Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 32 Bronze Array

Wanyansu's eyes were bright, as if he had just set out from Beidi. For Wanyansu's inexplicable confidence, Leng Changxi just said faintly, "You can live to Kexi."

On the other side, the "King" returned to the stone castle, and the maidservant beside him changed into a more convenient dress for him. The "King"'s eyes have been leisurely falling in the direction of sunset, which is the west and the direction of Kexili. He knows what kind of wealth is hidden in the huge weapons factory.

There is a cannon that has never been seen in the world. The gun barrel can hold ammunition as big as a bowl mouth. Once it is shot out, it is infinitely powerful and is most suitable for attacking the city and land. There, there is also an iron chariot that has not been recorded in history books. Unlike the four-horse-drawn chariot used in ordinary wars, this iron chariot is used as a special The chain can make it walk on any steep land, and the "king" heart is full of nostalgia for those treasures, like lovesickness for girls, which makes him unforgettable.

If he can return to the weapons factory one day, he will be the master of the world.

"Monman?" The king turned his head and called Monman, who had always been by his side.

"Father." Monman looks very respectful.

"Since that man can't use the Qigong of Tongmingmen yet, you can teach him."

"But father," Mengman hesitated, "if he is taught and his strength becomes stronger, I'm afraid we can't control it. On the way here, I have tested his skills, not to mention the first in the world, but also a rare master."

"Have you forgotten that there is no woman around him?" The king's scheming, "Don't start from the enemy's strength. As long as you grasp his weakness, it's like grabbing his neck. He will do what you want him to do. Grandma Yu's poison is about to be refined. You can choose the fattest one, and we will give them a gift."

Three days later, it was not yet dawn, but the whole tribe woke up early as if waiting for a solemn ceremony. In the past three days, Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan have been living in a side room under the stone castle. Although the room is a little cold, there are basic things, and the "king" even sent people. I gave them a set of clay tea sets and the black tea. Although it was a little bitter, it was better than nothing.

Usually, a woman came to deliver food to Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan. Every time, she carefully checked the amount of tea and added it in time. This intimateness made Qin Yunuan feel a little unbearable. Their identity was very embarrassing, and it seemed that prisoners were better than VIPs.

The only thing has been reminding them that they are now restrained, that is, Meng Man will come every day to check how Leng Changxi's internal strength is progressing, and how the call of Tongmingmen Qigong has progressed. It can be seen that Mengman is very disliked Leng Changxi and has said more than once, "Why is it so Good Qigong has been given to a cold-blooded person like you.

Of course, in the past three days, Qin Yunuan has not eaten and drank for nothing. By listening carefully to the communication and dialogue between these people, she has basically figured out the rules of the tribal language, and the general joy and anger and content of others have been mastered.

The people of the tribe are divided into three levels, such as "King", Mengman and the previous Yaqi all belong to the ruling class, that is, the highest class. They have a good education, followed by the maidservants and maidservants who serve. They can talk and write, and the second is that Some slaves with simple desires only know that they eat when they are hungry, drink when they are thirsty, and don't know the rest.

Such people are the simplest and most terrible. They seem to have an inexpleted strength, which can be seen from this morning when these slaves pulled the "king"'s car by manpower alone.

The "King"'s legs and feet are inconvenient, so he designed a movable throne. The throne is three feet square and is made of thick logs in the forest. The place where the big wheels under it press will leave a deep mark. The "King" sits high on the throne and looks at it leisurely. Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi followed him on his right, while Wanyansu and Yasu were on the left.

The "King" stared at the West and suddenly said, "If we arrive at Kexili, your internal strength has not been adjusted to the extent that it can break through the broken dragon stone, there is only one way to die."

"You mean all of us?" Leng Changxi's eyes followed the direction of the "King" staring.

"No," "King" snorted coldly, "I mean yourself."

Leng Changxi raised the corners of his mouth, but he pulled Qin Yunuan's hand a little tighter.

In this way, until the evening, until the forest in front of him became denser, and even the "king" had to get off his throne and sit in a wheelchair alone to inquire about the form.

"That's it. This is the array of soldiers and horses."

Leng Changxi took Qin Yunuan forward and pushed away the dense leaves that blocked his sight. Under the thin orange sun, a team of simulated bronze soldiers and horses showed in front of him. Each horse was made according to the image of Beidi's good sweat-blooded BMW, and the people on the horse were also energetic and tall. It can be called a bronze army.

