Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 30 Terrain and Horse Array

Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan don't know that someone on the stone castle has secretly decided their fate, but they don't need to know it. After all, their fate never needs to be in the hands of others.

Looking up along the long stone steps, the spiral steps seem to lead to the endless darkness. Meng Man led the way in front of Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi, turned around and said coldly, "Come up."

Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan looked at each other. However, Acha and the other four people were left at the bottom of the castle and guarded. It seemed that not everyone could go to this stone castle.

Stepping on the last step, Qin Yunuan, who has a sensitive sense of smell, can clearly ask about the smell of fireworks in the room. No matter how well the ventilation in the room is, no matter how clean the traces are, it can't escape Qin Yunuan's nose. In the fireworks, there seems to be a smell of tortoise shell burning.

As Qin Yunuan expected, in the middle of the room is a small stove surrounded by stones. There are some pebbles piled up in it. The pebbles are red and hot, and the temperature is still very hot. Next to the stove, a white-haired old man is holding a turtle shell in his hand and studying carefully. Next to the window, there is about 40 years old The man was staring intently at Leng Changxi. His shrewd eyes and decent dress were different from anyone in this tribe. He was like a nobleman coming out of the royal family, with a calm and leisurely smile. This is the "king" who sat by the window before.

"There was a distinguished guest," "the king" smiled and ordered a very beautiful woman beside him to pour tea. "Since you are here, sit down and talk."

The woman quickly selected two clay cups from the cabinet and pulled out some tea leaves from a clay jar. The color of the tea is dark, which is different from the color of other tea leaves in the mainland. Qin Yu warmly observed carefully. This should be from the Savage Valley. It seems that this person is very familiar with the use of the Savage Valley. He is already the "king" of this Savage Valley.

Mengman briefly introduced: "This is my father and the leader of the tribe. He gave everything to the tribe."

The "King" just smiled, but it can be seen that he is very satisfied with the name.

The "King" turned his head and asked the old man, "What? Hasn't the result come out yet?

The old man's face was embarrassed, and his pale eyebrows trembled and said, "It's a strange gossip." He was about to hand the tortoise shell in his hand to the questioning "king", but the tortoise shell broke into scum and fell to the ground without warning.

The fragmentation of the tortoise shell in the divination is really a sign of great evil. The king immediately stood up and pointed to Leng Changxi and said, "Come on, kill them."

Mengman was the first to rush up, but as soon as he approached Leng Changxi, he was forced back by the cold temperament emanating from Leng Changxi.

But immediately, there was a burst of ** on the steps, and seven or eight men had rushed up from the stone castle because of the order of the "king".

"What does this mean?" Leng Changxi protected Qin Yunuan sideways and hinted that Acha and others who rushed up with the men should not panic. "Your son has worked hard to invite us here, but they have met each other like this. At least, you have to give me a clear word."

"King" glanced at Leng Changxi, curled the corners of his mouth, and said, "Do you need a reason to kill? Young people, why do you know so clearly? You people are just strange. You are going to die, but you have to ask why, as if you can change the result. Young people, sometimes the result is very cruel. You still don't know it well.

Leng Changxi held the long gun in his hand: "What if I want to know?" There has been a foreshadowing for nothing, and the foreshadowing of this tribe is the biggest secret of the Savage Valley.

Almost for a moment, the face of the "king" suddenly changed. He silently waved his hand to let the others retreat, and even Meng Man had to leave, leaving only Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi, as well as the gossiping old man.

The atmosphere was a little quiet, and it took a long time for the "king" to say, "Have you... practiced the Qigong of Tongmingmen?"

It was just now that Leng Changxi was lucky enough to protect Qin Yunuan, which made the "king" feel the true spirit of Leng Changxi, but as for Tongming Gate, Leng Changxi has never even heard of it.

"How about practicing? What if you haven't practiced?" Leng Changxi is not ready to answer this question directly.

"Tongmingmen is the royal school of Xixia. Kung Fu has always been taught only to the Xixia royal family, because this kind of qigong has a benefit, from father to son, from son to son to grandson. As the children reproduces from generation to generation, the power of qigong will only become deeper and deeper, which is a very profitable business." The king explained.

Is there such a qigong? Qin Yunuan listened carefully and heard that the "king" continued: "However, this qigong has both advantages and disadvantages. If the parents devote themselves to practice is so easily inherited by their descendants. If the descendants have the intention to rebel, isn't it not to help Zhou? At the beginning of the period, Xixia just founded the country, this method is indeed beneficial to the members of the royal family. To the outside world, but what about later? Therefore, Jing Donghua, the king of Xixia, has explicitly banned members of the royal family from continuing to practice the Qigong of Tongmingmen. Where did your Qigong come from?

