Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 33 True Identity

It was like a flash of silver light in front of him. Mengman had no other cover except the vulnerable rattan whip, and a sudden emergence of the black iron gunhead accidentally saved their lives.

Leng Changxi, who appeared like a ghost, held a long gun in his hand. The head of the gun happened to be against the spear in the hand of the bronze soldier. He did not know what device controlled the strength of the bronze soldier's hand, which made Leng Changxi, who was born powerful, couldn't help sweat coldly.

"Why don't you go quickly?" Leng Changxi lowered his head and scolded Meng Man.

Montman came to his senses, quickly got up from the ground, took a look at the slave behind him, and coldly kicked the slave directly into the army and horse formation. Soon, the intrusion of such a big man soon touched the mechanism, and three or four bronze statues around him immediately reacted, picked up the big knife and spear in his hand, three times He poked the slave into a sieve.

Leng Changxi also had no intention to control Meng Man's behavior. He tried his best to lift the spear in the bronze soldier's hand, but it seemed that the whole bronze array moved his whole body. Immediately, the bronze soldier on the other side of Leng Changxi danced a big knife again. Although it was not as fast, accurate and fierce as in the real battle, his strength was amazing.

Leng Changxi was against two, and it was difficult to get out for a while. Wanyan Su frowned slightly and picked up the dagger he was wearing and rushed to help.

"What are you doing here?" Leng Changxi doesn't seem to like to ask outsiders to help.

"I don't want you to die so easily. You have to die in my hands, Leng Changxi. Do you hear me?" Wanyan Su blocked a heavy hammer for Leng Changxi. It was a bronze soldier who used a meteor hammer at 12 o'clock. This group of bronze soldiers seemed to have been activated. They reacted one after another and waved the weapons in their hands to the two. They could also hear creaking at the joint movement. It seems that they may not have been there for a long time. There is an event. This is an extremely fierce warm-up game.

The "King" sits in his wheelchair and appreciates it with great interest, and seems to be carefully observing the reaction ability of these bronze soldiers. This is exactly what they built and cast in those years, and now it seems to be very effective.

Qin Yunuan looked at the two people fighting in bronze, and her eyes gradually showed concern. She had always believed in Leng Changxi's ability, but how can a living person with limited physical strength compare with these statues of drinking water that do not need to eat? However, this mechanism seems to be unable to stop once triggered, only More and more bronze soldiers are attacking Leng Changxi and Wanyansu. Although their lower disks are fixed on horses and unable to move, the arrows and meteor hammers that fly over will accidentally kill Leng Changxi.

"Don't you want to figure it out?" Yasu couldn't stand it any longer. She cried to the "king" and pleaded, "They will die like this, and they will be tired to death if they are not hacked to death."

"King" doesn't like Yasu's crying personality: "So what? It's not that I let them go, but it's good for them to go. They can find out the road and rules of the bronze array for me. Grandma Yu, take out the rules I recorded before, and I want to compare them carefully.

Qin Yunuan knew very well that the rules in the "king's mouth" were also recorded by living people. If they could not stop these bronze soldiers from awakening one by one, they would only be poked into a sieve by this group of fleshless soldiers like countless slaves who explored the way in the past.

The most important thing is to know the principle of the manipulation of this group of bronze soldiers.

Qin Yunuan suddenly stepped forward and resolutely took the dense so-called record in the hands of the "king": "Don't look at this anymore. It's useless to look at it. If there were really rules to follow, you wouldn't have been able to get out of this bronze array for so many years."

Compared with Yasu's crying, Qin Yunuan's reaction surprised the "king". He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Qin Yunuan like an angry kitten: "How do you know that I haven't been out?"

"It's just that time," Qin Yunuan glanced at the "king" sideways. "And he stepped on the corpses of countless people. There's nothing to show off."

"How dare you disrespect the gods of our tribe?" The so-called Grandma Yu hit the ground angrily with the dragon's crutch in her hand. She was stooped and seemed to have been more than 100 years old. Her voice was hoarse and heavy. When she spoke, she spoke like an extremely old bellow box blown by the strong wind.

"I'm just telling the truth." Qin Yunuan stared into the eyes of the "King" and said, "Have you never paid attention to this binger and horse array, but you haven't seen anything else?"

"King" smiled coldly: "Madam, I'm afraid you have forgotten that this whole formation was built from our hands. Every bronze statue here is poured and beaten by us. I know them better than you."