It was the first time that Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan saw such a scene. The slaves around them quickly cleaned up the covered trees under the sign of the "king" and their vision suddenly widened. At this time, Qin Yunuan found that the reason why this bing and horse array was called bing and horse formation was not because of soldiers and horses, but because of its battle could be called A huge array, from the south to the north of the mountain, wherever Qin Yunuan can see is such a tall bronze soldier and horse, which tightly surrounds the middle mountain.

Perhaps after too much wind and rain, the bronze soldiers and horses have begun to rust, and the horses' hoofs are also overgrown with weeds. Occasionally, there are some blood stains and animal bones. It can be seen that there is really no living thing to get out of this formation.

Wanyansu was already stunned by this scene. He stretched out his neck and stared at the soldiers and horses, as if to find a way out of it.

"Don't look at it," "The King" doesn't know how many times he has been here, and it's not surprising. "The whole mountain is surrounded by such a military and horse array. There are no shortcuts and no shortcuts. I have been in the Savage Valley for so many years, and I know better than you."

"Where is the magic of this bingma array?" Wan Yansu couldn't help asking, "It's just a few bronze statues."

"How many bronze statues?" The king was worried about Wan Yansu's IQ, and then waved his hand to signal Mengman to bow and shoot arrows.

Mengman was born with excellent arm strength. He took off the long bow hanging on his back and pulled the bow and arrow on the string. The bow and arrow shot like a meteor into the battle of soldiers and horses. It was impossible for ordinary people to react so quickly.

Suddenly, with a crack, the arrow landed and was cut into two pieces. It was not someone else who cut off the arrow, but the bronze man riding on the bronze horse. His hand fell, and the sharpness of the bronze knife in his hand did not seem to be affected by the years, and he still cut iron like mud.

The people on this side have been stunned. The "King" raised his head slightly and said to Wan Yansu, "Have you seen it? These are only a few bronze statues in your mouth. Do you really think that the people who designed these only use these things as door gods?"

"Then how should we get there?" Wanyan looked at the bronze color and saw many animal corpses. Presumably this is also the remains left by those animals who were confused or curious to break into this array. "We can walk around these animal carcasses, maybe we can avoid them. There will always be a route." If there is no route, how do those craftsmen who regularly send to the factory get in?

"Impossible," "King" denied again, "The design here is very strict. You never know which bronze man has organs and which ones are not. Maybe this year's route is here, next year's route is on the other side, and even today and tomorrow are different. The last hour and the next hour It will change from time to time. This is the ingenuity of the designer. It is a woman who designs this formation. She is a great woman. At the same time, she is also the most vicious woman.

"It's Chen Guan." Qin Yunuan turned her head and said to the "king", "I've heard of her. She is a god-like woman, and so many weapons in it are also designed by her."

"That's right," "the king" mentioned this woman, and his face showed some unnaturalness. "But it doesn't matter. She has a plan. I have manpower." "The king" looked at the slave under his feet disdainfully. "Otherwise, what do you think I did with so many people this time?"

It's so cruel that I want to use a living person as a shield to explore the way.

Qin Yunuan looked at the proud appearance of the "king" and couldn't help but have a kind of contempt for him. Even though Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan killed many people when they were helpless, they always feared life, instead of using life as slaves like the "king".

The "King" waved to Monman, who immediately understood, kicked a slave beside him directly and ordered him to move forward in rude words.

The slave saw with his own eyes how the arrow was cut just now. Naturally, he could not be willing. At this time, Monman had already whipped his back without hesitation, and blood stains forced the slave to move slowly.

Montman pushed the slave to the front of the formation like beating an animal. Just three steps away from the slave was a tall bronze statue. Montman's whip danced more fanatically, but unexpectedly, the slave suddenly came to courage, and he gritted his teeth and rushed to Mengman.

Monman did not expect that honest slaves would rebel. For a moment, the two actually fought together, and the bronze soldier holding a big knife was right in front of him, watching them roll towards the bronze statue.

With a soft click, as if he had touched some mechanism, the nearest bronze soldier suddenly moved, and the big knife in his hand flashed and cut it down at the two people.