Leng Changxi is the biological son of Jing Donghua, and Jing Donghua is the strongest martial arts of that generation. His son inherits his father's career. No wonder Leng Changxi's internal skills are much deeper than his peers. Even if he is injured, he is easier to recover, and he is more understanding than ordinary people.

Leng Changxi learned the tone of the "king" and asked, "Do I need a reason to know this qigong?"

"King" was stunned and then smiled: "Young man, you are arrogant enough. I like it, but even if I like it, you will be a dead body later." The king held the clay cup placed on the small coffee table beside him. There was half a cup of warm tea. After drinking the tea, he pushed himself back against the window with his hands, and moved out of the dark part of the window below his knees.

Qin Yunuan was stunned. Only then did she find that the calf of the "king" who seemed to be able to scold Fang Yu had shrunk like two bamboo poles, shrivelled, weak, and even unbearable to hold. Leng Changxi narrowed his eyes slightly, and he also saw these twisted calves.

The "King" smiled indifferently and pointed to his calf and said, "You don't need to sympathize with me. My ending is good, and there are many people who don't know when to let go have lost more than me, because they are all dead."

Two wheels were installed under the chair of the "King" so that he could barely move with the power of the wheels. He turned to Leng Changxi and smiled and said, "Twenty years ago, I was a blacksmith in the village. My iron skills were a little famous in ten miles and eight townships, so that night, a person Suddenly found me and said that there was an emergency supply list. When I pointed out that I was asked to go, I didn't have any doubt. Who knows, I couldn't go back this time. A group of neatly dressed guys locked dozens of blacksmiths in a big iron cage, and then conducted a cruel selection and were picked out one by one. Those who demonstrate their craft, which are slightly unqualified or substandard, will be killed immediately, and there is no chance to take a breath.

"King" sighed and said, "How many old blacksmiths were originally iron leaders, but they all died because of nervousness. At that time, everyone was afraid, just because I thought more than ordinary people. I know that since they are so eager to find a skilled blacksmith He will kill people. Naturally, he has great strength. I don't dare to fight hard. Fortunately, I survived in the end, and then I was taken to this mountain forest with no exit.

"Is it a weapons factory?" Qin Yunuan asked.

"You know a lot," the king was slightly surprised and then shook his head. "At that time, everyone was underqualified and not qualified to enter the factory. We were only responsible for building the arsenal around the weapons factory."

"Birs and Horses?" Qin Yunuan has also read Leng Changxi's military books, but he has never heard of such a formation.

"Well, the king" doesn't seem to be too rare to explain to Qin Yunuan, "There are many arrays and organs outside the weapons factory. Even if there is a map, it may not be able to enter the factory alive. Later, those outstanding people among us are gradually selected to work in the factory. I am one of them, only for three years. The work system puts pressure on everyone. Many of them have already had a different mind. They want to steal a small part of the weapon map and sell it to any country. It is a windfall. The workers in the factory have broken out many unrests. At the largest time, I also participated in it, but later we were running away. On the way, the weapon map we finally stole was dropped on the ground. Some people were reluctant to run back to get it, but forgot that the factory was surrounded by soldiers and horses, and they were killed alive by the organs they built. I was shocked to see him die, but more fortunate that I didn't do it for that area myself. Several drawings sacrificed their lives.

"Later, you simply settled in this Savage Valley, domesticated the primitive residents here to establish their own tribes, and even created their own civilization?" Leng Changxi looked at the "king", who was a veritable king and a veritable creator.

"You are a genius," Leng Changxi praised. In a blink of an eye, he could see a gesture of pride in the eyes of the "king", but then Leng Changxi bowed his head and smiled, "But you are even more stupid. You are only glad that you didn't lose your life for the map like everyone else, but you can't achieve it for yourself. The weapons factory has spent most of my life. I know when I look at your legs that your leg injury must also be related to the weapons factory.

"King" said coldly, "Yes, I have been trying to enter the weapons factory for 20 years, but I don't even know myself. My legs were accidentally abandoned when I tried to find the entrance seven years ago. The closest one was to the entrance was two years ago, but I only found that the last door It is the biggest obstacle. It is not that there is no key, but that the keyhole of the door has been gambled by iron. The only way to enter is to open the door with internal power, but the door weighs thousands of pounds. Only the purest and powerful Tongmingmen Qigong in the world can do it, but the inheritors of Tongmingmen Qigong are already limited. Now I broke my blood again. I waited for a long time and sent someone to look for it for a long time. Now, the person I'm looking for is here.