Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 30 The Princess is Affectionate

As soon as they heard the Beidi accent, the people in the room increased their vigilance in an instant. Now, although Princess Saichun of Beidi has married the eldest prince Sima Ruo, the relationship between Daqi and Beidi is still fragile because of the assassination of the paddock **. In addition, Wanyan Su does not know how to report the situation in Daqi after returning to Beidi. However, judging from the movement of the army in Luguan, the relationship between the two countries should be going well.

Speaking of Luguan, Qin Yunuan thought of the business mentioned last time by Wan Yansu. It is said that Wanyansu will soon be transferred from Kyoto to guard Luguan. At that time, Qin Yunuan's financial road to Beidi can be completely opened. Yes, Qin Yunuan finally chose to agree. Yan Su's cooperation requires that since there is money, why don't you make money? Besides, even if the incident happens, Qin Yunuan is confident enough to retreat completely.

Speaking of this, the outside movement became louder and louder. A maidservant with Beidi's accent was a little serious: "Our eldest princess wanted to learn to make your pastries for the Empress Dowager as a birthday gift for the Empress Dowager's Empress Dowager. You are so rude. Be careful that our princess cut off your heads one by one."

Beidi's folk customs are open, and it is no wonder that this maid will cut and kill on her mouth.

The window of Yazuo opened, and Qin Yunuan snuggled behind Leng Changxi and looked at the movement in the lobby. The perspective here was just right, which allowed Qin Yunuan to clearly see Princess Saichun in Han costumes. No, now she should be called the eldest prince concubine. She has beautiful lips and heroic eyebrows, but the corners of her mouth drooped unhappily. Sai Chun is such a person who can write all his emotions on his face. Such a person is frank, but he is very dangerous in this deep palace.

The eldest prince Sima Ruo also came, but he just looked at the theory of Princess Saichun's maids and the shopkeepers on the first floor of the capital, and did not participate in it. He was still dressed in white, with a low-key and luxurious belt embroidered with gold silk at his waist, but there was an imperceptible sadness between his eyebrows, like a kind of literati worried about the country. People's melancholy, Sima Ruo, he married a woman he didn't love at all. As a political tool, his performance was unexpectedly calm.

However, he has no choice but to be silent.

In the face of the provocative questioning of Princess Saichun's maidservant, the shopkeeper seemed a little embarrassed, but some guests couldn't help interrupting, "What qualifications do you Beidi people have to learn our Daqi pastries? How can you Beidi's life is rude and barbaric? How can you understand the thoughts in the Central Plains pastry? Besides, do you learn? Will it be enough to pass on the secret recipe to Beidi?"

This person is a dignitary who has never seen the world, and he is self-righteous when he opens his mouth and closes his mouth.

"What do you mean?" Saichun pushed away the maidservant and looked straight forward at the talkative middle-aged man and said, "We don't need to secretly learn from you Daqi's food. We have horse milk wine, butter tea and roasted whole sheep. It's not like you Daqi people. It's as troublesome to use chopsticks to eat a meal. It's all a bunch of literati and sluts."

"Humph," another middle-aged woman took over again, "In this case, why do you, a North Di, want to learn? Isn't it to please the Empress Dowager who gave us Daqi? I'm afraid that Beidi has been beaten by Daqi for so many years. Otherwise, why did he surrender with his relatives?

While talking, suddenly a teacup hit directly at Sai Chun's face door, and the speed was a little unexpected.

But just as there was still a palm away from Sai Chun's forehead, a powerful big hand suddenly appeared, firmly holding the teacup used as a hidden weapon. The big hand slowly withdrew, slowly put the teacup on the table, and touched the black mask on his face.

Qin Yunuan followed behind Leng Changxi and saw the small man in the crowd who was still throwing teacups in an attempt to attack Sai Chun. Qin Yunuan's eyes narrowed slightly. Just before the little man took action, Leng Changxi found something fishy. Although Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi had no intersection with Sai Chun, if this tea The cup really hits. According to Sai Chun's temper, he won't stop if he doesn't make a fuss for a while.

Qin Yunuan's eyes slowly glanced at everyone present and found that in fact, except for these two shouting people, other people's expressions were a little hesitant. They were not only afraid of the identity of Sechun's current eldest concubine, but also hated the continuous war between the Northern Di people and Daqi, which once made people miserable.

"What these two nobles said makes sense," Qin Yunuan smiled and took Leng Changxi's arm and stood up. "However, the women still feel that now that Daqi and Beidi have signed a contract and established diplomatic relations, there is no enemy to say. When will the injustice be retribution? Princess Saichun left her hometown and came to Da Qi is also a guest, and since Princess Saichun has married our prince of Daqi, that is, her own family, I believe that even if Beidi and Daqi are in trouble again, Princess Saichun is also very clear about her position. After saying the last sentence, Qin Yunuan slowly turned her head to Saichun, bent her eyebrows, and smiled gently, "Princess, don't you think so?"

