Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 29 Another Branch

"General Leng should ask me first why he has worked so hard to find the general to come here to get together?" Liu Shangshu has also been an old fox for many years. The more Leng Changxi pays attention to this news, the greater his hope of achieving his goal.

The reason why Leng Changxi does not hide his enthusiasm for this news is that he can grasp it enough.

"I don't have that much free time," there is a scheming and confident eye hidden under the black mask. Leng Changxi raised the tea cup on the table and took a sip. "Moreover, Liu Shangshu lost his son yesterday. Shouldn't he stay in the house painfully today and protect the body of the Liu family? Lord Liu, I hate threats the most. Don't force me."

Liu Shangshu also sat up in an instant. After withdrawing the people around him with his eyes, he approached Leng Changxi's ear and said, "Whether General Leng believes it or not, I can guarantee that what I said about the fire in the Yanggong Palace ten years ago is true and there is no impedity at all."

Leng Changxi stopped and was ready to wait for Liu Shangshu to continue talking.

"Ten years ago," Liu Shangshu's eyes began to recall the past. "I remember that the third prince Sima Rui was only 12 years old. At that time, he was an extremely unlucky and unpleasant child. His mother was just a maidservant who was drunk and spoiled by the emperor. Before his death, he was just a regular position. In addition, she His mother used to work in the palace of Yun Guifei, so Sima Ruiduo would be more or less squeezed and rejected by the party of Yun Guifei. However, after the fire in Weiyang Palace, the third prince Sima Rui suddenly appeared at a banquet that he was not qualified to attend. It was at that banquet, the emperor The stepmother took a fancy to the skinny and noble child. She adopted the son, and the value of the third prince also jumped up and rose to the top.

"I know," Leng Changxi glanced at the endless Liu Shangshu, "I was also at the banquet. At that time, it was the empress dowager's 60th birthday. Sima Rui played an auspicious song with the musician, and then was caught by the empress on the spot."

"That's right," Liu Shangshu touched the goat's beard. "Don't General Leng think there will be any involvement in this?"

Leng Changxi looked at Liu Yunshan silently and didn't say anything. Leng Changxi once made all kinds of guesses and found countless evidence, but it was too far away. What he needs now is an accurate witness and confirmation.

Liu Shangshu's eyes became deeper and deeper, as if there were endless secrets hidden. He lowered his voice and said, "In fact, you and I both know who lived in the Weiyang Palace at that time, and why the emperor and the Empress Dowager protected the Weiyang Palace so well." Liu Shangshu said that he dipped his index finger in tea and wrote a "long" word on the table, and its meaning was self-evident.

Seeing that Leng Changxi frowned and did not say anything, Liu Shangshu said, "People only know that the emperor sent the eldest princess to Xixia to make peace, and they also know that the eldest princess's family-off team was plundered by the thieves at the junction of Xixia and Daqi. They also knew that a large number of search teams had been sent at that time, but the eldest princess was still The whereabouts are unknown, so Daqi and Xixia have broken off diplomatic relations for ten years, but no one thought about it. What happened to the results of the search later?

"I don't want to listen to nonsense." Leng Changxi's tone was very decisive.

Liu Shangshu hummed coldly: "I have been an official in the dynasty for so many years. I don't rely on means and schemes. What I am best at is to understand the emperor's thoughts. As soon as the emperor's mouth is turned, I know what happened. Which official he was going to kill? Although I can't remember the situation at that time, I can also know that year. The eldest princess was indeed rescued, and the place where she lived after being secretly sent back to the palace was Weiyang Palace.

"That's what Liu Shangshu means," Qin Yunuan sat next to Leng Changxi. She had been listening carefully to Liu Shangshu, "Since the emperor has found the eldest princess back, why not tell the world about this good thing?"

"Hum," Liu Shangshu owed his body leisurely. "In my opinion, there are only two reasons for concealing the eldest princess's return to the palace. First, the eldest princess's body is already unclean, telling the world that it will damage Daqi's face. Second, that is the emperor has some unspeakable feelings for the eldest princess, the eldest son The Lord and the emperor have always had a deep relationship. Emperor Wu of the previous dynasty also married his sister. I'm afraid that the emperor will follow suit after the wind calms down, but I didn't expect that a sudden fire not only destroyed the most exquisite Weiyang Palace in Daqi, but also burned the eldest princess who lived in seclusion.

"Absurd!" Leng Changxi slapped the table violently, "What do you think it is? How dare you casually guess the relationship between the emperor and the eldest princess?"

"What else?" Liu Shangshu showed a dead pig's attitude of not being afraid of boiling water. "In fact, it can be seen from the fact that the emperor has been ordering General Leng to thoroughly investigate the fire in Weiyang Palace. The emperor is quite concerned about this matter, and even, oh, has been concerned about it for ten years."

