Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 34 Broken Dragon Gate

Wanyan Su watched her arm fall in front of him. Yasu was so anxious that she wanted to rush forward several times, but she was still scared by the bloody side. Qin Yunuan tried to calm herself down, carefully analyzed the surrounding terrain, and calculated the correct position of the magnet according to the method in the anonymous book. .

"It's right there." Qin Yunuan suddenly pointed to a distance only a dozen steps away from Leng Changxi. Qin Yunuan looked back at a catapling device developed by the tribe. This is a very simple machine with limited resources. It is only made of thick wooden sticks. The ones used to fix the stone throwing port are only made of some simple cowhide bands, although it is full of bullets. Sex, but because it has never been tested and does not know its effect, and there is no guarantee that it will not hurt Leng Changxi so far away.

"That's it," Qin Yunuan repeated, "throw stones there. As long as the magnet inside is destroyed, these bronze sculptures will be gone."

The "King" looked coldly at Qin Yunuan: "Your husband is still there. Are you kidding about your husband's life?"

"No," Qin Yunuan said firmly, "He won't be fine unless you deliberately dragging to save him."

Qin Yunuan's words broke the calculation in the heart of the "king". He has just been observing the skills of Leng Changxi and Wanyansu, and the energy of this seemingly cold man is really scary. He is like an invincible killing machine. Compared with those bronze sculptures, he knows no fatigue. If someone can't completely control his wife at that time, it will only become a bigger disaster.

Yes, Chen Jingrui can't help saving him now. He also has to open the broken dragon door with the help of Leng Changxi.

"Tothrow stones in that direction." Chen Jingrui gave an order to Mengman.

After several times, the stone the size of a millstone was quickly thrown out. In order to avoid hitting Leng Changxi, Mengman deliberately asked the slave to move his position farther. In the jungle, the stones were limited. When this group of people came, they did not bring much. Several large stones were thrown out, but several bronze statues were hit, and several statues were coaxed. Fall to the ground.

"No," Qin Yunuan commanded Meng Man, "should fight towards the weak place. Have you seen the sparse density of the bronze statue? That's where the magnet is located, facing that place.

"But that place is too close to your man." Mengman began to worry that he would still remember how Leng Changxi saved his life, although this did not prevent them from becoming enemies.

At this time, Qin Yunuan could not hesitate. She knew Leng Changxi's strength. Although she could still stand up for a while, she was not the opponent of this group of killing machines after all. She nodded, and Meng Man dared to give an order. She hit it a few more times!

Suddenly, the originally seemingly thick land collapsed, and a large pit was suddenly exposed. There was a device similar to a gear combination in the pit. These gears, together with irons, drove the activities of each bronze statue, and the bottom layer was a huge magnet, according to Qin Yu Warm estimates that this magnet should be at least one yard large to control so many bronze soldiers.

Because the main control center was affected, the bronze soldiers who besieged Leng Changxi suddenly stopped their movements. The big knives and spears in their hands were still hanging high, but the joint movements were no longer so sensitive.

"Changxi, destroy the gears there." Qin Yunuan shouted at Leng Changxi's back. As long as the most central thing is destroyed, these bronze soldiers are a pile of scrap iron.

Leng Changxi's eyes flashed, and suddenly there was a kind of determination. At this time, a bronze soldier who had resumed his action danced to the knife against Leng Changxi's heavenly spirit cover. Leng Changxi dodged quickly, just dodged it, turned over, and stepped on the big knife in the soldier's hand and ran towards the center.

This scene can be called a lonely bet, and even Chen Jingrui sweated in his heart.

Jumped, danced the gun, and stabbed the largest gear with a silver gun. Leng Changxi stepped on it and just stood on the head of a bronze horse, and all the bronze soldiers were still dancing knives towards Leng Changxi the previous moment. The next moment, it was as if they had been pointed by a hole collectively, motionless.

Qin Yunuan knew that Leng Changxi succeeded.

And Leng Changxi, who was alone on the horse's head, turned slightly at the corners of his clothes, which was extremely handsome.

Just as everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, there was a slight creak from the dull ground. Qin Yu's warm eyebrows were clusters with ominous omens. Sure enough, Leng Changxi turned his head and saw that the long gun stuck in the middle of the gears seemed to be unable to withstand the huge power brought by the magnet. Between the friction, the gears seemed to have opened. It began to move slowly, and the head of the gun made of basal iron was also rubbed by the movement of the gear.

Just when everyone was worried, Chen Jingrui suddenly issued an order: "throwing stones."