Is there another incident in Beidi? Princess Saichun was stunned and had not answered yet. Sima Ruo, who had been silent, said coldly: "Since Saichun is already my imperial concubine, there is nothing to say about marrying a chicken with a chicken and a dog. Moreover, this is also a marriage given by her father," Sima Ruo glanced at Gang with a cold eye. The two people who just spoke suddenly cooled down in their tone, "Do you want to doubt your father's judgment?"

Who dares to doubt the emperor?

"I dare not."

"Yes, even if you give 10,000 courage to the people, you don't care about doing it with the emperor."

"Then why don't you apologize to the eldest princess quickly?" Qin Yu warmed the boat and looked at the little man who lost the teacup from afar. "And you, attack the imperial relatives in public. According to the law of Daqi, you should be sent to the army and exiled to the border."

The three people looked embarrassed, and one of them was even more timid and was about to kneel down, but Sai Chun waved his hand repeatedly and said, "Forget it, our men on the grassland will never kneel down to women. You Central Plains are really not strong. You don't have to kneel down."

Qin Yu warmly smiled and said, "Why don't you thank the eldest princess for your grace?"

All three of them were stunned, suddenly became clear, nodded, thanked repeatedly, and then ran away in dismay.

Qin Yunuan looked at it and only turned her head to look at Sai Chun with a frank and childish face. She knew that this seemingly unreasonable princess actually had a rare kindness. Although she often said crazy words, her mind was not bad.

Sai Chun raised his eyebrows and stared at Qin Yunuan. In a blink of an eye, he saw Leng Changxi who had just stopped the teacup for himself. Suddenly, a proud smile appeared on the corners of his mouth: "Look, I knew you cared about me, General Daqi, although you refused at the hunting ground at that time. I, but it turns out that you care about me."

Sai Chun actually said it like this, even in front of Sima Ruo and Qin Yunuan.

Leng Changxi glanced at Sima Ruo and found that Sima Ruo was indifferent to this matter. Leng Changxi and Sima Ruo had some friendship and probably knew who he was. Sima Ruo had always disliked to compete for those fame and fortunes, let alone being driven by the imperial concubine to compete for the throne of prince, but again and again Being forced to be used and put on political shackles has made Sima Ruo's heart ashes. Therefore, for this prevariant eldest princess, Sima Ruo's performance is like a numb dead man. Whether he likes it or not is the same.

Sai Chun still smiled proudly. Leng Changxi just slowly picked up the teacup and said carefully, "This teacup is produced in Wuyun Town. There are a total of twelve. It's a set. It's worth a lot. It's meaningless to break the other eleven. The eldest princess, I just don't want to waste this teacup."

Sai Chun's face immediately collapsed after hearing this, but a flash of light suddenly flashed in Sima Ruo's eyes.

"It's time for us to go." Sima Ruo suddenly said, arched himself to Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi, and then let the maidservant leave with Sai Chun.

In the evening, Leng Changxi put down and looked at the case file all night. These were about the confessions of the relevant personnel after the fire in the Yang Palace ten years ago. Leng Changxi's eyes were a little sore. He simply turned his head and stared at Qin Yunuan, who was carefully picking up the flowers. Qin Yunuan under the candlelight became more and more exquisite, like a peel The shelled lychee makes people can't help but go to Yipin Fangze.

Leng Changxi's eyes became hotter and hotter, which made Qin Yunuan, who was calm and picky, a little distracted.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yunuan put down the work in her hand and turned to look at Leng Changxi, "Have you agreed to Liu Shangshu?"

Leng Changxi tilted the corners of his mouth slightly: "Anyway, you have written down the address of the old maid of honor in his mouth. Let me have a look at his son's hatred when I have time."

"I don't understand one thing," a trace of wisdom flashed in Qin Yunuan's eyes. "I met Princess Saichun this afternoon. There were so many people in the lobby. How could I use such a precious teacup? Although I don't know anything about porcelain, I can see that it will never be produced in Wuyun Town.

"It's really not," Leng Changxi shrugged his shoulders and said, "I guess it should have been bought in batches by the shopkeeper at the grocery store at the entrance of the East Street and alley, but, whether it's not, as long as someone understood what I meant at that time."

Qin Yunuan squeezed the corners of his mouth and said: "I know what you said to the eldest prince. You have to let him know that even if he is not arguing, he has been deeply involved in this struggle. If he does not do anything, his downfall alone will only involve more people and more innocent lives, just like those twelve tea cups."

Leng Changxi smiled. He moved his steps as he smiled until he pressed his lips to Qin Yunuan's ear: "Nuannuan is really smart. Do you know what I want to do with you next?"