Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 23 The Road to Counterattack

In the face of Qin Yunuan's complaints and accusations, Qin Zhi looked very angry. He actually lost his etiquette for a moment and directly stood up and retorted, "You unfilial daughter, who let you talk nonsense in front of the empress and the emperor."

"What Yu Nuan said is true. Isn't it nonsense?" Qin Yunuan looked like an iron-boneed man who was not afraid of power. "Father, you have ignored Baochuan and I for many years, let me live a servant-like life with Baochuan for more than ten years, and condoned Dou's poisoning my mother. After Yu Nuan was awarded the title of princess, I was worried that Baochuan would gain power because of this, and deliberately hinted that the people of Guozijian had pushed things and refused to prevent Baochuan from participating. In addition to the autumn examination, does my father dare to say that he has not done everything? Yu Nuan is all certified by witnesses.

"Nonsense!" Qin Zhi began to point to Qin Yunuan's nose and scold unscrupulously, "Don't I know your witnesses yet? Isn't it all the maids around you? Naturally, they are all talking for you. Today is the wedding of Yunzhuang. You still have to fight against me like this. Are you eager to make me angry?

After Qin Zhi finished speaking, he arched his hand to the emperor and said, "The old minister's daughter is useless. Let the emperor laugh. I hope the emperor will punish him."

Emperor Zhaoxuan was not without any emotion at all. He was just observing. Hearing Qin Zhi's words, he raised his eyebrows slightly and suddenly said, "I want to hear whether what this Princess Ping said is true or not."

"Your Majesty, all this unfilial daughter is acting herself," Qin Zhi's eyes suddenly began to feel sad, and an instant covered with a layer of water mist. "Today is the day of the little girl's wedding. I have the incomparable glory in my heart to entrust the little girl to someone like the third prince, but I didn't expect that there was a strange dog. The second is that the Qin family has an unfilial daughter. I have been ashamed of such a position as an official. I also asked the emperor to be grateful and take back the title of the captain. I am willing to take the blame and resign and never step into politics from now on.

Qin Yunuan said that he wanted to give up the title of Princess Ping, so Qin Zhi then said that he would take the blame and resign. This was obviously to work against Qin Yunuan. This is a gamble to embarrass the emperor.

It seems that Qin Zhi's purpose answered.

The emperor began to persuade him painstakingly: "Why did Captain Qin make this? In order to make the prince's inexplicable death and send people to investigate, he also invited the most experienced work of Daqi, and he will definitely return a justice to Captain Qin."

Talking of Qin Linfeng's death, Qin Zhi's body trembled involuntarily. Even though Qin Linfeng's performance made him too disappointed these days, and even created a trace of despair and disgust for his eldest son, but the father and son were connected. Someone reported that Qin Linfeng's body was found in the lotus pond. At that moment, all his Just as the hope and the sustenance were suddenly extinguished, the only legitimate son of the Qin family was gone.

At this time, he was brought in by his father-in-law at the door. He was about 50 years old, with a white beard. Maybe he had seen too many dead people, and his eyes only had a sense of indifference and indifference.

"Your Majesty, Weichen has completely examined the body of Master Qin's body and found that the face of the body was completely destroyed, which should be caused by hitting the rock under the lotus pond. Although there was a large amount of pool water flowing out of Master Qin's mouth and nose, Weichen found that it was the blow behind his neck that caused the death of Master Qin. This blow was direct It is the most deadly to break Master Qin's cervical spine.

After saying that, he stood aside and said nothing.

Emperor Zhaoxuan cleared his throat, his eyes went back and forth between Qin Zhi and Qin Yunuan, and suddenly ordered, "Bring up the eunuchs and maids who were on duty in the lotus pond."

In a short time, several middle-aged maids and young eunuchs were brought up. They were all submissive and looked very shameless. At least Qin Yunuan had never seen a few people on the way to the lotus pond.

her eyes narrowed slightly, but Qin Yunuan was not panicked. She knew that someone wanted to harm her, but if she could let the other party win so easily, she would not have come to today's wedding banquet casually.

"You guys," looked at Emperor Zhaoxuan, who seemed a little tired. Empress Chen took the initiative to grasp the situation, "I will honestly explain the scenes you saw when you were on duty. If there is any lies, send all of you to the court to work hard for a lifetime."

A leading middle-aged maid trembled and quickly knelt down and said, "I am a rough maid on duty in the lotus pond. I usually trim the bushes and clean the corridor or something. However, today, when I am cleaning the corridor, I occasionally hear some noises. The status of the maidservant is low and I dare not approach. But the more I heard about the situation, the more serious it became. I also heard some words such as 'vicious woman', 'death' and 'killed him'. I was afraid. It was not until I heard the sound of falling water and the sound of footsteps leaving that I looked up. Who knew that what I saw was... It turned out to be...

"Don't be afraid, keep talking." Queen Chen's voice seems to be another encouraging meaning.

