in the lotus pond," the general said and hummed coldly. "Grandma, General Leng and I are both soldiers. Although we are in different camps, we also respect the Leng family. Now that there is a murder case, even if the last general gives General Leng face, he has to do things in accordance with the law. Please don't I'm resisting."

Qin Yunuan and Qin Linfeng had a good conflict, but when they were just in the lotus pool, it was Sima Rui who killed Qin Linfeng, and Sima Rui did not know that he had been hiding behind the rockery from beginning to end, so it was impossible for Sima Rui to rake down. Who would it be? He actually knew his whereabouts, and He insisted that he had a conflict with Qin Linfeng.

"Is this general wrong?" Qin Baochuan was busy protecting Qin Yunuan. "My sister felt uncomfortable at the banquet, so she called me to chat in the small attic and met Mr. Shangguan. The three of us have never left in this attic. Why? Will there be a matter in the lotus pond in the general's mouth?

Qin Yunuan did leave halfway, but Qin Baochuan also told lies in order to maintain Qin Yunuan. Qin Yunuan looked at Shangguan Yi. Shangguan Yi had been silently watching the development of the matter. He also knew that Qin Yunuan left. It was also a neutral attitude for him not to testify and could not be blamed.

"Okay, I'll go with you, but I have a condition." Qin Yunuan's eyes were firm and fearless. "My brother Qin Baochuan and Mr. Shangguan Yi have been talking for a long time, so this matter has nothing to do with them. In addition, I have to see the person who said that he saw me just appeared in the lotus pond."

The vice general snorted coldly and only said, "When you get to the queen, the third young lady can naturally see it."

Qin Yunuan took a deep breath and just looked back to tell Qin Baochuan a few words. Compared with Qin Baochuan's reluctance and worried expression, Qin Yunuan looked so indifferent and confident.

On the day of the wedding, the woman's parents died tragically in the lotus pond in the palace. Such news undoubtedly embarrassed the Qin family and humiliated the royal family. Although Qin Zhi felt sorry for this only eldest son, he still did not dare to make a worse in front of the emperor. He just suppressed tears and obeyed the emperor's arrangement.

Emperor Zhaoxuan sat high on the dragon chair and kept spitting out comforting words to relieve the pain of the bereavement in Qin Zhi's heart, but looking at Qin Zhi's increasingly heavy eyes, it seemed that all the language comfort was futile.

He must find the murderer who killed his eldest son, for sure!

At this time, Qin Yunuan was brought to him. Qin Linfeng died strangely and suddenly. There were only the empress and Qin Zhi in the hall, and some so-called witnesses.

"Qin Yunuan, a civil woman, has met the emperor." Qin Yu saluted warmly, and his eyes were still faint, which formed a sharp contrast to the tense atmosphere in the hall.

"Since you have a grade, you don't have to call yourself the word 'civilian woman' in the palace. Didn't the Empress Dowager give you a word?" Empress Chen smiled gently, as if she wanted to ease the atmosphere.

Qin Yunuan suddenly had tears in her eyes and raised her head and said, "The woman dare not. The five-grade princess of the woman came too suddenly, which made the woman feel flattered and brought too many accidents to the woman. This princess, the woman did not dare to bear it. She also asked the Empress to tell the Empress Dowager and think that the woman did not understand. Please ask the Empress Dowager to take back the princess's grade.

The emperor had not yet begun to ask the cause of Qin Linfeng's death, but Qin Yunuan took the lead in opening the topic.

"Look at what the Empress Dowager said, there is no reason to take back the dignity of this princess." Empress Chen was half angry, but her tone was still comforting Qin Yunuan. She knew that Qin Yunuan had the means. Since Qin Yunuan was going to play, she also played with her.

"Queen, you don't know," Qin Yunuan's eyes were 120,000 points of grievance, and she looked at Qin Zhi with pity and pointedly. "For the sake of this princess's position, Yu Nuan has suffered all the grievances in the Qin family and carried the blame. Yu Nuan, Yu Nuan can no longer stand it anymore."