"What you know is the bronze statue," Qin Yunuan said confidently, "instead of this array, you only look at it, but you have never observed this array from an overall effect."

The "King" was a little disdainful of this young descendant: "Do you understand?"

Qin Yunuan smiled. In fact, Qin Yunuan did not study much about this, but at that time, she and Baochuan had no books to read. They could read whatever they caught. They only remembered that they had read a lot of strange knowledge in one of the books without a cover, similar to feng shui and similar to Shanchuan Zhiyi.

"When I came here, I was observing the direction and shape of the mountain all the way," Qin Yunuan raised her head and finally looked at the dense mountain forest. "This mountain is in the shape of a pocket. This canyon is a place to store essence and nourish energy. The climate is humid. In feng shui, it is also known as a treasure basin. It is a blessed place, so the factory is opened here. It is bound to prosper, but such a large factory has suffered disasters for no reason after so many finished products in the production area, and so many great ideas and machines have been buried in this jungle, which only shows that this feng shui treasure has changed.

Qin Yu warmly talked, and the old man who had been gossiping before couldn't help turning his head to listen. He knew the divination book, which was slightly similar to feng shui gossip, but he never thought of explaining the mystery of this bronze array from the perspective of feng shui.

"There are many changes in the feng shui array," Qin Yunuan guessed step by step. "It's only been 20 or 30 years, and the structure and shape of the surrounding mountains can't change much. It only shows that a huge magnet is buried under this weapons factory. I have checked that the mountains in the west and the mountains in the south There are traces of landslides and mudslides. Although the direction of the whole mountain has not changed, some changes in the terrain will lead to changes in the direction of the magnet buried under the mountain. If I guess correctly, these bronze soldiers are controlled by a huge magnet.

The old man didn't believe it: "Can magnet have such great power?"

"This is the mystery of wisdom," Qin Yunuan tried to recall the book she read a long time ago. She remembered that the book was dilapidated and seemed to be handwritten. The handwriting was standard small regular script, and the writing was rare and sharp and capable. Unfortunately, the part signed by the author has been lost and there is no way to be studied. I have seen it in a book," Qin Yunuan recalled, "as long as a magnet exists, there will be a specific magnetic field around it, and once an object destroys the magnetic field, it will cause a corresponding reaction. I think it may be the time we and those animals that destroy it when they pass through this array. The inherent magnetic field will lead to the movement of bronze soldiers in the magnetic field.

"Nonsense," Grandma Yu roared fiercely at Qin Yunuan, "These bronze soldiers are obviously the ghost soldiers guarding the weapons factory. They are the most evil thing. They are sent by the gods to protect the treasure. You have to use this kind of nonsense to explain it, which is simply an insult to their sacred significance."

"Oh," Qin Yunuan looked at the white-haired and chicken-skinned old man, "Mother-in-law, if you really think these bronze soldiers are extremely noble, why do you follow your master to challenge the authority of this sacred ghost soldier?"

Its owner refers to the "king".

Grandma Yu looked at the "king" and said loyally, "Master, I have also advised you countless times that this bronze array is indebable. Look, even those two young people with strong martial arts can't support it. Master, don't continue to pursue the so-called treasure."

Grandma Yu's persuasion only aroused greater disgust. The "King" waved her hand to let Grandma Yu go down and only looked at Qin Yunuan. She didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, she asked a question that made Qin Yunuan a little surprised: "Do you remember who wrote that book? What are the characteristics?"

Qin Yunuan was stunned and shook her head and said, "I don't know. It's a very old book, but I remember that there will be a Bauhinia flower in the corner of each page of the book."

"Oh," the king suddenly sighed, "That's her. Sure enough, she left everything she learned to him."

"Who?" Qin Yunuan was a little surprised.

"King" turned his head and leisurely spit out two words - "Chen Guan".

This is the third time that Qin Yunuan heard the name of this legendary woman. The woman's intuition told her that there must be a connection between the "king" in front of her and the legendary woman.

"So, who are you?" Qin Yunuan narrowed her eyes slightly and asked carefully, "I mean, what's your name?"

The "King" suddenly sighed, as if he had traveled through half a century: "Chen Jingrui."

Qin Yunuan remembered the name, but before she realized it, there was a sad cry from the two people who were fighting with the bronze soldiers. Qin Yunuan looked back and found that Wan Yansu's right arm holding the dagger had been cut off. The blood flowed like a note, which was very miserable. It seemed that she could no longer wait any longer.