"I dare not say that the maidservant is afraid that the man will kill the maidservant, and the maidservant dare not." The maid of honor began to kowtow to Empress Chen.

"With me here, who dares to touch you?" Emperor Zhaoxuan also seemed to notice a little strangeness.

"Yes... is the third young lady of Ningwang Mansion." The maid of honor glanced at Qin Yunuan slightly, saw Qin Yunuan's cold eyes, and immediately took them back. "I remember that at that time, the third young lady was accompanied by a maid in purple clothes. She looked at a few different hands and acted very well."

The maid in purple is talking about cold frost. Cold frost has always liked to wear purple clothes, which is known to everyone.

When Qin heard this, he became more excited and stared at Qin Yunuan angrily and said, "unfilial daughter, what else do you have to say?"

"What else to say?" Qin Yunuan looked at Qin Zhi indifferently and paid more attention to the maid who was obviously blaming her. She looked up and asked for instructions, "If the emperor doesn't mind, Yu Nuan wants to ask this maid a few questions in public."

Emperor Zhaoxuan nodded and agreed.

Qin Yunuan walked around the maid, with slow but rhythmic steps, and her eyes seemed to make people a little creepy.

"Open your hand and let me have a look." Qin Yunuan said.

The maid of honor did not dare to disobey and honestly showed her palms to Qin Yunuan.

"Sure enough, the first question, you said that you are responsible for trimming and cleaning the shrubs of the lotus pond. One of these two is to use scissors and the other is to use a broom, and there will be cocoons in the palms of your hands. But why are your palms so white, but the cocoons grow on the fingertips?"

The maid trembled, but immediately replied confidently, "The maidservant used to work in the Shangyi Bureau, often pick needles, and recently was transferred to the lotus pond."

"Well, that makes sense. Another question is, since you are new here, how do you know my identity and even the maids around me? Isn't it too strange that a person who has just been transferred to the front palace can recognize the person of the Ning Palace just by his back?" After saying that, Qin Yunuan snorted coldly and waited for her answer.

"This..." The maid began to feel distressed, frowned and began to think about the answer.

"There is a third question," Qin Yunuan chased after the victory. "You said that you were trimming flowers and plants when you saw me, so I will ask you what kind of flowers and plants you trimmed at that time, what was its name, what is your habit, and is there anything to avoid and pay special attention to?"

The maid's mind is already blank.

"You are obviously a maid of honor pruning flowers and plants in the lotus pond. You don't even know such simple common sense, do you? Huh?" Qin Yunuan's few simple questions, this experienced maid obviously couldn't stand it.

"I don't know. I answered truthfully. I was very afraid at that time, and I couldn't remember many things clearly. The third young lady forced me to ask me like this, and I was afraid." What a way to fish in troubled waters.

Qin Zhi also immediately stood up: "The sophism is useless. It's unfilial. It's useless for me to cultivate you, let you know the book and etiquette, and marry into the Ningwang Mansion. Is that how you repay the Qin family who gave birth to you and raised you?"

"Father, Yu Nuan really doesn't understand what you mean. First, it is the mother who taught Yu Nuan to read and be polite, and it has nothing to do with your father. Second, Yu Nuan is not sophistry, and why does your father insist that he is the eldest brother killed by Yu Nuan? Is the father also to be happy to see the Qin family kill each other? ?"

"unfilial daughter, look, I won't kill you, an unfilial daughter, to avenge your brother." Qin Zhi shouted with red eyes. Fang wanted to go forward, but was stopped by the cold frost that had been protecting Qin Yunuan.

"Get out of here. You are just a maid. Why do you care about our Qin family?" Qin Zhi tried to suppress this ignorant cold frost with the only remaining majesty.

But just as Qin Zhi wanted to push away the cold frost, another more powerful big hand suddenly stopped in front of Qin Zhi. The owner of the big hand wore a black mask, and his eyes were as if they were extracted from the iceberg pool, clear but cold, with an irresistible pressure.

"Father-in-law, it's too much to be a public in front of the emperor." Leng Changxi's indifferent tone is not like talking to his father-in-law. Now in his eyes, Qin Zhi is not even an elder of the same dynasty. Even Meng Hua, the general of the Meng family army who has been confronting the Leng family army, makes Leng Changxi more respectful.

That is at least an open and aboveboard opponent, and the person in front of him is just a beast with a human face and a beast.

"Your Majesty, the corruption case of 18 people such as the Imperial College and the master's book has been investigated, and the relevant personnel have been detained in prison waiting for the emperor's disposal." Leng Changxi glanced at Qin Zhi and clearly felt Qin Zhi's imperceptible trembling. Yes, most of the main books and instructors of the Guozijian were Qin Zhi's students. This time, a thorough investigation was aimed at Qin Zhi.

"Also, Weichen just went to see the body of the so-called young master of the Qin family. It is certain that the body is fake."