Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 29 Kill the Sacrifice

Acha and the other five people were about to rush up, but they were stopped by Leng Changxi. There were not many of them, and he was unwilling to cause too many losses for his people. Qin Yunuan protected the eldest princess and stood behind Leng Changxi. Leng Changxi's broad and thick shoulders could give her a great sense of security. No matter how serious the problem she faced, she would not be afraid.

Watching Leng Changxi calm down, the leading man also made a gesture, and dozens of people behind him also stopped.

"I'll go with you, but I have a request," Leng Changxi looked at Qin Yunuan and the eldest princess behind him. "No matter what happens, let these two weak women go, they are just a group of women, which can't be a big deal, and there are many traps in the Savage Valley, and they may not be able to get out." In fact, Leng Changxi knew in his heart that with Qin Yunuan's wisdom, it was only a matter of time before he went out.

The leading young man smiled and said, "It's really refreshing. OK, come and tie them up and bring them back."

As soon as the man with the coarse hemp rope wanted to come forward, Acha pulled out the shining machete in his hand. Leng Changxi also slowly took off the long gun tied to his back and sighed leisurely: "It's not necessary to tie it."

Leng Changxi was secretly lucky, and the leading man also seemed to notice that Leng Changxi's kung fu was not ordinary. He smiled faintly: "It's okay, just follow."

Qin Yunan looked at Leng Changxi. Leng Changxi only returned a reassuring look. The eldest princess nestled in Qin Yunuan's arms and asked timidly, "Where are we going?" Who are they?"

"Do you know this is a game, Your Highness? Can Jinzhi take you to play games?" Qin Yunuan only coaxed the eldest princess as a child.

The eldest princess looked up at Leng Changxi and suddenly felt relieved: "Well, as long as Hualang is here, I won't be afraid."

The people of this tribe guarded Leng Changxi and others very closely. Seven or eight people were sent to guard each other, and four or five strong young and middle-aged workers stared at each other. The bushes in front of them hurried, fearing that the leading man had sent people back to the tribe to report the news.

Leng Changxi doesn't quite understand the purpose of this group of people who must bring themselves back to the tribe. If they feel that they are invaders and disturb the peace of the Savage Valley, they can be solved on the spot. There is no need to capture them back alive. However, maybe this is also an opportunity.

The woods around her are getting dense. Qin Yunuan pays close attention to the direction of the team. She has already thought about it silently in her heart. The so-called "three poles on the sun are like shadows". The three poles on the sun are noon. At this time, the sun will be in the southeast direction of the sky, and the shadow is in the northwest. At this time, the sun has risen. According to Tai Qin Yunuan can judge the direction of the rising sun that they are walking in the northwest direction, which is the right direction.

The leader looks very powerful, and the seemingly close-fitting little Luo Luo around him always calls him Mengman. I guess this is his name. It can be seen that this group of people is of strict hierarchy. Everyone speaks to Mengman's orders, and the class system is also very obvious.

Just looking at Mengman, his clothes are much more exquisite than those of the guards around Qin Yunuan, and Mengman can also speak ancient Khitan and Xixia Mandarin, but these guards around Qin Yunuan are dull and slow to react, as if only the most instinctive reaction of animals, from beginning to end, also Without listening to them say a word, with their eyes, Qin Yunuan could even judge that these ordinary guards could not speak at all.

Only the ability and wisdom of communication are taught to the ruling class. No wonder this tribe is so unified, but at the same time, it will be extremely fragile.

With the change of the surrounding scenery, Qin Yunuan and others have come down from the dense mountain forest and entered a jungle with very obvious tropical characteristics. The moist water vapor wet the corners of Qin Yunuan's skirt. Leng Changxi has been walking ahead. Although he has not looked back, his hand has been holding Qin Yunuan's hand tightly.

Surrounded by wet vines and tall ancient trees that cover the sky and the sun. Everyone lifted the green vines that blocked the road and walked forward, but the eldest princess suddenly screamed.


It turned out that she thought that the soft green strip on the top of her head was also a vine, but as soon as she moved it, it turned into a green snake spitting snake letters.

With a crack, the green snake was caught by a tribal man beside Qin Yunuan. His agility seemed to be a little beyond Qin Yunuan's expectations, and it seemed to be two extremes of slowly swallowing on the road. But then, the man did something extremely unacceptable to Qin Yunuan. The man actually opened his mouth and took the green snake His head bit down, and then chewed the snake meat sweetly. Qin Yunuan could even see the half-dead snake squirming in his mouth.