"What are you doing?" Qin Yunuan immediately rushed up and tried to take back the rope used to control the catapult in the slave who guarded the catapult. Unfortunately, the slave had let go and the stone quickly flew away. Fortunately, Leng Changxi was sensitive and dodged in time and landed on another bronze statue next to him.

"Do you want to kill him?" Qin Yunuan shouted hysterically to Chen Jingrui, "Have you forgotten that if you kill him, who will open the broken dragon gate for you?"

Chen Jingrui sneered disdainfully: "There are many ways to open the broken dragon gate. I don't need to ask him, and since the array of soldiers and horses can be completely destroyed now, as long as these remaining bronze soldiers are clear, I naturally have a way to slowly open the broken dragon gate."

"You are delusional." Qin Yunuan said viciously to Chen Jingrui, "You can't open it in your life. Even if you can open it, you can't walk in alive."

"Madam, you are too young and underestimate my ability." Chen Jingrui signaled with his eyes that the slave immediately fired two big stones, but was still dodged by Leng Changxi.

"You also underestimate my ability," Qin Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and suddenly looked at Chen Jingrui, "Don't you want to be sure who wrote the book I read? Let me tell you, it's Chen Guan, who is the god-like Chen Guan in your mind.

Chen Jingrui did not seem to be surprised by this answer, even expected it for a long time.

"It's really her." Chen Jingrui muttered.

"If you want to know what else is in that book, let my husband go," Qin Yunuan said half threateningly. "You know that I have the ability to never forget. The content of that book has been deeply imprinted in my mind, every word, every paragraph, every I remember one detail, but if you hurt my husband's hair. Qin Yunuan said while Mengman was not paying attention, he took out the short dagger on Mengman's waist and pointed the sharp tip of the knife at his white throat. "You never know what else is written in that book. You know which is more important."

Chen Jingrui looked a little nervous, and then stopped his hands. He raised his arrogant head and looked at Qin Yunuan and said, "You'd better not play tricks on me."

stopped attacking, and Leng Changxi came quickly from a distance. He looked at Chen Jingrui with caution and held Qin Yunuan, who had just been extremely brave, in his arms. Chen Jingrui looked at them with no expression: "The Broken Dragon Gate is in front of you, and everything depends on your performance."

The team continued to move forward, and Mengman worked hard to organize the slave to remove the remaining bronze statues. In this way, those high-life statues became a pile of broken copper and iron as the most powerful defenders of the weapons factory. Several slaves also met several bronze soldiers who were not broken and were cut off their heads at once, but Chen Jingrui did not It will slow down because of these indifferent people.

He didn't pay much attention to Wanyansu, who lost his right hand. Only Yasu kept crying beside Wanyansu and simply wrapped the wound with gauze. Wanyansu still insisted on moving forward with the team, but his face showed a paleness of excessive blood loss.

"If you can't insist, just stay. Is treasure important or life important?" Qin Yunuan looked straight ahead, but these words of comfort were spoken to Wanyan Su.

"With treasure, I have status. With status, I have all the capital and power. These things are more important than life."

Qin Yunuan replied sarcastically: "In the past, I didn't see that the fourth prince was so fond of power."

The team slowly stopped. In front of them was a cliff ten feet high, covered with dense vines, covering the original mountain tightly.

Chen Jingrui gave a sign, and Meng Man immediately let the two slaves around him who seemed to be bowing and climb up the steep mountain. The two were like natural mountain climbers, as sensitive as monkeys. The two quickly lifted the vines aside. Qin Yunuan found that the vine It is an artificially woven barrier to block the broken dragon gate.

The green vines fell to the ground, and a huge stone door was displayed in front of everyone. This stone gate is almost as high as this cliff and requires people to hold their heads high to see their heads. The stone door is full of dust, which adds to its sense of weight and history.

It can't be said that such a heavy stone door can't be blown up with sulfur and saltpeter. Chen Jingrui actually wanted to open it with Leng Changxi's Qigong.

"This stone door is the back door of the weapons factory, which is used to escape. The switch is inside and opened from the outside. It can only rely on brute force." Chen Jingrui explained.

"What about the main gate?" Qin Yunuan asked.

"It has been watered by iron. Since Daqi and Beidi fought 20 years ago, Daqi has blocked the main door with iron water and mountain stones in order to prevent the weapons factory of the Savage Valley from falling into the hands of Beidi. If you want to dig it, you can't dig it out for eight lifetime." Chen Jingrui glanced at Leng Changxi and said, "Come on, guests from afar, it's time to prove your ability."