"If this is the news you want to tell me, I can only say that it is useless." Leng Changxi got up and pulled Qin Yunuan as if she was ready to leave.

"Of course, it's not just these," Liu Shangshu hurried up and stopped Leng Changxi and said, "If there is only the news that General Leng has been found out, how can I have the confidence to negotiate with General Leng?"

Just as Leng Changxi's eyes had quickly condensed, Liu Shangshu suddenly took out a note from his waist, but Leng Changxi's eyes were cold, which made people feel a little inaccessible. Liu Shangshu turned his hand and handed the note to Qin Yunuan's hand.

Qin Yunuan opened it quickly and saw that it was an address, not far away, in the suburbs of Beijing.

"This is the address of an old maid who had been serving in Weiyang Palace. Although Weiyang Palace was later ordered by the emperor to clean the palace, and a few people were exiled and executed, she happened to escape. If General Leng doesn't believe it, he can follow this address and know that what I said is true. It's fake."

"I don't need it." Leng Changxi didn't even glance at the address, and directly stuffed the note back into Liu Shangshu's hand, "Your chip is not very attractive."

Although it has been handed over, Qin Yunuan has the ability to never forget. Even just now, she took such a quick look. She has clearly written down the address firmly. At the same time, Leng Changxi also clearly knows that Qin Yunuan has an excellent memory. Qin Yunuan knows what Leng Changxi means. He wants to eat black.

"This..." Liu Shangshu's original confidence was blown away by Leng Changxi's words.

Looking at Leng Changxi seriously preparing to leave, Liu Shangshu suddenly raised his tone: "General Leng, since we have a common enemy, why can't we cooperate?"

Leng Changxi really stopped. He turned his head indifferently, and his sharp eyes looked at Liu Shangshu from head to foot in an instant through the bat-shaped mask.

General didn't know that after I took the dog's body back to the house last night, I found a black spot on the dog's throat in the middle of the night. Later, after asking the master to see it, he said that it was a trace left by a poisonous silver needle piercing his throat. The dog was indeed killed, and the person who killed him, I had ten of it. He can't be separated from the third prince, and the case of the fire in the Weiyang Palace was also involved with the third prince. General Leng, don't you think it's easy for you and me to expose the sinister things that the third prince did behind his back and let the emperor know the true face of the third prince?

After Liu Shangshu finished speaking, he still gasped. He was too anxious. He was very afraid that Leng Changxi would not cooperate with him. Yes, he said big. Although he was a veteran who fought against the country with the former emperor, now his power and voice in the dynasty have been getting worse day by day. Without the support of Leng Changxi, he would have walked Difficult to do.

"You underestimate Sima Rui's ability," Leng Changxi was very disdainful. "You also underestimate the level of my choice of partners."

Since it is a cooperative relationship, it must be on an equal footing with Leng Changxi. Leng Changxi can't stand it.

Liu Shangshu gritted his teeth and suddenly arched his hand to Leng Changxi and said, "As long as I can avenge the dog, I would like to listen to General Leng's instructions and instructions."

Leng Changxi's eyes stretched out a wise light, but on the surface, his mood did not seem to have changed much, and he was still so indifferent, as if he despised everything around him.

"The court has been talking about the establishment of the prince recently. I want you to make a memorial." Leng Changxi directly opened his mouth and ordered.

"Is it for me to support the eldest prince as the crown prince?" This is Liu Shangshu's most instinctive guess.

"No," Leng Changxi shook his head. "Let's say that the seventh prince Sima Qiu was attacked in the imperial mausoleum and asked the emperor to take the seventh prince back to the palace."

Sima Qiu, the seventh prince, is the youngest son of the emperor, and his mother's birth is also very noble. The family is not only a nobleman of Daqi, but also Shufei, who was appointed as one of the four concubines after giving birth to Sima Qiu. However, she was later convicted of witchcraft, which also dragged down Sima Qiu, who was only six years old at that time, and was sent at a young age. When I arrived at the imperial mausoleum, I lived a lonely and cold life, but when it comes to the case of witchcraft, there are actually a lot of tricks, but no one dares to investigate it carefully. Who knows what kind of forces are behind this, touching the whole body.

Now the battle for the position of prince is already in a white-hot stage. At this time, taking back Sima Qiu is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, but what Leng Changxi wants is to pour oil on the fire.

"Has the seventh prince been attacked?" Liu Shangshu looked very surprised.

"Not yet," Leng Changxi said faintly, "but sooner or later."

Liu Shangshu was slightly surprised and looked at Leng Changxi speechless for a long time. At this time, there was a sudden noise in the lobby, mixed with Beidi's accent.