As soon as he ate like this, his surroundings were immediately **. People of similar in size immediately came up as if they wanted to grab food, and the rest also looked at it eagerly, as if the man had eaten some great delicious food.

Mengman in front was very dissatisfied when he saw the turmoil in the back. He wink at the follower beside him. The little follower immediately threw a rattan whip at his waist back, just around the gap between Qin Yunuan and the eldest princess, and hit the mouth of the man who ate snake meat.

Monman cursed with dissatisfaction, and the man immediately crawled on the ground and let the little follower continue to whip until his back was blurred.

"It seems that their group is not as terrible as we imagined," Leng Changxi observed coldly and whispered to Qin Yunuan, "It's just the relationship between slaves and masters. It seems that they are still in the stage of slavery, and it is also very primitive slavery, which means that there are wisdom in their tribe. There are not many people, and their power is highly concentrated in the hands of the highest level, but as long as they can be controlled, their tribe can be finished at any time.

Qin Yunuan nodded: "That's what I think." While saying that, Qin Yunuan listened carefully to Mengman's tone and words. She also learned a little about Beidi language in this way. By listening to people's dialogues and guessing people's thoughts and expressions, she could probably know these meanings.

"It's here."

After walking for about two hours, although it was bright, the jungle was still dark, but at least you could faintly see the white smoke rising in the distance and the crowd coming and going.

Open the last hidden barrier, which is a huge tribe surrounded by stones one meter wide, about one person high to resist the beasts and pythons in the jungle. In the middle is a castle-like building piled up with stones, although not as luxurious as the Daqi Palace, It can be said that it is an extremely huge project to find such hard stones in such a jungle and grind them into a neat shape and pile them up so firmly.

Such a magnificent scene stunned Qin Yunuan and others.

"Oc's it, take them to see their father." Meng Man said in fluent Chinese. It can be seen that he deliberately said it to Leng Changxi. He already understood that Leng Changxi was the leader of this group.

The people behind Qin Yunuan wanted to urge Qin Yunuan to hurry up and suddenly pushed Qin Yunuan, as if on purpose. Qin Yunuan did not stand firm and bumped into Leng Changxi's back. Leng Changxi hugged the thin and small Qin Yunuan and looked at the slave who pushed Qin Yunuan fiercely. The longer he stared, his The more his eyes are full of murder.

Looking at it, it seemed that something was going to happen. Mengman's attendants wanted to ask Mengman if he wanted to stop him, but he was stopped by Mengman in advance. He just wanted to see how many things Leng Changxi would cause and how many things he dared to do.

"There is a price to pay for bullying my wife." Leng Changxi turned sideways, pulled out the shiny long gun from an oblique corner, only reached out and danced an eight-character flower, fluttered a few times, and cut off the slave's eyes, ears and nose.

It was almost instantaneous. The slave immediately covered his face and howled in pain. His sad shouts attracted the attention of the people around him, and everyone's eyes fell on Leng Changxi.

The surrounding slaves are ready to move. In their opinion, Leng Changxi is already a very dangerous invader.

Mengman made a gesture to make everyone quiet, only to drag the injured slave away. He looked at Leng Changxi coldly: "You hurt my people in my territory. What's your background? What a great ability."

"If you are injured, you will be injured," Leng Changxi calmly withdrew the scabbard of the long gun on his back, and Yu Guang glanced at Meng Man, "What can you do with me?"

Mengman choke and smiled bitterly. At the same time, on the edge of the window on the highest floor of the castle-like building in the center, a pair of sophisticated and shrewd eyes were observing the movement underneath. Compared with the masked slaves underneath, he was as delicate as a king, and his clothes were hooked with golden silk wire. However, it can be seen that the thread has fallen off for some years.

There was an old man beside him. His expression made people feel that he was just a sculpture that could not speak. The old man's eyes had been following the "king" to visit down. After a long time, he slowly said, "Do you think he will be the person you have been waiting for?"

A smile appeared from the corners of the king's mouth: "You are the most qualified soothsayer in the tribe. Shouldn't I ask you this question?"

The king used the name "you" and could see the noble status of the old man in the tribe.

"I don't know," the old man shook his head and said, "I haven't divined for a long time. The soothsayer can only occupy thirteen times in his life. Don't you remember? Since I occupied the twelfth divination seven years ago, I have stopped divination.

"Then divination for the last time," "King" said with some orders, "For so long, I can't wait. If it's him, we'll wait. If it's not him, let's kill him."